149 research outputs found

    Perception of Russian Politics in Galicia in Diaries and Memoirs of World War I Participants

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    The problem of perception of Russian politics in Galicia during the First World War by participants in military operations is considered. The relevance of the study is due to the interest of modern society in historical sources of personal origin. The novelty is determined by a wide corpus of diaries and memoirs of participants in hostilities, un-published archival ego-documents introduced into scientific circulation. Based on new sources, the actions of the Russian authorities and the army in Galicia in 1914—1916 are interpreted. Plots are revealed that are not recorded by officials in official documents. Unjustified decisions of the local administration, bureaucratic confusion and arbitrariness are analyzed. The degree of influence of official Russian propaganda on the position of combatants and Galicians is determined in the study. Different points of view among Russian society on the organization of governance in Galicia and the national and confessional policy pursued there are revealed. The diaries and memoirs of the combatants made it possible to look at the events that took place in Galicia from the perspective of an eyewitness, shedding light on the features of everyday life, both of the local civilian population, and of military units, and of the medical service who found themselves in the conquered territories

    Investigation of glycation products by THz time-domain spectroscopy

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    Glycation is the non-enzymatic reaction betwee

    Convention Mechanism of International Cooperation on Preventing and Combating Drug Trafficking

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    The article presents the author's analysis of the international legal regulation of combating drug crime. It is considered the role of cooperation between the international organizations and law enforcement bodies in this field on the basis of two basic conventions: it is substantiated the need for transnational approaches in preventing and combating drug crim

    Temperature effects in low-frequency Raman spectra of corticosteroid hormones

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    Experimental Raman spectra of the corticosteroid hormones corticosterone and desoxycorticosterone are recorded at different temperatures (in the range of 30–310 K) in the region of low-frequency (15–120 cm−1) vibrations using a solid-state laser at 532.1 nm. The intramolecular vibrations of both hormones are interpreted on the basis of Raman spectra calculated by the B3LYP/6-31G(d) density functional theory method. The intermolecular bonds in tetramers of hormones are studied with the help of the topological theory of Bader using data of X-ray structural analysis for crystalline samples of hormones. The total energy of intermolecular interactions in the tetramer of desoxycorticosterone (−49.1 kJ/mol) is higher than in the tetramer of corticosterone (−36.9 kJ/mol). A strong intramolecular hydrogen bond O21-H⋯O=C20 with an energy of −42.4 kJ/mol was revealed in the corticosterone molecule, which is absent in the desoxycorticosterone molecule. This fact makes the Raman spectra of both hormones somewhat different. It is shown that the low-frequency lines in the Raman spectra are associated with skeletal vibrations of molecules and bending vibrations of the substituent at the C17 atom. The calculated Raman spectrum of the desoxycorticosterone dimer allows one to explain the splitting and shift of some lines and to interpret new strong lines observed in the spectra at low temperatures, which are caused by the intermolecular interaction and mixing of normal vibrations in a crystal cell. On the whole the calculated frequencies are in a good agreement with the experimental results

    The results of electromyographic studies in multiplanar deformities of the spine in children

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    Results of surface electromyography in 34 children with multiplanar deformation of the spinal column revealed the early formation of the asymmetry of the functional activity of paravertebral muscles on stage two-plane deformation of the spinal column. The more expressed disturbances of the symmetric functional activity of paravertebral muscles, muscles of the upper and lower extremities, shoulder and pelvic girdle were found in children with three-plane deformation of the spine.При проведении поверхностной электромиографии у 34 детей с многоплоскостной деформацией позвоночного столба выявлено раннее формирование асимметрии функциональной активности паравертебральной мускулатуры при двухллоскостной деформации позвоночника. Более выраженные нарушения симметричной функциональной активности паравертебральных мышц, мышц верхних и нижних конечностей, плечевого и тазового пояса обнаруживаются у детей с трехплоскостной деформацией позвоночника


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    A mathematical model for the nonlinear absolute decay parametric instability of inhomogeneous plasma is developed. Decay of the Langmuir pump wave on the Langmuir and ion-acoustic waves is considered in detail. The numerical solutions describing the eigen modes of the instability are obtained. It is shown that at the nonlinear stage of the instability, a depletion of a pump wave and a broadening of an ion-acoustic wave spectrum are observed. The simulation results are in agreement with the experimental ones.Создана математическая модель, описывающая нелинейную абсолютную параметрическую неустойчивость в неоднородной плазме. Подробно рассмотрен распад ленгмюровской волны накачки на ленгмюровскую и ионно- звуковую волны. Получены численные решения, описывающие собственные моды неустойчивости. Показано, чтов нелинейной стадии неустойчивости наблюдается истощение накачки и уширение спектра ионно-звуковой волны. Результаты численных расчетов согласуются с экспериментальными результатами

    Cellular effects of terahertz waves

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    Significance: An increasing interest in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to the terahertz (THz) radiation is driven by a rapid progress in THz biophotonics, observed during the past decades. Despite the attractiveness of THz technology for medical diagnosis and therapy, there is still quite limited knowledge about safe limits of THz exposure. Different modes of THz exposure of tissues and cells, including continuous-wave versus pulsed radiation, various powers, and number and duration of exposure cycles, ought to be systematically studied. Aim: We provide an overview of recent research results in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to THz waves. Approach: We start with a brief overview of general features of the THz-wave–tissue interactions, as well as modern THz emitters, with an emphasis on those that are reliable for studying the biological effects of THz waves. Then, we consider three levels of biological system organization, at which the exposure effects are considered: (i) solutions of biological molecules;(ii) cultures of cells, individual cells, and cell structures; and (iii) entire organs or organisms; special attention is devoted to the cellular level. We distinguish thermal and nonthermal mechanisms of THz-wave–cell interactions and discuss a problem of adequate estimation of the THz biological effects’ specificity. The problem of experimental data reproducibility, caused by rareness of the THz experimental setups and an absence of unitary protocols, is also considered. Results: The summarized data demonstrate the current stage of the research activity and knowledge about the THz exposure on living objects. Conclusions: This review helps the biomedical optics community to summarize up-to-date knowledge in the area of cell exposure to THz radiation, and paves the ways for the development of THz safety standards and THz therapeutic applications

    Neighbor Overlap Is Enriched in the Yeast Interaction Network: Analysis and Implications

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    The yeast protein-protein interaction network has been shown to have distinct topological features such as a scale free degree distribution and a high level of clustering. Here we analyze an additional feature which is called Neighbor Overlap. This feature reflects the number of shared neighbors between a pair of proteins. We show that Neighbor Overlap is enriched in the yeast protein-protein interaction network compared with control networks carefully designed to match the characteristics of the yeast network in terms of degree distribution and clustering coefficient. Our analysis also reveals that pairs of proteins with high Neighbor Overlap have higher sequence similarity, more similar GO annotations and stronger genetic interactions than pairs with low ones. Finally, we demonstrate that pairs of proteins with redundant functions tend to have high Neighbor Overlap. We suggest that a combination of three mechanisms is the basis for this feature: The abundance of protein complexes, selection for backup of function, and the need to allow functional variation

    Enhancement of COPD biological networks using a web-based collaboration interface

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    The construction and application of biological network models is an approach that offers a holistic way to understand biological processes involved in disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive inflammatory disease of the airways for which therapeutic options currently are limited after diagnosis, even in its earliest stage. COPD network models are important tools to better understand the biological components and processes underlying initial disease development. With the increasing amounts of literature that are now available, crowdsourcing approaches offer new forms of collaboration for researchers to review biological findings, which can be applied to the construction and verification of complex biological networks. We report the construction of 50 biological network models relevant to lung biology and early COPD using an integrative systems biology and collaborative crowd-verification approach. By combining traditional literature curation with a data-driven approach that predicts molecular activities from transcriptomics data, we constructed an initial COPD network model set based on a previously published non-diseased lung-relevant model set. The crowd was given the opportunity to enhance and refine the networks on a website ( https://bionet.sbvimprover.com/) and to add mechanistic detail, as well as critically review existing evidence and evidence added by other users, so as to enhance the accuracy of the biological representation of the processes captured in the networks. Finally, scientists and experts in the field discussed and refined the networks during an in-person jamboree meeting. Here, we describe examples of the changes made to three of these networks: Neutrophil Signaling, Macrophage Signaling, and Th1-Th2 Signaling. We describe an innovative approach to biological network construction that combines literature and data mining and a crowdsourcing approach to generate a comprehensive set of COPD-relevant models that can be used to help understand the mechanisms related to lung pathobiology. Registered users of the website can freely browse and download the networks