17 research outputs found

    Deep learning for feature extraction in remote sensing: A case-study of aerial scene classification

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    Scene classification relying on images is essential in many systems and applications related to remote sensing. The scientific interest in scene classification from remotely collected images is increasing, and many datasets and algorithms are being developed. The introduction of convolutional neural networks (CNN) and other deep learning techniques contributed to vast improvements in the accuracy of image scene classification in such systems. To classify the scene from areal images, we used a two-stream deep architecture. We performed the first part of the classification, the feature extraction, using pre-trained CNN that extracts deep features of aerial images from different network layers: the average pooling layer or some of the previous convolutional layers. Next, we applied feature concatenation on extracted features from various neural networks, after dimensionality reduction was performed on enormous feature vectors. We experimented extensively with different CNN architectures, to get optimal results. Finally, we used the Support Vector Machine (SVM) for the classification of the concatenated features. The competitiveness of the examined technique was evaluated on two real-world datasets: UC Merced and WHU-RS. The obtained classification accuracies demonstrate that the considered method has competitive results compared to other cutting-edge techniques

    Aerial scene classification through fine-tuning with adaptive learning rates and label smoothing

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    Remote Sensing (RS) image classification has recently attracted great attention for its application in different tasks, including environmental monitoring, battlefield surveillance, and geospatial object detection. The best practices for these tasks often involve transfer learning from pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). A common approach in the literature is employing CNNs for feature extraction, and subsequently train classifiers exploiting such features. In this paper, we propose the adoption of transfer learning by fine-tuning pre-trained CNNs for end-to-end aerial image classification. Our approach performs feature extraction from the fine-tuned neural networks and remote sensing image classification with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model with linear and Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernels. To tune the learning rate hyperparameter, we employ a linear decay learning rate scheduler as well as cyclical learning rates. Moreover, in order to mitigate the overfitting problem of pre-trained models, we apply label smoothing regularization. For the fine-tuning and feature extraction process, we adopt the Inception-v3 and Xception inception-based CNNs, as well the residual-based networks ResNet50 and DenseNet121. We present extensive experiments on two real-world remote sensing image datasets: AID and NWPU-RESISC45. The results show that the proposed method exhibits classification accuracy of up to 98%, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods

    Multi-horizon air pollution forecasting with deep neural networks

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    Air pollution is a global problem, especially in urban areas where the population density is very high due to the diverse pollutant sources such as vehicles, industrial plants, buildings, and waste. North Macedonia, as a developing country, has a serious problem with air pollution. The problem is highly present in its capital city, Skopje, where air pollution places it consistently within the top 10 cities in the world during the winter months. In this work, we propose using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) models with long short-term memory units to predict the level of PM10 particles at 6, 12, and 24 h in the future. We employ historical air quality measurement data from sensors placed at multiple locations in Skopje and meteorological conditions such as temperature and humidity. We compare different deep learning models’ performance to an Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. The obtained results show that the proposed models consistently outperform the baseline model and can be successfully employed for air pollution prediction. Ultimately, we demonstrate that these models can help decision-makers and local authorities better manage the air pollution consequences by taking proactive measures

    Air pollution prediction with multi-modal data and deep neural networks

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    Air pollution is becoming a rising and serious environmental problem, especially in urban areas affected by an increasing migration rate. The large availability of sensor data enables the adoption of analytical tools to provide decision support capabilities. Employing sensors facilitates air pollution monitoring, but the lack of predictive capability limits such systems’ potential in practical scenarios. On the other hand, forecasting methods offer the opportunity to predict the future pollution in specific areas, potentially suggesting useful preventive measures. To date, many works tackled the problem of air pollution forecasting, most of which are based on sequence models. These models are trained with raw pollution data and are subsequently utilized to make predictions. This paper proposes a novel approach evaluating four different architectures that utilize camera images to estimate the air pollution in those areas. These images are further enhanced with weather data to boost the classification accuracy. The proposed approach exploits generative adversarial networks combined with data augmentation techniques to mitigate the class imbalance problem. The experiments show that the proposed method achieves robust accuracy of up to 0.88, which is comparable to sequence models and conventional models that utilize air pollution data. This is a remarkable result considering that the historic air pollution data is directly related to the output—future air pollution data, whereas the proposed architecture uses camera images to recognize the air pollution—which is an inherently much more difficult problem

    Literature on applied machine learning in metagenomic classification: A scoping review

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    Applied machine learning in bioinformatics is growing as computer science slowly invades all research spheres. With the arrival of modern next-generation DNA sequencing algorithms, metagenomics is becoming an increasingly interesting research field as it finds countless practical applications exploiting the vast amounts of generated data. This study aims to scope the scientific literature in the field of metagenomic classification in the time interval 2008–2019 and provide an evolutionary timeline of data processing and machine learning in this field. This study follows the scoping review methodology and PRISMA guidelines to identify and process the available literature. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is deployed to ensure efficient and exhaustive search of the literary corpus of three large digital libraries: IEEE, PubMed, and Springer. The search is based on keywords and properties looked up using the digital libraries’ search engines. The scoping review results reveal an increasing number of research papers related to metagenomic classification over the past decade. The research is mainly focused on metagenomic classifiers, identifying scope specific metrics for model evaluation, data set sanitization, and dimensionality reduction. Out of all of these subproblems, data preprocessing is the least researched with considerable potential for improvement

    Applications of Machine Learning in Human Microbiome Studies: A Review on Feature Selection, Biomarker Identification, Disease Prediction and Treatment

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    The number of microbiome-related studies has notably increased the availability of data on human microbiome composition and function. These studies provide the essential material to deeply explore host-microbiome associations and their relation to the development and progression of various complex diseases. Improved data-analytical tools are needed to exploit all information from these biological datasets, taking into account the peculiarities of microbiome data, i.e., compositional, heterogeneous and sparse nature of these datasets. The possibility of predicting host-phenotypes based on taxonomy-informed feature selection to establish an association between microbiome and predict disease states is beneficial for personalized medicine. In this regard, machine learning (ML) provides new insights into the development of models that can be used to predict outputs, such as classification and prediction in microbiology, infer host phenotypes to predict diseases and use microbial communities to stratify patients by their characterization of state-specific microbial signatures. Here we review the state-of-the-art ML methods and respective software applied in human microbiome studies, performed as part of the COST Action ML4Microbiome activities. This scoping review focuses on the application of ML in microbiome studies related to association and clinical use for diagnostics, prognostics, and therapeutics. Although the data presented here is more related to the bacterial community, many algorithms could be applied in general, regardless of the feature type. This literature and software review covering this broad topic is aligned with the scoping review methodology. The manual identification of data sources has been complemented with: (1) automated publication search through digital libraries of the three major publishers using natural language processing (NLP) Toolkit, and (2) an automated identification of relevant software repositories on GitHub and ranking of the related research papers relying on learning to rank approach.This study was supported by COST Action CA18131 “Statistical and machine learning techniques in human microbiome studies”. Estonian Research Council grant PRG548 (JT). Spanish State Research Agency Juan de la Cierva Grant IJC2019-042188-I (LM-Z). EO was founded and OA was supported by Estonian Research Council grant PUT 1371 and EMBO Installation grant 3573. AG was supported by Statutory Research project of the Department of Computer Networks and Systems

    Skopje Weather Multi-modal Data

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    This dataset could be used for air pollution prediction or generally analyzing the weather conditions in Skopje, Macedonia. It provides a combination of weather data and camera images. Namely, the input is primarily based on cameras taken from a static camera placed at the Vodno mountain near Skopje, Macedonia. Next, we use the meteorological data taken from the nearest meteorological station. The output is the predicted Air Quality Index, which is validated based on the nearest PM2.5 sensor measurements.We provide air pollution data, weather data, as well as images that are taken from static cameras located at the nearby Vodno Mountain.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Skopje Weather Multi-modal Data

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    This dataset could be used for air pollution prediction or generally analyzing the weather conditions in Skopje, Macedonia. It provides a combination of weather data and camera images. Namely, the input is primarily based on cameras taken from a static camera placed at the Vodno mountain near Skopje, Macedonia. Next, we use the meteorological data taken from the nearest meteorological station. The output is the predicted Air Quality Index, which is validated based on the nearest PM2.5 sensor measurements.We provide air pollution data, weather data, as well as images that are taken from static cameras located at the nearby Vodno Mountain.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Scalable auto-encoders for gravitational waves detection from time series data

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    Gravitational waves represent a new opportunity to study and interpret phenomena from the universe. In order to efficiently detect and analyze them, advanced and automatic signal processing and machine learning techniques could help to support standard tools and techniques. Another challenge relates to the large volume of data collected by the detectors on a daily basis, which creates a gap between the amount of data generated and effectively analyzed. In this paper, we propose two approaches involving deep auto-encoder models to analyze time series collected from Gravitational Waves detectors and provide a classification label (noise or real signal). The purpose is to discard noisy time series accurately and identify time series that potentially contain a real phenomenon. Experiments carried out on three datasets show that the proposed approaches implemented using the Apache Spark framework, represent a valuable machine learning tool for astrophysical analysis, offering competitive accuracy and scalability performances with respect to state-of-the-art methods


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