158 research outputs found

    File Access Performance of Diskless Workstations

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    This paper studies the performance of single-user workstations that access files remotely over a local area network. From the environmental, economic, and administrative points of view, workstations that are diskless or that have limited secondary storage are desirable at the present time. Even with changing technology, access to shared data will continue to be important. It is likely that some performance penalty must be paid for remote rather than local file access. Our objectives are to assess this penalty and to explore a number of design alternatives that can serve to minimize it. Our approach is to use the results of measurement experiments to parameterize queuing network performance models. These models then are used to assess performance under load and to evahrate design alternatives. The major conclusions of our study are: (1) A system of diskless workstations with a shared file server can have satisfactory performance. By this, we mean performance comparable to that of a local disk in the lightly loaded case, and the ability to support substantial numbers of client workstations without significant degradation. As with any shared facility, good design is necessary to minimize queuing delays under high load. (2) The key to efficiency is protocols that allow volume transfers at every interface (e.g., between client and server, and between disk and memory at the server) and at every level (e.g., between client and server at the level of logical request/response and at the level of local area network packet size). However, the benefits of volume transfers are limited to moderate sizes (8-16 kbytes) by several factors. (3) From a performance point of view, augmenting the capabilities of the shared file server may be more cost effective than augmenting the capabilities of the client workstations. (4) Network contention should not be a performance problem for a lo-Mbit network and 100 active workstations in a software development environment

    D-SPACE4Cloud: A Design Tool for Big Data Applications

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    The last years have seen a steep rise in data generation worldwide, with the development and widespread adoption of several software projects targeting the Big Data paradigm. Many companies currently engage in Big Data analytics as part of their core business activities, nonetheless there are no tools and techniques to support the design of the underlying hardware configuration backing such systems. In particular, the focus in this report is set on Cloud deployed clusters, which represent a cost-effective alternative to on premises installations. We propose a novel tool implementing a battery of optimization and prediction techniques integrated so as to efficiently assess several alternative resource configurations, in order to determine the minimum cost cluster deployment satisfying QoS constraints. Further, the experimental campaign conducted on real systems shows the validity and relevance of the proposed method

    Modeling performance of Hadoop applications: A journey from queueing networks to stochastic well formed nets

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    Nowadays, many enterprises commit to the extraction of actionable knowledge from huge datasets as part of their core business activities. Applications belong to very different domains such as fraud detection or one-to-one marketing, and encompass business analytics and support to decision making in both private and public sectors. In these scenarios, a central place is held by the MapReduce framework and in particular its open source implementation, Apache Hadoop. In such environments, new challenges arise in the area of jobs performance prediction, with the needs to provide Service Level Agreement guarantees to the enduser and to avoid waste of computational resources. In this paper we provide performance analysis models to estimate MapReduce job execution times in Hadoop clusters governed by the YARN Capacity Scheduler. We propose models of increasing complexity and accuracy, ranging from queueing networks to stochastic well formed nets, able to estimate job performance under a number of scenarios of interest, including also unreliable resources. The accuracy of our models is evaluated by considering the TPC-DS industry benchmark running experiments on Amazon EC2 and the CINECA Italian supercomputing center. The results have shown that the average accuracy we can achieve is in the range 9–14%

    Ecotopia: An Ecological Framework for Change Management in Distributed Systems

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    Abstract. Dynamic change management in an autonomic, service-oriented infrastructure is likely to disrupt the critical services delivered by the infrastructure. Furthermore, change management must accommodate complex real-world systems, where dependability and performance objectives are managed across multiple distributed service components and have specific criticality/value models. In this paper, we present Ecotopia, a framework for change management in complex service-oriented architectures (SOA) that is ecological in its intent: it schedules change operations with the goal of minimizing the service-delivery disruptions by accounting for their impact on the SOA environment. The change-planning functionality of Ecotopia is split between multiple objective-advisors and a system-level change-orchestrator component. The objective advisors assess the change-impact on service delivery by estimating the expected values of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), during and after change. The orchestrator uses the KPI estimations to assess the per-objective and overall business-value changes over a long time-horizon and to identify the scheduling plan that maximizes the overall business value. Ecotopia handles both external change requests, like software upgrades, and internal changes requests, like fault-recovery actions. We evaluate the Ecotopia framework using two realistic change-management scenarios in distributed enterprise systems

    On the relations between Markov chain lumpability and reversibility

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    In the literature, the notions of lumpability and time reversibility for large Markov chains have been widely used to efficiently study the functional and non-functional properties of computer systems. In this paper we explore the relations among different definitions of lumpability (strong, exact and strict) and the notion of time-reversed Markov chain. Specifically, we prove that an exact lumping induces a strong lumping on the reversed Markov chain and a strict lumping holds both for the forward and the reversed processes. Based on these results we introduce the class of λρ-reversible Markov chains which combines the notions of lumping and time reversibility modulo state renaming. We show that the class of autoreversible processes, previously introduced in Marin and Rossi (Proceedings of the IEEE 21st international symposium on modeling, analysis and simulation of computer and telecommunication systems MASCOTS, pp. 151–160, 2013), is strictly contained in the class of λρ-reversible chains

    Distributed Operating Systems

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    Distributed operating systems have many aspects in common with centralized ones, but they also differ in certain ways. This paper is intended as an introduction to distributed operating systems, and especially to current university research about them. After a discussion of what constitutes a distributed operating system and how it is distinguished from a computer network, various key design issues are discussed. Then several examples of current research projects are examined in some detail, namely, the Cambridge Distributed Computing System, Amoeba, V, and Eden. © 1985, ACM. All rights reserved

    The transcriptome of Candida albicans mitochondria and the evolution of organellar transcription units in yeasts

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    Capacity Planning for Composite Web Services Using Queueing Network-Based Models

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    Accuracy of measured throughputs and mean response times

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