42 research outputs found

    Russian as native, non-native, one of natives and foreign languages: Questions of terminology and measurement of levels of proficiency

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The 21st century has brought globalization of people’s lives and education. Dramatic economical, political and natural cataclysms has made our planet’s population mobile and that concerns not only highly developed countries but also so called the third world countries. While moving and changing their places of residence people bring with them their native language, their culture, knowledge and experience. They also bring to their new county of residence their own perception about communication, both an inner communication and an intercultural one. Bulat Okudzhava said in one of his poems, “To understand each other is a sacred science”, and today this approach to communication becomes a vital necessity in everyday life, in the sphere of science and education, in real space as well as in the virtual one. While people actively learn foreign languages with approved status, minor languages become suppressed in spite of the fact that the population - bearers of these minor languages are quite numerous and these bearers should be taken into consideration. But this problem is likely to be referred to politics. In the frames of practical educational activities we deal with various problems. One of them quite often causes obstacles not only in organizing of the methodically correct educational process but also in its monitoring process. Its impact on marking the final results, on achieving targeted competences - all these are the subjects of correct terminology. To be more precise – correlation of terminology that is accepted in Russian Federation and in the world (in the first place in Europe, the USA, Israel)

    The Effect of Personal Health on the Formation of Human Capital: a Metasystem Approach

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    In article the problem of influence of the personality's health on formation of the human capital is considered. Authors have conducted theoretical researches of the existing knowledge of the human capital and justifications of influence of the personality's health on its formation are given. On the basis of the carried-out analysis it is established that now the personality's health is a significant factor of efficiency of any kind of activity and important quality of the personality, therefore, it can be considered as a factor of formation of the human capital. According to it need of determination of criteria, the indicators of health of the personality influencing formation and development of the human capital was designated

    Analysis of pneumococcal serotypes distribution to determine a model composition for a Russian pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

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    Diseases caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, as well as antibiotic resistance of its serotypes, are the leading cause of death amongst children worldwide. To prevent pneumococcal infection, the population is immunised with conjugate vaccines containing different amounts of polysaccharides of certain serotypes. Development of a full-cycle Russian vaccine is vital because the active pharmaceutical ingredients for the vaccines registered in the Russian Federation are produced abroad, and only the final stages of production of vaccines of this group are performed in the territory of the Russian Federation. Considering the phenomenon of serotype replacement associated with the long-term widespread use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, it is necessary to carefully select the serotype composition for the new vaccine. The aim of this work was to analyse the serotype distribution of pneumococci in the Russian Federation and other countries in order to select optimal serotypes for the Russian vaccine for human use, taking into account vaccination schedules for each age group. This review presents an analysis of the pneumococcal serotype distribution in the Russian Federation in the pre-vaccination era, as well as after the introduction of routine vaccination. In addition, the review includes data on the serotype distribution in the Eurasian Economic Union countries. The authors described a model composition containing at least sixteen serotypes. It will increase effectiveness of immune protection of the population, providing a more complete coverage of serotypes, considering their prevalence in the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis, the serotype composition for the sixteen-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is proposed for further production and preclinical and clinical trials. A new Russian pneumococcal conjugate vaccine will ensure vaccination of all population groups within the National Immunisation Schedule of the Russian Federation

    Skeletal muscle NOX4 is required for adaptive responses that prevent insulin resistance

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated during exercise are considered integral for the health-promoting effects of exercise. However, the precise mechanisms by which exercise and ROS promote metabolic health remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that skeletal muscle NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4), which is induced after exercise, facilitates ROS-mediated adaptive responses that promote muscle function, maintain redox balance, and prevent the development of insulin resistance. Conversely, reductions in skeletal muscle NOX4 in aging and obesity contribute to the development of insulin resistance. NOX4 deletion in skeletal muscle compromised exercise capacity and antioxidant defense and promoted oxidative stress and insulin resistance in aging and obesity. The abrogated adaptive mechanisms, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance could be corrected by deleting the H2O2-detoxifying enzyme GPX-1 or by treating mice with an agonist of NFE2L2, the master regulator of antioxidant defense. These findings causally link NOX4-derived ROS in skeletal muscle with adaptive responses that promote muscle function and insulin sensitivity

    Анализ серотипового пейзажа пневмококков для определения композиционной модели отечественной пневмококковой конъюгированной вакцины

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    Diseases caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, as well as antibiotic resistance of its serotypes, are the leading cause of death amongst children worldwide. To prevent pneumococcal infection, the population is immunised with conjugate vaccines containing different amounts of polysaccharides of certain serotypes. Development of a full-cycle Russian vaccine is vital because the active pharmaceutical ingredients for the vaccines registered in the Russian Federation are produced abroad, and only the final stages of production of vaccines of this group are performed in the territory of the Russian Federation. Considering the phenomenon of serotype replacement associated with the long-term widespread use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, it is necessary to carefully select the serotype composition for the new vaccine. The aim of this work was to analyse the serotype distribution of pneumococci in the Russian Federation and other countries in order to select optimal serotypes for the Russian vaccine for human use, taking into account vaccination schedules for each age group. This review presents an analysis of the pneumococcal serotype distribution in the Russian Federation in the pre-vaccination era, as well as after the introduction of routine vaccination. In addition, the review includes data on the serotype distribution in the Eurasian Economic Union countries. The authors described a model composition containing at least sixteen serotypes. It will increase effectiveness of immune protection of the population, providing a more complete coverage of serotypes, considering their prevalence in the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis, the serotype composition for the sixteen-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is proposed for further production and preclinical and clinical trials. A new Russian pneumococcal conjugate vaccine will ensure vaccination of all population groups within the National Immunisation Schedule of the Russian Federation.Заболевания, вызываемые Streptococcus pneumoniae, а также возникновение антибиотикорезистентных серотипов пневмококков являются ведущей причиной смертности детского населения во всем мире. С целью предотвращения пневмококковой инфекции применяют вакцинацию с использованием конъюгированных вакцин, содержащих различное количество полисахаридов определенных серотипов. В Российской Федерации зарегистрированы вакцины, активные фармацевтические субстанции для которых производятся за рубежом, а на территории Российской Федерации локализуются только финишные стадии производства вакцин данной группы, поэтому разработка отечественной вакцины полного цикла является жизненно значимой. Учитывая явление «смены серотипов» при длительном широком использовании пневмококковых конъюгированных вакцин, необходимо тщательно подбирать серотиповой состав новой вакцины. Цель работы — анализ серотипового пейзажа пневмококков на территории Российской Федерации и других стран с целью выбора модельной композиции оптимального серотипового состава российской вакцины для применения у людей с учетом схем вакцинации для каждой возрастной группы. В обзоре представлены результаты анализа распространения серотипов пневмококков в Российской Федерации в довакцинальную эру, а также после внедрения вакцинации в рутинную педиатрическую практику. Кроме того, представлены данные по серотиповому пейзажу в государствах — членах Евразийского экономического союза. Предложен модельный состав вакцины, содержащей не менее шестнадцати серотипов пневмококка. Выбранная модель позволит увеличить эффективность иммунной защиты населения, обеспечив более полный охват серотипов, учитывая их распространенность на территории Российской Федерации. На основе проведенного анализа предложен уникальный серотиповой состав шестнадцативалентной пневмококковой конъюгированной вакцины для дальнейшего производства и проведения доклинических и клинических испытаний. Появление новой отечественной пневмококковой конъюгированной вакцины позволит обеспечить вакцинацию всех групп населения в рамках национального календаря профилактических прививок Российской Федерации

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Russian as native, non-native, one of natives and foreign languages: Questions of terminology and measurement of levels of proficiency

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The 21st century has brought globalization of people’s lives and education. Dramatic economical, political and natural cataclysms has made our planet’s population mobile and that concerns not only highly developed countries but also so called the third world countries. While moving and changing their places of residence people bring with them their native language, their culture, knowledge and experience. They also bring to their new county of residence their own perception about communication, both an inner communication and an intercultural one. Bulat Okudzhava said in one of his poems, “To understand each other is a sacred science”, and today this approach to communication becomes a vital necessity in everyday life, in the sphere of science and education, in real space as well as in the virtual one. While people actively learn foreign languages with approved status, minor languages become suppressed in spite of the fact that the population - bearers of these minor languages are quite numerous and these bearers should be taken into consideration. But this problem is likely to be referred to politics. In the frames of practical educational activities we deal with various problems. One of them quite often causes obstacles not only in organizing of the methodically correct educational process but also in its monitoring process. Its impact on marking the final results, on achieving targeted competences - all these are the subjects of correct terminology. To be more precise – correlation of terminology that is accepted in Russian Federation and in the world (in the first place in Europe, the USA, Israel)

    Russian as native, non-native, one of natives and foreign languages: Questions of terminology and measurement of levels of proficiency

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The 21st century has brought globalization of people’s lives and education. Dramatic economical, political and natural cataclysms has made our planet’s population mobile and that concerns not only highly developed countries but also so called the third world countries. While moving and changing their places of residence people bring with them their native language, their culture, knowledge and experience. They also bring to their new county of residence their own perception about communication, both an inner communication and an intercultural one. Bulat Okudzhava said in one of his poems, “To understand each other is a sacred science”, and today this approach to communication becomes a vital necessity in everyday life, in the sphere of science and education, in real space as well as in the virtual one. While people actively learn foreign languages with approved status, minor languages become suppressed in spite of the fact that the population - bearers of these minor languages are quite numerous and these bearers should be taken into consideration. But this problem is likely to be referred to politics. In the frames of practical educational activities we deal with various problems. One of them quite often causes obstacles not only in organizing of the methodically correct educational process but also in its monitoring process. Its impact on marking the final results, on achieving targeted competences - all these are the subjects of correct terminology. To be more precise – correlation of terminology that is accepted in Russian Federation and in the world (in the first place in Europe, the USA, Israel)