22 research outputs found

    Medical record: systematic centralization versus secure on demand aggregation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As patients often see the data of their medical histories scattered among various medical records hosted in several health-care establishments, the purpose of our multidisciplinary study was to define a pragmatic and secure on-demand based system able to gather this information, with no risk of breaching confidentiality, and to relay it to a medical professional who asked for the information via a specific search engine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Scattered data are often heterogeneous, which makes the task of gathering information very hard. Two methods can be compared: trying to solve the problem by standardizing and centralizing all the information about every patient in a single Medical Record system or trying to use the data "as is" and find a way to obtain the most complete and the most accurate information. Given the failure of the first approach, due to the lack of standardization or privacy and security problems, for example, we propose an alternative that relies on the current state of affairs: an on-demand system, using a specific search engine that is able to retrieve information from the different medical records of a single patient.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe the function of Medical Record Search Engines (MRSE), which are able to retrieve all the available information regarding a patient who has been hospitalized in different hospitals and to provide this information to health professionals upon request. MRSEs use pseudonymized patient identities and thus never have access to the patient's identity. However, though the system would be easy to implement as it by-passes many of the difficulties associated with a centralized architecture, the health professional would have to validate the information, i.e. read all of the information and create his own synthesis and possibly reject extra data, which could be a drawback. We thus propose various feasible improvements, based on the implementation of several tools in our on-demand based system.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A system that gathers all of the currently available information regarding a patient on the request of health-care professionals could be of great interest. This low-cost pragmatic alternative to centralized medical records could be developed quickly and easily. It could also be designed to include extra features and should thus be considered by health authorities.</p

    More than one in two venous thromboembolism treated in French hospitals occurs during the hospital stays

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    IF 1.413International audienceObjective The objective was to describe the prevalence of venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, and deep vein thrombosis among hospitalized patients and the percentages of those occurring during the hospital stays.Methods French DRG gave now the opportunity to investigate the frequency of venous thromboembolism occurring during the hospital stay. Statistics are issued from the national PMSI MCO databases encoded using the CIM10. Since 2010-2011 it is possible to differentiate the reason for hospital admission from the pathologies which secondly occurred. Any stay with the ICD-10 codes selected was considered as a hospital-occurred thrombosis unless it was the principal diagnosis of the first medical unit summary. To eliminate outpatient consultations or in day care, stays of <48h were excluded.Results The results pertain to the 78,838,983 hospitalizations in France from 2005 to 2011 and on the 18,683,603 hospital stays in 2010-2011. The incidence of hospital stays came to 860,343 (1.09%) for venous thromboembolism, with 428,261 (0.543%) for deep vein thrombosis without pulmonary embolism and 432,082 (0.548%) for pulmonary embolism. It corresponds to an incidence of 189 per 100,000 inhabitants. Out of 100 hospital stays involving venous thromboembolism, for 40.3% venous thromboembolism was the cause of hospitalization whereas 59.7% can be considered to have occurred during hospital stay. These distributions are of 25.6 and 74.4% for deep vein thrombosis, respectively, 53.8 and 46.2% for pulmonary embolism.Conclusion The high proportion of hospital-occurred venous thromboembolism is an alarming situation that should question the quality of prevention and/or its effectiveness

    Chirurgie combinée de la cataracte et endophtalmie postopératoire aiguë en France de 2005 à 2014

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    National audienceIntroduction : L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’analyser l’association entre chirurgie de la cataracte combinĂ©e avec des interventions chirurgicales de traitement du glaucome, vitrĂ©orĂ©tiniennes ou cornĂ©ennes et la survenue d’une (EPOA), de 2005 à 2014 en France. MĂ©thodes : Les procĂ©dures de chirurgie de la cataracte par phacoĂ©mulsification et/ou de traitement du glaucome, vitrĂ©orĂ©tiniennes ou cornĂ©ennes ont Ă©tĂ© repĂ©rĂ©es par les codes correspondant de la classification commune des actes mĂ©dicaux (CCAM) dans le programme de mĂ©dicalisation des systĂšmes d’information (PMSI) du 1er janvier 2005 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2014. L’EPOA Ă©tait dĂ©finie par la prĂ©sence d’un diagnostic d’endophtalmie lors d’une hospitalisation survenant dans les 42 jours postopĂ©ratoire. L’association entre EPOA et chirurgie de la cataracte combinĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©e par des ratios de taux d’incidence (IRR) bruts et ajustĂ©s, estimĂ©s Ă  l’aide de rĂ©gressions de Poisson. RĂ©sultats : De 2005 à 2014, ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es 6 260 477 procĂ©dures de chirurgie de la cataracte par phacoĂ©mulsification seule et 115 468 phacoĂ©mulsifications combinĂ©es avec des interventions chirurgicales de traitement du glaucome, vitrĂ©orĂ©tiniennes ou cornĂ©ennes. La frĂ©quence de survenue d’une EPOA aprĂšs une chirurgie de la cataracte combinĂ©e Ă©tait de 0,149 %. La chirurgie de la cataracte combinĂ©e Ă©tait plus Ă  risque d’EPOA que la chirurgie de la cataracte seule avec un ratio de taux d’incidence ajustĂ© (IRR) Ă  1,38 ; IC 95 % = [1,11–1,70] ; p = 0,0054. Par rapport Ă  la chirurgie de cataracte seule, les procĂ©dures chirurgicales vitrĂ©orĂ©tiniennes sans tamponnade Ă©taient associĂ©es Ă  une frĂ©quence plus Ă©levĂ©e d’EPOA (IRR = 2,95 [2,59–3,36] ; p &lt; 10−3) alors que les procĂ©dures de traitement du glaucome de type sclĂ©rectomies profondes Ă©taient associĂ©es Ă  une frĂ©quence plus faible d’EPOA (IRR = 0,48 [0,30–0,76] ; p &lt; 10−3), aprĂšs ajustement notamment sur le type d’intervention combinĂ©e ou non. Discussion/Conclusion : L’accĂšs Ă  une base de donnĂ©es nationale nous a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence une association entre chirurgie combinĂ©e de cataracte et EPOA. La survenue d’une EPOA Ă©tait associĂ©e au type de chirurgie pratiquĂ©e

    The Mixed Management of Patients' Medical Records: Responsibility Sharing Between the Patient and the Physician

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    Through this article, we propose a mixed management of patients' medical records, so as to share responsibilities between the patient and the Medical Practitioner by making Patients responsible for the validation of their administrative information, and MPs responsible for the validation of their Patients' medical information. Our proposal can be considered a solution to the main problem faced by patients, health practitioners and the authorities, namely the gathering and updating of administrative and medical data belonging to the patient in order to accurately reconstitute a patient's medical history. This method is based on two processes. The aim of the first process is to provide a patient's administrative data, in order to know where and when the patient received care (name of the health structure or health practitioner, type of care: out patient or inpatient). The aim of the second process is to provide a patient's medical information and to validate it under the accountability of the Medical Practitioner with the help of the patient if needed. During these two processes, the patient's privacy will be ensured through cryptographic hash functions like the Secure Hash Algorithm, which allows pseudonymisation of a patient's identity. The proposed Medical Record Search Engines will be able to retrieve and to provide upon a request formulated by the Medical ractitioner all the available information concerning a patient who has received care in different health structures without divulging the patient's identity. Our method can lead to improved efficiency of personal medical record management under the mixed responsibilities of the patient and the MP

    Stratification dĂ©pendante du temps dans la modĂ©lisation de Cox en tant que mĂ©thode de prise en compte d’interventions rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es dans la prise en charge des patients : l’exemple de la transfusion de sang

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    International audienceIntroductionLa transfusion de concentrĂ©s de globules rouges (CGR) est le traitement symptomatique de l’anĂ©mie et contribue Ă  l’oxygĂ©nation des tissus au cours de pathologies sĂ©vĂšres. Nous menons une recherche sur l’effet des caractĂ©ristiques des CGRs sur la survie des patients dans les CHU de Besançon et Dijon : l’étude STeF-BFC. Nous Ă©tudions l’effet de la durĂ©e de conservation (DC) et du sexe du donneur (SD) des CGR sur la survie Ă  un an de patients de chirurgie cardiovasculaire. Dans ce type d’étude, le nombre de CGR reçus est un facteur de confusion majeur. Il s’agit d’un biais d’indication mais aussi un biais de survivant (il faut avoir survĂ©cu jusqu’à la transfusion pour en bĂ©nĂ©ficier).MĂ©thodesNous proposons de contrĂŽler ce facteur dans l’analyse de survie Ă  l’aide d’une rĂ©gression Ă  risque proportionnel de Cox avec stratification dĂ©pendante du temps. Dans notre Ă©tude, les modĂšles Ă©taient ajustĂ©s sur les caractĂ©ristiques de base des patients (Ăąge, sexe, type de chirurgie cardiaque, la co-transfusion de plasma et de plaquettes). Le nombre exact de CGR transfusĂ©s, la DC (en jours), et le SD Ă©taient des variables dĂ©pendantes du temps mises Ă  jour toutes les 24 heures. La DC Ă©tait estimĂ©e par la durĂ©e maximale cumulative des CGR transfusĂ©s au cours de l’hospitalisation. De mĂȘme, le sexe du donneur (en trois catĂ©gories : CGR de donneurs du mĂȘme sexe, CGR de donneurs du sexe opposĂ© ou les deux) Ă©tait Ă©valuĂ© chaque jour sur la base des transfusions passĂ©es. Enfin, les modĂšles Ă©taient stratifiĂ©s sur le nombre de CGR. Les patients Ă©taient donc Ă  risque de dĂ©cĂšs dans la premiĂšre strate avec la premiĂšre transfusion et passaient d’une strate Ă  la suivante avec chaque jour de transfusion.RĂ©sultatsParmi les 2715 patients analysĂ©s, 85,1 % Ă©taient en vie 12 mois aprĂšs transfusion. L’analyse univariĂ©e, montrait une diminution de la survie avec l’augmentation de la DC (p 28 j = 0,97 [0,69–1,35] ; classe de rĂ©fĂ©rence < 15 jours) ou du SD (RR les deux sexes = 0,89 [0,61–1,31], sexe opposĂ© = 1,22 [0,81–1,82] ; classe de rĂ©fĂ©rence mĂȘme sexe) au risque de dĂ©cĂšs. En l’absence de stratification, on retrouvait un effet dose de la DC issu en rĂ©alitĂ© d’une interaction entre le nombre de CGR et la DC, avec un effet significatif seulement chez les patients massivement transfusĂ©s (20 CGR et plus).ConclusionCette approche permet de tenir compte des biais d’indication et de survivant liĂ© au nombre de CGR dans l’étude de l’effet des caractĂ©ristiques des CGR sur la morbiditĂ© et mortalitĂ© de patients transfusĂ©s. Contrairement Ă  d’autres Ă©tudes, nous n’avons pas mis en Ă©vidence d’effet de la DC ou du SD. La stratification, en fournissant un effet moyen de la DC entre les strates, a permis de contrĂŽler un facteur de confusion liĂ© Ă  la transfusion d’un grand nombre de CGR. Cette mĂ©thode semble applicable Ă  d’autres situations cliniques impliquant des interventions rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es oĂč le nombre de traitements est un facteur de confusion important : par exemple le nombre de cures de chimiothĂ©rapies dans le cancer