1,983 research outputs found

    High Sensitivity Torsion Balance Tests for LISA Proof Mass Modeling

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    We have built a highly sensitive torsion balance to investigate small forces between closely spaced gold coated surfaces. Such forces will occur between the LISA proof mass and its housing. These forces are not well understood and experimental investigations are imperative. We describe our torsion balance and present the noise of the system. A significant contribution to the LISA noise budget at low frequencies is the fluctuation in the surface potential difference between the proof mass and its housing. We present first results of these measurements with our apparatus.Comment: 6th International LISA Symposiu

    Charge Management for Gravitational Wave Observatories using UV LEDs

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    Accumulation of electrical charge on the end mirrors of gravitational wave observatories, such as the space-based LISA mission and ground-based LIGO detectors, can become a source of noise limiting the sensitivity of such detectors through electronic couplings to nearby surfaces. Torsion balances provide an ideal means for testing gravitational wave technologies due to their high sensitivity to small forces. Our torsion pendulum apparatus consists of a movable Au-coated Cu plate brought near a Au-coated Si plate pendulum suspended from a non-conducting quartz fiber. A UV LED located near the pendulum photoejects electrons from the surface, and a UV LED driven electron gun directs photoelectrons towards the pendulum surface. We have demonstrated both charging and discharging of the pendulum with equivalent charging rates of \sim105e/s10^5 e/\mathrm{s}, as well as spectral measurements of the pendulum charge resulting in a white noise level equivalent to 3×105e/Hz3\times10^5 e/\sqrt{Hz}.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to PR

    Micro-Canonical Hadron Production in pp collisions

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    We apply a microcanonical statistical model to investigate hadron production in pp collisions. The parameters of the model are the energy E and the volume V of the system, which we determine via fitting the average multiplicity of charged pions, protons and antiprotons in pp collisions at different collision energies. We then make predictions of mean multiplicities and mean transverse momenta of all identified hadrons. Our predictions on nonstrange hadrons are in good agreement with the data, the mean transverse momenta of strange hadron as well. However, the mean multiplicities of strange hadrons are overpredicted. This agrees with canonical and grandcanonical studies, where a strange suppression factor is needed. We also investigate the influence of event-by-event fluctuations of the E parameter.Comment: 15 pages 11 figure

    Nonperturbative contributions to the QCD pressure

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    We summarize the most important arguments why a perturbative description of finite-temperature QCD is unlikely to be possible and review various well-established approaches to deal with this problem. Then, using a recently proposed method, we investigate nonperturbative contributions to the QCD pressure and other observables (like energy, anomaly and bulk viscosity) obtained by imposing a functional cutoff at the Gribov horizon. Finally, we discuss how such contributions fit into the picture of consecutive effective theories, as proposed by Braaten and Nieto, and give an outline of the next steps necessary to improve this type of calculation.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, uses xcolor.sty; in v2 quality of some figures has been improved, discussion of other approaches has been extende

    Finite Black Hole Entropy and String Theory

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    An accelerating observer sees a thermal bath of radiation at the Hawking temperature which is proportional to the acceleration. Also, in string theory there is a Hagedorn temperature beyond which one cannot go without an infinite amount of energy. Several authors have shown that in the context of Hawking radiation a limiting temperature for string theory leads to a limiting acceleration, which for a black hole implies a minimum distance from the horizon for an observer to remain stationary. We argue that this effectively introduces a cutoff in Rindler space or the Schwarzschild geometry inside of which accelerations would exceed this maximum value. Furthermore, this natural cutoff in turn allows one to define a finite entropy for Rindler space or a black hole as all divergences were occurring on the horizon. In all cases if a particular relationship exists between Newton's constant and the string tension then the entropy of the string modes agrees with the Bekenstein-Hawking formula.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, Florida Preprint UFIFT-HEP-94-0

    Localization of quantum wave packets

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    We study the semiclassical propagation of squeezed Gau{\ss}ian states. We do so by considering the propagation theorem introduced by Combescure and Robert \cite{CR97} approximating the evolution generated by the Weyl-quantization of symbols HH. We examine the particular case when the Hessian H(Xt)H^{\prime\prime}(X_{t}) evaluated at the corresponding solution XtX_{t} of Hamilton's equations of motion is periodic in time. Under this assumption, we show that the width of the wave packet can remain small up to the Ehrenfest time. We also determine conditions for ``classical revivals'' in that case. More generally, we may define recurrences of the initial width. Some of these results include the case of unbounded classical motion. In the classically unstable case we recover an exponential spreading of the wave packet as in \cite{CR97}

    A SUSY SU(5) Grand Unified Model of Tri-Bimaximal Mixing from A4

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    We discuss a grand unified model based on SUSY SU(5) in extra dimensions and on the flavour group A4xU(1) which, besides reproducing tri-bimaximal mixing for neutrinos with the accuracy required by the data, also leads to a natural description of the observed pattern of quark masses and mixings.Comment: 19 page

    Modified Hagedorn formula including temperature fluctuation - Estimation of temperatures at RHIC experiments -

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    We have systematically estimated the possible temperatures obtained from an analysis of recent data on ptp_t distributions observed at RHIC experiments. Using the fact that observed ptp_t distributions cannot be described by the original Hagedorn formula in the whole range of transverse momenta (in particular above 6 GeV/c), we propose a modified Hagedorn formula including temperature fluctuation. We show that by using it we can fit ptp_t distributions in the whole range and can estimate consistently the relevant temperatures, including their fluctuations.Comment: Some misprints corrected, references updated. To be published in Eur. Phys. J. C (2006

    Equation of state at FAIR energies and the role of resonances

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    Two microscopic models, UrQMD and QGSM, are used to extract the effective equation of state (EOS) of locally equilibrated nuclear matter produced in heavy-ion collisions at energies from 11.6 AGeV to 160 AGeV. Analysis is performed for the fixed central cubic cell of volume V = 125 fm**3 and for the expanding cell that followed the growth of the central area with uniformly distributed energy. For all reactions the state of local equilibrium is nearly approached in both models after a certain relaxation period. The EOS has a simple linear dependence P/e = c_s**2 with 0.12 < c_s**2 < 0.145. Heavy resonances are shown to be responsible for deviations of the c_s**2(T) and c_s**2(mu_B) from linear behavior. In the T-mu_B and T-mu_S planes the EOS has also almost linear dependence and demonstrates kinks related not to the deconfinement phase transition but to inelastic freeze-out in the system.Comment: SQM2008 proceedings, 6 page