172 research outputs found

    Implementasi Otonomi Khusus dalam Pelayanan Publik Bidang Kesehatan (suatu Studi di Distrik Pirime Kabupaten Lanny Jaya Propinsi Papua)1

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    Pembangunan kesehatan merupakan upaya untuk memenuhi salah satu hak dasar rakyat,yaitu hak untuk memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Dasar1945 pasal 28 H ayat (1) dan Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 1992 tentang Kesehatan.Dalam Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM), indikator status kesehatan merupakan salah satukomponen utama selain pendidikan dan pendapatan per kapita. Dengan demikian pembangunankesehatan merupakan salah satu upaya utama untuk peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia,yang pada gilirannya mendukung percepatan pembangunan di Kabupaten Lanny Jaya DistrikPirime.Kondisi kesehatan masyarakat di Distrik Pirime Kabupaten Lanny Jaya masih jauh darirata-rata penduduk Indonesia, namun pemerintah mempunyai komitmen yang kuat dalammeningkatkan sarana prasarana dan pelayanan kesehatan. Seiring dengan masih terbatasnyasarana prasarana kesehatan maka pembangunan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) menjadikebutuhan yang mendesak. Hal ini mengingat semakin pentingnya pelayanan kesehatan yangsesuai dengan standar nasional maupun Internasional, pembangunan puskesmas-puskesmaspembantu dan polindes di setiap kampng juga merupakan kebutuhan yang mendesak

    Flare differentially rotates sunspot on Sun's surface

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    Sunspots are concentrations of magnetic field visible on the solar surface (photosphere). It was considered implausible that solar flares, as resulted from magnetic reconnection in the tenuous corona, would cause a direct perturbation of the dense photosphere involving bulk motion. Here we report the sudden flare-induced rotation of a sunspot using the unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution of the 1.6 m New Solar Telescope, supplemented by magnetic data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory. It is clearly observed that the rotation is non-uniform over the sunspot: as the flare ribbon sweeps across, its different portions accelerate (up to ∼50° h−1) at different times corresponding to peaks of flare hard X-ray emission. The rotation may be driven by the surface Lorentz-force change due to the back reaction of coronal magnetic restructuring and is accompanied by a downward Poynting flux. These results have direct consequences for our understanding of energy and momentum transportation in the flare-related phenomena

    The variability and morphometry of the brachiocephalic trunk in human foetuses

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    In prenatal and pediatric cardiovascular surgery knowledge of the various arrangements of the aortic arch and its branches as well as the normative data are essential. The variability and morphometric features of the brachiocephalic trunk in 131 human foetuses (65 male, 66 female) ranging from 15 to 34 weeks of gestation were studied by means of anatomical, digital and statistical methods. In all the foetuses examined the left aortic arches were found to have three different arrangements. In 74.05% of cases the usual pattern of the aortic arch with its three main branches were observed. A common origin of the brachiocephalic trunk and left common carotid artery occurred in 20.61% of individuals. In 5.34% of cases the left vertebral artery was an additional vessel and arose from the aortic arch between the left common carotid and subclavian arteries. No significant gender differences were found with respect to the brachiocephalic trunk (p ≥ 0.05). The developmental increase in length (r1 = 0.78) and diameter (r2 = 0.83) correlated with a linear function but the increase in volume in relation to age corresponded to a quadratic function (r3 = 0.73). Our results show the largest increases in the brachiocephalic trunk according to the following parameters: the length - between the 4th and 5th, and 7th and 8th months, diameter - between the 8th and 9th months and volume - between the 4th and 5th, and 7th and 9th months of gestation (p ≤ 0.01). The present study constructs a normal range for the morphometric features of the foetal brachiocephalic trunk

    A review on automatic mammographic density and parenchymal segmentation

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    Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women. However, the exact cause(s) of breast cancer still remains unknown. Early detection, precise identification of women at risk, and application of appropriate disease prevention measures are by far the most effective way to tackle breast cancer. There are more than 70 common genetic susceptibility factors included in the current non-image-based risk prediction models (e.g., the Gail and the Tyrer-Cuzick models). Image-based risk factors, such as mammographic densities and parenchymal patterns, have been established as biomarkers but have not been fully incorporated in the risk prediction models used for risk stratification in screening and/or measuring responsiveness to preventive approaches. Within computer aided mammography, automatic mammographic tissue segmentation methods have been developed for estimation of breast tissue composition to facilitate mammographic risk assessment. This paper presents a comprehensive review of automatic mammographic tissue segmentation methodologies developed over the past two decades and the evidence for risk assessment/density classification using segmentation. The aim of this review is to analyse how engineering advances have progressed and the impact automatic mammographic tissue segmentation has in a clinical environment, as well as to understand the current research gaps with respect to the incorporation of image-based risk factors in non-image-based risk prediction models


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    ABSTRAKSuperovulasi merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan derajat ovulasi dengan penyuntikan hormon gonadotropin pada tubuh hewan betina. Pada umumnya hewan donor disuntik dengan preparat follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) danPregnant mare's serum gonadotropin(PMSG) atau kombinasi (Pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin) dan human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).Tujuan Penelitian iniadalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana prestasi beranak babi dara (calon induk) dengan menggunakan hormon pregnant mare's serum gonadropin (PMSG) dan human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG).Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri atas dua perlakuan (menggunakan dan tanpa menggunakan hormon PMSG dan hCG) dengan masing-masing 21 ulangan. Semua data dianalisa dengan analisis sidik ragam (ANOVA) Steel dan Torrie (1993).Variabel yang diamati untuk adalah litter size, berat lahir anak babi yang dilahirkan dan mortalitas anak babi yang lahir sampai disapih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah anak babi yang lahir hidup dalam satu kelahiran ada perbedaan sangat nyata bahwa yang lahir dari induk Superovulasi dibandingkan dengan induk yang tidak disuperovulasikan, rata-rata 9.19-6.66 ekor. Dan juga berat lahir rata-rata 1.53-1.40 kg Demikian juga mortalitas anak rata-rata 14.36-29.19%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunakan hormon PMSG dan hCG dapat memperbaiki litter size lahir, bobot lahir, dan menekan persentase mortalitas ternak babi. Kata Kunci:Potensi beranak babi dara,hormon PMSG dan hCG, Babi betina bunting.ABSTRACTTHE ACHIEVEMENT PIGS BEAR LIVESTOCK USING PMSG AND hCG HORMONE ON RANCH IN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL KAYAWU. Superovulation is an effort to increase the degree of ovulation by injection of gonadotropin hormones in the body of a female animal. In general, animal donors were injected with preparations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and Pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) or a combination (Pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The objective of this research was to determine the extent of achievement farrow dara (prospective parent) using pregnant mare's serum hormone gonadropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The research using completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of two treatments (using and without using PMSG and hCG hormone) with 21 replications each. All data were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) Steel and Torrie (1993). Variables was observed for litter size, birth weight piglets born and piglets born mortality until weaning. The results showed that the number of piglets born alive in the birth there is a very real difference that is born of a parent superovulation compared with the parent who does not to superovulated on average 9.19–6.66 tail. And also the average birth weight 1:53 to 1:40 kilograms likewise the average child mortality 14.36–29.19%. From the results of the study concluded that the use of PMSG and hCG hormone can improve birth litter size, birth weight and reduce the percentage of mortality of pigs. Keywords: Extent of achievement of gilt,PMSG dan hCG hormone, and Pregnant mare

    Biophysical Evaluation of Rhesus Macaque Fc Gamma Receptors Reveals Similar IgG Fc Glycoform Preferences to Human Receptors

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    Rhesus macaques are a common non-human primate model used in the evaluation of human monoclonal antibodies, molecules whose effector functions depend on a conserved N-linked glycan in the Fc region. This carbohydrate is a target of glycoengineering efforts aimed at altering antibody effector function by modulating the affinity of Fcγ receptors. For example, a reduction in the overall core fucose content is one such strategy that can increase antibody-mediated cellular cytotoxicity by increasing Fc-FcγRIIIa affinity. While the position of the Fc glycan is conserved in macaques, differences in the frequency of glycoforms and the use of an alternate monosaccharide in sialylated glycan species add a degree of uncertainty to the testing of glycoengineered human antibodies in rhesus macaques. Using a panel of 16 human IgG1 glycovariants, we measured the affinities of macaque FcγRs for differing glycoforms via surface plasmon resonance. Our results suggest that macaques are a tractable species in which to test the effects of antibody glycoengineering
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