189 research outputs found

    Specifics of geological composition, geochemistry and geochronology of rocks from the Kresty alkaline-ultrabasic massif (Maimecha-Kotui province, Polar Siberia)

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    In this work, we demonstrate new data that allows us to accurate geochronological ranges of formation of the Kresty alkaline-ultrabasic massif, which is considered to be a satellite of the Gulinian giant pluton. We also interpreted geological, geochemical and isotope-geochemical data obtained earlier for major varieties of this volcanic-plutonic association taking into account new geochronological results, as well as considered new aspects/information on matter source of alkaline-ultrabasic massifs from this province. One of the main aspects is interaction of Siberian super plume matter with hosting substrate of Siberian craton continental crust


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    The article is devoted to interstate educational space EU, EEU: describe the mechanisms for their establishment and highlighted their main characteristics. Russia has become a party at different times of all of that interstate educational spaces. . Given the fact that the humanitarian cooperation in the field of education has economic consequences, measured in concrete terms, the article analyzed the capacity of pro-labor market of highly qualified personnel (labor mobility) and the educational market (academic mobility) countries participating in intergovernmental alliances. The authors concluded that the trend of the growth of regionalization of education, as evidenced, in particular, the growing regional academic and labor mobility. Moreover, if the foundations for the EU-governmental regional centers of education were Germany and France, for the EEU – Russia. For Russia, for the first time facing the challenge of working on the reduction-settlement, participation in international educational alliances can bring additional dividends if the solution to this problem will go the way of increasing labor migration and training of the participating countries of the EEU. In this case, Existing-exists the need for correction of the state policy in the field of attracting highly qualified you are, foreign experts and training issues for foreign countries.Статья посвящена межгосударственным образовательным пространствам ЕвропейскогоСоюза и Евразийского Экономического Союза: описаны механизмы их создания и выделены их основные характеристики. Россия стала в разное время участницей всех перечисленных образовательных пространств. С учетом того, что гуманитарное сотрудничество в области образования имеет экономические последствия, измеряемые в конкретных показателях, в статье проанализированы емкости рынка труда высококвалифицированных кадров (трудовая мобильность) и образовательного рынка (академическая мобильность) стран-участниц межгосударственных альянсов. Авторами сделан вывод о нарастании тенденции регионализации образования, о чем свидетельствуют, прежде всего, возрастающие потоки региональной академической и трудовой мобильности. Причем, если для Европейского Союза основными региональными центрами образования стали Германия и Франция, то для Евразийского Экономического Союза – Россия. Для России, впервые стоящей перед проблемой сокращения трудоспособного населения, участие в межгосударственных образовательных альянсах может принести дополнительные дивиденды, если решение этой проблемы пойдет по пути увеличения трудовой и учебной миграции из стран-участниц Евразийского Экономического Союза. В этом случае существует необходимость коррекции государственной политики в области привлечения высококвалифицированных зарубежных специалистов и вопросы подготовки кадров для зарубежных государств

    Synthesis of β-aminophosphonates and study of their acid-base properties and phase distribution in water-organic solvent systems

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    New and previously known β-aminoethylphosphonates were synthesized by addition of primary and secondary amines to vinylphosphonates, and their IR and NMR spectra were examined. Diethyl 2-diethyl-aminoethylphosphonate and diethyl 2-morpholinoethylphosphonate were found to be stronger bases than the corresponding aminomethylphosphonates, but all these are weaker bases than their precursors, nonphosphorylated amines. Distribution constants of β-aminophosphonates between water and some organic solvents were determined and compared with those of their α-amino homologs. © 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Visual Laterality of Calf–Mother Interactions in Wild Whales

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    Behavioral laterality is known for a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Laterality in social interactions has been described for a wide range of species including humans. Although evidence and theoretical predictions indicate that in social species the degree of population level laterality is greater than in solitary ones, the origin of these unilateral biases is not fully understood. It is especially poorly studied in the wild animals. Little is known about the role, which laterality in social interactions plays in natural populations. A number of brain characteristics make cetaceans most suitable for investigation of lateralization in social contacts.) in the greatest breeding aggregation in the White Sea. Here we show that young calves (in 29 individually identified and in over a hundred of individually not recognized mother-calf pairs) swim and rest significantly longer on a mother's right side. Further observations along with the data from other cetaceans indicate that found laterality is a result of the calves' preference to observe their mothers with the left eye, i.e., to analyze the information on a socially significant object in the right brain hemisphere.Data from our and previous work on cetacean laterality suggest that basic brain lateralizations are expressed in the same way in cetaceans and other vertebrates. While the information on social partners and novel objects is analyzed in the right brain hemisphere, the control of feeding behavior is performed by the left brain hemisphere. Continuous unilateral visual contacts of calves to mothers with the left eye may influence social development of the young by activation of the contralateral (right) brain hemisphere, indicating a possible mechanism on how behavioral lateralization may influence species life and welfare. This hypothesis is supported by evidence from other vertebrates

    Features of rotavirus diarrhea in adolescents

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    The purpose of the study to identify the features of the clinic of rotavirus diarrhea in adolescents.Цель исследования — выявить особенности клиники рота-норовирусной диареи у подростков

    Two-stage evolution of mantle peridotites from the Stalemate Fracture Zone, northwestern Pacific

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    This paper reports the results of a mineralogical study of 14 mantle peridotite samples dredged in 2009 from the eastern slope of the northwestern segment of the Stalemate Ridge in the northwestern Pacific during cruise SO201-KALMAR Leg 1b of the R/V Sonne. The sample collection included four serpentinized and silicified dunites and ten variably serpentinized lherzolites. The compositions of primary minerals (clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and spinel) change systematically from the lherzolites to dunites. Spinel from the lherzolites shows higher Mg# and lower Cr# values (0.65-0.68 and 0.26-0.33, respectively) compared with spinel from the dunites (Mg# = 0.56-0.64 and Cr# = 0.38-0.43). Clinopyroxene from the lherzolites is less magnesian (Mg# = 91.7-92.4) than clinopyroxene from dunite sample DR37-3 (Mg# = 93.7). Based on the obtained data, it was concluded that the lherzolites of the Stalemate Fracture Zone were derived by 10-12% near-fractional melting of a DMM-type depleted mantle reservoir beneath the Kula-Pacific spreading center. The dunites were produced by interaction of residual lherzolites with sodium- and titaniumrich melt and are probably fragments of a network of dunite channels in the shallow mantle. The moderately depleted composition of minerals clearly distinguishes the lherzolites from the strongly depleted peridotites of the East Pacific Rise and indicates the existence of slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean during the Cretaceous-Paleogene

    Methamphetamine-Induced Dopamine-Independent Alterations in Striatal Gene Expression in the 6-Hydroxydopamine Hemiparkinsonian Rats

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    Unilateral injections of 6-hydroxydopamine into the medial forebrain bundle are used extensively as a model of Parkinson's disease. The present experiments sought to identify genes that were affected in the dopamine (DA)–denervated striatum after 6-hydroxydopamine-induced destruction of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway in the rat. We also examined whether a single injection of methamphetamine (METH) (2.5 mg/kg) known to cause changes in gene expression in the normally DA-innervated striatum could still influence striatal gene expression in the absence of DA. Unilateral injections of 6-hydroxydopamine into the medial forebrain bundle resulted in METH-induced rotational behaviors ipsilateral to the lesioned side and total striatal DA depletion on the lesioned side. This injection also caused decrease in striatal serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels. DA depletion was associated with increases in 5-HIAA/5-HT ratios that were potentiated by the METH injection. Microarray analyses revealed changes (± 1.7-fold, p<0.025) in the expression of 67 genes on the lesioned side in comparison to the intact side of the saline-treated hemiparkinsonian animals. These include follistatin, neuromedin U, and tachykinin 2 which were up-regulated. METH administration caused increases in the expression of c-fos, Egr1, and Nor-1 on the intact side. On the DA-depleted side, METH administration also increased the expression of 61 genes including Pdgf-d and Cox-2. There were METH-induced changes in 16 genes that were common in the DA-innervated and DA-depleted sides. These include c-fos and Nor-1 which show greater changes on the normal DA side. Thus, the present study documents, for the first time, that METH mediated DA-independent changes in the levels of transcripts of several genes in the DA-denervated striatum. Our results also implicate 5-HT as a potential player in these METH-induced alterations in gene expression because the METH injection also caused significant increases in 5-HIAA/5-HT ratios on the DA-depleted side

    Effect of Phytopreparations Based on Bioreactor-Grown Cell Biomass of Dioscorea Deltoidea, Tribulus Terrestris and Panax Japonicus on Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    In the present study, we explored the therapeutic potential of bioreactor-grown cell cultures of the medicinal plant species Dioscorea deltoidea, Tribulus terrestris and Panax japonicus to treat carbohydrate metabolism disorders (CMDs) in laboratory rats. In the adrenaline model of hyperglycemia, aqueous suspensions of cell biomass pre-administered at a dose of 100 mg dry biomass/kg significantly reduced glucose level in animal blood 1–2.5 h (D. deltoidea and T. terrestris) or 1 h (P. japonicus) after adrenaline hydrochloride administration. In a streptozotocin-induced model of type 2 diabetes mellitus, the cell biomass of D. deltoidea and T. terrestris acted towards normalization of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, as evidenced by a significant reduction of daily diuresis (by 39– 57%), blood-glucose level (by 46–51%), blood content in urine (by 78–80%) and total cholesterol (25– 36%) compared to animals without treatment. Bioactive secondary metabolites identified in the cell cultures and potentially responsible for their actions were deltoside, 25(S)-protodioscin and protodioscin in D. deltoidea; furostanol-type steroidal glycosides and quinic acid derivatives in T. terrestris; and ginsenosides and malonyl-ginsenosides in P. japonicus. These results evidenced for high potential of bioreactor-grown cell suspensions of these species for prevention and treatment of CMD, which requires further investigation. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This.Funding: Bioreactor cultivation of plant cell suspensions and their biochemical analysis were financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation through Megagrant project no. 075-15-2019-1882 and performed by using the equipment of the large-scale research facilities “Experimental biotechnological facility” and “All-Russian Collection of cell cultures of higher plants” of the IPPRAS (EBF IPPRAS and ARCCC HP IPPRAS). Hypoglycemic activity evaluation of the cell biomass was performed with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation project no. 19-14-00387. The results of the hypoglycemic activity evaluation were obtained by using the equipment of the Center for Collective Use “Analytical Center of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University (SPCPU) of the Ministry of Health of Russia”, equipped with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

    Neurotrophic actions of dopamine on the development of a serotonergic feeding circuit in Drosophila melanogaster

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the fruit fly, <it>Drosophila melanogaster</it>, serotonin functions both as a neurotransmitter to regulate larval feeding, and in the development of the stomatogastric feeding circuit. There is an inverse relationship between neuronal serotonin levels during late embryogenesis and the complexity of the serotonergic fibers projecting from the larval brain to the foregut, which correlate with perturbations in feeding, the functional output of the circuit. Dopamine does not modulate larval feeding, and dopaminergic fibers do not innervate the larval foregut. Since dopamine can function in central nervous system development, separate from its role as a neurotransmitter, the role of neuronal dopamine was assessed on the development, and mature function, of the 5-HT larval feeding circuit.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both decreased and increased neuronal dopamine levels in late embryogenesis during development of this circuit result in depressed levels of larval feeding. Perturbations in neuronal dopamine during this developmental period also result in greater branch complexity of the serotonergic fibers innervating the gut, as well as increased size and number of the serotonin-containing vesicles along the neurite length. This neurotrophic action for dopamine is modulated by the D<sub>2 </sub>dopamine receptor expressed during late embryogenesis in central 5-HT neurons. Animals carrying transgenic RNAi constructs to knock down both dopamine and serotonin synthesis in the central nervous system display normal feeding and fiber architecture. However, disparate levels of neuronal dopamine and serotonin during development of the circuit result in abnormal gut fiber architecture and feeding behavior.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that dopamine can exert a direct trophic influence on the development of a specific neural circuit, and that dopamine and serotonin may interact with each other to generate the neural architecture necessary for normal function of the circuit.</p