119,513 research outputs found

    Opening angles, Lorentz factors and confinement of X-ray binary jets

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    We present a collation of the available data on the opening angles of jets in X-ray binaries, which in most cases are small (less than 10 degrees). Under the assumption of no confinement, we calculate the Lorentz factors required to produce such small opening angles via the transverse relativistic Doppler effect. The derived Lorentz factors, which are in most cases lower limits, are found to be large, with a mean greater than 10, comparable to those estimated for AGN and much higher than the commonly-assumed values for X-ray binaries of 2 to 5. Jet power constraints do not in most cases rule out such high Lorentz factors. The upper limits on the opening angles show no evidence for smaller Lorentz factors in the steady jets of Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105. In those sources in which deceleration has been observed (notably XTE J1550-564 and Cygnus X-3), some confinement of the jets must be occurring, and we briefly discuss possible confinement mechanisms. It is however possible that all the jets could be confined, in which case the requirement for high bulk Lorentz factors can be relaxed.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures (2 colour), accepted for publication in MNRA

    Deep reconditioning of batteries during DSCS 3 flight operations

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    Deep reconditioning of batteries is defined as discharge below the 1.0 volt/cell level to a value of about 1.0 volt/battery. This type of reconditioning was investigated for use on the Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) spacecraft, and has been used during the first year of orbital operation. Prior to launch of the spacecraft, the deep reconditioning was used during the battery life test, which has now complete fourteen eclipse periods. Reconditioning was performed prior to each eclipse period of the life test, and is scheduled to be used prior to each eclipse period in orbit. The battery data for discharge and recharge is presented for one of the life test reconditioning cycles, and for each of the three batteries during the reconditioning cycles between eclipse period no.1 and eclipse period no.2 in Earth orbit

    The Disturbed 17 keV Cluster Associated with the Radio Galaxy 3C 438

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    We present results from a {\em Chandra} observation of the cluster gas associated with the FR II radio galaxy 3C 438. This radio galaxy is embedded within a massive cluster with gas temperature ∼\sim17 keV and bolometric luminosity of 6×1045\times10^{45} ergs s−1^{-1}. It is unclear if this high temperature represents the gravitational mass of the cluster, or if this is an already high (∼\sim 11 keV) temperature cluster that has been heated transiently. We detect a surface brightness discontinuity in the gas that extends ∼\sim600 kpc through the cluster. The radio galaxy 3C 438 is too small (∼\sim110 kpc across) and too weak to have created this large disturbance in the gas. The discontinuity must be the result of either an extremely powerful nuclear outburst or the major merger of two massive clusters. If the observed features are the result of a nuclear outburst, it must be from an earlier epoch of unusually energetic nuclear activity. However, the energy required (∼1063\sim10^{63} ergs) to move the gas on the observed spatial scales strongly supports the merger hypothesis. In either scenario, this is one of the most extreme events in the local Universe.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 1 table - accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    A New Light Higgs Boson and Short-Baseline Neutrino Anomalies

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    The low-energy excesses observed by the MiniBooNE experiment have, to date, defied a convinc- ing explanation under the standard model even with accommodation for non-zero neutrino mass. In this paper we explore a new oscillation mechanism to explain these anomalies, invoking a light neu- trinophilic Higgs boson, conceived to induce a low Dirac neutrino mass in accord with experimental limits. Beam neutrinos forward-scattering off of a locally over-dense relic neutrino background give rise to a novel matter-effect with an energy-specific resonance. An enhanced oscillation around this resonance peak produces flavor transitions which are highly consistent with the MiniBooNE neutrino- and antineutrino-mode data sets. The model provides substantially improved χ2\chi^2 values beyond either the no-oscillation hypothesis or the more commonly explored 3+1 sterile neutrino hy- pothesis. This mechanism would introduce distinctive signatures at each baseline in the upcoming SBN program at Fermilab, presenting opportunities for further exploration.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Cranial sutures work collectively to distribute strain throughout the reptile skull

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    The skull is composed of many bones that come together at sutures. These sutures are important sites of growth, and as growth ceases some become fused while others remain patent. Their mechanical behaviour and how they interact with changing form and loadings to ensure balanced craniofacial development is still poorly understood. Early suture fusion often leads to disfiguring syndromes, thus is it imperative that we understand the function of sutures more clearly. By applying advanced engineering modelling techniques, we reveal for the first time that patent sutures generate a more widely distributed, high level of strain throughout the reptile skull. Without patent sutures, large regions of the skull are only subjected to infrequent low-level strains that could weaken the bone and result in abnormal development. Sutures are therefore not only sites of bone growth, but could also be essential for the modulation of strains necessary for normal growth and development in reptiles

    X-ray polarimetry with an active-matrix pixel proportional counter

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    We report the first results from an X-ray polarimeter with a micropattern gas proportional counter using an amorphous silicon active matrix readout. With 100% polarized X-rays at 4.5 keV, we obtain a modulation factor of 0.33 +/- 0.03, confirming previous reports of the high polarization sensitivity of a finely segmented pixel proportional counter. The detector described here has a geometry suitable for the focal plane of an astronomical X-ray telescope. Amorphous silicon readout technology will enable additional extensions and improvements.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    What is the probability that a random integral quadratic form in nn variables has an integral zero?

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    We show that the density of quadratic forms in nn variables over Zp\mathbb Z_p that are isotropic is a rational function of pp, where the rational function is independent of pp, and we determine this rational function explicitly. When real quadratic forms in nn variables are distributed according to the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE) of random matrix theory, we determine explicitly the probability that a random such real quadratic form is isotropic (i.e., indefinite). As a consequence, for each nn, we determine an exact expression for the probability that a random integral quadratic form in nn variables is isotropic (i.e., has a nontrivial zero over Z\mathbb Z), when these integral quadratic forms are chosen according to the GOE distribution. In particular, we find an exact expression for the probability that a random integral quaternary quadratic form has an integral zero; numerically, this probability is approximately 98.3%98.3\%.Comment: 17 pages. This article supercedes arXiv:1311.554

    Using automatic robot programming for space telerobotics

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    The interpreter of a task level robot programming system called Handey is described. Handey is a system that can recognize, manipulate and assemble polyhedral parts when given only a specification of the goal. To perform an assembly, Handey makes use of a recognition module, a gross motion planner, a grasp planner, a local approach planner and is capable of planning part re-orientation. The possibility of including these modules in a telerobotics work-station is discussed

    The Reliability of Global and Hemispheric Surface Temperature Records

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    The purpose of this review article is to discuss the development and associated estimation of uncertainties in the global and hemispheric surface temperature records. The review begins by detailing the groups that produce surface temperature datasets. After discussing the reasons for similarities and differences between the various products, the main issues that must be addressed when deriving accurate estimates, particularly for hemispheric and global averages, are then considered. These issues are discussed in the order of their importance for temperature records at these spatial scales: biases in SST data, particularly before the 1940s; the exposure of land-based thermometers before the development of louvred screens in the late 19th century; and urbanization effects in some regions in recent decades. The homogeneity of land-based records is also discussed; however, at these large scales it is relatively unimportant. The article concludes by illustrating hemispheric and global temperature records from the four groups that produce series in near-real time

    Multistability of free spontaneously-curved anisotropic strips

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    Multistable structures are objects with more than one stable conformation, exemplified by the simple switch. Continuum versions are often elastic composite plates or shells, such as the common measuring tape or the slap bracelet, both of which exhibit two stable configurations: rolled and unrolled. Here we consider the energy landscape of a general class of multistable anisotropic strips with spontaneous Gaussian curvature. We show that while strips with non-zero Gaussian curvature can be bistable, strips with positive spontaneous curvature are always bistable, independent of the elastic moduli, strips of spontaneous negative curvature are bistable only in the presence of spontaneous twist and when certain conditions on the relative stiffness of the strip in tension and shear are satisfied. Furthermore, anisotropic strips can become tristable when their bending rigidity is small. Our study complements and extends the theory of multistability in anisotropic shells and suggests new design criteria for these structures.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure
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