4 research outputs found

    How reproducible are methods to measure the dynamic viscoelastic properties of poroelastic media?

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    There is a considerable number of research publications on the acoustical properties of porous media with an elastic frame. A simple search through the Web of Science™ (last accessed 21 March 2018) suggests that there are at least 819 publications which deal with the acoustics of poroelastic media. A majority of these researches require accurate knowledge of the elastic properties over a broad frequency range. However, the accuracy of the measurement of the dynamic elastic properties of poroelastic media has been a contentious issue. The novelty of this paper is that it studies the reproducibility of some popular experimental methods which are used routinely to measure the key elastic properties such as the dynamic Young's modulus, loss factor and Poisson ratio of poroelastic media. In this paper, fourteen independent sets of laboratory measurements were performed on specimens of the same porous materials. The results from these measurements suggest that the reproducibility of this type of experimental method is poor. This work can be helpful to suggest improvements which can be developed to harmonize the way the elastic properties of poroelastic media are measured worldwide

    Join the queue: Including women’s toilet needs in public space

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    The trend towards desegregated women’s and men’s toilets, including installing Gender Neutral Toilets (GNTs), and the implications of revisions to the Gender Recognition Act for women-only spaces, have brought into focus the pre-existing lack of female toilet provision in the UK. Looking at the problem from a town planning perspective, I argue that austerity-driven cuts are coming together with GNT provision to reshape the public toilet landscape in ways that continue to be detrimental to women. Typically women are only provided with half as many facilities as men, resulting in queues for the Ladies, and GNT provision based on relabelling rather than redesigned or additional provision can, in fact, increase competition for the cubicles in the Ladies. The historical, legislative and cultural reasons for this inequality are explored, along with the different types of public toilet and the different requirements of male and female users. The article draws on previous research project findings, many of which foreshadow the problems currently coming to the fore as a result of toilet desegregation. In conclusion, recommendations are made as to how to deal with the conundrum of providing adequate facilities for all women and men, whilst providing all sorts of individuals with choice and privacy to create inclusive, accessible cities for all