3,900 research outputs found

    Managing Barriers to Online Learning: Towards a Framework for Resilient and Inclusive Virtual Classroom

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    This paper identifies the barriers to online learning faced by students and explores the strategies they employ to manage them in the face of this international crisis. From the narratives of the learners and the literature, a framework for a resilient and inclusive virtual classroom is developed. A descriptive mixed-method design is employed. Data are gathered from the students during the second term of SY2020-21 using a researchers-made questionnaire which is content, and face validated by experts and tested for reliability and consistency. The questionnaire is deployed online using the college’s official learning management system.In conclusion, the barriers to online learning as accounted for by the students are classified in this research into personal, educational, relational, technological, and social. On the other hand, the coping mechanisms employed are social support and accepting responsibility. At the center and front of the students’ struggles and successful handling of this emergency remote learning are the teachers. Thus, the respondents' barriers are dealt with primarily by themselves and their teachers who unleash the pedagogy of care that made them resilient during this pandemic. A caring and accommodating teacher and strong and flexible online learners are the primary components of a resilient and inclusive virtual classroom.The framework can be a template for designing future virtual classrooms and capacity-building activities to prepare teachers and learners for major education disruptions like this pandemic. Keywords: barriers, resilient, inclusive, educational, technological, virtual, framework DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-12-04 Publication date: April 30th 202

    AINFO - versão 5.0: manual on-line.

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    O AINFO é um sistema para automação de bibliotecas e recuperação de informação, desenvolvimento em padrão Windows, com arquitetura cliente/servidor baseada no sistema gerenciador de banco de dados relacional Firebird. Pemite o gerenciamento de informação técnico-científica, integrando bases de dados documentais, cadastrais e processos bibliográficos através do armazenamento, atualização, indexação e recuperação de informação de forma simples e rápida, utilizando não apenas recursos de um istema gerenciador de banco de dados, como controle de concorrência e manutenção de integridade das bases de dados, mas também oferecendo facilidades de recuperação de informação textual não disponíveis nesses sistemas.bitstream/CNPTIA/10207/1/doc40.pdfAcesso em: 29 maio 2008

    The light-cone gauge and the calculation of the two-loop splitting functions

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    We present calculations of next-to-leading order QCD splitting functions, employing the light-cone gauge method of Curci, Furmanski, and Petronzio (CFP). In contrast to the `principal-value' prescription used in the original CFP paper for dealing with the poles of the light-cone gauge gluon propagator, we adopt the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescription which is known to have a solid field-theoretical foundation. We find that indeed the calculation using this prescription is conceptionally clear and avoids the somewhat dubious manipulations of the spurious poles required when the principal-value method is applied. We reproduce the well-known results for the flavour non-singlet splitting function and the N_C^2 part of the gluon-to-gluon singlet splitting function, which are the most complicated ones, and which provide an exhaustive test of the ML prescription. We also discuss in some detail the x=1 endpoint contributions to the splitting functions.Comment: 41 Pages, LaTeX, 8 figures and tables as eps file

    On the algebraic invariant curves of plane polynomial differential systems

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    We consider a plane polynomial vector field P(x,y)dx+Q(x,y)dyP(x,y)dx+Q(x,y)dy of degree m>1m>1. To each algebraic invariant curve of such a field we associate a compact Riemann surface with the meromorphic differential ω=dx/P=dy/Q\omega=dx/P=dy/Q. The asymptotic estimate of the degree of an arbitrary algebraic invariant curve is found. In the smooth case this estimate was already found by D. Cerveau and A. Lins Neto [Ann. Inst. Fourier Grenoble 41, 883-903] in a different way.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, to appear in J.Phys.A:Math.Ge

    Exploration Of The Relationship Between LMX And Demographic Variables

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    This study of 143 participants from an international company examined the relationship between LMX and demographic variables. LMX results represent the quality of the dyadic relationship between leader and follower. Demographic variables included age, gender, education and organizational tenure. Study results suggest significant findings between education and LMX results at the follower level

    Lattice energy-momentum tensor with Symanzik improved actions

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    We define the energy-momentum tensor on lattice for the λϕ4\lambda \phi^4 and for the nonlinear σ\sigma-model Symanzik tree-improved actions, using Ward identities or an explicit matching procedure. The resulting operators give the correct one loop scale anomaly, and in the case of the sigma model they can have applications in Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: Self extracting archive fil

    Central American Subduction System

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    Workshop to Integrate Subduction Factory and Seismogenic Zone Studies in Central America, Heredia, Costa Rica, 18–22 June 2007 The driving force for great earthquakes and the cycling of water and climate-influencing volatiles (carbon dioxide, sulfur, halogens) across the convergent margin of Central America have been a focus of international efforts for over 8 years, as part of the MARGINS program of the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Collaborative Research Center (SFB 574) of the German Science Foundation, and the Central American science community. Over 120 scientists and students from 10 countries met in Costa Rica to synthesize this intense effort spanning from land to marine geological and geophysical studies

    Unveiling the Active Nucleus of Centaurus A

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    We report new HST WFPC2 and NICMOS observations of the center of the nearest radio galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) and discuss their implications for our understanding of the active nucleus and jet. We detect the active nucleus in the near-IR (K and H) and, for the first time, in the optical (I and V), deriving the spectral energy distribution of the nucleus from the radio to X-rays. The optical and part of the near-IR emission can be explained by the extrapolation of the X-ray power law reddened by A_V~14mag, a value consistent with other independent estimates. The 20pc-scale nuclear disk discovered by Schreier et al. (1998) is detected in the [FeII] 1.64mic line and presents a morphology similar to that observed in Pa alpha with a [FeII]/Pa alpha ratio typical of low ionization Seyfert galaxies and LINERs. NICMOS 3 Pa alpha observations in a 50"x50" circumnuclear region suggest enhanced star formation (~0.3Msun/yr) at the edges of the putative bar seen with ISO, perhaps due to shocks driven into the gas. The light profile, reconstructed from V, H and K observations, shows that Centaurus A has a core profile with a resolved break at ~4" and suggests a black--hole mass of ~10^9 Msun. A linear blue structure aligned with the radio/X-ray jet may indicate a channel of relatively low reddening in which dust has been swept away by the jet.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, Astrophysical Journal, in press. High quality figures available at http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~marconi/colpic.htm

    Perbandingan Kinerja Simpang Bersinyal Berdasarkan Pkji 2014 Dan Pengamatan Langsung (Studi Kasus : Simpang Jl. Brigjend Sudiarto/ Jl. Gajah Raya/ Jl. Lamper Tengah Kota Semarang

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    Pedoman Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia atau PKJI merupakan pemutakhiran Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia atau MKJI. Studi pra-penelitian mengindikasikan hasil analisis PKJI lebih mendekati pengamatan lapangan dibandingkan hasil analisis MKJI, namun masih ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan karakteristik antrian pada simpang bersinyal hasil analisis PKJI terhadap hasil pengamatan di lapangan, dan untuk memberikan rekomendasi faktor penyesuaian terhadap PKJI. Kajian ini diterapkan pada Simpang Gajah di Kota Semarang dengan parameter analisis jumlah antrian (NQ1 dan NQ2), panjang antrian (PA), dan rasio kendaraan henti (RKH). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa antara analisis PKJI dan pengamatan lapangan terdapat perbedaan NQ1 sebesar 2,26 – 305,22 skr, perbedaan NQ2 sebesar 0,28 – 9,60 skr, perbedaan PA sebesar 8,63 – 1913,34 meter, dan perbedaan RKH sebesar 0,66 – 6,08 stop/skr. Perbedaan ini dapat diminimalkan dengan faktor koreksi (FK) meliputi faktor koreksi jumlah antrian (FKNQ1 dan FKNQ2), faktor koreksi panjang antrian (FKPA), dan faktor koreksi rasio kendaraan henti (FKRKH). Faktor koreksi digunakan dengan Perumusan : nilai parameter (NQ1, NQ2, PA, RKH) PKJI terkoreksi = nilai parameter (NQ1, NQ2, PA, RKH) PKJI Hitungan x (1-FK). Luasan rata-rata per skr pada DJ<0,85 disesuaikan dari 20 m2 menjadi ±12 m2