70,142 research outputs found

    Three isoparametric solid elements for NASTRAN

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    Linear, quadratic, and cubic isoparametric hexahedral solid elements have been added to the element library of NASTRAN. These elements are available for static, dynamic, buckling, and heat-transfer analyses. Because the isoparametric element matrices are generated by direct numerical integration over the volume of the element, variations in material properties, temperatures, and stresses within the elements are represented in the computations. In order to compare the accuracy of the new elements, three similar models of a slender cantilever were developed, one for each element. All elements performed well. As expected, however, the linear element model yielded excellent results only when shear behavior predominated. In contrast, the results obtained from the quadratic and cubic element models were excellent in both shear and bending

    Addition of three-dimensional isoparametric elements to NASA structural analysis program (NASTRAN)

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    Implementation is made of the three-dimensional family of linear, quadratic and cubic isoparametric solid elements into the NASA Structural Analysis program, NASTRAN. This work included program development, installation, testing, and documentation. The addition of these elements to NASTRAN provides a significant increase in modeling capability particularly for structures requiring specification of temperatures, material properties, displacements, and stresses which vary throughout each individual element. Complete program documentation is presented in the form of new sections and updates for direct insertion to the three NASTRAN manuals. The results of demonstration test problems are summarized. Excellent results are obtained with the isoparametric elements for static, normal mode, and buckling analyses

    Stability and reactivity of dimethylethoxysilane

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    The chemistry of the compound dimethylethoxysilane (DMES) is discussed especially as it relates to waterproofing silica surfaces. Some of the desirable properties of this compound are that it readily reacts with silica in the vapor phase, it is a low boiling point liquid (54 C), and the by-product of its reaction with silica is the rather inert substances ethanol. It is currently used by NASA to re-waterproof the HRSI shuttle tiles before relaunching the vehicle. Very little information is available on this particular compound in the literature or even on related silane compounds that have both a hydride group and an alkoxy group. Since the close proximity of two groups often drastically affects the chemical behavior of each group, chemical reactions were carried out in the laboratory with DMES to verify the expected behavior of these two functional groups located on DMES. Some of the reactions tested would be potentially useful for quantitative or qualitative measurements on DMES. To study the reactions of DMES with silica surfaces, cabosil was used as a silica substrate because of its high surface area and the ease of detection by infrared spectroscopy as well as other techniques

    The conversation: developing confidence to provide end of life care in Salford nursing homes

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    The study was funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing and partly by Salford Primary Care Trust. A realistic evaluation design was used to collect data using a range of approaches, from before and after surveys of confidence in delivering end of life care, to participant observation and interviews. A total of 43 people were interviewed involving both staff, residents and relatives. Key Messages a) Significant resources are needed to engage staff, residents and relatives/carers with the idea of advance care planning b) Care home staff are optimistic about involving residents and relatives in planning care at the end of life and some relatives become very involved in care c) Clearly registered nurses and other care home workers such as care assistants have different roles, but the overlap between these and the appropriate boundaries would benefit from further work d) Talking to residents and relatives about their feelings and wishes for care at the end of life remains especially difficult, but education and training in key skills and knowledge can engender both ability and motivation e) Care homes need strong and well-informed leadership in order to implement the Gold Standards Framework f) Placing a relative in a care home involves strain and an ability to compromise ‘there’s no perfect place’ g) Advance care planning can reduce the distress and the number of inappropriate hospital admissions, but is challenging in the face of staff rotation and out of hours medical staff being unpredictable h) The principles of the Gold Standards Framework are widely seen as sensible, but clinical challenges include diagnosing and predicting dying trajectories, especially in heart failure, chronic pulmonary disease and dementia i) A particular concern of staff is how to approach nutrition and hydration as frailty and death approach j) Communicating about diagnosis and especially prognosis with residents who lack capacity is an increasing problem k) Natural justice suggests that resources should be allocated to the general standardisation of a good quality of care at the end of life in ALL care homes whatever their Care Quality Commission ratin

    The Hidden Spatial Geometry of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories

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    The Gauss law constraint in the Hamiltonian form of the SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory of gluons is satisfied by any functional of the gauge invariant tensor variable ϕij=BiaBja\phi^{ij} = B^{ia} B^{ja}. Arguments are given that the tensor Gij=(ϕ1)ijdetBG_{ij} = (\phi^{-1})_{ij}\,\det B is a more appropriate variable. When the Hamiltonian is expressed in terms of ϕ\phi or GG, the quantity Γjki\Gamma^i_{jk} appears. The gauge field Bianchi and Ricci identities yield a set of partial differential equations for Γ\Gamma in terms of GG. One can show that Γ\Gamma is a metric-compatible connection for GG with torsion, and that the curvature tensor of Γ\Gamma is that of an Einstein space. A curious 3-dimensional spatial geometry thus underlies the gauge-invariant configuration space of the theory, although the Hamiltonian is not invariant under spatial coordinate transformations. Spatial derivative terms in the energy density are singular when detG=detB=0\det G=\det B=0. These singularities are the analogue of the centrifugal barrier of quantum mechanics, and physical wave-functionals are forced to vanish in a certain manner near detB=0\det B=0. It is argued that such barriers are an inevitable result of the projection on the gauge-invariant subspace of the Hilbert space, and that the barriers are a conspicuous way in which non-abelian gauge theories differ from scalar field theories.Comment: 19 pages, TeX, CTP #223

    Fattening Range Lambs on South Dakota Feeds

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    Excitation energies, hyperfine constants, E1, E2, M1 transition rates, and lifetimes of (6s2)nl states in Tl I and Pb II

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    Energies of np (n=6-9), ns (n=7-9), nd (n=6-8), and nf (n=5-6) states in Tl I and Pb II are obtained using relativistic many-body perturbation theory. Reduced matrix elements, oscillator strengths, transition rates, and lifetimes are determined for the 72 possible electric-dipole transitions. Electric-quadrupole and magnetic-dipole matrix elements are evaluated to obtain np(3/2) - mp(1/2) (n,m=6,7) transition rates. Hyperfine constants A are evaluated for a number of states in 205Tl. First-, second-, third-, and all-order corrections to the energies and matrix elements and first- and second-order Breit corrections to energies are calculated. In our implementation of the all-order method, single and double excitations of Dirac-Fock wave functions are included to all orders in perturbation theory. These calculations provide a theoretical benchmark for comparison with experiment and theory.Comment: twelve tables, no figure

    Relativistic many-body calculations of the Stark-induced amplitude of the 6P1/2 -7P1/2 transition in thallium

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    Stark-induced amplitudes for the 6P1/2 - 7P1/2 transition in Tl I are calculated using the relativistic SD approximation in which single and double excitations of Dirac-Hartree-Fock levels are summed to all orders in perturbation theory. Our SD values alpha S = 368 a0 3 and beta S= 298 a 0 3 are in good agreement with the measurements alpha S=377(8) a 0 3$ and beta S = 313(8) a 0 3 by D. DeMille, D. Budker, and E. D. Commins [Phys. Rev. A 50, 4657 (1994)]. Calculations of the Stark shifts in the 6P1/2 - 7P1/2 and 6P1/2 - 7S1/2 transitions are also carried out. The Stark shifts predicted by our calculations agree with the most accurate measured values within the experimental uncertainties for both transitions

    The Mercury-Redstone project

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    Mercury-Redstone project development history, and contributions to future manned spacecraft design and operatio

    Consumption inequality and income uncertainty

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    This paper places the debate over using consumption or income in studies of inequality growth in a formal intertemporal setting. It highlights the importance of permanent and transitory income uncertainty in the evaluation of growth in consumption inequality. We derive conditions under which the growth of variances and covariances of income and consumption can be used to separately identify the growth in the variance of permanent and transitory income shocks. Household data from Britain for the period 1968-1992 are used to show a strong growth in transitory inequality toward the end of this period, while younger cohorts are shown to face significantly higher levels of permanent inequality