203 research outputs found

    Проблемы назначения нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов женщинам репродуктивного возраста с анкилозирующим спондилитом

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    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the first-line medications for ankylosing spondylitis (AS); their action is associated with blockade of the enzyme cyclooxygenase 2 and with a mediated decrease in the synthesis of prostaglandins (PGs). However, PGs play an important role in regulating the functions of the female reproductive system. The paper presents an update on the participation of PG in folliculogenesis, ovulation, implantation, and development of the embryo, and labor activity. Based on experimental and clinical findings, the authors discuss whether due to inhibition of the synthesis of PGs, NSAIDs are able to cause ovulation failure, including luteinized unovulated follicle syndrome and spontaneous abortions. Further investigation is justified to determine the most optimal NSAID therapy regimens when planning pregnancy and during gestation in women with AS.Нестероидные противовоспалительные препараты (НПВП) являются препаратами первого ряда в терапии анкилозирующего спондилита (АС), их действие связано с блокадой фермента циклооксигеназы 2 и опосредованным снижением синтеза простагландинов (ПГ). Однако ПГ играют важную роль в регулировании функций женской репродуктивной системы. В статье представлены современные данные об участии ПГ в фолликулогенезе, овуляции, имплантации и развитии эмбриона, родовой деятельности. На основании данных экспериментальных и клинических исследований обсуждается возможность НПВП за счет ингибирования синтеза ПГ вызывать нарушения овуляции, в том числе синдром лютеинизации неовулировавшего фолликула и спонтанные аборты. Обоснованно проведение дальнейших исследований с целью определения наиболее оптимальных схем терапии НПВП при планировании беременности и во время гестации у женщин с АС

    Parameters of adaptability and stability of winter durum wheat varieties according to various forecrops in the Rostov region

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    The article summarizes the study results of adaptability parameters of winter durum wheat depending on its forecrop. The study was carried out in the Rostov region in 2015-2017. As the objects of the study there have been used 8 winter durum wheat varieties ‘Donchanka’, ‘Amazonka’, ‘Agat Donskoy’, ‘Kristella’, ‘Lazurit’, ‘Oniks’, ‘Diona’ and ‘Eyrena’. The variety ‘Donchanka’ was taken as a standard variety. In the field trials the varieties were sown after weedfree and green fallows, and after such forecrops as peas, sunflower and maize for grain. The obtained data showed that green fallow was the most favorable forecrop for winter durum wheat, an average yield of which was 7.69 t/ha. When sown after various forecrops, all varieties had different adaptability parameters. The best forecrops were weedfree fallow (‘Kristella’ with 7.78 t/ha, ‘Lazurite’ with 7.74 t/ha), green fallow (‘Agat Donskoy’ with 8.30 t/ha, ‘Lazurit’ with 8.46 t/ha) and peas (‘Oniks’ with 7.41 t/ha, ‘Diona’ with 8.11 t/ha). Among the whole set of the varieties, the variety ‘Agat Donskoy’ (bi>1) proved to be the most highly responsive, while maintaining in most cases high stable yields (si2 <1), productivity of the varieties sown after all forecrops, except sunflower, was 6.93-8.30 t/ha. With productivity increase of 1 t/ha, it improved its indicator (bi) by 1.16-5.15 t/ha. The variety ‘Eyrena’ is recommended for cultivation on an extensive background, since through the years of study it turned out to be the least responsive - with productivity increase by 1 t/ha, it improved its indicator (bi) by 0.01-0.55 t/ha after such forecrops as peas, sunflower and maize for silage

    Some novel ways of gastric cancer patients treatment personification

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    In this paper the authors perform the analysis of molecular and morphological factors influencing the survival of patients with gastric cancer (n = 221). They analyzed the survival rate in this group of patients based on the analysis of molecular markers VEGFR, p53, Her2, Ki-67. Measured role in the survival such factors as the degree of differentiation of primary gastric tumors, the presence of microscopic tumor involvement of perineural and perivascular spaces, the degree of invasion to gastric wall by T1 = 1 and to T4a = 4, T4b = 5, number of regional lymph nodes affected by metastasis, and other factors. As an arbitrator used survival curves calculated by the method of R. J. Cox, time of lifespan, measured in months, as well as a comparison of the areas under the curves of survival

    Применение ингибиторов фактора некроза опухоли α у женщин с анкилозирующим спондилитом во время беременности

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    Objective: to present our own experience of tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) inhibitors (iTNFα) usage during pregnancy in women with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), to assess AS activity and outcomes of gestation.Patients and methods. A prospective observation of 55 pregnant women with AS who met the modified New York criteria of 1984. Fifty-six pregnancies were followed. The average age of the patients was 31.7±4.7 years, the duration of the disease was 132.2±85.4 months. The median BASDAI for pregnancy trimesters was 2.4 [1.2; 4.4], 2.7 [1.4; 4.2] and 2.2 [1.5; 4.0], respectively. 14 women received iTNFα 3 months before pregnancy.Results and discussion. In the first trimester, TNFα was used in 9 (16.1%) patients, in the second – in 9 (16.1%) and in the third – in 5 (9.3%); the median BASDAI for trimesters was 2.3 [1.0; 3.7], 3.4 [1.2; 3.5], 3.0 [0.8; 3.4], respectively. All patients who discontinued iTNFα just before or in early pregnancy had indications for resuming therapy in the second half of gestation. Cancellation of iTNFα at the end of the second trimester was not a risk factor for high activity in the third trimester. There was 1 adverse pregnancy outcome. In other cases, childbirth occurred at 38.9±1.4 weeks, newborns' body weight was 3273.1±435.6 g.Conclusion. Women with AS who plan a pregnancy should be prescribed drugs with the maximum allowed duration of use during gestation. Cancellation of iTNFα before and in early pregnancy is a risk factor for high AS activity, while renewal of iTNFα therapy during pregnancy is not always effective.Цель исследования – представить собственный опыт применения ингибиторов фактора некроза опухоли (иФНОα) во время беременности у женщин с анкилозирующим спондилитом (АС), оценить активность АС и исходы гестации.Пациенты и методы. Проведено проспективное наблюдение 55 беременных с АС, соответствовавших модифицированным Нью-Йоркским критериям 1984 г. Прослежено 56 беременностей. Средний возраст пациенток составлял 31,7±4,7 года, продолжительность болезни – 132,2±85,4 мес. Медиана BASDAI по триместрам беременности – 2,4 [1,2; 4,4], 2,7 [1,4; 4,2] и 2,2 [1,5; 4,0] соответственно. ИФНОα за 3 мес до наступления беременности получали 14 женщин.Результаты и обсуждение. В I триместре иФНОα применяли 9 (16,1%) пациенток, во II – 9 (16,1%) и в III – 5 (9,3%); медиана BASDAI по триместрам составляла 2,3 [1,0; 3,7], 3,4 [1,2; 3,5], 3,0 [0,8; 3,4] соответственно. Все пациентки, отменившие иФНОα накануне или на ранних сроках беременности, имели показания к возобновлению терапии во второй половине гестации. Отмена иФНОα в конце II триместра не являлась фактором риска высокой активности в III триместре. Имел место 1 неблагоприятный исход беременности. В остальных случаях роды произошли на сроке 38,9±1,4 нед, масса тела новорожденных – 3273,1±435,6 г.Заключение. Женщинам с АС, планирующим беременность, необходимо назначать препараты с максимально разрешенным сроком применения во время гестации. Отмена иФНОα перед беременностью и на ее ранних сроках – фактор риска высокой активности АС, при этом возобновление терапии иФНОα во время беременности не всегда эффективно


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    A distillate is a basis for the blend of a spirit drink. Distillate ripening is necessary to stabilize the physicochemical composition and achieve certain flavor characteristics. Softened water is the second ingredient of the spirit drink blend in terms of volume. The mineral composition of water influences the consumer properties of a drink. The aim of this work is to reveal factors that influence quality indicators of a spirit drink from a new type of a raw material. The objects of the research were the samples of the distillate from baking waste, commercial batches of softened water and experimental blends of a spirit drink. The authors determined the volume fraction of ethanol, organoleptic characteristics and mass concentration of the main volatile components by the gas chromatography method in the objects of the research. It was established that upon distillate ripening, the most intensive oxidative processes occured in a period of 10 to 20 days. This led to an increase in the acetaldehyde concentration by 6–27% depending of a raw material type. At the same time, an increase in the mass concentration of ethyl acetate by 15 to 30%, as well as the total concentration of ethyl caproate, ethyl caprate, ethyl caprylate by 27–38% was observed. An effect of the strength of the spirit drink on its organoleptic characteristics was revealed. The mineral composition of the soften water samples prepared by the method of ion exchange and reverse osmosis was studied. Based on the analysis of the taste and aroma profiles of spirit drinks, an effect of the concentration and ratio of mineral salts in water on product quality characteristics was shown. The authors recommend the optimal duration of distillate ripening before blending — not more than 20 days, the blend strength 40–42% vol. The necessity to use soften water prepared by the method of ion exchange or reverse osmosis with the controlled content of ions of calcium (not more than 9 mg/dm3), sodium (not more than 60 mg/dm3), sulfates (not more than 65 mg/dm3) and hydrogen carbonates (not more than 80 mg/dm3) for blending was substantiated.Дистиллят составляет основу купажа спиртного напитка. Выдержка дистиллята необходима для стабилизации физико-химического состава и достижения определенных вкусо-ароматических характеристик. Умягченная вода является вторым по объему ингредиентом купажа спиртных напитков. Минеральный состав воды оказывает влияние на потребительские свойства напитка. Цель данной работы — выявление факторов, влияющих на качественные показатели спиртного напитка из нового вида сырья. Объектами исследования служили: образцы дистиллятов из отходов хлебопекарного производства, промышленные партии умягченной воды, опытные купажи спиртного напитка. В объектах исследования определяли объемную долю этилового спирта, органолептические характеристики и массовую концентрацию основных летучих компонентов методом газовой хроматографии. Установлено, что при выдержке дистиллятов наиболее интенсивно протекают окислительные процессы в период от 10 до 20 суток. Это привело к повышению концентрации ацетальдегида на 6–27%, в зависимости от вида сырья. Одновременно отмечалось повышение массовой концентрации этилацетата от 15 до 30%, а также суммарной концентрации этилкапроата, этилкапрата, этилкаприлата на 27–38%. Выявлено влияние крепости спиртного напитка на его органолептическую характеристику. Исследован минеральный состав образцов умягченной воды, подготовленной способом ионного обмена и обратного осмоса. На основании анализа вкусо-ароматических профилей спиртных напитков показано влияние концентрации и соотношения минеральных солей воды на качественные показатели продукции. Рекомендованы оптимальная длительность выдержки дистиллята перед купажированием — не более двадцати суток, крепость купажа — 40–42% об. Обоснована необходимость использования для купажирования умягченной воды, подготовленной способом обратного осмоса или ионного обмена с контролируемым содержанием ионов кальция (не более 9 мг/дм3), натрия (не более 60 мг/дм3), сульфатов (не более 65 мг/дм3) и гидрокарбонатов (не более 80 мг/дм3)

    The original formula for predicting the survival of gastric cancer patients undergoing surgical treatment

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    The purpose of this work was to find ways to predict the survival of gastric cancer patients. The study included 221 patients who were radically operated in the abdominal department of the Odessa Regional Oncology Center from 2007 to 2013. The life expectancy of this group of patients was measured in months. From the factors given in the article, only the age of the patient, the presence and invasion in neighboring organs and the number of organs resected during the operation were those factors that had a significant impact on the prognosis. A formula was obtained for the formal evaluation of the duration of patients. The results are preliminary. Conclusions. As a result of the regression analysis, a polynomial (formula) was obtained, which can be used to predict the survival of patients who underwent surgery for gastric cancer. There is a need to create clearer gradations of survival dependencies of cancer patients from different clinical and morphological situations. A mathematical apparatus with many variables can be used to create similar models for the analysis of survival in other types of pathology

    Estradiol-dependent and independent effects of FGF21 in obese female mice

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    The f ibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) synthesized in the liver, acting as a hormone, increases insulin sensitivity and energy expenditure. FGF21 administration has potent benef icial effects on obesity and diabetes in humans, cynomolgus monkey, and rodents. The therapeutic effects of FGF21 have been studied mainly in males. They are not always manifested in females, and they are accompanied by sex-specif ic activation of gene expression in tissues. We have suggested that one of the causes of sexual dimorphism in response to FGF21 is the effect of estradiol (E2). Currently, it is not known how estradiol modif ies the pharmacological effects of FGF21. The objective of this study was to study the inf luence of FGF21 on metabolic characteristics, food intake, and the expression of carbohydrate and fat metabolism genes in the liver, adipose tissue, and hypothalamus in female mice with alimentary obesity and low (ovariectomy) or high (ovariectomy + E2) blood estradiol level. In ovariectomized (OVX) females, the development of obesity was induced by the consumption of a high sweet-fat diet (standard chow, lard, and cookies) for 8 weeks. We investigated the effects of FGF21 on body weight, blood levels, food preferences and gene expression in tissues when FGF21 was administered separately or in combination with E2 for 13 days. In OVX obese females, FGF21, regardless of E2-treatment, did not affect body weight, and adipose tissue weight, or glucose tolerance but increased the consumption of standard chow, reduced blood glucose levels, and suppressed its own expression in the liver (Fgf21), as well as the expression of the G6pc and Acacα genes. This study is the f irst to show the modif ication of FGF21 effects by estradiol: inhibition of FGF21-inf luence on the expression of Irs2 and Pklr in the liver and potentiation of the FGF21-stimulated expression of Lepr and Klb in the hypothalamus. In addition, when administered together with estradiol, FGF21 exerted an inhibitory effect on the expression of Cpt1α in subcutaneous white adipose tissue (scWAT), whereas no stimulating FGF21 effects on the expression of Insr and Acacβ in scWAT or inhibitory FGF21 effect on the plasma insulin level were observed. The results suggest that the absence of FGF21 effects on body and adipose tissue weights in OVX obese females and its benef icial effect on food intake and blood glucose levels are not associated with the action of estradiol. However, estradiol affects the transcriptional effects of FGF21 in the liver, white adipose tissue, and hypothalamus, which may underlie sex differences in the FGF21 effect on the expression of metabolic genes and, possibly, in pharmacological FGF21 effects

    Изотопные исследования льда пещер Аскинская и Киндерлинская (Южный Урал)

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    The aim of this work was to determine mechanisms of formation of perennial ice in caves of the Southern Urals, as well as to find sources of water and processes responsible for the formation of isotopic parameters of the cave ice. Isotopes δ18О and δD were investigated. The caves Askinskaya and Kinderlinskaya are the most famous ones in the Southern Urals located at the lowest levels a.s.l. (260 and 208 m, respectively). In the summer of 2019, samples of perennial ice and infiltration water were taken in both caves. Ices of the Askinskaya and Kinderlinskaya caves are characterized by a narrow range of δ18О and δD values with very slight variations in depth: −11.42…−12.89‰ and −83.8…−95.7‰, respectively. Values the isotopes in the infiltration water sampled in the Kinderlinskaya cave are: δ18О = −13 and δD = −76‰. For both Askinskaya and Kinderlinskaya caves, the isotopic parameters of ice correspond to the calculated line of Rayleigh crystallization in a closed system when water with the isotopes freezes. The narrow range of values δ18О and δD suggests that aufeises (naleds) existing in caves for many years are the congelation (hydrogenic) ice formed by the growth of thin water layers freezing through at a high rates. Infiltration waters are formed mainly due to the precipitation of the winter seasons. The ratio between winter and summer precipitation is about 2:1. The infiltration type of the cave ice alimentation as well as evidence of long time of averaging of the isotopic signal in the atmospheric precipitation do not allow to use the cave ices as a climatic (paleo)archive.Оценены вариации изотопного (δ18О, δD) состава наледного льда в пещерах Аскинская и Киндерлинская (Южный Урал). Установлено, что источником льда были инфильтрационные воды длительного пребывания в порово-трещинном пространстве карбонатных пород, питание которых происходит преимущественно за счёт атмосферных осадков осенне-зимнего периода

    Control of primary productivity and the significance of photosynthetic bacteria in a meromictic kettle lake.

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    During 1986 planktonic primary production and controlling factors were investigated in a small (A0 = 11.8 · 103 m2, Zmax = 11.5 m) meromictic kettle lake (Mittlerer Buchensee). Annual phytoplankton productivity was estimated to ca 120 gC · m–2 · a–1 (1,42 tC · lake–1 · a–1). The marked thermal stratification of the lake led to irregular vertical distributions of chlorophylla concentrations (Chla) and, to a minor extent, of photosynthesis (Az). Between the depths of 0 to 6 m low Chla concentrations (< 7 mg · m–3) and comparatively high background light attenuation (kw = 0,525 m–1, 77% of total attenuation due to gelbstoff and abioseston) was found. As a consequence, light absorption by algae was low (mean value 17,4%) and self-shading was absent. Because of the small seasonal variation of Chla concentrations, no significant correlation between Chla and areal photosynthesis (A) was observed. Only in early summer (June–July) biomass appears to influence the vertical distribution of photosynthesis on a bigger scale. Around 8 m depth, low-light adapted algae and phototrophic bacteria formed dense layers. Due to low ambient irradiances, the contribution of these organisms to total primary productivity was small. Primary production and incident irradiance were significantly correlated with each other (r2 = 0.68). Although the maximum assimilation number (Popt) showed a clear dependence upon water temperature (Q10 = 2.31), the latter was of minor importance to areal photosynthesis