120 research outputs found

    B cell MHC haplotype affects follicular inclusion, germinal center participation and plasma cell differentiation in a mouse model of lupus

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    IntroductionMHC class II molecules are essential for appropriate immune responses against pathogens but are also implicated in pathological responses in autoimmune diseases and transplant rejection. Previous studies have shed light on the systemic contributions of MHC haplotypes to the development and severity of autoimmune diseases. In this study, we addressed the B cell intrinsic MHC haplotype impact on follicular inclusion, germinal center (GC) participation and plasma cell (PC) differentiation in the context of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).MethodsWe leveraged the 564Igi mouse model which harbors a B cell receptor knock-in from an autoreactive B cell clone recognizing ribonuclear components, including double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). This model recapitulates the central hallmarks of the early stages of SLE. We compared 564Igi heterozygous offspring on either H2b/b, H2b/d, or H2d/d background.ResultsThis revealed significantly higher germinal center (GC) B cell levels in the spleens of H2b/b and H2b/d as compared to H2d/d (p<0.0001) mice. In agreement with this, anti-dsDNA-antibody levels were higher in H2b/b and H2b/d than in H2d/d (p<0.0001), with H2b/b also being higher compared to H2b/d (p<0.01). Specifically, these differences held true both for autoantibodies derived from the knock-in clone and from wild-type (WT) derived clones. In mixed chimeras where 564Igi H2b/b, H2b/d and H2d/d cells competed head-to-head in the same environment, we observed a significantly higher inclusion of H2b/b cells in GC and PC compartments relative to their representation in the B cell repertoire, compared to H2b/d and H2d/d cells. Furthermore, in mixed chimeras in which WT H2b/b and WT H2d/d cells competed for inclusion in GCs associated with an epitope spreading process, H2b/b cells participated to a greater extent and contributed more robustly to the PC compartment. Finally, immature WT H2b/b cells had a higher baseline of BCRs with an autoreactive idiotype and were subject to more stringent negative selection at the transitional stage.DiscussionTaken together, our findings demonstrate that B cell intrinsic MHC haplotype governs their capacity for participation in the autoreactive response at multiple levels: follicular inclusion, GC participation, and PC output. These findings pinpoint B cells as central contributors to precipitation of autoimmunity

    Allelic Lineages of the Ficolin Genes (FCNs) Are Passed from Ancestral to Descendant Primates

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    The ficolins recognize carbohydrates and acetylated compounds on microorganisms and dying host cells and are able to activate the lectin pathway of the complement system. In humans, three ficolin genes have been identified: FCN1, FCN2 and FCN3, which encode ficolin-1, ficolin-2 and ficolin-3, respectively. Rodents have only two ficolins designated ficolin-A and ficolin-B that are closely related to human ficolin-1, while the rodent FCN3 orthologue is a pseudogene. Ficolin-2 and ficolin-3 have so far only been observed in humans. Thus, we performed a systematic investigation of the FCN genes in non-human primates. The exons and intron-exon boundaries of the FCN1-3 genes were sequenced in the following primate species: chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, rhesus macaque, cynomolgus macaque, baboon and common marmoset. We found that the exon organisation of the FCN genes was very similar between all the non-human primates and the human FCN genes. Several variations in the FCN genes were found in more than one primate specie suggesting that they were carried from one species to another including humans. The amino acid diversity of the ficolins among human and non-human primate species was estimated by calculating the Shannon entropy revealing that all three proteins are generally highly conserved. Ficolin-1 and ficolin-2 showed the highest diversity, whereas ficolin-3 was more conserved. Ficolin-2 and ficolin-3 were present in non-human primate sera with the same characteristic oligomeric structures as seen in human serum. Taken together all the FCN genes show the same characteristics in lower and higher primates. The existence of trans-species polymorphisms suggests that different FCN allelic lineages may be passed from ancestral to descendant species

    The extrafollicular response is sufficient to drive initiation of autoimmunity and early disease hallmarks of lupus

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    IntroductionMany autoimmune diseases are characterized by germinal center (GC)-derived, affinity-matured, class-switched autoantibodies, and strategies to block GC formation and progression are currently being explored clinically. However, extrafollicular responses can also play a role. The aim of this study was to investigate the contribution of the extrafollicular pathway to autoimmune disease development.MethodsWe blocked the GC pathway by knocking out the transcription factor Bcl-6 in GC B cells, leaving the extrafollicular pathway intact. We tested the impact of this intervention in two murine models of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): a pharmacological model based on chronic epicutaneous application of the Toll-like receptor (TLR)-7 agonist Resiquimod (R848), and 564Igi autoreactive B cell receptor knock-in mice. The B cell intrinsic effects were further investigated in vitro and in autoreactive mixed bone marrow chimeras.ResultsGC block failed to curb autoimmune progression in the R848 model based on anti-dsDNA and plasma cell output, superoligomeric DNA complexes, and immune complex deposition in glomeruli. The 564Igi model confirmed this based on anti-dsDNA and plasma cell output. In vitro, loss of Bcl-6 prevented GC B cell expansion and accelerated plasma cell differentiation. In a competitive scenario in vivo, B cells harboring the genetic GC block contributed disproportionately to the plasma cell output.DiscussionWe identified the extrafollicular pathway as a key contributor to autoimmune progression. We propose that therapeutic targeting of low quality and poorly controlled extrafollicular responses could be a desirable strategy to curb autoreactivity, as it would leave intact the more stringently controlled and high-quality GC responses providing durable protection against infection

    Screening for colorectal cancer: possible improvements by risk assessment evaluation?

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    Emerging results indicate that screening improves survival of patients with colorectal cancer. Therefore, screening programs are already implemented or are being considered for implementation in Asia, Europe and North America. At present, a great variety of screening methods are available including colono- and sigmoidoscopy, CT- and MR-colonography, capsule endoscopy, DNA and occult blood in feces, and so on. The pros and cons of the various tests, including economic issues, are debated. Although a plethora of evaluated and validated tests even with high specificities and reasonable sensitivities are available, an international consensus on screening procedures is still not established. The rather limited compliance in present screening procedures is a significant drawback. Furthermore, some of the procedures are costly and, therefore, selection methods for these procedures are needed. Current research into improvements of screening for colorectal cancer includes blood-based biological markers, such as proteins, DNA and RNA in combination with various demographically and clinically parameters into a “risk assessment evaluation” (RAE) test. It is assumed that such a test may lead to higher acceptance among the screening populations, and thereby improve the compliances. Furthermore, the involvement of the media, including social media, may add even more individuals to the screening programs. Implementation of validated RAE and progressively improved screening methods may reform the cost/benefit of screening procedures for colorectal cancer. Therefore, results of present research, validating RAE tests, are awaited with interest

    Mapping the multicausality of Alzheimer's disease through group model building.

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex, multicausal disorder involving several spatiotemporal scales and scientific domains. While many studies focus on specific parts of this system, the complexity of AD is rarely studied as a whole. In this work, we apply systems thinking to map out known causal mechanisms and risk factors ranging from intracellular to psychosocial scales in sporadic AD. We report on the first systemic causal loop diagram (CLD) for AD, which is the result of an interdisciplinary group model building (GMB) process. The GMB was based on the input of experts from multiple domains and all proposed mechanisms were supported by scientific literature. The CLD elucidates interaction and feedback mechanisms that contribute to cognitive decline from midlife onward as described by the experts. As an immediate outcome, we observed several non-trivial reinforcing feedback loops involving factors at multiple spatial scales, which are rarely considered within the same theoretical framework. We also observed high centrality for modifiable risk factors such as social relationships and physical activity, which suggests they may be promising leverage points for interventions. This illustrates how a CLD from an interdisciplinary GMB process may lead to novel insights into complex disorders. Furthermore, the CLD is the first step in the development of a computational model for simulating the effects of risk factors on AD

    Spinning Gland Transcriptomics from Two Main Clades of Spiders (Order: Araneae) - Insights on Their Molecular, Anatomical and Behavioral Evolution

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    Characterized by distinctive evolutionary adaptations, spiders provide a comprehensive system for evolutionary and developmental studies of anatomical organs, including silk and venom production. Here we performed cDNA sequencing using massively parallel sequencers (454 GS-FLX Titanium) to generate ∼80,000 reads from the spinning gland of Actinopus spp. (infraorder: Mygalomorphae) and Gasteracantha cancriformis (infraorder: Araneomorphae, Orbiculariae clade). Actinopus spp. retains primitive characteristics on web usage and presents a single undifferentiated spinning gland while the orbiculariae spiders have seven differentiated spinning glands and complex patterns of web usage. MIRA, Celera Assembler and CAP3 software were used to cluster NGS reads for each spider. CAP3 unigenes passed through a pipeline for automatic annotation, classification by biological function, and comparative transcriptomics. Genes related to spider silks were manually curated and analyzed. Although a single spidroin gene family was found in Actinopus spp., a vast repertoire of specialized spider silk proteins was encountered in orbiculariae. Astacin-like metalloproteases (meprin subfamily) were shown to be some of the most sampled unigenes and duplicated gene families in G. cancriformis since its evolutionary split from mygalomorphs. Our results confirm that the evolution of the molecular repertoire of silk proteins was accompanied by the (i) anatomical differentiation of spinning glands and (ii) behavioral complexification in the web usage. Finally, a phylogenetic tree was constructed to cluster most of the known spidroins in gene clades. This is the first large-scale, multi-organism transcriptome for spider spinning glands and a first step into a broad understanding of spider web systems biology and evolution