30 research outputs found

    Monitoring and evaluation of sandstone decay adopting non-destructive techniques: On-site application on building stones

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    This paper focuses on the characterization approach to evaluate the decay state of Pietra Serena of historic buildings in Florence (Italy). Pietra Serena is a Florentine sandstone largely used in the city especially during the Renaissance; it is a symbol of cultural heritage of Florence and constitutes a large part of the city center, which was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982. Unfortunately, many environmental factors negatively affect the stone, increasing damage and the danger of falling material. Any detachment of stone fragments, in addition to constitute a loss in cultural heritage, can be dangerous for citizens and the many tourists that visit the city. The use of non-destructive techniques (NDTs) as ultrasonic and Schmidt hammer tests can quantitatively define some mechanical properties and help to monitor the decay degree of building stone. In this study, the NDTs were combined with mineralogical, petrographical, chemical and physical analyses to investigate the stone materials, in order to correlate their features with the characteristics of the different artefacts in Pietra Serena. Correlations between the NDTs results and the compositional characteristics of the on-site stone were carried out; such discussion allows to identify zones of weakness and dangerous unstable elements

    Mortar Characterization of Historical Masonry Damaged by Riverbank Failure: The Case of Lungarno Torrigiani (Florence)

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    The research of structural masonry associated with geo-hydrological hazards in Cultural Heritage is a multidisciplinary issue, requiring consideration of several aspects including the characterization of used materials. On 25 May 2016, loss of water from the subterranean pipes and of the aqueduct caused an Arno riverbank failure damaging a 100 m long portion of the historical embankment wall of Lungarno Torrigiani in Florence. The historical masonry was built from 1854–1855 by Giuseppe Poggi and represents a historical example of an engineering approach to riverbank construction, composed of a scarp massive wall on foundation piles, with a rubble masonry internal core. The failure event caused only a cusp-shaped deformation to the wall without any shattering or toppling. A complete characterization of the mortars was performed to identify the technologies, raw materials and state of conservation in order to understand why the wall has not collapsed. Indeed, the mortars utilized influenced the structural behavior of masonry, and their characterization was fundamental to improve the knowledge of mechanical properties of civil architectural heritage walls. Therefore, the aim of this research was to analyze the mortars from mineralogical–petrographic, physical and mechanical points of view, to evaluate the contribution of the materials to damage events. Moreover, the results of this study helped to identify compatible project solutions for the installation of hydraulically and statically functional structures to contain the riverbank

    A Multidisciplinary Methodology for Technological Knowledge, Characterization and Diagnostics: Sandstone Facades in Florentine Architectural Heritage

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    The Historic Center of Florence, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, includes many examples of architecture characterized by rough-hewn rusticated block facades—a very common masonry technique in the Florentine Renaissance—made in Pietraforte sandstone. The latter features numerous criticalities related to its intrinsic characteristics and to decay phenomena that are due to weathering and pollution. A multidisciplinary methodology has been developed starting from historic analysis and architectural survey to a complete optometric, mechanical, physical, mineralogical, and petrographic characterization of rough-hewn rusticated blocks, applied to the case study of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi facades. The studies performed in this work cover several research fields, from architecture to geology, going through material diagnostics, and aim at improving knowledge and designing new restoration solutions for Pietraforte building-material criticalities. The research proposes an operative protocol aimed at supporting restoration projects and monitoring plans, with the aim to protect historical, architectural, and artistic cultural heritage and to safeguard the people who visit the city of Florence every year

    A Multidisciplinary Methodology for Technological Knowledge, Characterization and Diagnostics: Sandstone Facades in Florentine Architectural Heritage

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    The Historic Center of Florence, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, includes many examples of architecture characterized by rough-hewn rusticated block facades—a very common masonry technique in the Florentine Renaissance—made in Pietraforte sandstone. The latter features numerous criticalities related to its intrinsic characteristics and to decay phenomena that are due to weathering and pollution. A multidisciplinary methodology has been developed starting from historic analysis and architectural survey to a complete optometric, mechanical, physical, mineralogical, and petrographic characterization of rough-hewn rusticated blocks, applied to the case study of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi facades. The studies performed in this work cover several research fields, from architecture to geology, going through material diagnostics, and aim at improving knowledge and designing new restoration solutions for Pietraforte building-material criticalities. The research proposes an operative protocol aimed at supporting restoration projects and monitoring plans, with the aim to protect historical, architectural, and artistic cultural heritage and to safeguard the people who visit the city of Florence every year

    Nella mente dei padri : uno studio per indagare le emozioni di un gruppo di padri partecipanti al Percorso Nascita di un Consultorio familiare

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    Obiettivo Questo articolo presenta i pi\uf9 recenti dati della letteratura scientifica relativi all\u2019importanza del sostegno del ruolo paterno nel periodo pre, peri e post-natale e i dati di una ricerca effettuata con i padri frequentanti le attivit\ue0 di prevenzione offerte da un consultorio famigliare della ASL di Varese. Materiali e metodi Un questionario con 30 domande a scelta multipla \ue8 stato proposto ai padri di tutte le coppie di neogenitori che hanno richiesto o frequentato i servizi preventivi del Percorso Nascita offerti dal consultorio famigliare di Somma Lombardo. Campione: 62 futuri padri, che rappresentano il 56% del campione totale di utenti del Consultorio nell\u2019anno 2007, con et\ue0 media di 34 anni. Il 75% del campione possiede un diploma superiore o di laurea e il 95% del campione risulta costituito da padri in attesa del proprio primo figlio. Risultati I risultati analizzati vengono presentati in relazione a cinque aree semantiche: a) conoscenze, b) comportamenti, c) autoefficacia, d) emozioni, e) solidariet\ue0 e aiuto da parte di altri uomini. I dati mostrano come i padri siano concretamente coinvolti e desiderosi di giocare un ruolo attivo con il proprio bambino, ma allo stesso tempo rivelano alcuni disagi emotivi che non riescono a condividere n\ue9 con la compagna n\ue9 con i propri amici. Conclusioni \uc8 necessario sostenere il ruolo genitoriale paterno con azioni ad hoc, al momento molto rare all\u2019interno dei servizi sociosanitari a disposizione dei neo-genitori

    Virtual inspection based on 3D survey supporting risks detachment analysis in Pietraforte stone built heritage

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    The paper presents the first results of a multidisciplinary research project launched to support the conservation and restoration of the stone façades of the Pitti Palace in Florence with innovative techniques from the fields of geomatics and diagnostic analysis. Monitoring campaigns are periodically conducted on the façades of the palace to identify stone elements in critical conditions; such surveys primarily require close and careful observation of the façade, for which a crane basket is required. The paper proposes first attempt to compare results obtained through a traditional workflow with those coming from a deeper use of the high-resolution 3D model to conduct a virtual inspection and to map elements of vulnerability on a GIS. On a test area, the analysis of the factors considered relevant to the risk of detachment was carried out on the digital model and compared with what the experts observed on-site by carrying out Non-Destructive diagnostic tests. Traditionally conducted monitoring and diagnostic surveys are assumed to validate the proposed method, which, following a simple data analysis, remotely identifies all blocks detected as vulnerable by the in-situ inspection, potentially drastically reducing fieldwork. It is therefore proposed as a preliminary screening useful to better address further analysis

    Bacterial diversity in snow from mid-latitude mountain areas: Alps, Eastern Anatolia, Karakoram and Himalaya

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    Snow can be considered an independent ecosystem that hosts active microbial communities. Snow microbial communities have been extensively investigated in the Arctic and in the Antarctica, but rarely in mid-latitude mountain areas. In this study, we investigated the bacterial communities of snow collected in four glacierized areas (Alps, Eastern Anatolia, Karakoram and Himalaya) by high-throughput DNA sequencing. We also investigated the origin of the air masses that produced the sampled snowfalls by reconstructing back-trajectories. A standardized approach was applied to all the analyses in order to ease comparison among different communities and geographical areas. The bacterial communities hosted from 25 to 211 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs), and their structure differed significantly between geographical areas. This suggests that snow bacterial communities may largely derive from 'local' air bacteria, maybe by deposition of airborne particulate of local origin that occurs during snowfall. However, some evidences suggest that a contribution of bacteria collected during air mass uplift to snow communities cannot be excluded, particularly when the air mass that originated the snow event is particularly rich in dust

    Saharan dust events in the European Alps: role in snowmelt and geochemical characterization

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    The input of mineral dust from arid regions impacts snow optical properties. The induced albedo reduction generally alters the melting dynamics of the snowpack, resulting in earlier snowmelt. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of dust depositions on the melting dynamics of snowpack at a high-elevation site (2160&thinsp;m) in the European Alps (Torgnon, Aosta Valley, Italy) during three hydrological years (2013–2016). These years were characterized by several Saharan dust events that deposited significant amounts of mineral dust in the European Alps. We quantify the shortening of the snow season due to dust deposition by comparing observed snow depths and those simulated with the Crocus model accounting, or not, for the impact of impurities. The model was run and tested using meteorological data from an automated weather station. We propose the use of repeated digital images for tracking dust deposition and resurfacing in the snowpack. The good agreement between model prediction and digital images allowed us to propose the use of an RGB index (i.e. snow darkening index – SDI) for monitoring dust on snow using images from a digital camera. We also present a geochemical characterization of dust reaching the Alpine chain during spring in 2014. Elements found in dust were classified as a function of their origin and compared with Saharan sources. A strong enrichment in Fe was observed in snow containing Saharan dust. In our case study, the comparison between modelling results and observations showed that impurities deposited in snow anticipated the disappearance of snow up to 38&thinsp;d a out of a total 7 months of typical snow duration. This happened for the season 2015–2016 that was characterized by a strong dust deposition event. During the other seasons considered here (2013–2014 and 2014–2015), the snow melt-out date was 18 and 11&thinsp;d earlier, respectively. We conclude that the effect of the Saharan dust is expected to reduce snow cover duration through the snow-albedo feedback. This process is known to have a series of further hydrological and phenological feedback effects that should be characterized in future research.</p