128 research outputs found


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    The problem of township-forming enterprises’ functioning has acquired strategic importance not only for towns and regions separately, but for Russian Economy in whole. Steady social and economic growth of single-industry towns depends on many factors. The article discusses reasons for crisis situations, business features of township-forming enterprises, opportunities for their growth. The necessity is being justified to define growth points amid crisis as well as in the post-crisis development.Проблема функционирования градообразующих предприятий приобрела стратегическое значение не только для отдельных городов и регионов, но и для экономики России в целом. Устойчивое социально-экономическое развитие моногородов зависит от многих факторов. В статье рассматриваются причины кризисных ситуаций, особенности бизнеса градообразующих предприятий, возможности их развития. Обосновывается необходимость определения точек роста как в условиях кризиса, так и в посткризисном развитии

    Didactic content of constructively-projective function of students learning: The extrapolation in information technology

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    © 2016 Kutuev et al.The relevance of the study is conditioned by a radical impact on the learning process of the university by information technology, which put start a new phase in its transformation. According to experts at the present time the main factor of efficiency of university’s activity becomes the expansion of students’ learning activities, realized on the basis of new technologies in educational environments which they create with the changed learning functions. In the prevailing socio-pedagogical conditions the earlier priority educational-cognitive function fades into the background, giving way to a constructively-projective one, performing the role of not only the means of instruction and formation of students’ creative work competences, but also of didactic conditions for extrapolation of changed functions of training in information technology. In this regard, the focus in this article is devoted to the establishment of the theoretical-methodical approach to projecting of the structure and content of constructivelyprojective function of students’ learning as a didactic direction of educational process’s transformations in university, extrapolated for the implementation of information technologies. The leading method of research is the pedagogical modeling, allowing justifying of theoretical and practical effectiveness of the structure and content of constructively-projective learning function of student, extrapolated in the implementation of information technology in the educational process. The article presents the discourse of the concept “constructive-projective function of students’ learning”; based on the results of the study the didactic structure and content of constructive-projective function of students’ learning is justified, which is extrapolated on the target, content, procedure and evaluation components of the modified functions of information technology; practice-oriented approaches of extrapolation of constructively-orienting function on the model of a specialist is established; the effectiveness of the identified structure and content of the functions using the quality criteria of information technologies is proved: conceptuality, integrity diagnostic ability, predictability, controllability, efficiency, reproducibility, creativity are proved. Presented in the paper results of the study can be useful for the practice of teachers, managers, trainers, facilitators of universities

    The Spitzer Space Telescope Survey of the Orion A and B Molecular Clouds. II. The Spatial Distribution and Demographics of Dusty Young Stellar Objects

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    We analyze the spatial distribution of dusty young stellar objects (YSOs) identified in the Spitzer Survey of the Orion Molecular clouds, augmenting these data with Chandra X-ray observations to correct for incompleteness in dense clustered regions. We also devise a scheme to correct for spatially varying incompleteness when X-ray data are not available. The local surface densities of the YSOs range from 1 pc^(−2) to over 10,000 pc^(−2), with protostars tending to be in higher density regions. This range of densities is similar to other surveyed molecular clouds with clusters, but broader than clouds without clusters. By identifying clusters and groups as continuous regions with surface densities ≥10 pc^(−2), we find that 59% of the YSOs are in the largest cluster, the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), while 13% of the YSOs are found in a distributed population. A lower fraction of protostars in the distributed population is evidence that it is somewhat older than the groups and clusters. An examination of the structural properties of the clusters and groups shows that the peak surface densities of the clusters increase approximately linearly with the number of members. Furthermore, all clusters with more than 70 members exhibit asymmetric and/or highly elongated structures. The ONC becomes azimuthally symmetric in the inner 0.1 pc, suggesting that the cluster is only ~2 Myr in age. We find that the star formation efficiency (SFE) of the Orion B cloud is unusually low, and that the SFEs of individual groups and clusters are an order of magnitude higher than those of the clouds. Finally, we discuss the relationship between the young low mass stars in the Orion clouds and the Orion OB 1 association, and we determine upper limits to the fraction of disks that may be affected by UV radiation from OB stars or dynamical interactions in dense, clustered regions

    The Spitzer Space Telescope Survey of the Orion A and B Molecular Clouds. I. A Census of Dusty Young Stellar Objects and a Study of Their Mid-infrared Variability

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    We present a survey of the Orion A and B molecular clouds undertaken with the IRAC and MIPS instruments on board Spitzer. In total, five distinct fields were mapped, covering 9 deg^2 in five mid-IR bands spanning 3-24 μm. The survey includes the Orion Nebula Cluster, the Lynds 1641, 1630, and 1622 dark clouds, and the NGC 2023, 2024, 2068, and 2071 nebulae. These data are merged with the Two Micron All Sky Survey point source catalog to generate a catalog of eight-band photometry. We identify 3479 dusty young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Orion molecular clouds by searching for point sources with mid-IR colors indicative of reprocessed light from dusty disks or infalling envelopes. The YSOs are subsequently classified on the basis of their mid-IR colors and their spatial distributions are presented. We classify 2991 of the YSOs as pre-main-sequence stars with disks and 488 as likely protostars. Most of the sources were observed with IRAC in two to three epochs over six months; we search for variability between the epochs by looking for correlated variability in the 3.6 and 4.5 μm bands. We find that 50% of the dusty YSOs show variability. The variations are typically small (~0.2 mag) with the protostars showing a higher incidence of variability and larger variations. The observed correlations between the 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8 μm variability suggests that we are observing variations in the heating of the inner disk due to changes in the accretion luminosity or rotating accretion hot spots

    Возможности магнитно-резонансной томографии в диагностике острого асептического сакроилиита у детей: клинический случай

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    The onset of progressive deficit in multiple sclerosis (MS) was often determined retrospectively with difficulties in diagnostic. This is a case report with subtle MS progression. Clinical and structural MRI anamnesis was complemented with multivoxel 1HMRS examination. The patient complained of the walking distance reducing, gradually increasing spasticity in the distal parts of lower extremities, unsteadiness when walking, clumsy movements. Choline and myoinositol levels were predominantly increased in the area of the cingulate gyrus versus other gray matter regions and the same picture was observed in adjacent white matter. Multivoxel 1H-MRS represents a diagnostic tool that can be very useful in complex diagnostic of MS progression. Measuring chemical-pathological changes diffusely in brain tissues may detect distinctive for progression metabolic patterns.В связи с трудностями диагностики момент начала накопления прогрессирующего дефицита при рассеянном склерозе (РС) часто определяется ретроспективно. Данная статья представляет собой описание клинического случая с труднораспознаваемым прогрессированием рассеянного склероза. Пациент обратился с жалобами на уменьшение дистанции ходьбы, постепенно нарастающая спастичность в дистальных отделах нижних конечностей, шаткость при ходьбе, неловкость движений. Клинический и структурный МРТ-анализ был дополнен мультивоксельной 1Н-МР-спектроскопией (1H-МРС). Уровни холина и миоинозитола были преимущественно повышены в области поясной извилины по сравнению с другими областями серого вещества, такая же картина наблюдалась в прилежащем к поясной извилине белом веществе. Мультивоксельная 1H-МРС представляет собой диагностический инструмент, который может быть очень полезен в комплексной диагностике прогрессирования рассеянного склероза. Диффузное измерение химико-патологических изменений в тканях головного мозга может выявить характерные для прогрессирования метаболические паттерны

    An ammonia spectral map of the L1495-B218 filaments in the Taurus molecular cloud. I. Physical properties of filaments and dense cores

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    We present deep NH3 observations of the L1495-B218 filaments in the Taurus molecular cloud covering over a 3° angular range using the K-band focal plane array on the 100 m Green Bank Telescope. The L1495-B218 filaments form an interconnected, nearby, large complex extending over 8 pc. We observed NH3 (1, 1) and (2, 2) with a spectral resolution of 0.038 km s−1 and a spatial resolution of 31''. Most of the ammonia peaks coincide with intensity peaks in dust continuum maps at 350 and 500 μm. We deduced physical properties by fitting a model to the observed spectra. We find gas kinetic temperatures of 8–15 K, velocity dispersions of 0.05–0.25 km s−1, and NH3 column densities of 5 × 1012 to 1 × 1014 cm−2. The CSAR algorithm, which is a hybrid of seeded-watershed and binary dendrogram algorithms, identifies a total of 55 NH3 structures, including 39 leaves and 16 branches. The masses of the NH3 sources range from 0.05 to 9.5 M{{M}_{\odot }}. The masses of NH3 leaves are mostly smaller than their corresponding virial mass estimated from their internal and gravitational energies, which suggests that these leaves are gravitationally unbound structures. Nine out of 39 NH3 leaves are gravitationally bound, and seven out of nine gravitationally bound NH3 leaves are associated with star formation. We also found that 12 out of 30 gravitationally unbound leaves are pressure confined. Our data suggest that a dense core may form as a pressure-confined structure, evolve to a gravitationally bound core, and undergo collapse to form a protostar


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    Anesthetic management of surgery in patients with large mediastinal mass remains a topical issue of thoracic anesthesiology, since such patients often develop superior mediastinal compression (SMC) which results in a high risk of hemodynamic and respiratory disorders during induction. The degree of compression does not always depend on the mass size, and the prediction of SMC progression during induction becomes a challenge.The method to evaluate the degree of mediastinal compression through the functional orthoclinostatic test was developed – the patient is to be placed in Fowler position for 45 degrees in order to follow changes in the cardiac index.It was found out that the patients with SMC detected during the test (increased cardiac index in Fowler position) had their arterial blood pressure reduced after induction, and the number of critical incidents was statistically significantly higher. The test proved to be a non-invasive and safe method of pre-operative prediction of the risk of SMC development and progression during induction.Анестезиологическое обеспечение оперативных вмешательств у пациентов с массивными опухолями средостения остается актуальной проблемой торакальной анестезиологии, поскольку у больных данной категории заболевание часто осложняется синдромом медиастинальной компрессии (СМК), что приводит к высокому риску гемодинамических и дыхательных нарушений во время вводной анестезии. Степень компрессии не всегда зависит от размеров опухоли, поэтому прогнозирование усугубления СМК во время вводной анестезии остается сложной задачей.Разработали способ оценки степени компрессии средостения методом функциональной ортоклиностатической пробы ‒ перевод пациента в положение Фовлера с наклоном в 45% с определением динамики сердечного индекса.Полученные результаты показали, что у больных с выявленным во время пробы СМК (увеличение сердечного индекса в положении Фовлера) в большей степени происходило снижение артериального давления после вводной анестезии, также было статистически значимо выше количество критических инцидентов. Проба показала себя как неинвазивный и безопасный метод предоперационного прогнозирования риска развития и прогрессирования СМК во время вводной анестезии

    Evaluation of the metabolism properties of choline kinase alpha in neoplasms of the parathyroid glands. A pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is a widespread endocrine disease characterized by excessive production of parathyroid hormone (PTH) due to parathyroid gland hyperplasia (PGH) or tumor lesions (adenoma or cancer of the parathyroid gland (PG) in 80% and 1–5% of cases respectively). Choline kinase α–alpha (XKα) overexpression is described in tumors of different localization, but there is no data on its expression in PG tumors. AIMS: To study the character of XKα expression in PG neoplasms and its relationship with clinical, laboratory, and visualization characteristics (positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography (PET/CT) with 18F–fluorocholine (18F–FC)). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The material for the study was based on tissue samples from 10 patients of 34–70 years old (Me = 61.5; [48; 66]), with a laboratory–confirmed diagnosis of PHT. An immunohistochemical study (IHC) was carried out on materials from 2 patients with hyperplasia of the main cells, from 5 patients with adenoma of PG, from 1 patient with atypical adenoma and 1 with carcinoma of PG; in 1 case the metastasis of cancer of the neck with lymph node was examined. RESULTS: The expression of XKα is spotted in all types of PG cells (chief cells: active and inactive forms), transitional forms between the chief cells and oxyphil; oxyphil cells, but it was most intense in active chief cells. The expression of XKα was observed in neoplasms of PG of various degrees of malignancy. In the most numerous group of PG formations with a favorable prognosis (11 samples from 7 patients), no statistically significant correlation (p> 0.05) was obtained between the intensity expression of the XKα, of the PTH and the proliferative activity index Ki–67, the level of radiopharmaceutical accumulation in PET/CT with 18F–FC (SUVmax) and laboratory data (PTH, Ca, Ca++). CONCLUSIONS: In the majority of investigated cases, moderate and intensive expression of the XKα was detected in PG cells. A small amount of studied cases does not allow us to identify the connection between the intensity of XKα expression and the malignant potential for the formation of PG


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    The results of the analysis of financial-economic state of the town-forming organizations of single-industry towns are presented in the paper. The risk factors that affect financial stability identified in the present paper. The ratio of successful, problem and crisis organizations in the analyzed population (360 enterprises) and the dynamics of the respective groups are presented.Представлены результаты анализа финансово-экономического состояния градообразующих организаций моногородов, выявлены факторы риска, влияющие на их финансовую устойчивость, показано соотношение благополучных, проблемных и кризисных организаций в анализируемой совокупности (360 предприятий), динамика соответствующих групп

    Совершенствование института саморегулирования и деятельности саморегулируемых организаций

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    The article highlights purposes, tasks, functions and challenges associated with the implementation of self-regulation, Russian and overseas practices of operation of self-regulated organizations in the sphere of receivership and in other economic sectors, as well as initial results of the realization of a concept of improving the self-regulation mechanisms. The article describes the rationale for directions and methods of improving the self-regulation instituteВ статье рассматриваются цели, задачи, функции и проблемы реализации саморегулирования, российская и зарубежная практика деятельности саморегулируемых организаций в сфере арбитражного управления и других отраслях экономики, первые результаты реализации концепция совершенствования механизмов саморегулирования.Обоснованы направления и меры совершенствования института саморегулирования