635 research outputs found

    Region Foreign Economic Relations as a Factor of Reindustiralization

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    At present, the strengthening vector of the developing economies, in particular, of the countries of Eurasian Economic Union and BRICS, in the geographic structure of Russian foreign economic activity is observed. The subject matter of the article is to see, how the development of this direction can be economically favorable. For this purpose, the forms and degree of the development of economic partnership including collaboration with the Russian regions are investigated. The agreements on the economic partnership with the regions of partner countries of Russia, their production relations are considered. The analysis of foreign trade shows that in the case of the partner countries within Eurasian integration and the BRICS group — Russian economy gets the high possibility to become the supplier of products of relatively high degree of processing which is the key factor of development of its processing industry, i.e. the factor of reindustrialization and export-oriented import substitution.The article has been prepared within the project of fundamental research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (20152017) No. 15-14-7-13 “Scenario approaches to realization of Ural vector of management and development of the Russian Arctic in terms of world instability”

    Capability assessment for application of clay mixture as barrier material for irradiated zirconium alloy structure elements long-term processing for storage during decommissioning of uranium-graphite nuclear reactors

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    The radionuclide composition and the activity level of the irradiated zirconium alloy E110, the radionuclide immobilization strength and the retention properties of the mixed clay barrier material with respect to the radionuclides identified in the alloy were investigated to perform the safety assessment of handling structural units of zirconium alloy used for the technological channels in uranium-graphite reactors. The irradiated zirconium alloy waste contained the following activation products:{93m}Nb and the long-lived {94}Nb, {93}Zr radionuclides. Radionuclides of {60}Co, {137}Cs, {90}Sr, and actinides were also present in the alloy. In the course of the runs no leaching of niobium and zirconium isotopes from the E110 alloy was detected. Leach rates were observed merely for {60}Co and {137}Cs present in the deposits formed on the internal surface of technological channels. The radionuclides present were effectively adsorbed by the barrier material. To ensure the localization of radionuclides in case of the radionuclide migration from the irradiated zirconium alloy into the barrier material, the sorption properties were determined of the barrier material used for creating the long-term storage point for the graphite stack from uranium-graphite reactors

    Methods of the determination of inorganic arsenic species by stripping voltammetry in weakly alkaline media

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    Two methods are considered for the direct determination of trace amounts of As(III) and As(V) in solutions by stripping voltammetry (SVA) using an ensemble of gold microelectrodes (Au-MEA) previously developed by the authors of this paper. In both methods, analyzing a mixture of As(III) and As(V), analysts first record an SVA signal of As(III) in a supporting Na2SO3 electrolyte. To record an analytical SVA signal of As(V), in the first method one should use the reduction of As(V) to As(III) on the surface of an Au-MEA catalyzed by the system Mn(II)/Mn(0) and followed by the formation of As(0) and its anode dissolution. In the second method, the photoreduction of As(V) to As(III) in a Na2SO3 solution is conducted under UV irradiation followed by the reduction of As(III) to As(0) and its electrooxidation on Au-MEA. The two methods are compared taking into account their performance characteristics and interfering ions. To improve the reliability of the results of analysis at an insignificant increase in its cost, we propose the consecutive use of both methods. The procedures are simple and rapid, do not require the removal of dissolved oxygen or toxic reactants, and can be used for the analysis of aqueous solutions at the place of sampling. The results of analyses of real objects, snow, river water, and process solutions are presented

    Capability assessment for application of clay mixture as barrier material for irradiated zirconium alloy structure elements long-term processing for storage during decommissioning of uranium-graphite nuclear reactors

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    The radionuclide composition and the activity level of the irradiated zirconium alloy E110, the radionuclide immobilization strength and the retention properties of the mixed clay barrier material with respect to the radionuclides identified in the alloy were investigated to perform the safety assessment of handling structural units of zirconium alloy used for the technological channels in uranium-graphite reactors. The irradiated zirconium alloy waste contained the following activation products:{93m}Nb and the long-lived {94}Nb, {93}Zr radionuclides. Radionuclides of {60}Co, {137}Cs, {90}Sr, and actinides were also present in the alloy. In the course of the runs no leaching of niobium and zirconium isotopes from the E110 alloy was detected. Leach rates were observed merely for {60}Co and {137}Cs present in the deposits formed on the internal surface of technological channels. The radionuclides present were effectively adsorbed by the barrier material. To ensure the localization of radionuclides in case of the radionuclide migration from the irradiated zirconium alloy into the barrier material, the sorption properties were determined of the barrier material used for creating the long-term storage point for the graphite stack from uranium-graphite reactors

    Unconventional magnetism of non-uniform distribution of Co in TiO2 nanoparticles

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    High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), magnetic methods, and density-functional theory (DFT) calculations were applied for the investigations of Co-doped anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (∼20 nm). It was found that high-spin Co2+ ions prefer to occupy the interstitial positions in the TiO2 lattice which are the most energetically favourable in compare to the substitutional those. A quantum mechanical model which operates mainly on two types of Co2+ – Co2+ dimers with different negative exchange interactions and the non-interacting paramagnetic Co2+ ions provides a satisfactorily description of magnetic properties for the TiO2:Co system. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federatio

    The Fermi surface and the role of electronic correlations in Sm2x_{2-x}Cex_{x}CuO4_4

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    Using LDA+GTB (local density approximation+generalized tight-binding) hybrid scheme we investigate the band structure of the electron-doped high-TcT_c material Sm2x_{2-x}Cex_{x}CuO4_4. Parameters of the minimal tight-binding model for this system (the so-called 3-band Emery model) were obtained within the NMTO (NN-th order Muffin-Tin orbital) method. Doping evolution of the dispersion and Fermi surface in the presence of electronic correlations was investigated in two regimes of magnetic order: short-range (spin-liquid) and long-range (antiferromagnetic metal). Each regime is characterized by the specific topologies of the Fermi surfaces and we discuss their relation to recent experimental data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, Published versio

    A novel supramolecular catalytic system based on amphiphilic triphenylphosphonium bromide for the hydrolysis of phosphorus acid esters

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. The biomimetic nature of micellar catalysis can significantly affect the rate of chemical reactions due to the effects of concentration and the change of microenvironment. Here, a key role is played by the nature of the head group. The catalytic activity of alkyltriphenylphosphonium bromides (TPPB-n; n= 10, 12, 14, 16, 18; n is the number of carbon atoms in alkyl groups) in the nucleophilic substitution of p-nitrophenyl esters of alkylchloromethylphosphonic acid were investigated by the method of spectrophotometry. Using pyrene, prodan and Sudan I as probes the values of critical micelle concentrations and aggregation numbers were determined. A comparison of the results of kinetic dependence processing by Berezin equation obtained for TPPB series with the known ammonium analogues was carried out. It was found that for TPPB- n series, the higher acceleration of reaction has been achieved due to concentration factor compared to ammonium surfactants. This agrees with the fact that alkyltriphenylphosphonium bromides demonstrate higher aggregation activity forming micelles with higher solubilizing capacity

    Pregnancy in Chronic Kidney Disease: Need for Higher Awareness. A Pragmatic Review Focused on What Could Be Improved in the Different CKD Stages and Phases

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    Pregnancy is possible in all phases of chronic kidney disease (CKD), but its management may be difficult and the outcomes are not the same as in the overall population. The prevalence of CKD in pregnancy is estimated at about 3%, as high as that of pre-eclampsia (PE), a better-acknowledged risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes. When CKD is known, pregnancy should be considered as high risk and followed accordingly; furthermore, since CKD is often asymptomatic, pregnant women should be screened for the presence of CKD, allowing better management of pregnancy, and timely treatment after pregnancy. The differential diagnosis between CKD and PE is sometimes difficult, but making it may be important for pregnancy management. Pregnancy is possible, even if at high risk for complications, including preterm delivery and intrauterine growth restriction, superimposed PE, and pregnancy-induced hypertension. Results in all phases are strictly dependent upon the socio-sanitary system and the availability of renal and obstetric care and, especially for preterm children, of intensive care units. Women on dialysis should be aware of the possibility of conceiving and having a successful pregnancy, and intensive dialysis (up to daily, long-hours dialysis) is the clinical choice allowing the best results. Such a choice may, however, need adaptation where access to dialysis is limited or distances are prohibitive. After kidney transplantation, pregnancies should be followed up with great attention, to minimize the risks for mother, child, and for the graft. A research agenda supporting international comparisons is highly needed to ameliorate or provide knowledge on specific kidney diseases and to develop context-adapted treatment strategies to improve pregnancy outcomes in CKD women

    Differentiated approach to correcting low vitamin D status in adolescent girls in Moscow

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    Introduction. The work is devoted to the study of vitamin D status in adolescent girls and the selection of adequate doses for its correction.Study objective. To study the dynamics of calcidiol concentration in the blood serum against vitamin D3 intake and evaluate the effectiveness of correcting doses of vitamin in adolescent girls from Moscow.Study design. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, prospective, randomized clinical study.Materials and methods. The study involved adolescent girls aged from 11 to 17 years (n = 218) from I-II health groups, with determined serum level of 25(OH)D. Participants were randomly assigned to the main and control groups. The adolescent girls in the study group received vitamin D3 tablets, and the control group received a placebo. Study duration was 6 months. The dose of vitamin D3 was dependent on baseline serum caLcidioL levels and ranged from 800 IU to 2000 IU. Vitamin D status was redetermined in the girls who completed the treatment (n = 192).Results. Initially, 96.4% of girls had a low vitamin D status, while vitamin D insufficiency was observed in 26.6%, deficiency in 57.8%, deep deficiency in 12%. The median level of 25(OH)D in the main group before taking the vitamin was 16.25 ng/ml, after taking - 24.1            ng/ml, in the control group - 17.9 and 11.4 ng/ml, respectively (p < 0.001). In the main group, an increase in the content of the metabolite was observed in 94.9% of the subjects, the initially identified pronounced deficit was completely absent.Conclusions. A differentiated approach to prescribing different doses of cholecalciferon, depending on the baseline level of 25(OH)D, BMI and age, is an effective method for replenishing vitamin D deficiency in adolescents. The high probability of normalization of vitamin D status in certain age groups, mainly with the appointment of low corrective doses of cholecalciferol justifies the possibility of their use for 6 months or more in adolescents during puberty period