48 research outputs found

    Incidence of allergic diseases in children with congenital heart defects

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    Objective: to study the frequency of allergy in children with congenital heart disease (CHD). Materials and мethods: A survey of 103 children (from 1 month to 3 years) was conducted, who were hospitalized in the department of cardiac surgery examination at the regional children's multidisciplinary medical center (RChMMC) in Samarkand in the period from 2021 to 2022. Results: The prevalence of allergic diseases (AD) in children with CHD was 19.41%. The data obtained by us make it possible to classify sick children with CHD as a risk group for the formation of AD. Conclusions. Currently, despite the fact that more and more children are born with CHD, their surgical correction gives favorable results. From this point of view, in the treatment of children with CHD, along with surgical treatment, it is also necessary to correct the comorbid pathology, in this case, allergic diseases

    Urgent endovascular ligature of a ruptured splenic artery pseudoaneurysm in a patient with acute pancreatitis : a case report

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    Introduction: We report on the successful endovascular treatment of a ruptured splenic artery pseudoaneurysm. Our patient had acute pancreatitis superimposed on chronic calcific pancreatitis and chronic renal impairment. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography was used to assess post-embolization results. Case presentation: Our patient was a 67-year-old white Caucasian man with recurrent pancreatitis. Computed tomography angiography showed a pancreatic pseudocyst with a ruptured pseudoaneurysm, which was successfully embolized using an endovascular percutaneous approach. At six months, persistent renal failure led to contrast-enhanced ultrasonography. This confirmed the absence of turbulent blood flow and extravasation of contrast medium in the pseudocyst. Conclusion: Our experience with this case leads us to support the role of interventional radiology as a first-line treatment tool. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography can be used to follow-up embolization procedures in patients with impaired renal function

    BREXIT: Europar Batasunaren Etorkizuna Kolokan. Garapen historikoa, negoziaketak eta eszenatoki posibleak.

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    Gradu amaierako lan honetan, Brexita eta Europar Batasunaren etorkizuna aztertzen dira; garrantzia handiko gertakari historikoa izan da hau, eta Europar Batasunaren etorkizuna ziurgabetasunez josia utzi du. Lanean, batez ere bost hipotesi hauek frogatzen saiatu naiz: 1. Britainiarrek Europarekiko duten mesfidantzak erro historiko zabalak ditu. 2. Gaur egun bizi dugun nazioarteko kontestuak garrantzia izan du Brexitaren aldeko jarrera gainjartzeko orduan. 3. Barne faktoreen eragina berebizikoa izan da. Eskozian, Ipar Irlandan eta Ingalaterran eragin duten faktore hauek desberdinak izan dira. 4. Europar instituzioen jarrera azkenengo testuinguruan indartu eta bateratu egin da, batez ere Frantziako hauteskundeen emaitzen ostean. 5. Aurreko hipotesian aipatutakoak, europar instituzioen indartzeak alegia, negoziaketek hard Brexitaren bidea hartzea eragingo du. Horrela, literatura eta txosten zientifikoen laguntzaz, Brexitaren irudi zabala izango dugu eta Europar Batasunaren etorkizuneko balizko eszenatokiak azalduko ditugu

    Conservation of regulatory elements between two species of Drosophila

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    BACKGROUND: One of the important goals in the post-genomic era is to determine the regulatory elements within the non-coding DNA of a given organism's genome. The identification of functional cis-regulatory modules has proven difficult since the component factor binding sites are small and the rules governing their arrangement are poorly understood. However, the genomes of suitably diverged species help to predict regulatory elements based on the generally accepted assumption that conserved blocks of genomic sequence are likely to be functional. To judge the efficacy of strategies that prefilter by sequence conservation it is important to know to what extent the converse assumption holds, namely that functional elements common to both species will fall within these conserved blocks. The recently completed sequence of a second Drosophila species provides an opportunity to test this assumption for one of the experimentally best studied regulatory networks in multicellular organisms, the body patterning of the fly embryo. RESULTS: We find that 50%–70% of known binding sites reside in conserved sequence blocks, but these percentages are not greatly enriched over what is expected by chance. Finally, a computational genome-wide search in both species for regulatory modules based on clusters of binding sites suggests that genes central to the regulatory network are consistently recovered. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that binding sites remain clustered for these "core modules" while not necessarily residing in conserved blocks. This is an important clue as to how regulatory information is encoded in the genome and how modules evolve

    The Nature of Virginia Opposition to Great Britain

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    Complete chloroplast genome sequencing of Caralluma quadrangula and comparative analysis of the Asclepiadoideae subfamily (Apocynaceae)

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    Caralluma quadrangula is an herbaceous plant distributed in Saudi Arabia, India, Africa, and the Canary Islands. To assess the phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships among the Asclepiadoideae subfamily in the Apocynaceae family, we carried out a compara-tive chloroplast (cp) genome analysis of four species. The size of the C. quadrangula chloroplast genome is 161,456 bp, while the large single-copy (LSC) is 85,992 bp, the small single-copy (SSC) is 13,380 bp, and the two inverted repeats (IRs) are 31,042 bp each. The genome has a total of 129 genes, among which 19 are located at the inverted repeat region, 85 are protein coding genes, 36 are tRNA genes, and eight are rRNA genes. Visualization of single-copy and inverted repeat borders showed that expansion and contraction have occurred in the cp genomes of the compared species of Ascle-piadoideae. The genome comparative analysis shows that the coding regions are more highly conserved than the non-coding region; thus, the variable hotspot can serve as a barcode for species in the subfamily. Phylogenetic analysis conducted based on cp sequences identified Stapelia as sister to Caralluma, in agreement with previous studies. The current study may facilitate the development of molecular markers to ease the identifi cation and authentication of members of the genus Caralluma in the Apocynaceae

    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Self-Guided Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Transdiagnostic Self-Help Intervention

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    Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) interventions use websites and smartphone apps to deliver ACT exercises and skills. The present meta-analysis provides a comprehensive review of online ACT self-help interventions, characterizing the programs that have been studied (e.g. platform, length, content) and analyzing their efficacy. A transdiagnostic approach was taken, including studies that addressed a range of targeted problems and populations. Multi-level meta-analyses were used to nest multiple measures of a single construct within their respective studies. A total of 53 randomized controlled trials were included (n = 10,730). Online ACT produced significantly greater outcomes than waitlist controls at post-treatment for anxiety, depression, quality of life, psychological flexibility, and all assessed outcomes (i.e. omnibus effect), which were generally maintained at follow-up. However, only psychological flexibility and all assessed outcomes at post-treatment were found to be significantly greater for online ACT when compared to active controls, with no significant follow-up effects. Overall, these results further clarify that ACT can be effectively delivered in an online format to target a wide range of mental health concerns, although it is less clear if and when online ACT is more efficacious than other online interventions

    Optimization of a Transdiagnostic Mobile Emotion Regulation Intervention for University Students:Protocol for a Microrandomized Trial

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    Background: Many university students experience mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. To support their mental health, a transdiagnostic mobile app intervention has been developed. The intervention provides short exercises rooted in various approaches (eg, positive psychology, mindfulness, self-compassion, and acceptance and commitment therapy) that aim to facilitate adaptive emotion regulation (ER) to help students cope with the various stressors they encounter during their time at university. Objective: The goals of this study are to investigate whether the intervention and its components function as intended and how participants engage with them. In addition, this study aims to monitor changes in distress symptoms and ER skills and identify relevant contextual factors that may moderate the intervention’s impact. Methods: A sequential explanatory mixed methods design combining a microrandomized trial and semistructured interviews will be used. During the microrandomized trial, students (N=200) will be prompted via the mobile app twice a day for 3 weeks to evaluate their emotional states and complete a randomly assigned intervention (ie, an exercise supporting ER) or a control intervention (ie, a health information snippet). A subsample of participants (21/200, 10.5%) will participate in interviews exploring their user experience with the app and the completed exercises. The primary outcomes will be changes in emotional states and engagement with the intervention (ie, objective and subjective engagement). Objective engagement will be evaluated through log data (eg, exercise completion time). Subjective engagement will be evaluated through exercise likability and helpfulness ratings as well as user experience interviews. The secondary outcomes will include the distal outcomes of the intervention (ie, ER skills and distress symptoms). Finally, the contextual moderators of intervention effectiveness will be explored (eg, the time of day and momentary emotional states). Results: The study commenced on February 9, 2023, and the data collection was concluded on June 13, 2023. Of the 172 eligible participants, 161 (93.6%) decided to participate. Of these 161 participants, 137 (85.1%) completed the first phase of the study. A subsample of participants (18/172, 10.5%) participated in the user experience interviews. Currently, the data processing and analyses are being conducted. Conclusions: This study will provide insight into the functioning of the intervention and identify areas for improvement. Furthermore, the findings will shed light on potential changes in the distal outcomes of the intervention (ie, ER skills and distress symptoms), which will be considered when designing a follow-up randomized controlled trial evaluating the full-scale effectiveness of this intervention. Finally, the results and data gathered will be used to design and train a recommendation algorithm that will be integrated into the app linking students to relevant content.</p

    Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of digital technologies in mental health systems: a qualitative systematic review to inform a policy framework

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    Background: Despite the potential for improved population mental health and wellbeing, the integration of mental health digital interventions has been difficult to achieve. In this qualitative systematic review, we aimed to identify barriers and facilitators to the implementation of digital technologies in mental healthcare systems, and map these to an implementation framework to inform policy development. Methods: We searched Medline, Embase, Scopus, PsycInfo, Web of Science, and Google Scholar for primary research articles published between January 2010 and 2022. Studies were considered eligible if they reported barriers and/or facilitators to the integration of any digital mental healthcare technologies. Data were extracted using EPPI-Reviewer Web and analysed thematically via inductive and deductive cycles. Results: Of 12,525 references identified initially, 81 studies were included in the final analysis. Barriers and facilitators were grouped within an implementation (evidence-practice gap) framework across six domains, organised by four levels of mental healthcare systems. Broadly, implementation was hindered by the perception of digital technologies as impersonal tools that add additional burden of care onto both providers and patients, and change relational power asymmetries; an absence of resources; and regulatory complexities that impede access to universal coverage. Facilitators included person-cantered approaches that consider patients’ intersectional features e.g., gender, class, disability, illness severity; evidence-based training for providers; collaboration among colleagues; appropriate investment in human and financial resources; and policy reforms that tackle universal access to digital health. Conclusion: It is important to consider the complex and interrelated nature of barriers across different domains and levels of the mental health system. To facilitate the equitable, sustainable, and long-term digital transition of mental health systems, policymakers should consider a systemic approach to collaboration between public and private sectors to inform evidence-based planning and strengthen mental health systems. Protocol registration: The protocol is registered on PROSPERO, CRD42021276838