359 research outputs found


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    The article deals with investigation of a number of stories about Hasan al-Basri, a great preacher and a major representative of the zuhd movement (‘detachment’) in early Islam. These stories are gathered in anthology ‘Memorial of God’s Friends’ (Tadhkirat al-Awliya’) of the major Persian poet and Sufi thinker of XII–XIII centuries Farid ad-Din ‘Attar Nishaburi. The author provides a brief overview of the ethical ideas of Hasan al-Basri and explores the origins of his ethical doctrine. Hasan al-Basri followed the principle of strict responsibility. He was the forerunner of the Mu‘tazilite doctrine of the autonomy of human will. The focus of the article are the main themes of Hasan al-Basri’s ethical doctrine, such as: longing for higher virtues (sincerity, righteousness, piety, humility), the requirement to follow religious instructions, the overcoming attachments to the mortal world, the critique of wealth and the sermon of asceticism, etc. A detailed analysis of the stories about Hasan al-Basri and his statements allows to conclude, that there numerous ideas in his worldview later will take the form of developed Sufi ethical doctrine. The article shows, that all events from the life of Hasan al-Basri, from his birth to death, should be read and understood in the framework of his spiritual progress along a Sufi path.В статье рассмотрен ряд историй о Хасане ал-Басри — крупном представителе движения «отрешенных от мирского» (зуххад) — из антологии «Поминание друзей Божиих» (Тазкират ал-авлийа’) персидского поэта и суфийского мыслителя кон. XII — нач. XIII в. Фарид ад-дина ‘Аттара. На основе этих историй сделан краткий обзор этических идей Хасана ал-Басри, показаны истоки его этического учения. Хасан ал-Басри придерживался принципа строгой ответственности и являлся предтечей мутазилитского учения об автономии воли человека. Анализ зикра Хасана ал-Басри из Тазкират ал-авлийа’ показал, что основное содержание его этического учения составляют стремление к обретению высших добродетелей (искренности, праведности, богобоязненности, смирения), требование четко следовать религиозным предписаниям, установка на преодоление привязанности к бренному миру, критика стяжательства, проповедь аскетизма и т. д. Подробный разбор историй о Хасане ал-Басри и его высказываний позволяет сделать вывод о наличии в его мировоззрении идей, которые позднее обретут форму суфийского этического учения

    К вопросу о философском контексте поэм Ф. Аттара

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    The author of this article wanted to define a special approach to the problem of how to know God, which developed in the poems of Farid al-Din ‘Attar (1145/46–1221). She based on a comparative analysis of the ‘Attar’s philosophical views with the ideas of the thinkers of Falsafa, Sufism and Isma‘ilism. The author carefully analyzed the prologue named “Concerning the Unity of God” of ‘Attar’s major poem “The Language of the Birds” (Mantiq al-tayr). In this prologue ‘Attar deals with theme of “God’s incomparability”, which means the fundamental impossibility of description of God through various categorical combination. The author used the methods of historical and philosophical reconstruction, philological and textological analysis of the text. Particular attention in this article was given to comparison of the theories of the knowledge of God, developed by Ibn Sina, Jalal al-Din Rumi, Mahmud Shabistari, with ‘Attar’s philosophical ideas. The novelty of the research is: for the first time in Russian philosophical Iranian studies ‘Attar’s philosophical views was considered in the context of the general tradition of Arab-Muslim philosophy.Цель, которую ставит перед собой автор данной статьи, состоит в том, чтобы выявить особенности подхода Фарид ад-дина ‘Аттара Нишапури (1145/46–1221) к проблеме познания Бога, опираясь на сравнительный анализ его философских построений с идеями представителей фалсафы, суфизма и исмаилизма. В основе исследования — текст «Славословия Богу» из пролога к поэме «Язык птиц» (Мантик ат-тайр), в котором развивается тема «несравненности Бога», т. е. принципиальной невозможности его описания через различные категориальные отношения. Автор привлекает методы историко-философской реконструкции, филологического и текстологического анализа текста, сопоставляя концепции богопознания Ибн Сины, Руми, Шабистари с философскими построениями Аттара. Показано, что, как и представители других философских направлений, ‘Аттар пытался добиться непротиворечивого истолкования основных положений исламской доктрины. Новизна исследования состоит в том, что автор впервые в отечественном ‘аттароведении предпринимает попытку осмыслить философские взгляды ‘Аттара в контексте общей традиции арабо-мусульманской философской рефлексии


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    The article deals with investigation of a number of stories about the conversations between Rabi‘ a al-‘Adawiya and Hasan al-Basri,representatives of the early mystical and ascetic trend in Islam. These stories are gathered in poems of the major Persian poet and Sufi thinker of XII — XIII centuries Farid ad-Din ‘Attar (“The Language of the Birds”, “The Divine Book”) and anthology“Memorial of God’s Friends”). The article shows, that Rabi‘a was consistently developing the idea, that it is impossible to the Sufi to attain higher moral qualities or true knowledge, if he tries to build a relationship with God striving for his own posthumous felicityand award. That is why in his poems and anthology, ‘Attar affi rms that Rabi‘a’s highest spiritual qualities and divine knowledge are fruit of her pure love to God, and not of her desire for the happy afterlife. The conversations between Rabi‘a al-‘Adawiya and Hasan al-Basri represent a very rare occurrence in Islamic culture, when a woman, (because of her righteousness and full concentration on love to God), could become a spiritual guide for great Sufi men at that time. Later her life was considered by the Sufi traditionas an example to be followed for those who had chosen the Sufi path of God’s knowledge. The article examines the most important aspects of Rabi‘a’s teachings in the context of the philosophical views of ‘Attar. The certain aspects of Rabi‘a’s Sufi conversation are discussion of Sufi virtues, of intuitive knowledge and human love for God. In Rabi‘a’s teachings the love of God and recognition of His unity and uniqueness (tawhid) appears as the unique way to the reaching the inner spiritual integrity.В статье исследуется ряд историй о беседах Раби‘и ал-‘Адавийи и Хасана ал-Басри —представителей раннего мистикоаскетического направления в исламе. Эти истории содержатсяв поэмах («Язык птиц», «Божественная книга») и агиографическом сочинении «Поминание друзей Божиих» крупного персидского поэта и суфийского мыслителя Фаридад-дина ‘Аттара (XII–XIII вв.). В контексте его философских взглядов в настоящей работе трактуются важнейшие вопросы учения Раби‘и, рассматриваются отдельные аспекты суфийской беседы, связанные с обсуждением суфийских добродетелей, интуитивного знания и любви к Бог

    Estudio de la actividad motora del niño en la escuela utilizando dispositivos portátiles individuales - rastreadores de actividad física

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values ​​of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values ​​of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.Se presentan los resultados del estudio de indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre la actividad motora de escolares de ambos sexos, obtenidos mediante el uso de dispositivos portátiles individuales: rastreadores de estado físico. Se encontró que el 8.2% de los estudiantes, independientemente de su sexo y edad, se caracterizan por valores bajos de este indicador; El 3,4% demuestra valores altos del indicador en relación con la norma de higiene

    Using Wearable Devices to Stimulate Students Motor of Physical Activity and Consequence Physcological Responce

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm

    Uso de dispositivos portátiles para estimular a los estudiantes el motor de la actividad física y la consecuencia de la respuesta fisiológica

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.Presentaron los resultados del estudio de indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre la actividad motora de escolares de ambos sexos, obtenidos mediante el uso de dispositivos portátiles individuales: rastreadores de estado físico. Se encontró que el 8.2% de los estudiantes, independientemente de su sexo y edad, se caracterizan por valores bajos de este indicador; El 3,4% demuestra valores altos del indicador en relación con la norma de higiene

    Structural capital in the system of technological development of society

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    The current state of socio-economic development, characterized by a radical change in the technical and technological paradigm in a globalized world, is marked by new phenomena and processes. In contrast to previous eras, when the formation of new technological methods of production was based on a small number of breakthrough inventions that changed the structure of production, today we observe an avalanche-like development of inventions, the products of which destroy the stability of all spheres of society. Accordingly, all resources possessed by a modern company must meet the requirements of the time in terms of their quality. Under such conditions, not only intellectual capital but also other components, that enable companies to maneuver in their innovative development, become very important. Based on the analysis of modern conceptual approaches to determining the essence of the categories “structural capital” and “intellectual capital”, the article forms the concept of “national structural capital”. The latter is presented as an infrastructure for the formation, implementation and development of national human capital, an organizational and institutional system for the expanded reproduction of knowledge and skills of members of society. For the quantitative measurement of national structural capital, a methodological framework is proposed, which is based on the integral index of national structural capital created by the authors; its components are justified: knowledge & technology outputs, intangible assets, research & development (R&D), knowledge workers, knowledge absorption. Based on the proposed methodology for determining the integral index of national structural capital, its value was calculated for 26 countries for 2018-2020 and the dynamics for the period under study were shown

    Upper limit on the ultra-high-energy photon flux from AGASA and Yakutsk data

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    We present the interpretation of the muon and scintillation signals of ultra-high-energy air showers observed by AGASA and Yakutsk extensive air shower array experiments. We consider case-by-case ten highest energy events with known muon content and conclude that at the 95% confidence level (C.L.) none of them was induced by a primary photon. Taking into account statistical fluctuations and differences in the energy estimation of proton and photon primaries, we derive an upper limit of 36% at 95% C.L. on the fraction of primary photons in the cosmic-ray flux above 10^20 eV. This result disfavors the Z-burst and superheavy dark-matter solutions to the GZK-cutoff problem.Comment: revtex, 8 pages, 4 figure

    The role of polymorphic variants of arginase genes (<i>ARG1, ARG2</i>) involved in beta-2-agonist metabolism in the development and course of asthma

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    Asthma is a common severe disease of the respiratory tract, it leads to a significant impairment in the quality of a patient’s life unless effectively treated. Uncontrolled asthma symptoms are a cause of disease progression and development, they lead to an increase in the patient’s disability. The sensitivity to asthma therapy largely depends on the interaction of genetic and epigenetic factors, which account for about 50–60 % of variability of therapeutic response. Beta-2-agonists are some of the major class of bronchodilators used for asthma management. According to published data, allelic variants of the arginase ARG1 and ARG2 genes are associated with a risk of asthma development, spirometry measures and efficacy of bronchodilator therapy. High arginase activity results in a low level of plasma L-arginine and in a decrease in nitric oxide, and, as a result, in an increase in airway inflammation and remodeling. Arginase genetic polymorphisms (rs2781667 of the ARG1 gene, rs17249437, rs3742879, rs7140310 of the ARG2 gene) were studied in 236 children with asthma and 194 unrelated healthy individuals of Russian, Tatar and Bashkir ethnicity from the Republic of Bashkortostan. Association analysis of the studied polymorphisms with asthma development and course, the sensitivity to therapy in patients was carried out. It was found that the rs2781667*C allele of the ARG1 gene is a marker of an increased risk of asthma in Tatars. In Russians, the association of rs17249437*TT and rs3742879*GG genotypes of the ARG2 gene with a decrease in spirometry measures (FEV1, MEF25) was established. In Russians and Tatars receiving glucocorticoid monotherapy or combination therapy, the association of the rs17249437*T allele and rs17249437*TT genotype of the ARG2 gene with a partially controlled and uncontrolled course of asthma was shown


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    The authors assess the impact of the emotional tonality of bitcoin news on its exchange rate. In particular, we studied the hypothesis of the impact of the readability index of the news text on the volatility of bitcoin. Despite the fact that excessive volatility threatens bitcoin not to become a successful currency, many scientists are interested in the determinants of such volatility. Factors such as speculative investments or the attention of the society are the drivers of the volatility of the exchange rate of bitcoin. In this regard, the question of studying the impact of news on the bitcoin exchange rate is relevant. The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of the emotional tonality of bitcoin news on its exchange rate. The empirical base of the study was quite extensive since it includes more than 1330 news from the Thomson Reuters information base for the period from 19.08.2011 to 16.08.2016 on the bitcoin market. The research methodology includes the sentiment analysis conducted by using the dictionary MacDonald and Loughran and also the analysis of the interdependence of time series-based causal analysis using the test of Granger causation. We present three hypotheses about the impact of news on the bitcoin exchange rate. During the study, two of them were confirmed. We proved the first hypothesis that the negative news had a more significant impact than positive ones, taking into account the five time-lags. The second hypothesis about the impact of positive tonality in the news on the bitcoin exchange rate, using the Granger test for causation, was not confirmed, since the positive values of this test were obtained in two time-lags out of five. We can confirm that the third hypothesis was proved — the high readability index has an impact on the bitcoin volatility for the entire studied period, taking into account all five time-lags. Thus, the assumption about the impact of the emotional tonality of news on the bitcoin exchange rate can be confirmed.Оценивается влияние эмоциональной тональности новостей о биткоине на его курс. В частности, исследуется, влияет ли индекс читабельности текста новостей на волатильность биткоина. Несмотря на то что чрезмерная волатильность угрожает биткоину не стать успешной валютой, многие ученые заинтересованы в детерминантах такой волатильности. Такие факторы, как спекулятивные инвестиции или внимание общества, являются драйверами изменчивости курса биткоина. В связи с этим вопрос исследования влияния новостей на курс биткоина является актуальным. Цель данной работы состоит в том, чтобы оценить влияние эмоциональной тональности новостей о биткойне на его курс. Эмпирическая база исследования довольно объемная, поскольку включает в себя более 1330 новостей из информационной базы Thomson Reuters за период с 19.08.2011 по 16.08.2016 г. по рынку биткоина. Методология исследования включает анализ тональности, проведенный с использованием словаря МакДональда и Лоугрэна, также проведен анализ взаимозависимости временных рядов на основе каузального анализа с применением теста Грэнджера на причинность.В статье поставлены три гипотезы о влиянии новостей на курс биткоина. В ходе исследования получили подтверждение две из них. Доказана первая гипотеза о более значительном влиянии негативных новостей, чем позитивных с учетом пяти лагов. Вторая гипотеза о влиянии положительной тональности в новостях на курс в результате применения теста Грэнджера на причинность не подтвердилась, поскольку положительные значения данного теста были получены в двух лагах из пяти. Также была доказана третья гипотеза о том, что высокий индекс читабельности оказывает влияние на волатильность биткоина за весь изученный период с учетом всех пяти лагов. Таким образом, предположение о влиянии эмоционального освещения новостей на курс биткоина подтвердилось