3,367 research outputs found

    A postmortem investigation of the Type IIb supernova 2001ig

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    We present images taken with the GMOS instrument on Gemini-South, in excellent (<0.5 arcsec) seeing, of SN 2001ig in NGC 7424, ~1000 days after explosion. A point source seen at the site of the SN is shown to have colours inconsistent with being an H II region or a SN 1993J-like remnant, but can be matched to a late-B through late-F supergiant with A_V<1. We believe this object is the massive binary companion responsible for periodic modulation in mass loss material around the Wolf-Rayet progenitor which gave rise to significant structure in the SN radio light curve.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. Fig. 1 resolution degraded to meet size limitations; full resolution version available from http://www.aao.gov.au/local/www/sdr/pubs/sn2001ig_gmos.ps.g

    Analysis of the Workforce and Workplace for Rheumatology, and the Research Activities of Rheumatologists Early in Their Careers

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    [Excerpt] The scope and scale of clinical research is unknown for any medical or surgical specialty beyond snapshots of the broad aims and expenditures of research programs sponsored by federal agencies or the pharmaceutical industry. As a consequence, the workforce and workplace for clinical investigation is enigmatic and unexamined even after explicit warnings that an essential arm for advancing clinical practice has been disabled. The present study was designed to assess the workforce and workplace for rheumatology, and the extent and type of research prevailing among rheumatologists early in their careers. Our findings provide fresh insights about the workforce and the workplace for rheumatology, and justify interventions to address gaps in both the scope and scale of clinical research in arthritis and rheumatism

    The Scope and Scale of Clinical Research Accomplished by Rheumatologists Early in Their Careers

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    [Excerpt] The scope and scale of clinical research is unknown for any medical or surgical specialty beyond snap shots of the broad aims and expenditures of research programs sponsored by federal agencies or the pharmaceutical industry. As a consequence, the workforce and workplace for clinical investigation is enigmatic and unexamined even after explicit warnings that an essential arm for advancing clinical practice is disabled. The present study was designed to examine the nature and extent of investigative activity prevailing among rheumatologists early in their careers. This assessment provides a lens on: i) the fraction of early career rheumatologists who engage in investigative rheumatology, ii) the scope and scale of research in musculoskeletal diseases, iii) funding available for investigative work, iv) the impact of research-intensive institutions, and NIH-K-series awards on research, and v) the demographic backgrounds of early career rheumatologists. The results provide important new insights about the early career workforce for discovery and innovation in rheumatology. The findings integrate demographic, normative, and predictive data to provide the first estimate of the scope and scale of clinical investigation within rheumatology. The results also justify interventions for promoting investigative work, and ultimately advancing the clinical practice of rheumatology

    Federal Courts, Injunctions, Declaratory Judgments, and State Law: The Supreme Court Has Finally Fashioned a Workable Abstention Doctrine

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    The American judicial system is founded on several policies which act as guideposts for the courts. Among these is the policy that states should be as free from federal control as possible. At the opposite end of the spectrum is the view that federal courts have a duty to protect individuals from violations of their constitutional rights. These policies meet, and seemingly clash, when a plaintiff enters a federal court either to request a declaratory judgment that a state statute is unconstitutional or to seek an injunction against the enforcement of the statute. The balancing of these competing interests has caused the courts a great amount of difficulty over the past ten years. In struggling to harmonize the conflict, the courts have sometimes appeared to lean too far towards states\u27 rights; in other instances they have seemingly favored the rights of individuals. During the 1974 Term the Supreme Court decided six cases which in some way concerned either injunctions against the enforcement of unconstitutional state laws or declaratory judgments of their unconstitutionality. This note will show that a workable doctrine has finally developed in this area as a result of the guidance provided by these cases

    A Study of the Paternal Absenteeism Among the Oji-Cree People

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    This study investigated the phenomenon of paternal absenteeism among the Oji-Cree First Nations of northwestern Ontario and northeastern Manitoba, Canada. Five hundred and four leaders were listed from twenty-eight communities. From this population of leaders, forty-five were chosen as a sample population by systematic sampling to represent the 504 leaders. Every leader had an equal chance of being chosen. Twenty-three percent were female and seventy-seven percent were male. The first part of the research was designed to provide social scientific data on the perception Native leaders held on the reality and extent of paternal absenteeism. The second part of this social scientific study was to determine the problems these leaders perceived to be attributed to paternal absenteeism. The third and last part of this investigation was to determine the ideas leaders had to alleviate this problem of father absence and on how to restore absent fathers to their children. In analyzing the research findings, there was no significant difference in the perception and ideas between the gender or age of the leaders. The level of significance for rejection of the null hypothesis was set at. level of significance. This societal research analysis portrayed a clear perception by the leaders of the phenomenon of paternal absenteeism and the many related problems for their family structure, churches, and communities. There were significantly fewer concepts and ideas in regards to the alleviation and correction of this phenomenon of paternal absenteeism and its related problems. However, a list of recommendations did emerge from some leaders

    Effect of Atrazine and its Carriers on the Grain Sorghum Plant

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    The addition of crop oils to post-emergent applications of atrazine has enhanced the weed control properties of the atrazine. This treatment has been used very effectively for the control of annual weeds in corn and sorghum. Because the treatment was applied post-emergence, it could be empl6yed after the farmer found he would have difficulty controlling annual weeds. The treatment was, then, an ideal salvage measure for the farmer who could not cultivate his field because of rainy weather. The atrazine plus oil treatment appeared to work better under rainy weather conditions than it did A rainy season in the southeastern part of South Dakota in 1967 caused many farmers to turn to atrazine plus oil to control the annual weeds they could not cultivate out of their corn and sorghum fields. Many farmers who used the atrazine plus oil treatment had satisfactory weed control and received no apparent injury to their crops. In other instances, sorghum fields sprayed with atrazine plus oil were severely injured. Most of this injury was confined to stunting and delay in maturity . Because of such erratic results, a survey was conduct ed by Parker and Stritzke to determine the extent of the injury and to study the type of weather conditions prior to and immediately following spraying. It appeared that the most severe injury was preceded by at least three days of cool weather when temperatures were less than seventy degrees Fahrenheit. The injury to the sorghum raised questions about the effects of atrazine and its carriers to the sorghum plant. A study was initiated to measure the physiological responses of the sorghum plant and to note the gross physical responses of the plant in height, weight and grain yield

    A Report of Pseudohermaphroditism in a Goat

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    According to Phillips, Brief, Sutton and Mills animals having gonads of one sex and the remaining genitalia resembling the other sex are called pseudohermaphrodites. If the gonads are testes, Young classifies the animal as a male pseudohermaphrodite. Crew reported hermaphroditism in a number of Toggenberg goats

    Expert assessment concludes negative emissions scenarios may not deliver

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    Many integrated assessment models (IAMs) rely on the availability and extensive use of biomass energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) to deliver emissions scenarios consistent with limiting climate change to below 2 °C average temperature rise. BECCS has the potential to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, delivering 'negative emissions'. The deployment of BECCS at the scale assumed in IAM scenarios is highly uncertain: biomass energy is commonly used but not at such a scale, and CCS technologies have been demonstrated but not commercially established. Here we present the results of an expert elicitation process that explores the explicit and implicit assumptions underpinning the feasibility of BECCS in IAM scenarios. Our results show that the assumptions are considered realistic regarding technical aspects of CCS but unrealistic regarding the extent of bioenergy deployment, and development of adequate societal support and governance structures for BECCS. The results highlight concerns about the assumed magnitude of carbon dioxide removal achieved across a full BECCS supply chain, with the greatest uncertainty in bioenergy production. Unrealistically optimistic assumptions regarding the future availability of BECCS in IAM scenarios could lead to the overshoot of critical warming limits and have significant impacts on near-term mitigation options
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