74 research outputs found

    On the removable singularities for meromorphic mappings

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    If EE is a closed subset of locally finite Hausdorff (2n2)(2n-2)-measure on an nn-dimensional complex manifold Ω\Omega and all the points of EE are nonremovable for a meromorphic mapping of ΩE\Omega \setminus E into a compact Kähler manifold, then EE is a pure (n1)(n-1)-dimensional complex analytic subset of Ω\Omega

    On nonimbeddability of Hartogs figures into complex manifolds

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    5 pagesWe propose a method to construct examples of strange imbeddings of Hartogs figures into complex manifolds. It gives an imbedding of a "thin" Hartogs figure which does not have any neighborhood biholomorphic to an open set in a Stein manifold, thus unswering a question of E. Poletsky. Then we give an example of a foliated manifold which does not admit any nontrivial imbeddings of a "thick" (i.e. usual) Hartogs figure, giving thus a counterexample to some "selfevident" statements used in foliation theory

    The role of Fourier modes in extension theorems of Hartogs-Chirka type

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    We generalize Chirka's theorem on the extension of functions holomorphic in a neighbourhood of graph(F)\cup(\partial D\times D) -- where D is the open unit disc and graph(F) denotes the graph of a continuous D-valued function F -- to the bidisc. We extend holomorphic functions by applying the Kontinuitaetssatz to certain continuous families of analytic annuli, which is a procedure suited to configurations not covered by Chirka's theorem.Comment: 17 page

    On nonimbeddability of Hartogs figures into complex manifolds

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    5 pagesWe propose a method to construct examples of strange imbeddings of Hartogs figures into complex manifolds. It gives an imbedding of a "thin" Hartogs figure which does not have any neighborhood biholomorphic to an open set in a Stein manifold, thus unswering a question of E. Poletsky. Then we give an example of a foliated manifold which does not admit any nontrivial imbeddings of a "thick" (i.e. usual) Hartogs figure, giving thus a counterexample to some "selfevident" statements used in foliation theory

    Upper semi-continuity of the Royden-Kobayashi pseudo-norm, a counterexample for H\"olderian almost complex structures

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    If XX is an almost complex manifold, with an almost complex structure JJ of class \CC^\alpha, for some α>0\alpha >0, for every point pXp\in X and every tangent vector VV at pp, there exists a germ of JJ-holomorphic disc through pp with this prescribed tangent vector. This existence result goes back to Nijenhuis-Woolf. All the JJ holomorphic curves are of class \CC^{1,\alpha} in this case. Then, exactly as for complex manifolds one can define the Royden-Kobayashi pseudo-norm of tangent vectors. The question arises whether this pseudo-norm is an upper semi-continuous function on the tangent bundle. For complex manifolds it is the crucial point in Royden's proof of the equivalence of the two standard definitions of the Kobayashi pseudo-metric. The upper semi-continuity of the Royden-Kobayashi pseudo-norm has been established by Kruglikov for structures that are smooth enough. In [I-R], it is shown that \CC^{1,\alpha} regularity of JJ is enough. Here we show the following: Theorem. There exists an almost complex structure JJ of class \CC^{1\over 2} on the unit bidisc \D^2\subset \C^2, such that the Royden-Kobayashi seudo-norm is not an upper semi-continuous function on the tangent bundle.Comment: 5 page

    Remarks on the rank properties of formal CR maps

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    We prove several new transversality results for formal CR maps between formal real hypersurfaces in complex space. Both cases of finite and infinite type hypersurfaces are tackled in this note

    Residue currents associated with weakly holomorphic functions

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    We construct Coleff-Herrera products and Bochner-Martinelli type residue currents associated with a tuple ff of weakly holomorphic functions, and show that these currents satisfy basic properties from the (strongly) holomorphic case, as the transformation law, the Poincar\'e-Lelong formula and the equivalence of the Coleff-Herrera product and the Bochner-Martinelli type residue current associated with ff when ff defines a complete intersection.Comment: 28 pages. Updated with some corrections from the revision process. In particular, corrected and clarified some things in Section 5 and 6 regarding products of weakly holomorphic functions and currents, and the definition of the Bochner-Martinelli type current