118 research outputs found

    Double proximity effect in hybrid planar Superconductor-(Normal metal/Ferromagnet)-Superconductor structures

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    We have investigated the differential resistance of hybrid planar Al-(Cu/Fe)-Al submicron bridges at low temperatures and in weak magnetic fields. The structure consists of Cu/Fe-bilayer forming a bridge between two superconducting Al-electrodes. In superconducting state of Al-electrodes, we have observed a double-peak peculiarity in differential resistance of the S-(N/F)-S structures at a bias voltage corresponding to the minigap. We claim that this effect (the doubling of the minigap) is due to an electron spin polarization in the normal metal which is induced by the ferromagnet. We have demonstrated that the double-peak peculiarity is converted to a single peak at a coercive applied field corresponding to zero magnetization of the Fe-layer


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    The content of autoantibodies to TNF in the sera of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in conjunction with the definition of soluble receptors and TNF was investigated. A significant increase in the content of TNF and I and II types soluble receptors to TNF in sera of RA patients in the acute stage and of responding to therapy RA patients compared with relatively healthy donors was demonstrated. In determining autoantibodies subclasses a significant increase in the relative content of subclasses IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 autoantibodies in sera of RA patients in the acute stage compared with relatively healthy donors, as well as a significant increase in the relative content of subclasses IgG2 and IgG4 autoantibodies in RA patients in the acute stage compared with RA patients, responding to therapy were shown. Thus we have shown the presence of antibodies, soluble receptors to TNF and cytokine in the serum of relatively healthy donors and RA patients, herewith taking into account significant changes in the relative content of the subclasses of autoantibodies and in the content of TNF and soluble receptors we can talk about the functional role of the autoantibodies and soluble receptors to TNF in the pathology

    Comparison of the effects of liraglutide and sibutramine in obese patients

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    Background: Obesity is a global noncommunicable pandemic. The low effectiveness of treating obesity is associated with the difficulty of maintaining weight loss due to the reaction of the appetite regulation system. Drugs with central mechanisms of action can help overcome this problem.Aim: The aim of our study was to compare the effects of liraglutide and sibutramine (Reduxin) on the dynamics of weight and cardiometabolic parameters in obese patients without cardiovascular diseases.Materials and methods: We estimated the dynamics of the main metabolic parameters (BMI, glucose, lipid metabolism, blood pressure), the level of hormones involved in the regulation of fat metabolism (leptin, adiponectin, insulin), the ­HOMA-IR index, markers of oxidative stress and inflammation during therapy with liraglutide in comparison with reduxin for 6 months in obese patients.Results: 64 obese patients were included in the study: 25 patients — in the “Liraglutide” group, 39 patients — in the “Sibutramine” group in accordance with the declared inclusion / exclusion criteria. The included patients were young, average body mass index (BMI) (37.92 ± 5.45 kg / m2), average glycemic level was 5.47 ± 0.81 mmol /l, HOMA-IR was 6.01 ± 4.25, blood pressure was at inclusion was within the normal range, but 21.8% of patients received antihypertensive therapy.Both treatment options provided a comparable decrease in body weight (-10.28% vs -9.47%, p = 0.13)., Leptin level (-32.12% vs -41.77%, p = 0.77) and myeloperoxidase (-33.33% vs -19.91%, p = 0.2). The blood pressure level did not change significantly on liraglutide, while on reduxin the level of diastolic blood pressure (dBP) increased significantly (6.87%, p = 0.006). There was a more pronounced decrease in insulin levels compared to the baseline level (-46%, p = 0.005), as well as a decrease in the HOMA-IR index (-50.08, p = 0.005) on liraglutide therapy.An increase in adiponectin levels (+ 45.36% vs 14.01%, p = 0.0045) and a decrease in low density lipoprotein(LDL) cholesterol were significantly more pronounced on reduxin therapy (-15.03% vs -9.4%, p = 0.006).36% of the participants completed their participation in the study ahead of schedule due to the lack of effect in the form of weight loss in the «Liraglutide» group. Side effects in the “Liraglutide” group were observed in 16% of patients. 48% of patients took part in the study within 6 months. In the «Sibutramine» group 33.4% of patients completed the study ahead of schedule for reasons unrelated to the drug intake, the side effects were observed in 20.5% of patients. 46.1% of participants in the «Sibutramine» group received therapy for 6 months.Conclusions: This study confirms the previous findings that both liraglutide and reduxin therapy provide effective weight loss. We found a positive trend in markers of inflammation, atherogenesis and oxidative stress, and leptin levels. Liraglutide therapy was accompanied by a more pronounced effect on the state of carbohydrate metabolism, and reduxin therapy provided a more pronounced dynamics of lipid disorders and adiponexin. Both groups were characterized by a rather low adherence to therapy, but the incidence of side effects requiring stopping therapy was higher in the Sibutramine group

    Kineziotherapy as a Means of Rehabilitation of Athletes

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    The work considers the importance of kinesiotherapy in the field of physical culture and sports, which allows to speed up the process of healing and recovery of the organism after the traumas suffered or as a preventive measure of their reception from athletes. A special emphasis is placed on the application of kinesiotherapy in athletics. The author proposes a set of exercises to prevent or eliminate pathological changes and disorders that occur during training or in competitive activity among sprinters.В работе рассматривается значение кинезиотерапии в области физической культуры и спорта, позволяющей ускорить процесс оздоровления и восстановления организма после перенесенных травм или в качестве профилактики их получения у спортсменов. Особый акцент сделан на применении кинезиотерапии в легкой атлетике. Автор предлагает комплекс упражнений для предупреждения или устранения патологических изменений и нарушений, возникающих во время тренировок или в соревновательной деятельности у спортсменов‑спринтеров

    Realization of conductive pedagogics in rehabilitation and socialization of preschool children with deviations in the state of health

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    The paper describes the implementation of the method of conductive pedagogy in complex rehabilitation and socialization of children with disabilities. The article describes health-saving technologies, the use of which allows to form the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle among preschool children with disabilities in a state of health. The creation of inclusive groups of children will allow you to socialize and fully develop the personality of preschool children with deviations in health status.В работе описывается реализация метода кондуктивной педагогики в комплексной реабилитации и социализации детей с отклонениями в состоянии здоровья. Изложены здоровьесберегающие технологии, применение которых позволяют формировать у дошкольников с отклонениями в состоянии здоровья необходимые знания, умения и навыки по здоровому образу жизни. Создание инклюзивных групп детей позволит социализировать и всесторонне развить личность дошкольников с отклонениями в состоянии здоровья

    "Russıan world". Indıgenous culture in the idıoms and obsolete words

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    The article is built on the dominant concept of the russian-slavic civilization, which is the "russian world" in the unity of its original culture and languag

    Общественная опасность преступления: понятие и критерии верификации

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    The subject. The article reveals theoretical, lexical and logical approaches to determining the essence of the public danger of crime.The purpose of the article is to confirm or dispute hypothesis that the public danger of crime as a legal or theoretical construction represents the possibility of negative changes in society; public danger is an exclusive social feature of criminal acts. The authors also aim to develop a system of verifiable criteria for public danger.The methodology of the research is an objective assessment of the public danger as legal category. It is performed selecting a system of verified factors of public danger on the basis of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, interpretation of legal literature.The main results, scope of application. The meaning of the legal definition of a crime contains the purpose of preventing possible harm to society stipulated in the criminal law. This fact is due to the preventive task (part 1 of article 2 of the Russian Criminal Code). The public danger of crime as a phenomenon of objective reality is meaningless, since the crime is the negative changes and harm that has occurred. The social danger of crime creates a shock to the foundations of society, undermines the conditions of its existence. Other ("non-criminal") offenses that contradict the established law and order in the state do not threaten the basic system of social values. Intersectoral differentiation of legal responsibility should have transitivity, which includes a rule: the degree of repression of coercive measures within various branches of law meets the rules of hierarchy. Mandatory signs of public danger of a crime are that the act: 1) affects significant social relations that need criminal legal protection from causing harm to them by socially dangerous behavior; 2) has a harmful potential that is fraught with causing significant harm or creating a threat of causing such harm to the object of criminal legal protection; 3) results in socially dangerous consequences; 4) is characterized by the guilty attitude of the subject to the deed, expressed in the form of intent or carelessness. Optional criteria of public danger of act are: the characteristics of the crime and characteristics of victim; method of committing a crime; the time, place, atmosphere, instruments and means of committing the crime; the motive; the object of the crime; special characteristics of the perpetrator. The quantitative indicators (size, severity, or other value) of the subject of the offense and its socially dangerous consequences, as well as the repetition of the act and the presence of a special recidivism of crimes should not be used as criteria for public danger of behavior.Conclusions. Public danger is a social feature exclusively of criminal acts (crimes and potential criminal misdemeanors); all other types of offenses are harmful to the interests of society, but they do not pose a danger to it. To exclude competition between criminal and administrative responsibility, it is necessary to take into account the public danger of the crime on the basis of verifiable factors.Раскрываются теоретические, лексические и логические подходы к определению сущности общественной опасности преступления, проводится объективизация данной уголовно-правовой категории посредством выявления системы верифицированных факторов и тем самым формируется представление об основании дифференциации преступлений и административных правонарушений, а равно юридической ответственности за их совершение. Отмечается, что общественная опасность преступления как законодательной или теоретической конструкции представляет собой возможность негативных изменений в обществе, которые определены в самом уголовном законе, и в этом смысле преступление опасно. Общественная опасность преступления как факта действительности лишена смысла, поскольку преступление - и есть негативные изменения и наступивший вред. Выделяются обязательные и факультативные признаки общественной опасности. Делается вывод о том, что в качестве критериев общественной опасности поведения не должны выступать количественные показатели (размер, тяжесть, иная величина) предмета посягательства и его общественно опасных последствий, а равно повторность совершения деяния и наличие специального рецидива преступлений