2,511 research outputs found

    The mass of the very massive binary WR21a

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    We present multi-epoch spectroscopic observations of the massive binary system WR21a, which include the January 2011 periastron passage. Our spectra reveal multiple SB2 lines and facilitate an accurate determination of the orbit and the spectral types of the components. We obtain minimum masses of 64.4±4.8 M⊙64.4\pm4.8 \ M_{\odot} and 36.3±1.7 M⊙36.3\pm1.7 \ M_{\odot} for the two components of WR21a. Using disentangled spectra of the individual components, we derive spectral types of O3/WN5ha and O3Vz~((f*)) for the primary and secondary, respectively. Using the spectral type of the secondary as an indication for its mass, we estimate an orbital inclination of i=58.8±2.5oi=58.8\pm2.5^{\mathrm{o}} and absolute masses of 103.6±10.2 M⊙103.6\pm10.2 \ M_{\odot} and 58.3±3.7 M⊙58.3\pm3.7 \ M_{\odot}, in agreement with the luminosity of the system. The spectral types of the WR21a components indicate that the stars are very young (1−-2 Myr), similar to the age of the nearby Westerlund 2 cluster. We use evolutionary tracks to determine the mass-luminosity relation for the total system mass. We find that for a distance of 8 kpc and an age of 1.5 Myr, the derived absolute masses are in good agreement with those from evolutionary predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Nonexistence theorems for traversable wormholes

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    Gauss-Bonnet formula is used to derive a new and simple theorem of nonexistence of vacuum static nonsingular lorentzian wormholes. We also derive simple proofs for the nonexistence of lorentzian wormhole solutions for some classes of static matter such as, for instance, real scalar fields with a generic potential obeying ϕV′(ϕ)≥0\phi V'(\phi) \ge 0 and massless fermions fields

    Geodesic and Path Motion in the Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory

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    We study the problem of test-particle motion in the Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory (NGT) assuming the four-velocity of the particle is parallel-transported along the trajectory. The predicted motion is studied on a static, spherically symmetric background field, with particular attention paid to radial and circular motions. Interestingly, it is found that the proper time taken to travel between any two non-zero radial positions is finite. It is also found that circular orbits can be supported at lower radii than in General Relativity for certain forms of motion. We present three interactions which could be used as alternate methods for coupling a test-particle to the antisymmetric components of the NGT field. One of these takes the form of a Yukawa force in the weak-field limit of a static, spherically symmetric field, which could lead to interesting phenomenology.Comment: 17 pages, REVTeX 3.0 with amssymb.st

    Qualitative Analysis of Universes with Varying Alpha

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    Assuming a Friedmann universe which evolves with a power-law scale factor, a=tna=t^{n}, we analyse the phase space of the system of equations that describes a time-varying fine structure 'constant', α\alpha, in the Bekenstein-Sandvik-Barrow-Magueijo generalisation of general relativity. We have classified all the possible behaviours of α(t)\alpha (t) in ever-expanding universes with different nn and find new exact solutions for α(t)\alpha (t). We find the attractors points in the phase space for all nn. In general, α\alpha will be a non-decreasing function of time that increases logarithmically in time during a period when the expansion is dust dominated (n=2/3n=2/3), but becomes constant when n>2/3n>2/3. This includes the case of negative-curvature domination (n=1n=1). α\alpha also tends rapidly to a constant when the expansion scale factor increases exponentially. A general set of conditions is established for α\alpha to become asymptotically constant at late times in an expanding universe.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    Fast dictionary-based compression for inverted indexes

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    Dictionary-based compression schemes provide fast decoding operation, typically at the expense of reduced compression effectiveness compared to statistical or probability-based approaches. In this work, we apply dictionary-based techniques to the compression of inverted lists, showing that the high degree of regularity that these integer sequences exhibit is a good match for certain types of dictionary methods, and that an important new trade-off balance between compression effectiveness and compression efficiency can be achieved. Our observations are supported by experiments using the document-level inverted index data for two large text collections, and a wide range of other index compression implementations as reference points. Those experiments demonstrate that the gap between efficiency and effectiveness can be substantially narrowed

    Properties of WNh stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud: evidence for homogeneous evolution

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    We derive the physical properties of three WNh stars in the SMC to constrain stellar evolution beyond the main sequence at low metallicity and to investigate the metallicity dependence of the clumping properties of massive stars. We compute atmosphere models to derive the stellar and wind properties of the three WNh targets. A FUV/UV/optical/near-infrared analysis gives access to temperatures, luminosities, mass loss rates, terminal velocities and stellar abundances. All stars still have a large hydrogen mass fraction in their atmosphere, and show clear signs of CNO processing in their surface abundances. One of the targets can be accounted for by normal stellar evolution. It is a star with initial mass around 40-50 Msun in, or close to, the core He burning phase. The other two objects must follow a peculiar evolution, governed by fast rotation. In particular, one object is likely evolving homogeneously due to its position blue-ward of the main sequence and its high H mass fraction. The clumping factor of one star is found to be 0.15+/-0.05. This is comparable to values found for Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars, indicating that within the uncertainties, the clumping factor does not seem to depend on metallicity.Comment: 16 pages. A&A accepte

    Collinear factorization in wide-angle hadron pair production in e+e-annihilation

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    We compute the inclusive unpolarized dihadron production cross section in the far from back-to-back region of e+e-annihilation in leading order pQCD using existing fragmentation function fits and standard collinear factorization, focusing on the large transverse momentum region where transverse momentum is comparable to the hard scale (the center-of-mass energy). We compare with standard transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) fragmentation function-based predictions intended for the small transverse momentum region with the aim of testing the expectation that the two types of calculation roughly coincide at intermediate transverse momentum. We find significant tension, within the intermediate transverse momentum region, between calculations done with existing nonperturbative TMD fragmentation functions and collinear factorization calculations if the center-of-mass energy is not extremely large. We argue that e+e-measurements are ideal for resolving this tension and exploring the large-to-small transverse momentum transition, given the typically larger hard scales (~10 GeV) of the process as compared with similar scenarios that arise in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering and fixed-target Drell-Yan measurements

    Lorentz Violation of Quantum Gravity

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    A quantum gravity theory which becomes renormalizable at short distances due to a spontaneous symmetry breaking of Lorentz invariance and diffeomorphism invariance is studied. A breaking of Lorentz invariance with the breaking patterns SO(3,1)→O(3)SO(3,1)\to O(3) and SO(3,1)→O(2)SO(3,1)\to O(2), describing 3+1 and 2+1 quantum gravity, respectively, is proposed. A complex time dependent Schr\"odinger equation (generalized Wheeler-DeWitt equation) for the wave function of the universe exists in the spontaneously broken symmetry phase at Planck energy and in the early universe, uniting quantum mechanics and general relativity. An explanation of the second law of thermodynamics and the spontaneous creation of matter in the early universe can be obtained in the symmetry broken phase of gravity.Comment: 10 pages, minor change and reference added. Typos corrected. To be published in Class. Quant. Grav

    Cosmological extrapolation of MOND

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    Regime of MOND, which is used in astronomy to describe the gravitating systems of island type without the need to postulate the existence of a hypothetical dark matter, is generalized to the case of homogeneous distribution of usual matter by introducing a linear dependence of the critical acceleration on the size of region under consideration. We show that such the extrapolation of MOND in cosmology is consistent with both the observed dependence of brightness on the redshift for type Ia supernovae and the parameters of large-scale structure of Universe in the evolution, that is determined by the presence of a cosmological constant, the ordinary matter of baryons and electrons as well as the photon and neutrino radiation without any dark matter.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, comments adde

    The effect of lutein intake on macular pigment density

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    Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a sight-threatening retinal disease found predominately in men and women over 65 years of age. AMD is thought to result from oxidative damage to the retina triggered by UV and blue light. Recent studies have suggested the onset and progression of AMD may be delayed by diet supplementation with antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin which are found in the macular area as the macular pigments. The density of the macular pigments can be quantified using heterochromic flicker photometry. In this study, 29 optometry students, between the ages of 22 and 30, were divided into groups. Group one, the control group, experienced no intervention, group two took 4 mg of lutein daily for 30 days and group three ingested 0.75 ounces of spinach daily for 30 days. The macular pigment density was assessed at baseline before any intervention, after 30 days of supplementation and again 30 days after discontinuing supplementation. Neither lutein nor spinach increased the macular pigment density in this study
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