765 research outputs found

    The Seyfert Population in the Local Universe

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    The magnitude-limited catalog of the Southern Sky Redshift Survey (SSRS2), is used to characterize the properties of galaxies hosting Active Galactic Nuclei. Using emission-line ratios, we identify a total of 162 (3%) Seyfert galaxies out of the parent sample with 5399 galaxies. The sample contains 121 Seyfert 2 galaxies and 41 Seyfert 1. The SSRS2 Seyfert galaxies are predominantly in spirals of types Sb and earlier, or in galaxies with perturbed appearance as the result of strong interactions or mergers. Seyfert galaxies in this sample are twice as common in barred hosts than the non-Seyferts. By assigning galaxies to groups using a percolation algorithm we find that the Seyfert galaxies in the SSRS2 are more likely to be found in binary systems, when compared to galaxies in the SSRS2 parent sample. However, there is no statistically significant difference between the Seyfert and SSRS2 parent sample when systems with more than 2 galaxies are considered. The analysis of the present sample suggests that there is a stronger correlation between the presence of the AGN phenomenon with internal properties of galaxies (morphology, presence of bar, luminosity) than with environmental effects (local galaxy density, group velocity dispersion, nearest neighbor distance).Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures, Accepted to be publised in Astronomical Journa

    The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Discovery of Luminous, Metal-poor, Sta r-forming Galaxies at Redshifts z~0.7

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    We have discovered a sample of 17 metal-poor, yet luminous, star-forming galaxies at redshifts z~0.7. They were selected from the initial phase of the DEEP2 survey of 3900 galaxies and the Team Keck Redshift Survey (TKRS) of 1536 galaxies as those showing the temperature-sensitive [OIII]l4363 auroral line. These rare galaxies have blue luminosities close to L*, high star formation rates of 5 to 12 solar masses per year, and oxygen abundances of 1/3 to 1/10 solar. They thus lie significantly off the luminosity-metallicity relation found previously for field galaxies with strong emission lines at redshifts z~0.7. The prior surveys relied on indirect, empirical calibrations of the R23 diagnostic and the assumption that luminous galaxies are not metal-poor. Our discovery suggests that this assumption is sometimes invalid. As a class, these newly-discovered galaxies are: (1) more metal-poor than common classes of bright emission-line galaxies at z~0.7 or at the present epoch; (2) comparable in metallicity to z~3 Lyman Break Galaxies but less luminous; and (3) comparable in metallicity to local metal-poor eXtreme Blue Compact Galaxies (XBCGs), but more luminous. Together, the three samples suggest that the most-luminous, metal-poor, compact galaxies become fainter over time.Comment: This is a .tgz file. It should create the following files: texto.tex, tab1.tex, f1.eps and f2.eps. The LaTeX style used is emulateapj.cls, version November 26, 2004. This submission is 5 pages long, one table and two figures. To appear in ApJ

    AEGIS: The color-magnitude relation for X-ray selected AGN

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    We discuss the relationship between rest-frame color and optical luminosity for X-ray sources in the range 0.6<z<1.4 selected from the Chandra survey of the Extended Groth Strip (EGS). These objects are almost exclusively active galactic nuclei (AGN). While there are a few luminous QSOs, most are relatively weak or obscured AGN whose optical colors should be dominated by host galaxy light. The vast majority of AGN hosts at z~1 are luminous and red, with very few objects fainter than M_{B}=-20.5 or bluer than U-B=0.6. This places the AGN in a distinct region of color-magnitude space, on the ``red sequence'' or at the top of the ``blue cloud'', with many in between these two modes in galaxy color. A key stage in the evolution of massive galaxies is when star formation is quenched, resulting in a migration from the blue cloud to the red sequence. Our results are consistent with scenarios in which AGN either cause or maintain this quenching. The large numbers of red sequence AGN imply that strong, ongoing star formation is not a necessary ingredient for AGN activity, as black hole accretion appears often to persist after star formation has been terminated.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in AEGIS ApJ Letters special editio

    Absolute physical calibration in the infrared

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    We determine an absolute calibration for the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer 24 ÎŒm band and recommend adjustments to the published calibrations for Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), Infrared Array Camera (IRAC), and IRAS photometry to put them on the same scale. We show that consistent results are obtained by basing the calibration on either an average A0V star spectral energy distribution (SED), or by using the absolutely calibrated SED of the Sun in comparison with solar-type stellar photometry (the solar analog method). After the rejection of a small number of stars with anomalous SEDs (or bad measurements), upper limits of ~1.5% root mean square (rms) are placed on the intrinsic infrared (IR) SED variations in both A-dwarf and solar-type stars. These types of stars are therefore suitable as general-purpose standard stars in the IR. We provide absolutely calibrated SEDs for a standard zero magnitude A star and for the Sun to allow extending this work to any other IR photometric system. They allow the recommended calibration to be applied from 1 to 25 ÎŒm with an accuracy of ~2%, and with even higher accuracy at specific wavelengths such as 2.2, 10.6, and 24 ÎŒm, near which there are direct measurements. However, we confirm earlier indications that Vega does not behave as a typical A0V star between the visible and the IR, making it problematic as the defining star for photometric systems. The integration of measurements of the Sun with those of solar-type stars also provides an accurate estimate of the solar SED from 1 through 30 ÎŒm, which we show agrees with theoretical models

    VALES: IV. Exploring the transition of star formation efficiencies between normal and starburst galaxies using APEX/SEPIA Band-5 and ALMA at low redshift

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    In this work we present new APEX/SEPIA Band-5 observations targeting the CO (J=2-1J=2\text{-}1) emission line of 24 Herschel-detected galaxies at z=0.1−0.2z=0.1-0.2. Combining this sample {with} our recent new Valpara\'iso ALMA Line Emission Survey (VALES), we investigate the star formation efficiencies (SFEs = SFR/MH2M_{\rm H_{2}}) of galaxies at low redshift. We find the SFE of our sample bridges the gap between normal star-forming galaxies and Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs), which are thought to be triggered by different star formation modes. Considering the SFEâ€Č\rm SFE' as the SFR and the LCOâ€ČL'_{\rm CO} ratio, our data show a continuous and smooth increment as a function of infrared luminosity (or star formation rate) with a scatter about 0.5 dex, instead of a steep jump with a bimodal behaviour. This result is due to the use of a sample with a much larger range of sSFR/sSFRms_{\rm ms} using LIRGs, with luminosities covering the range between normal and ULIRGs. We conclude that the main parameters controlling the scatter of the SFE in star-forming galaxies are the systematic uncertainty of the αCO\alpha_{\rm CO} conversion factor, the gas fraction and physical size.Comment: 9pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Spitzer Observations of Low Luminosity Isolated and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    We examine the infrared properties of five low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) and compare them with related but higher surface brightness galaxies, using Spitzer Space Telescope images and spectra. All the LSBGs are detected in the 3.6 and 4.5um bands, representing the stellar population. All but one are detected at 5.8 and 8.0um, revealing emission from hot dust and aromatic molecules, though many are faint or point-like at these wavelengths. Detections of LSBGs at the far-infrared wavelengths, 24, 70, and 160um, are varied in morphology and brightness, with only two detections at 160um, resulting in highly varied spectral energy distributions. Consistent with previous expectations for these galaxies, we find that detectable dust components exist for only some LSBGs, with the strength of dust emission dependent on the existence of bright star forming regions. However, the far-infrared emission may be relatively weak compared with normal star-forming galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, accepted to Ap

    AEGIS: Infrared Spectroscopy of An Infrared Luminous Lyman Break Galaxy at z=3.01

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    We report the detection of rest--frame 6.2 and 7.7 \micron emission features arising from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in the Spitzer/IRS spectrum of an infrared-luminous Lyman break galaxy at z=3.01. This is currently the highest redshift galaxy where these PAH emission features have been detected. The total infrared luminosity inferred from the MIPS 24 \micron and radio flux density is 2×1013\times10^{13} L⊙_{\odot}, which qualifies this object as a so--called hyperluminous infrared galaxy (HyLIRG). However, unlike local HyLIRGs which are generally associated with QSO/AGNs and have weak or absent PAH emission features, this HyLIRG has very strong 6.2 and 7.7 \micron PAH emission. We argue that intense star formation dominates the infrared emission of this source, although we cannot rule out the presence of a deeply obscured AGN. This LBG appears to be a distorted system in the HST ACS F606W and F814W images, possibly indicating that a significant merger or interaction is driving the large IR luminosity

    Further Definition of the Mass-Metallicity Relation in Globular Cluster Systems Around Brightest Cluster Galaxies

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    We combine the globular cluster data for fifteen Brightest Cluster Galaxies and use this material to trace the mass-metallicity relations (MMR) in their globular cluster systems (GCSs). This work extends previous studies which correlate the properties of the MMR with those of the host galaxy. Our combined data sets show a mean trend for the metal-poor (MP) subpopulation which corresponds to a scaling of heavy-element abundance with cluster mass Z ~ M^(0.30+/-0.05). No trend is seen for the metal-rich (MR) subpopulation which has a scaling relation that is consistent with zero. We also find that the scaling exponent is independent of the GCS specific frequency and host galaxy luminosity, except perhaps for dwarf galaxies. We present new photometry in (g',i') obtained with Gemini/GMOS for the globular cluster populations around the southern giant ellipticals NGC 5193 and IC 4329. Both galaxies have rich cluster populations which show up as normal, bimodal sequences in the colour-magnitude diagram. We test the observed MMRs and argue that they are statistically real, and not an artifact caused by the method we used. We also argue against asymmetric contamination causing the observed MMR as our mean results are no different from other contamination-free studies. Finally, we compare our method to the standard bimodal fitting method (KMM or RMIX) and find our results are consistent. Interpretation of these results is consistent with recent models for globular cluster formation in which the MMR is determined by GC self-enrichment during their brief formation period.Comment: 35 pages, 20 figures. Accepted by Astronomical Journal. Complete preprint including high resolution figures available at http://www.physics.mcmaster.ca/~cockcroft/MMRpape

    X-Ray Groups of Galaxies in the Aegis Deep and Wide Fields

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    We present the results of a search for extended X-ray sources and their corresponding galaxy groups from 800-ks Chandra coverage of the All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS). This yields one of the largest X-ray selected galaxy group catalogs from a blind survey to date. The red-sequence technique and spectroscopic redshifts allow us to identify 100% of reliable sources, leading to a catalog of 52 galaxy groups. The groups span the redshift range z∌0.066−1.544z\sim0.066-1.544 and virial mass range M200∌1.34×1013−1.33×1014M⊙M_{200}\sim1.34\times 10^{13}-1.33\times 10^{14}M_\odot. For the 49 extended sources which lie within DEEP2 and DEEP3 Galaxy Redshift Survey coverage, we identify spectroscopic counterparts and determine velocity dispersions. We select member galaxies by applying different cuts along the line of sight or in projected spatial coordinates. A constant cut along the line of sight can cause a large scatter in scaling relations in low-mass or high-mass systems depending on the size of cut. A velocity dispersion based virial radius can more overestimate velocity dispersion in comparison to X-ray based virial radius for low mass systems. There is no significant difference between these two radial cuts for more massive systems. Independent of radial cut, overestimation of velocity dispersion can be created in case of existence of significant substructure and also compactness in X-ray emission which mostly occur in low mass systems. We also present a comparison between X-ray galaxy groups and optical galaxy groups detected using the Voronoi-Delaunay method (VDM) for DEEP2 data in this field.Comment: Accepted for publication in AP

    The Aquarius Superclusters - I. Identification of Clusters and Superclusters

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    We study the distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters in a 10^deg x 6^deg field in the Aquarius region. In addition to 63 clusters in the literature, we have found 39 new candidate clusters using a matched-filter technique and a counts-in-cells analysis. From redshift measurements of galaxies in the direction of these cluster candidates, we present new mean redshifts for 31 previously unobserved clusters, while improved mean redshifts are presented for 35 other systems. About 45% of the projected density enhancements are due to the superposition of clusters and/or groups of galaxies along the line of sight, but we could confirm for 72% of the cases that the candidates are real physical associations similar to the ones classified as rich galaxy clusters. On the other hand, the contamination due to galaxies not belonging to any concentration or located only in small groups along the line of sight is ~ 10%. Using a percolation radius of 10 h^{-1} Mpc (spatial density contrast of about 10), we detect two superclusters of galaxies in Aquarius, at z = 0.086 and at z = 0.112, respectively with 5 and 14 clusters. The latter supercluster may represent a space overdensity of about 160 times the average cluster density as measured from the Abell et al. (1989) cluster catalog, and is possibly connected to a 40 h^{-1} Mpc filament from z ~ 0.11 to 0.14.Comment: LateX text (21 pages) and 12 (ps/eps/gif) figures; figures 5a, 5b and 6 are not included in the main LateX text; to be published in the Astronomical Journal, March issu
