807 research outputs found

    Zombies in our time

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    Regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis in representatives of the tribe Phaseoleae DC.

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    Flavonoids play a crucial role in plant metabolism. Many of them have antioxidant activity, and they are also pigments that render a variety of colors to plant tissues. Foods rich in flavonoid compounds are considered as functional components of a healthy diet. Currently, there is an increased interest in studying genetic mechanisms underlying the coloration of plants. Flavonoid biosynthesis pathways are controlled by two groups of genes. Structural genes encode enzymes, while regulatory genes are responsible for transcription factors that activate the expression of structural genes. Transcription factors that belong to R2R3-Myb, bHLH-Myc and WDR families form the ternary MBW complex, which is involved in regulating the expression of structural genes of flavonoid biosynthesis. The mechanisms of regulation of the anthocyanins and proanthocyanidin biosynthesis by the MBW complex are described in detail for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana L. This review summarizes data on the regulation of phenolic pigment biosynthesis and the features of phenolic pigment accumulation in plant tissues in the main representatives of the Phaseoleae tribe: soybean Glycine max (L.) Merr., common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L., adzuki bean Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi & Ohashi, and cowpea V. unguiculata (L.) Walp. The species discussed in this review are the most important food legumes in many countries of the world and they comprise the staple food in diets of millions of people. Identification and characterization of the genes controlling the flavonoid biosynthesis pathways are necessary for successful breeding of modern varieties with an increased dietary value. Identification of the flavonoid accumulation patterns is essential for solving the problem of broadening the diversity of plant products

    Triboelectric Backgrounds to radio-based UHE Neutrino Exeperiments

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    The triboelectric effect broadly includes any process in which force applied at a boundary layer results in displacement of surface charge, leading to the generation of an electrostatic potential. Wind blowing over granular surfaces, such as snow, can induce a potential difference, with subsequent coronal discharge. Nanosecond timescale discharges can lead to radio-frequency emissions with characteristics similar to piezoelectric-induced discharges. For Antarctic-sited experiments seeking detection of radio-frequency signals generated by collisions of cosmic rays or neutrinos with atmospheric or englacial molecular targets, triboelectric emissions from the surface pose a potential background. This is particularly true for experiments in which radio antennas are buried ~(1--100) m below the snow surface, and seeking to validate neutrino detection strategies by measurement of down-coming radio-frequency emissions from extensive air showers. Herein, after summarizing extant evidence for wind-induced triboelectric effects previously reported elsewhere, we detail additional analysis using archival data collected with the RICE and AURA experiments at the South Pole. We broadly characterize those radio-frequency emissions based on source location, and time-domain and also frequency-domain characteristics. We find that: a) For wind velocities in excess of 10-12 m/s, triboelectric background triggers can dominate data-taking, b) frequency spectra for triboelectric events are generally shifted to the low-end of the regime to which current radio experiments are typically sensitive (100-200 MHz), c) there is an apparent preference for tribo-electric discharges from metal surface structures, consistent with a model in which localized, above-surface structures provide a repository for transported charge

    Synanthropic flora of Kuzbass

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    The article presents the materials of studies of the adventive flora of the Kemerovo region. For the territory of the Kemerovo region, we identified 244 alien species belonging to 162 genera and 50 families. As a result of the increasing process of invasion of new species into the territory of the region, the need for constant monitoring of alien species for the degree of their naturalization, especially in natural cenoses, is urgent. The problem of synanthropic plant species is becoming increasingly important not only for economically developed territories, but also for the relatively preserved mountain regions of Kuzbass. As a result of the studies, it was found that the synanthropic fraction of the Kuzbass flora, consisting of adventive and apophyte species, accounts for about 18% of the total composition of the flora of vascular plants in the Kemerovo region (60 apophyte species, 244 – advent ones). The revealed heterogeneity in the chorological, ecological and biological terms of the species of the adventive fraction makes it possible to find suitable conditions in various types of ecotopes on the territory of the Kemerovo region. This type of work can serve as a basis for developing a strategy for the preservation of natural phytosystems of Kuzbas

    Geospatial analysis of flooding from hurricane Florence in the coastal South Carolina using Google Earth Engine

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    Flooding impacts from hurricanes and other natural hazards are an important concern in many areas of the world. The objectives of this study were to: (1) develop a framework to identify flood-affected areas after storm impact; (2) map the flooded areas caused by the hurricane Florence; and (3) assess the major effect of the hurricane on the land cover and agricultural crops in the coastal South Carolina during the flood period. The coastal South Carolina regions are recognized as the most important agricultural area in the state. The developed framework identified and mapped the affected areas during the hurricane season. Based on the results the hurricane-flooded areas were approximately 681 km2, and the major affected counties in both analysis flood frequency and flooded areas are Charleston, Georgetown, Berkeley, Florence, Marlboro, Marion, Horry, Chesterfield, Sumter, Clarendon, and Darlington. These results not only indicate flood risk on the land cover but also demonstrate the advantage of utilizing Google Earth Engine and the public archive database in its platform to track and monitor the natural hazards over time

    Justification of the program therapy of acute hepatitis C

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    Treatment of acute hepatitis C remains one of the main problems of modern hepatology. There are many variants of treatment, but there is no common opinion about scheme and time of onset of the therapy. From the other hand, early treatment can prevent chronisation in more than 70% of cases. Specific therapy was used 135 patients with acute hepatitis C aged from 16 to 52 years (26,5+0,7 years). Our analysis has shown, that its better to start specific therapy on the second month of the disease with -interferon monotherapy by induction scheme


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    The boundaries of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart (ICC) are associated with the natural historical stages of the Earth's development, and their boundaries are usually determined by the palaeogeographical or palaeobiological event that is recognized in most regions of the world. Studies on the standardization of the Lower Devonian ICC stages duration have lasted more than 70 years. The first stages were Gedinnian, Siegenian and Emsian, but their duration was not accurately determined. The article shows the history of the establishment of the currently used Lochkovian, Pragian and Emsian stages. The key study method of the Lower Devonian stages deposits is biostratigraphic one, based on the use of archistratigraphic pelagic fossils, i.e. revealing of the zonal sequence over the conodonts, dacrioconarids and goniatites fossils and comparing them with the standard sequence adopted by the International Geological Congress (IGC). The article contains an analysis of the discussed problems related to the determination of the position of the global boundary stratotype section and point (GSSP) of the Lower Devonian stages. The use of the magnetostratigraphic method in comparison of the sections of the Emsian stage in Barrandian and Zarafshan range is also discussed. The Lower Devonian regional strata of the Zarafshan-Gissar and Turkestan-Altay mountain regions of the Southern Tian Shan are characterized. It is shown that the zonal sequences on conodonts and dacrioconarids presented in these regions almost completely coincide with the standard Lower Devonian sequences in the International Chronostratigraphic Chart. The characteristics of zones and volume of Bursykhirmanian, Sangitovarian, Khukarian, Kunjak, and Kitab horizons are given

    The Role of Evaluative Tools in the Creation of the Memorial Media Portrait of Jacques Chirac (1932—2019)

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    The article is devoted to the study of evaluative tools used in modern French media in order to form the media image of a representative of the political elite. The techniques used in the creation of a memorial media portrait of Jacques Chirac (1932—2019), President of France from 1995 to 2007 are considered. The research material was the most prestigious French print media of various political orientations, published in late September — early October 2019 in connection with the death of the ex-President of the French Republic. The relevance of the research topic is dictated by the close attention of modern linguistics to axiological phenomena, differently presented in different types of discursive practices. The novelty of the study is due to the appeal to the analysis of the complex of evaluation tools used in the French print media when characterizing the former leader of the state during the nation’s farewell period. The estimated potential of the title of the article and its influence on the formation of the estimated vector of the entire text of the publication are shown. A systematic analysis of the assessment expression means, reflected in the memorial media portrait of the politician, is given. The factors that influenced the peculiarities of their use in this type of media portrait are revealed

    Magnetic phase diagram and possible Kitaev-like behavior of honeycomb-lattice antimonate Na3Co2SbO6

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    Recent theoretical studies have suggested that Kitaev physics and such effects as formation of a mysterious spin-liquid state can be expected not only in RuCl3 and iridates, but also in conventional 3d3d transition metal compounds. Using DC and AC magnetometry, thermodynamic and 23^{23}Na nuclear magnetic resonance measurements (NMR) we studied such a candidate material Na3Co2SbO6 . A full phase diagram of Na3Co2SbO6 in a wide range of magnetic fields and temperatures is presented. The results demonstrate transformation of the magnetic structure realized at low-temperature and suppression of the AFM order under the external field, the gradual development of the saturation phase, as well as evidence of gapped spin-liquid-like behavior in certain parts of the phase diagram


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    We are studied the 15 patients with autoimmune liver diseases and 36 patients without autoimmune pathology found the diagnostic value of antinuclear and antimitochondrial autoantibodies (AMA-M2) tests, and antibodies to asialoglycoprotein receptor (anti-ASGPR). Based on the ROC analysis showed that the diagnostic sensitivity and diagnostic specificity of AMA-M2 was 73% and 100% and for anti-ASGPR – 60% and 77%, respectively. Therefore, the test for anti-ASGPR in autoimmune diseases of the liver showed no advantages over standart tests, and its using in clinical practice requires clarification