2,346 research outputs found

    Coherent States for Particle Beams in the Thermal Wave Model

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    In this paper, by using an analogy among {\it quantum mechanics}, {\it electromagnetic beam optics in optical fibers}, and {\it charge particle beam dynamics}, we introduce the concept of {\it coherent states} for charged particle beams in the framework of the {\it Thermal Wave Model} (TWM). We give a physical meaning of the Gaussian-like coherent structures of charged particle distribution that are both naturally and artificially produced in an accelerating machine in terms of the concept of coherent states widely used in quantum mechanics and in quantum optics. According to TWM, this can be done by using a Schr\"{o}dinger-like equation for a complex function, the so-called {\it beam wave function} (BWF), whose squared modulus is proportional to the transverse beam density profile, where Planck's constant and the time are replaced by the transverse beam emittance and by the propagation coordinate, respectively. The evolution of the particle beam, whose initial BWF is assumed to be the simplest coherent state (ground-like state) associated with the beam, in an infinite 1-D quadrupole-like device with small sextupole and octupole aberrations, is analytically and numerically investigated.Comment: 21 pages, Late

    Matrix Sigma-models for Multi D-brane Dynamics

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    We describe a dynamical worldsheet origin for the Lagrangian describing the low-energy dynamics of a system of parallel D-branes. We show how matrix-valued collective coordinate fields for the D-branes naturally arise as couplings of a worldsheet sigma-model, and that the quantum dynamics require that these couplings be mutually noncommutative. We show that the low-energy effective action for the sigma-model couplings describes the propagation of an open string in the background of the multiple D-brane configuration, in which all string interactions between the constituent branes are integrated out and the genus expansion is taken into account, with a matrix-valued coupling. The effective field theory is governed by the non-abelian Born-Infeld target space action which leads to the standard one for D-brane field theory.Comment: 14 pages LaTeX, 1 encapsulated postscript figure; uses epsf.te

    Optical and infrared properties of V1647 Orionis during the 2003-2006 outburst. II. Temporal evolution of the eruptive source

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    The occurrence of new FU Orionis-like objects is fundamental to understand the outburst mechanism in young stars and their role in star formation and disk evolution. Our work is aimed at investigating the properties of the recent outburst of V1647 Ori. Using optical and mid infrared long slit spectroscopy we monitored V1647 Ori in outburst between February 2004 and January 2006. The optical spectrum is characterized by Halpha and Hbeta in P-Cygni profile and by many weak FeI and FeII emission lines. Short timescale variability was measured in the continuum and line emission. On January 2006 we detected for the first time forbidden emission lines ([OI], [SII] and [FeII]). These lines are likely produced by an Herbig-Haro object driven by V1647 Ori. The mid infrared the spectrum of V1647 Ori is flat and featureless at all epochs. The SED changed drastically: the source was much redder in the early outburst than in the final phase. The magnitude rise and the SED of V1647 Ori resembles that of a FUor while the duration and recurrence of the outburst resemble that of a EXor. The optical spectrum is clearly distinct from either the absorption line spectrum of a FUor or the T Tauri-like spectrum of an EXor. Our data are consistent with a disk instability event which led to an increase of the mass accretion rate. The data also suggest the presence of a circumstellar envelope around the star+disk system. The peculiar N band spectrum might be explained by dust sublimation in the outer layers of the disk. The presence of the envelope and the outburst statistics suggest that these instability events occur only in a specific stage of a Class I source (e.g. in the transition phase to an optically visible star surrounded by a protoplanetary disk). We discuss the outburst mechanisms in term of the thermal instability model.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    On the impact of agents with influenced opinions in the swarm social behavior

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    We consider a simplified version of the Taylor model, typically used in the collective dynamics of continuous exchange of opinions, to describe the properties of swarm formation in the presence of external sources of influence or prejudices affecting a number of agents in the network. Such external sources are responsible for the breakdown of the consensus equilibrium and directly influence certain other individuals in the network, which we denote as quasi-stubborn agents. These quasi-stubborn agents participate in consensus with other individuals, but are able to indirectly influence the opinions of the entire system. In particular, we show that the swarm in steady-state moves towards the convex hull of the opinions of the quasi-stubborn agents. This is an interesting result that allows a more accurate estimation of the final opinions in a social network. In the case of two prejudiced agents, an explicit expression of the stationary opinions is provided in terms of the Moore-Penrose inverse of the Laplacian of the graph. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the properties of the considered model

    Landau Damping and Coherent Structures in Narrow-Banded 1+1 Deep Water Gravity Waves

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    We study the nonlinear energy transfer around the peak of the spectrum of surface gravity waves by taking into account nonhomogeneous effects. In the narrow-banded approximation the kinetic equation resulting from a nonhomogeneous wave field is a Vlasov-Poisson type equation which includes at the same time the random version of the Benjamin-Feir instability and the Landau damping phenomenon. We analytically derive the values of the Phillips' constant α\alpha and the enhancement factor γ\gamma for which the narrow-banded approximation of the JONSWAP spectrum is unstable. By performing numerical simulations of the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation we check the validity of the prediction of the related kinetic equation. We find that the effect of Landau damping is to suppress the formation of coherent structures. The problem of predicting freak waves is briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Probing the radial temperature structure of protoplanetary disks with Herschel/HIFI

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    Herschel/HIFI spectroscopic observations of CO J=10-9, CO J=16-15 and [CII] towards HD 100546 are presented. The objective is to resolve the velocity profile of the lines to address the emitting region of the transitions and directly probe the distribution of warm gas in the disk. The spectra reveal double-peaked CO line profiles centered on the systemic velocity, consistent with a disk origin. The J=16-15 line profile is broader than that of the J=10-9 line, which in turn is broader than those of lower J transitions (6-5, 3-2, observed with APEX), thus showing a clear temperature gradient of the gas with radius. A power-law flat disk model is used to fit the CO line profiles and the CO rotational ladder simultaneously, yielding a temperature of T_0=1100 \pm 350 K (at r_0 = 13 AU) and an index of q=0.85 \pm 0.1 for the temperature radial gradient. This indicates that the gas has a steeper radial temperature gradient than the dust (mean q_{dust} ~ 0.5), providing further proof of the thermal decoupling of gas and dust at the disk heights where the CO lines form. The [CII] line profile shows a strong single-peaked profile red-shifted by 0.5 km s-1 compared to the systemic velocity. We conclude that the bulk of the [CII] emission has a non-disk origin (e.g., remnant envelope or diffuse cloud).Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Sistema di filologia computazionale per testi demotici

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    A project for a Demotic Inscriptions on Ostraka Database is being carried out in collaboration between ILC/CNR (Pisa), the Department of Electronic Engineering (Calabria University) and the Department of the Ancient World History (Egyptological section, Pisa University). The aim of the project is to analyse the digital colour images of demotic texts on ostraka (Medinet Madi, in Fayyum region) with the aid of computational tools. The module described in the paper is a neural component able to learn the graphical features of each demotic symbol, which has been previously segmented in the images thanks to a semiautomatic procedure. A specific neural network tries to recognize the text written in the images linking the symbols segmented within the ostraka images database to the correspondent symbols available on a virtual keyboard. The graphical interface is particularly useful for teaching and research activities on this type of archaeological documentation

    The bubble heart'. an unusual natural history told by multimodality imaging- a case report

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    Background Intracardiac thrombosis is a relatively common pathological condition. Often, it is diagnosed at echocardiography during the subacute or chronic phase. In the very acute phase, tissue composition can make thrombus appearance very different from that usually seen. Fresh thrombosis has been previously found also in peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPC), but with imaging features different from our case. Case summary A 27-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for PPC, with echocardiographic finding of intraventricular masses, resembling big bubbles. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) allowed definitively diagnosing intracardiac 'very acute' thrombosis, which is rarely detected. Discussion Our case provides a practical lesson about management of an unusual presentation of a common problem. When early echocardiography does not allow making a certain diagnosis, CMR can be helpful and decisive, due to its unique ability to provide characterization of intracardiac masses

    Flavour anomalies and the muon g − 2 from feebly interacting particles

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    We perform a phenomenological analysis of simplified models of light, feebly interacting particles (FIPs) that can provide a combined explanation of the anomalies in b → sl+^{+}l−^{-} transitions at LHCb and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Different scenarios are categorised according to the explicit momentum dependence of the FIP coupling to the b−s and μ−μ vector currents and they are subject to several constraints from flavour and precision physics. We show that viable combined solutions to the muon g − 2 and flavour anomalies exist with the exchange of a vector FIP with mass larger than 4 GeV. Interestingly, the LHC has the potential to probe this region of the parameter space by increasing the precision of the Z → 4μ cross-section measurement. Conversely, we find that solutions based on the exchange of a lighter vector, in the mV < 1 GeV range, are essentially excluded by a combination of B → K+ invisible and W-decay precision bounds

    Effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on left ventricular geometric patterns in patients with essential hypertension

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    Although angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors have been shown to affect left ventricular (LV) remodeling favorably in several conditions, it remains unclear whether they can influence LV geometric pattern in hypertension. To address this issue, 122 patients (71 men and 51 women; mean age = 51 +/- 20 years) with mild to moderate hypertension were studied prospectively. All underwent clinical evaluation and Doppler echocardiography at entry and more than 2 years of quinapril therapy (10-40 mg/day). According to either LV mass (normal if &lt;131 g/m(2) for men or &lt;100 g/m(2) for women) or the ratio of LV posterior wall thickness to diastolic diameter (RWT; normal if &lt;0.45) at baseline, 58 patients had normal mass and RWT, 18 patients had concentric remodeling (i.e., normal mass but increased RWT), 24 patients had eccentric hypertrophy (i.e., increased mass but normal RWT), and 22 patients had concentric hypertrophy (i.e., increase in both mass and RWT). After 6 months of quinapril therapy, all patients with normal left ventricles showed the maintenance of mass and RWT within normal limits. Patients with concentric remodeling showed no increase in mass but had a significant decrease in RWT. Patients with eccentric hypertrophy exhibited a significant reduction in mass with no substantial change in RWT. Patients with concentric hypertrophy had a significant reduction in both mass and RWT. Changes in LV mass and geometry were maintained during the 2-year period of treatment and were paralleled by improvements in Doppler in dices of LV diastolic function in each group. It is concluded that quinapril, with its well-known effects on LV hypertrophy, modifies the LV geometric pattern of hypertensive patients favorably, regardless of the presence of an abnormal LV mass or RWT
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