411 research outputs found

    Renormalized 2PN spin contributions to the accumulated orbital phase for LISA sources

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    We give here a new third post-Newtonisn (3PN) spin-spin contribution (in the PN parameter ϵ\epsilon ) to the accumulated orbital phase of a compact binary, arising from the spin-orbit precessional motion of the spins. In the equal mass case this contribution vanishes, but LISA sources of merging supermassive binary black holes have typically a mass ratio of 1:10. For such non-equal masses this 3PN correction is periodic in time, with period approximately ϵ1\epsilon ^{-1} times larger than the period of gravitational waves. We derive a renormalized and simpler expression of the spin-spin coefficient at 2PN, as an average over the time-scale of this period of the combined 2PN and 3PN contribution. We also find that for LISA sources the quadrupole-monopole contribution to the phase dominates over the spin-spin contribution, while the self-spin contribution is negligible even for the dominant spin. Finally we define a renormalized total spin coefficient σˉ\bar{\sigma} to be employed in the search for gravitational waves emitted by LISA sources.Comment: v2: 14 pages, 6 figures, 2 animated gifs; new section on the comparison of the analytical results with numerical evolution; published versio

    Should we adjust for seasonality in food consumption surveys? The answer in Switzerland.

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    Background : Due to market globalization and high availability of various foods throughout the year, adjustment for seasonality at food level may have become unnecessary. Objective : To describe food consumption across seasons using data from the first National Nutrition Survey in Switzerland. Methods : National population-based cross-sectional survey included the three linguistic regions of Switzerland

    Magnetospheric Gap and Accumulation of Giant Planets Close to the Star

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    The bunching of giant planets at a distance of several stellar radii may be explained by the disruption of the inner part of the disk by the magnetosphere of the star during the T Tauri stage of evolution. The rotating magnetic field of the star gives rise to a low density magnetospheric gap where stellar migration is strongly suppressed. We performed full 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the disk-magnetosphere interaction and examined conditions for which the magnetospheric gap is "empty", by changing the misalignment angle between magnetic and rotational axes of the star, Theta, and by lowering the adiabatic index gamma, which mocks up the effect of heat conductivity and cooling. Our simulations show that for a wide range of plausible conditions the gap is essentially empty. However, in the case of large misalignment angles Theta, part of the funnel stream is located in the equatorial plane and the gap is not empty. Furthermore, if the adiabatic index is small (gamma=1.1) and the rotational and magnetic axes are almost aligned, then matter penetrates through the magnetosphere due to 3D instabilities forming high-density equatorial funnels. For these two limits there is appreciable matter density in the equatorial plane of the disk so that a planet may migrate into the star.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Accepted to the ApJ Letters. See version of the paper with higher resolution plots at http://astrosun2.astro.cornell.edu/us-rus/planets.ht

    Locking of the Rotation of Disk-Accreting Magnetized Stars

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    We investigate the rotational equilibrium state of a disk accreting magnetized stars using axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. In this ``locked'' state, the spin-up torque balances the spin-down torque so that the net average torque on the star is zero. We investigated two types of initial conditions, one with a relatively weak stellar magnetic field and a high coronal density, and the other with a stronger stellar field and a lower coronal density. We observed that for both initial conditions the rotation of the star is locked to the rotation of the disk. In the second case, the radial field lines carry significant angular momentum out of the star. However, this did not appreciably change the condition for locking of the rotation of the star. We find that in the equilibrium state the corotation radius rcor_{co} is related to the magnetospheric radius rAr_A as rco/rA1.21.3r_{co}/r_A\approx 1.2-1.3 for case (1) and rco/rA1.41.5r_{co}/r_A\approx 1.4-1.5 for case (2). We estimated periods of rotation in the equilibrium state for classical T Tauri stars, dwarf novae and X-ray millisecond pulsars.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by ApJ, will appear in vol. 634, 2005 December

    On the Nature of Part Time Radio Pulsars

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    The recent discovery of rotating radio transients and the quasi-periodicity of pulsar activity in the radio pulsar PSR B1931++24 has challenged the conventional theory of radio pulsar emission. Here we suggest that these phenomena could be due to the interaction between the neutron star magnetosphere and the surrounding debris disk. The pattern of pulsar emission depends on whether the disk can penetrate the light cylinder and efficiently quench the processes of particle production and acceleration inside the magnetospheric gap. A precessing disk may naturally account for the switch-on/off behavior in PSR B1931++24.Comment: 9 pages, accepted to ApJ

    Helical motion and the origin of QPO in blazar-type sources

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    Recent observations and analysis of blazar sources provide strong evidence for (i) the presence of significant periodicities in their lightcurves and (ii) the occurrence of helical trajectories in their radio jets. In scenarios, where the periodicity is caused by differential Doppler boosting effects along a helical jet path, both of these facts may be naturally tied together. Here we discuss four possible driving mechanisms for the occurrence of helical trajectories: orbital motion in a binary system, Newtonian-driven jet precession, internal jet rotation and motion along a global helical magnetic field. We point out that for non-ballistic helical motion the observed period may appear strongly shortened due to classical travel time effects. Finally, the possible relevance of the above mentioned driving mechanisms is discussed for Mkn~501, OJ 287 and AO 0235+16.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure; presented at the 5th Microquasar Workshop, Beijing, June 2004. Accepted for publication in the Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Renormalized spin coefficients in the accumulated orbital phase for unequal mass black hole binaries

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    We analyze galactic black hole mergers and their emitted gravitational waves. Such mergers have typically unequal masses with mass ratio of the order 1/10. The emitted gravitational waves carry the inprint of spins and mass quadrupoles of the binary components. Among these contributions, we consider here the quasi-precessional evolution of the spins. A method of taking into account these third post-Newtonian (3PN) effects by renormalizing (redefining) the 1.5 PN and 2PN accurate spin contributions to the accumulated orbital phase is developed.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in Class. Quantum Grav. GWDAW13 Proceedings Special Issue, v2: no typos conjectur

    INTEGRAL observations of SS433, a supercritically accreting microquasar with hard spectrum

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    Observations of SS433 by INTEGRAL carried out in March -- May 2003 are presented. SS433 is evidently detected on the INTEGRAL images of the corresponding sky region in the energy bands 25-50 and 50-100 keV. The precessional variability of the hard X-ray flux is clearly seen. The X-ray eclipse caused by the binary orbital motion is also detected. A possible origin of the hard continuum is briefly discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to A&A INTEGRAL special volum

    Spectropolarimetry of the Classical T Tauri Star TW Hydrae

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    We present high resolution (R ~ 60,000) circular spectropolarimetry of the classical T Tauri star TW Hydrae. We analyze 12 photospheric absorption lines and measure the net longitudinal magnetic field for 6 consecutive nights. While no net polarization is detected the first five nights, a significant photospheric field of Bz = 149 \pm 33 G is found on the sixth night. To rule out spurious instrumental polarization, we apply the same analysis technique to several non-magnetic telluric lines, detecting no significant polarization. We further demonstrate the reality of this field detection by showing that the splitting between right and left polarized components in these 12 photospheric lines shows a linear trend with Lande g-factor times wavelength squared, as predicted by the Zeeman effect. However, this longitudinal field detection is still much lower than that which would result if a pure dipole magnetic geometry is responsible for the mean magnetic field strength of 2.6 kG previously reported for TW Hya. We also detect strong circular polarization in the He I 5876 and the Ca II 8498 emission lines, indicating a strong field in the line formation region of these features. The polarization of the Ca II line is substantially weaker than that of the He I line, which we interpret as due to a larger contribution to the Ca II line from chromospheric emission in which the polarization signals cancel. However, the presence of polarization in the Ca II line indicates that accretion shocks on Classical T Tauri stars do produce narrow emission features in the infrared triplet lines of Calcium.Comment: One tar file. The paper has 22 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by AJ on Sep 10, 200