116 research outputs found

    Toward the Standardization of the BVL_RU: An Instrument for Speech and Language Assessment of Russian-speaking Children

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    The Battery for the assessment of speech and language development in children from 4 to 12 years (BVL_4-12; [1]) was originally developed for Italian-speaking children and currently is under adaptation into several European languages including Russian. The BVL_4-12 consists of three parts and includes tasks assessing oral production, comprehension and repetition skills in children. This article describes the process of adaptation of the BVL_4-12 into Russia and focuses on the instructions’ translation and standardization. It presents the results of the tasks instructions’ clarity evaluation by an expert panel including Russian-speaking specialists constantly working with children of a target age in Russia and Italy (N = 7) and a cohort of children from 4.06 to10.10 including monolinguals with typical language development, children previously diagnosed with primary language impairment (PLI) and heritage Russian speakers (N = 84). Overall, 10 task instructions were judged as absolutely clear and 5 task instructions were somewhat unclear to some of the participants. Further analysis ofthe age of the participants who rated the instructions as ‘unclear’ was performed. Some of the youngest participants, whose age did not exceed 6.10, found that the instructions for the following tasks were not clear: phonological fluency; sentence completion; grammatical judgments; idiom comprehension, and comprehension of linguistic prosody. However, the minimum inter-rater agreement among the sample was reached. The potential explanation of the results of the study is proposed in the Discussion section. Keywords: language assessment, Russian, children, SLI, task instruction

    Alexithymia and psychosomatic diseases in adolescents: primary headaches

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    Background. Alexithymia is traditionally regarded as a factor which influences the development of psychosomatic diseases and contribute to a more severe and prolonged course of somatic diseases the high level of alexithymia indicates the deficit in  cognitive processes associated with awareness, exteriorization and regulation of feelings and emotions. In recent years, a lot of research has been conducted on the comorbidity of alexithymia and psychosomatic diseases in adults, but there are very few studies in relation to children and adolescents.The aim. To analyze psychosomatic diseases associated with the high level of alexithymia in adolescents, to study the correspondence of alexithymia and central sensitization (CS) in adolescents with primary headaches (migraine and tension-type headache).Methods. The diagnosis of headache was based on the criteria for the International Classification of Headache, 3rd edition. The study group included 84 adolescents, average age – 14 [13; 16] (51 females, 33 males). CS was assessed using the Russian version of “Central Sensitization Inventory” (2020) for adolescents. Alexithymia was  assessed using the Russian version of “Alexithymia questionnaire for children” (2019). Headache intensity was measured using the Visual Analogue Scale. There were also assessed the number of months and days per month with headaches; duration of night sleep; age of phrasal speech start.Results and discussion. The results showed the direct correlation between levels of alexithymia and central sensitization (rS = 0.49; p = 0.00001), the number of days with headaches per month and central sensitization severity (rS = 0.24; p = 0.027). There was no significant correlation between alexithymia severity and headaches duration (rS= 0.06; p = 0.5), no reliable results on the correspondence of alexithymia severity, age of phrasal speech start and nocturnal sleep.Conclusion. A high level of alexithymia is observed in adolescents with various somatic diseases. Primary headaches are associated with a high level of alexithymia and the severity of central sensitization. Pediatricians and neurologists should be advised to assess the level of alexithymia and central sensitization in adolescents with headaches

    Structural features and formation of lower Cretaceous AV[1] layer in the Soviet oil field (Tomsk Oblast)

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    The analysis of the collected geological and geophysical information on AV[1] layer known as Ryabchik formation is carried out. The facial conditions of this formation which define structural features of "Ryabchik" sandstones formations are considered. Maps characterizing permeability and porosity of reservoir are plotted. Areal tracking technique of sand streaks is given

    Excitation of propagating spin waves with global uniform microwave fields

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    Copyright © 2011 American Institute of PhysicsWe demonstrate a magnonic architecture that converts global free-space uniform microwaves into spin waves propagating in a stripe magnonic waveguide. The architecture is based upon dispersion mismatch between the narrow magnonic waveguide and a wide "antenna" patch, both patterned from the same magnetic film. The spin waves injected into the waveguide travel to distances as large as several tens of micrometers. The antennas can be placed at multiple positions on a magnonic chip and used to excite mutually coherent multiple spin waves for magnonic logic operations. This demonstration paves way for "magnonics" to become a pervasive technology for information processing

    Corpus-based regiolect studies: Kazan region

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. Our paper aims to regard the specificity of building and usage of e-corpora created in Kazan (Volga region) Federal University: dictionary and textual corpus “Kazan region: the language of Russian documents (16th to 17th centuries), e-corpus of Russian dialects in Kazan region (19th to 21st centuries), e-corpus of Russian texts connected with Kazan region / the Republic of Tatarstan (20th to 21st centuries). The article describes the informational potential of e-references containing and reflecting the significant data connected with general and specific characteristics of Kazan regiolect (the territory variant of Russian language used in Kazan region, which is well-known as a region of interlingual contacts)


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    The current development of oncological surgery requires maximum possible radical interventions both for the patients with concurrent conditions and those with large tumors. In thoracic surgery, provision of the adequate surgical access by the anesthesiologist is crucial, and first of all, it requires the full collapse of the operated lung for the whole time of surgery. A chest tumor often results in the changes of the trachea and main bronchi anatomy, compression of their lumen, which can make lung separation difficult. Introduction of double lumen tube with an integrated video camera into clinical practice is aimed to provide easy and reliable separation and isolation of the lungs in case of pathological changes in the trachea and main bronchi without control bronchoscopy. The article analyses 17 cases when double lumen tubes with video monitoring were used for oncological thoracic surgeries, assesses the results and opportunities for their use in the patients with the changed anatomy of the tracheobronchial tree. Video monitoring provides safe and fast intubation of the left main bronchus reaching the required depth, reduces the time of preparation for surgery and its duration providing good working conditions for surgeons. Развитие онкохирургии в современных условиях требует выполнения оперативного вмешательства с максимально возможным радикализмом как у пациентов с выраженной сопутствующей патологией, так и с опухолями больших размеров. В торакальной хирургии многое зависит от обеспечения анестезиологом адекватных условий для хирургического доступа, прежде всего коллапса оперируемого легкого на весь требуемый период вмешательства. Опухоль, растущая в грудной клетке, часто приводит к изменению анатомии трахеи и главных бронхов, сдавлению их просвета, что может осложнить разделение легких. Внедрение в клиническую практику двухпросветных интубационных трубок с интегрированной видеокамерой призвано легко и надежно обеспечить разделение и изоляцию легких при патологических изменениях в трахее и главных бронхах без использования контрольной бронхоскопии. В статье анализируются 17 случаев использования двухпросветных интубационных трубок с видеоконтролем при онкологических операциях на органах грудной клетки, оцениваются результаты и возможности их применения у пациентов с измененной анатомией трахеобронхиального дерева. Наличие видеоконтроля позволяет безопасно и быстро установить интубационную трубку в левый главный бронх на необходимую глубину, сокращает время подготовки к операции и ее продолжительность за счет создания хороших условий для хирургов.

    Wannier-Stark ladder spectrum of Bloch oscillations of magneto-dipole spin waves in graded 1D magnonic crystals

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AIP Publishing via the DOI in this recordWe have used the method of Wannier functions to calculate the frequencies and profiles of spin waves localised in one-dimensional (1D) magnonic crystals due to a gradient in the bias magnetic field. This localisation of spin waves is analogous to the phenomenon of Bloch oscillations of quantum-mechanical electrons in crystals in a uniform electric field. As a convenient yet realistic model, we consider backward volume magnetostatic spin waves (BVMSWs) in a film of yttriumiron garnet (YIG) in a bias magnetic field comprising spatially uniform, cosine and gradient contributions. The spin-wave spectrum is shown to have the characteristic form of a WannierStark ladder. The analytical results are verified using those obtained using numerical micromagnetic simulations. The physics of spin-wave Bloch oscillations combines the topics of magnonic crystals and graded magnonic index – the two cornerstones of modern magnonics.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)European Union Horizon 202

    Седоанальгезия дексмедетомидином и кетамином при эндоскопической резекции обтурирующей опухоли бифуркации трахеи у больного раком легкого и его ателектазом

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    The technique of multimodal sedoanalgesia with dexmedetomidine (DMM) and ketamine in combination with lidocaine, which was used in 55 years old male patient for loop electroexcision of a tumor of the right main bronchus, originating from the right lung (adenocarcinoma), which caused atelectasis of this lung and prolapsing into the bifurcation region, is presented. The endotracheal fragment of the tumor periodically blocked the mouth of the left main bronchus, causing attacks of asphyxiation. DMM has the unique ability to cause efficient sedation and moderate analgesia in combination with an antistress effect, and most importantly, without spontaneous breathing depression. In similar situations, these properties of DMM make it an agent of choice for anesthetic management. When working in reflexogenic zones, the addition of small doses of ketamine can increase the effectiveness of the method due to analgesic properties and insignificant effect on respiration. Intravenous administration of lidocaine plus terminal anesthesia with this local anesthetic complements the anesthetic protection.Представлена методика мультимодальной седоанальгезии дексмедетомидином (ДММ) и кетамином в сочетании с лидокаином, которую применили при петлевой электроэксцизии опухоли правого главного бронха, исходящей из правого легкого (аденокарцинома), вызвавшей ателектаз этого легкого и выходящей в область бифуркации трахеи у больного 55 лет, получающего полихимиотерапию. Эндотрахеальный фрагмент опухоли периодически перекрывал устье левого главного бронха, вызывая приступы асфиксии. ДММ обладает уникальной способностью вызывать выраженную седацию и умеренную анальгезию в сочетании с антистрессорным действием, и, что особенно важно, он не угнетает самостоятельное дыхание. В ситуациях, подобных данной, эти свойства ДММ делают его средством выбора анестезиологического обеспечения. При работе в рефлексогенных зонах добавление малых доз кетамина позволяет повысить эффективность методики за счет анальгетических свойств и незначительного действия на дыхание. Внутривенное введение лидокаина плюс терминальная анестезия этим местным анестетиком дополняют анестезиологическую защиту

    Возможности искусственного интеллекта в измерении оттисков внутриглазного давления по Маклакову

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the accuracy of Maklakov intraocular pressure imprints measurement by doctors and artificial intelligence.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two pairs of tonograms were prepared, obtained by a Maklakov tonometer with a load of 10.0 g. The tonograms were labeled anonymously, using a measuring ruler devised by prof. B.L. Polyak for 4 Maklakov tonometers. In total, 57 ophthalmologists took part in the work. A total of 40 prints were chosen based on there quality. The same prints were photographed by a Xiaomi mi smartphone camera 40 times with a different level of illumination and a different angle of rotation relative to the normal of the lens focal plane. Received photos in jpg format were analyzed by http://ai-tonometry.com algorithms and processed by the Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) algorithm to extract sharper boundaries, and then translated into binary matrices (matrices consisting of “0” and “1”).RESULTS: An imprint with a maximum number of measurements of 40 and a collegially accepted reliable tonometric level of 17 mmHg was measured in the middle range of 16.48±2.7 16.0 (15.0; 17) mmHg by doctors, and 17.0±1.1 17.0 (16.0; 17.0) mmHg by the neural network. At the same time, the range of imprint diameter measurements by the neural network was almost three times smaller, than human measurements.CONCLUSION: The artificial intelligence-based mobile application allows for a high-quality monitoring of intraocular pressure and rejects prints of unsatisfactory quality, which may potentially reduce the number of patients with glaucoma progression.ЦЕЛЬ. Оценить точность измерения оттисков внутриглазного давления (ВГД) по Маклакову, выполненного врачами и искусственным интеллектом.МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ. Были подготовлены две пары тонограмм, полученные тонометром Маклакова грузом 10,0 г. Разметка тонограмм проводилась анонимно при помощи измерительной линейки проф. Б.Л. Поляка для 4-х тонометров Маклакова. Всего в работе приняло участие 57 офтальмологов. Были выбраны наиболее качественные отпечатки (n=40). Эти же отпечатки были сфотографированы на камеру смартфона Xiaomi mi 6 40 раз с различным уровнем освещенности и различным углом поворота относительно нормали к фокальной плоскости линзы. Полученные фотографии в формате jpg были проанализированы алгоритмами http://ai-tonometry.com. и обрабатывались алгоритмом Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) для выделения более четких границ, а после этого переводились в бинарные матрицы (матрицы, состоящие из «0» и «1»).РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Оттиск с максимальным количеством измерений 40 и коллегиально принятым достоверным тонометрическим уровнем 17 мм рт.ст. врачами был измерен в среднем диапазоне 16,48±2,7 16,0 (15,0; 17) мм рт.ст., а нейросетью 17,0±1,1 17,0 (16,0; 17,0) мм рт.ст. При этом диапазон измерений диаметра оттиска нейросетью практически в 3 раза меньше по сравнению с измерениями врачей.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Мобильное приложение на основе искусственного интеллекта помогает качественно проводить мониторинг ВГД и отбраковывать оттиски неудовлетворительного качества, что позволит снизить количество пациентов с прогрессированием глаукомы