16,895 research outputs found

    A Single-armed Manta-board as a New Diver-controlled Planing Board and Its Use for Underwater Surveys

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    Due to inadequacies of previous underwater towing techniques and the special needs of a recent underwater survey, a modified mania-board technique was developed. With this new technique, the diver holds on to the manta-board with one arm; consequently, the board is referred to as a single-armed manta-board (sam-board). The sam-board proved inexpensive and highly maneuverable, allowing the divers to freely collect samples or record information. Through some experimenting with the board and changing some of the variables, such as rope lengths, towing speeds, etc., a highly efficient towing method can be achieved. Preplanning and strict diving safety procedures must, however, be implemented to assure efficiency. This paper presents the materials, guidelines for board construction, equipment, and preplanning and diving safety procedures necessary for the sam-board towing operation

    Electrically driven magnetism on a Pd thin film

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    Using first-principles density functional calculations we demonstrate that ferromagnetism can be induced and modulated on an otherwise paramagnetic Pd metal thin-film surface through application of an external electric field. As free charges are either accumulated or depleted at the Pd surface to screen the applied electric field there is a corresponding change in the surface density of states. This change can be made sufficient for the Fermi-level density of states to satisfy the Stoner criterion, driving a transition locally at the surface from a paramagnetic state to an itinerant ferromagnetic state above a critical applied electric field, Ec. Furthermore, due to the second-order nature of this transition, the surface magnetization of the ferromagnetic state just above the transition exhibits a substantial dependence on electric field, as the result of an enhanced magnetoelectric susceptibility. Using a linearized Stoner model we explain the occurrence of the itinerant ferromagnetism and demonstrate that the magnetic moment on the Pd surface follows a square-root variation with electric field consistent with our first-principles calculations.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Design comparison of cesium and potassium vapor turbine-generator units for space power

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    Design comparison of cesium and potassium vapor turbogenerator units for space power plant

    Physical activity levels of older adults receiving a home care service

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    Sammenligning av aktivitetsnivå for personer som har hatt hverdagsrehabilitering og vanlige tjenester.The 3 study objectives were to compare the activity levels of older people who had received a restorative home care service with those of people who had received "usual" home care, explore the predictors of physical activity in these 2 groups, and determine whether either group met the minimum recommended activity levels for their age group. A questionnaire was posted to 1,490 clients who had been referred for a home care service between 2006 and 2009. Older people who had received a restorative care service were more active than those who had received usual care (p = .049), but service group did not predict activity levels when other variables were adjusted for in a multiple regression. Younger individuals who were in better physical condition, with good mobility and no diagnosis of depression, were more likely to be active. Investigation of alternatives to the current exercise component of the restorative program is needed

    Giant Tunneling Electroresistance Effect Driven by an Electrically Controlled Spin Valve at a Complex Oxide Interface

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    A giant tunneling electroresistance effect may be achieved in a ferroelectric tunnel junction by exploiting the magnetoelectric effect at the interface between a ferroelectric barrier and magnetic La1-xSrxMnO3 electrode. Using first-principles density functional theory we demonstrate that a few magnetic monolayers of La1-xSrxMnO3 near the interface act, in response to ferroelectric polarization reversal, as an atomic scale spin-valve by filtering spin-dependent current. This effect produces more than an order of magnitude change in conductance, and thus constitutes a giant resistive switching effect.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A Large Mass of H2 in the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in Zwicky 3146

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    We present the Spitzer/IRS mid-infrared spectrum of the infrared-luminous (L_{IR}=4e11 L_sun) brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in the X-ray-luminous cluster Z3146 (z=0.29). The spectrum shows strong aromatic emission features, indicating that the dominant source of the infrared luminosity is star formation. The most striking feature of the spectrum, however, is the exceptionally strong molecular hydrogen (H2) emission lines, which seem to be shock-excited. The line luminosities and inferred warm H2 gas mass (~1e10 M_sun) are 6 times larger than those of NGC 6240, the most H2-luminous galaxy at z <~ 0.1. Together with the large amount of cold H2 detected previously (~1e11 M_sun), this indicates that the Z3146 BCG contains disproportionately large amounts of both warm and cold H2 gas for its infrared luminosity, which may be related to the intracluster gas cooling process in the cluster core.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Prediction of electrically-induced magnetic reconstruction at the manganite/ferroelectric interface

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    The control of magnetization via the application of an electric field, known as magnetoelectric coupling, is among the most fascinating and active research areas today. In addition to fundamental scientific interest, magnetoelectric effects may lead to new device concepts for data storage and processing. There are several known mechanisms for magnetoelectric coupling that include intrinsic effects in single-phase materials, strain induced coupling in two-phase composites, and electronically-driven effects at interfaces. Here we explore a different type of magnetoelectric effect at a ferromagnetic-ferroelectric interface: magnetic reconstruction induced by switching of electric polarization. We demonstrate this effect using first-principles calculations of a La1-xAxMnO3/BaTiO3 (001) interface, where A is a divalent cation. By choosing the doping level x to be near a transition between magnetic phases we show that the reversal of the ferroelectric polarization of BaTiO3 leads to a change in the magnetic order at the interface from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic. This predicted electrically-induced magnetic reconstruction at the interface represents a substantial interfacial magnetoelectric effect.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Assessing Environmental and Economic Aspects of Farming; Livestock Outlook

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    Elemental Abundance Ratios in Stars of the Outer Galactic Disk. II. Field Red Giants

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    We summarize a selection process to identify red giants in the direction of the southern warp of the Galactic disk, employing VI_C photometry and multi-object spectroscopy. We also present results from follow-up high-resolution, high-S/N echelle spectroscopy of three field red giants, finding [Fe/H] values of about -0.5. The field stars, with Galactocentric distances estimated at 10 to 15 kpc, support the conclusion of Yong, Carney, & de Almeida (2005) that the Galactic metallicity gradient disappears beyond R_GC values of 10 to 12 kpc for the older stars and clusters of the outer disk. The field and cluster stars at such large distances show very similar abundance patterns, and, in particular, all show enhancements of the "alpha" elements O, Mg, Si, Ca, and Ti and the r-process element Eu. These results suggest that Type II supernovae have been significant contributors to star formation in the outer disk relative to Type Ia supernovae within the past few Gyrs. We also compare our results with those available for much younger objects. The limited results for the H II regions and B stars in the outer disk also suggest that the radial metallicity gradient in the outer disk is shallow or absent. The much more extensive results for Cepheids confirm these trends, and that the change in slope of the metallicity gradient may occur at a larger Galactocentric distance than for the older stars and clusters. However, the younger stars also show rising alpha element enhancements with increasing R_GC, at least beyond 12 kpc. These trends are consistent with the idea of a progressive growth in the size of the Galactic disk with time, and episodic enrichment by Type II supernovae as part of the disk's growth. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    Nonlinear stabilitty for steady vortex pairs

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    In this article, we prove nonlinear orbital stability for steadily translating vortex pairs, a family of nonlinear waves that are exact solutions of the incompressible, two-dimensional Euler equations. We use an adaptation of Kelvin's variational principle, maximizing kinetic energy penalised by a multiple of momentum among mirror-symmetric isovortical rearrangements. This formulation has the advantage that the functional to be maximized and the constraint set are both invariant under the flow of the time-dependent Euler equations, and this observation is used strongly in the analysis. Previous work on existence yields a wide class of examples to which our result applies.Comment: 25 page