825 research outputs found

    Proper time and Minkowski structure on causal graphs

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    For causal graphs we propose a definition of proper time which for small scales is based on the concept of volume, while for large scales the usual definition of length is applied. The scale where the change from "volume" to "length" occurs is related to the size of a dynamical clock and defines a natural cut-off for this type of clock. By changing the cut-off volume we may probe the geometry of the causal graph on different scales and therey define a continuum limit. This provides an alternative to the standard coarse graining procedures. For regular causal lattice (like e.g. the 2-dim. light-cone lattice) this concept can be proven to lead to a Minkowski structure. An illustrative example of this approach is provided by the breather solutions of the Sine-Gordon model on a 2-dimensional light-cone lattice.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    The structure of causal sets

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    More often than not, recently popular structuralist interpretations of physical theories leave the central concept of a structure insufficiently precisified. The incipient causal sets approach to quantum gravity offers a paradigmatic case of a physical theory predestined to be interpreted in structuralist terms. It is shown how employing structuralism lends itself to a natural interpretation of the physical meaning of causal sets theory. Conversely, the conceptually exceptionally clear case of causal sets is used as a foil to illustrate how a mathematically informed rigorous conceptualization of structure serves to identify structures in physical theories. Furthermore, a number of technical issues infesting structuralist interpretations of physical theories such as difficulties with grounding the identity of the places of highly symmetrical physical structures in their relational profile and what may resolve these difficulties can be vividly illustrated with causal sets.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Shape in an Atom of Space: Exploring quantum geometry phenomenology

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    A phenomenology for the deep spatial geometry of loop quantum gravity is introduced. In the context of a simple model, an atom of space, it is shown how purely combinatorial structures can affect observations. The angle operator is used to develop a model of angular corrections to local, continuum flat-space 3-geometries. The physical effects involve neither breaking of local Lorentz invariance nor Planck scale suppression, but rather reply on only the combinatorics of SU(2) recoupling. Bhabha scattering is discussed as an example of how the effects might be observationally accessible.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; v2 references adde

    Spacelike distance from discrete causal order

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    Any discrete approach to quantum gravity must provide some prescription as to how to deduce continuum properties from the discrete substructure. In the causal set approach it is straightforward to deduce timelike distances, but surprisingly difficult to extract spacelike distances, because of the unique combination of discreteness with local Lorentz invariance in that approach. We propose a number of methods to overcome this difficulty, one of which reproduces the spatial distance between two points in a finite region of Minkowski space. We provide numerical evidence that this definition can be used to define a `spatial nearest neighbor' relation on a causal set, and conjecture that this can be exploited to define the length of `continuous curves' in causal sets which are approximated by curved spacetime. This provides evidence in support of the ``Hauptvermutung'' of causal sets.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figures, revtex4; journal versio

    Emergence of spatial structure from causal sets

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    There are numerous indications that a discrete substratum underlies continuum spacetime. Any fundamentally discrete approach to quantum gravity must provide some prescription for how continuum properties emerge from the underlying discreteness. The causal set approach, in which the fundamental relation is based upon causality, finds it easy to reproduce timelike distances, but has a more difficult time with spatial distance, due to the unique combination of Lorentz invariance and discreteness within that approach. We describe a method to deduce spatial distances from a causal set. In addition, we sketch how one might use an important ingredient in deducing spatial distance, the `nn-link', to deduce whether a given causal set is likely to faithfully embed into a continuum spacetime.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figures; proceedings contribution for DICE 2008, to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Stable Homology as an Indicator of Manifoldlikeness in Causal Set Theory

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    We present a computational tool that can be used to obtain the "spatial" homology groups of a causal set. Localisation in the causal set is seeded by an inextendible antichain, which is the analog of a spacelike hypersurface, and a one parameter family of nerve simplicial complexes is constructed by "thickening" this antichain. The associated homology groups can then be calculated using existing homology software, and their behaviour studied as a function of the thickening parameter. Earlier analytical work showed that for an inextendible antichain in a causal set which can be approximated by a globally hyperbolic spacetime region, there is a one parameter sub-family of these simplicial complexes which are homological to the continuum, provided the antichain satisfies certain conditions. Using causal sets that are approximated by a set of 2d spacetimes our numerical analysis suggests that these conditions are generically satisfied by inextendible antichains. In both 2d and 3d simulations, as the thickening parameter is increased, the continuum homology groups tend to appear as the first region in which the homology is constant, or "stable" above the discreteness scale. Below this scale, the homology groups fluctuate rapidly as a function of the thickening parameter. This provides a necessary though not sufficient criterion to test for manifoldlikeness of a causal set.Comment: Latex, 46 pages, 43 .eps figures, v2 numerous changes to content and presentatio

    The moduli space of isometry classes of globally hyperbolic spacetimes

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    This is the last article in a series of three initiated by the second author. We elaborate on the concepts and theorems constructed in the previous articles. In particular, we prove that the GH and the GGH uniformities previously introduced on the moduli space of isometry classes of globally hyperbolic spacetimes are different, but the Cauchy sequences which give rise to well-defined limit spaces coincide. We then examine properties of the strong metric introduced earlier on each spacetime, and answer some questions concerning causality of limit spaces. Progress is made towards a general definition of causality, and it is proven that the GGH limit of a Cauchy sequence of Cα±\mathcal{C}^{\pm}_{\alpha}, path metric Lorentz spaces is again a Cα±\mathcal{C}^{\pm}_{\alpha}, path metric Lorentz space. Finally, we give a necessary and sufficient condition, similar to the one of Gromov for the Riemannian case, for a class of Lorentz spaces to be precompact.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Class. Quant. Gra

    Semiclassical Mechanics of the Wigner 6j-Symbol

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    The semiclassical mechanics of the Wigner 6j-symbol is examined from the standpoint of WKB theory for multidimensional, integrable systems, to explore the geometrical issues surrounding the Ponzano-Regge formula. The relations among the methods of Roberts and others for deriving the Ponzano-Regge formula are discussed, and a new approach, based on the recoupling of four angular momenta, is presented. A generalization of the Yutsis-type of spin network is developed for this purpose. Special attention is devoted to symplectic reduction, the reduced phase space of the 6j-symbol (the 2-sphere of Kapovich and Millson), and the reduction of Poisson bracket expressions for semiclassical amplitudes. General principles for the semiclassical study of arbitrary spin networks are laid down; some of these were used in our recent derivation of the asymptotic formula for the Wigner 9j-symbol.Comment: 64 pages, 50 figure

    Properties of the Volume Operator in Loop Quantum Gravity II: Detailed Presentation

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    The properties of the Volume operator in Loop Quantum Gravity, as constructed by Ashtekar and Lewandowski, are analyzed for the first time at generic vertices of valence greater than four. The present analysis benefits from the general simplified formula for matrix elements of the Volume operator derived in gr-qc/0405060, making it feasible to implement it on a computer as a matrix which is then diagonalized numerically. The resulting eigenvalues serve as a database to investigate the spectral properties of the volume operator. Analytical results on the spectrum at 4-valent vertices are included. This is a companion paper to arXiv:0706.0469, providing details of the analysis presented there.Comment: Companion to arXiv:0706.0469. Version as published in CQG in 2008. More compact presentation. Sign factor combinatorics now much better understood in context of oriented matroids, see arXiv:1003.2348, where also important remarks given regarding sigma configurations. Subsequent computations revealed some minor errors, which do not change qualitative results but modify some numbers presented her

    Simulating causal collapse models

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    We present simulations of causal dynamical collapse models of field theories on a 1+1 null lattice. We use our simulations to compare and contrast two possible interpretations of the models, one in which the field values are real and the other in which the state vector is real. We suggest that a procedure of coarse graining and renormalising the fundamental field can overcome its noisiness and argue that this coarse grained renormalised field will show interesting structure if the state vector does on the coarse grained scale.Comment: 18 pages, 8 fugures, LaTeX, Reference added, discussion of probability distribution of labellings correcte