3,398 research outputs found

    Magnetism and the Weiss Exchange Field - A Theoretical Analysis Inspired by Recent Experiments

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    The huge spin precession frequency observed in recent experiments with spin-polarized beams of hot electrons shot through magnetized films is interpreted as being caused by Zeeman coupling of the electron spins to the so-called Weiss exchange field in the film. A "Stern-Gerlach experiment" for electrons moving through an inhomogeneous exchange field is proposed. The microscopic origin of exchange interactions and of large mean exchange fields, leading to different types of magnetic order, is elucidated. A microscopic derivation of the equations of motion of the Weiss exchange field is presented. Novel proofs of the existence of phase transitions in quantum XY-models and antiferromagnets, based on an analysis of the statistical distribution of the exchange field, are outlined.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figure

    Spin - or, actually: Spin and Quantum Statistics

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    The history of the discovery of electron spin and the Pauli principle and the mathematics of spin and quantum statistics are reviewed. Pauli's theory of the spinning electron and some of its many applications in mathematics and physics are considered in more detail. The role of the fact that the tree-level gyromagnetic factor of the electron has the value g = 2 in an analysis of stability (and instability) of matter in arbitrary external magnetic fields is highlighted. Radiative corrections and precision measurements of g are reviewed. The general connection between spin and statistics, the CPT theorem and the theory of braid statistics are described.Comment: 50 pages, no figures, seminar on "spin

    Dynamical Collapse of Boson Stars

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    We study the time evolution in system of NN bosons with a relativistic dispersion law interacting through an attractive Coulomb potential with coupling constant GG. We consider the mean field scaling where NN tends to infinity, GG tends to zero and λ=GN\lambda = G N remains fixed. We investigate the relation between the many body quantum dynamics governed by the Schr\"odinger equation and the effective evolution described by a (semi-relativistic) Hartree equation. In particular, we are interested in the super-critical regime of large λ\lambda (the sub-critical case has been studied in \cite{ES,KP}), where the nonlinear Hartree equation is known to have solutions which blow up in finite time. To inspect this regime, we need to regularize the Coulomb interaction in the many body Hamiltonian with an NN dependent cutoff that vanishes in the limit N→∞N\to \infty. We show, first, that if the solution of the nonlinear equation does not blow up in the time interval [−T,T][-T,T], then the many body Schr\"odinger dynamics (on the level of the reduced density matrices) can be approximated by the nonlinear Hartree dynamics, just as in the sub-critical regime. Moreover, we prove that if the solution of the nonlinear Hartree equation blows up at time TT (in the sense that the H1/2H^{1/2} norm of the solution diverges as time approaches TT), then also the solution of the linear Schr\"odinger equation collapses (in the sense that the kinetic energy per particle diverges) if t→Tt \to T and, simultaneously, N→∞N \to \infty sufficiently fast. This gives the first dynamical description of the phenomenon of gravitational collapse as observed directly on the many body level.Comment: 40 page

    Evidence for a New Dissipationless Regime in 2D Electronic Transport

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    In an ultra-clean 2D electron system (2DES) subjected to crossed millimeterwave (30--150 GHz) and weak (B < 2 kG) magnetic fields, a series of apparently dissipationless states emerges as the system is detuned from cyclotron resonances. Such states are characterized by an exponentially vanishing low-temperature longitudinal resistance and a classical Hall resistance. The activation energies associated with such states exceeds the Landau level spacing by an order of magnitude. Our findings are likely indicative of a collective ground state previously unknown for 2DES.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Some Applications of the Lee-Yang Theorem

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    For lattice systems of statistical mechanics satisfying a Lee-Yang property (i.e., for which the Lee-Yang circle theorem holds), we present a simple proof of analyticity of (connected) correlations as functions of an external magnetic field h, for Re h > 0 or Re h < 0. A survey of models known to have the Lee-Yang property is given. We conclude by describing various applications of the aforementioned analyticity in h.Comment: 16 page

    A two-dimensional Fermi liquid with attractive interactions

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    We realize and study an attractively interacting two-dimensional Fermi liquid. Using momentum resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we measure the self-energy, determine the contact parameter of the short-range interaction potential, and find their dependence on the interaction strength. We successfully compare the measurements to a theoretical analysis, properly taking into account the finite temperature, harmonic trap, and the averaging over several two-dimensional gases with different peak densities

    A model with simultaneous first and second order phase transitions

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    We introduce a two dimensional nonlinear XY model with a second order phase transition driven by spin waves, together with a first order phase transition in the bond variables between two bond ordered phases, one with local ferromagnetic order and another with local antiferromagnetic order. We also prove that at the transition temperature the bond-ordered phases coexist with a disordered phase as predicted by Domany, Schick and Swendsen. This last result generalizes the result of Shlosman and van Enter (cond-mat/0205455). We argue that these phenomena are quite general and should occur for a large class of potentials.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures using pstricks and pst-coi

    A lattice model for the line tension of a sessile drop

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    Within a semi--infinite thre--dimensional lattice gas model describing the coexistence of two phases on a substrate, we study, by cluster expansion techniques, the free energy (line tension) associated with the contact line between the two phases and the substrate. We show that this line tension, is given at low temperature by a convergent series whose leading term is negative, and equals 0 at zero temperature

    Mean-Field Dynamics: Singular Potentials and Rate of Convergence

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    We consider the time evolution of a system of NN identical bosons whose interaction potential is rescaled by N−1N^{-1}. We choose the initial wave function to describe a condensate in which all particles are in the same one-particle state. It is well known that in the mean-field limit N→∞N \to \infty the quantum NN-body dynamics is governed by the nonlinear Hartree equation. Using a nonperturbative method, we extend previous results on the mean-field limit in two directions. First, we allow a large class of singular interaction potentials as well as strong, possibly time-dependent external potentials. Second, we derive bounds on the rate of convergence of the quantum NN-body dynamics to the Hartree dynamics.Comment: Typos correcte
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