776 research outputs found

    To Till or Not to Till? Social Profitability of No-Till Technology

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    We study from economic and environmental angles under what conditions no-till technology is socially optimal. We demonstrate theoretically that if yield under no-till is equal to or greater than under conventional technology, its adoption is socially optimal provided that herbicide runoff damages under both technologies are close enough. Finnish data shows, however, that only in one case out of three no-till provides higher social returns. In terms of nutrient runoffs no-till performs better than conventional technology. No-till reduces surface runoffs of nitrogen by 58%, and surface runoffs of particulate phosphorus by 70% relative to conventional technology, but causes more than three times higher dissolved phosphorus surface runoffs. The amount of total phosphorus surface runoff is, however, lower under no-till. No-till produces higher total herbicide runoff because of higher use of herbicides to control perennial weeds.nutrient runoffs, herbicide runoffs, buffer strips, agri-environmental policy, Crop Production/Industries, Q16, Q18, H23,

    Review of heat storage technologies:utilizing industrial waste heat for residential heating

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    Abstract. Industry produces large amounts of waste heat, which is not utilized. This thermal energy could be used for an example in residential heating in the colder seasons of the year, when the heating demand is larger. Using heat storage technologies, waste heat could be stored for later use. In this thesis, heat storage technologies were reviewed. The main technologies reviewed for heat storages were sensible heat storages and latent heat storages. In addition, chemical heat storage is a promising technology, which is currently in the research phase. Furthermore, some heat storage pilot projects were reviewed reviewed as well. The heat demand for space heating, heat production and industrial waste heat production in Finland are also reviewed. Heat demand for space heating in 2017 was some 45,35 GTWh in total, and 13,88 GWh of that was district heating. The production of district heat in 2017 was 38,29 TWh in total. At the same time, annual industrial waste heat production in Finland was estimated to be 54 TWh. Although of this, only 4 TWh was estimated to be commercially usable; notwithstanding, it can be concluded that utilizing industrial waste heat for space heating could lead to substantial emission reductions.Lämmön varastointiteknologiat : teollisuuden hukkalämmön hyödyntäminen asuintilojen lämmitykseen. Tiivistelmä. Teollisuus tuottaa paljon hukkalämpöä, jota ei hyödytetä. Tätä energiaa voitaisiin käyttää esimerkiksi kaukolämpöverkossa vuoden kylmempinä aikoina, kun lämmityksen tarve on suurempi. Lämpövarastojen avulla tuotettu hukkalämpö voitaisiin varastoida myöhempää käyttöä varten, mikäli lämmityksen tarve ei ole hukkalämmön syntyhetkellä korkea. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli etsiä tietoa lämmönvarastointi teknologioista, jotka ovat sopivia teollisen hukkalämmön varastointiin. Pääasialliset lämpövarastoteknologiat ovat havaittavan lämmön sekä sitoutuneen lämmön varastointiteknologiat. Lisäksi myös kemiallinen lämmönvarastointi on lupaava teknologia, mikä on vielä tutkimusvaiheessa. Työssä käytiin läpi myös projekteja, jotka liittyvät lämmön varastoinnin ja hyötykäytön pilotteihin ja mitoitukseen. Työssä myös selvitettiin myös asuintilojen lämmitystarve Suomessa, lämmityksen tuotantomäärät ja -tavat, sekä teollisuuden hukkalämmön tuotannon määrä. Talojen lämmöntarve Suomessa vuonna 2017 oli noin 45,35 TWh josta 13,4 TWh oli kaukolämpöä. Kaukolämpöä tuotettiin Suomessa vuonna 2017 38,29 TWh. Samalla teollisuuden hukkalämmön arvioitiin syntyvän vuosittain 54 TWh, josta 4 TWh olisi taloudellisesti kannattavasti käytettävissä. Taloudellisesti käytettävissä olevaa hukkalämpöä verrattaessa kaukolämmöntarpeeseen nähtiin, että hukkalämmön käytölle kaukolämmössä olisi potentiaalia. Jos teollisuuden hukkalämpöä pystyttäisiin käyttää tehokkaasti tilojen lämmityksessä, voitaisiin saavuttaa huomattavia päästövähennyksiä

    Power-to-X-teknologian hyödyntäminen Laanilan teollisuusalueella

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän työn tavoitteina oli muodostaa selkeä yleiskuva Oulussa sijaitsevan Laanilan teollisuusalueen yritysten aine- ja energiavirroista, tunnistaa Power-to-X-teknologian kannalta oleelliset ainevirrat, selvittää kirjallisuudesta Laanilan teollisuuteen sopivia Power-to-X-teknologioita ja tarkastella aine- ja energiatasetasolla tunnistettujen Power-to-X-teknologioiden sopivuutta Laanilan teollisuuden käyttöön. Kirjallisuuden perusteella tunnistettiin viisi teknologiaa (hiilidioksidin metanointi, veden elektrolyysi, veden ja hiilidioksidin elektrolyysi, muurahaishapon synteesi hiilidioksidista ja vedystä, ja hiilidioksidin talteenotto), jotka sopisivat raaka-aineiden sekä lopputuotteiden perusteella Laanilan teollisuuden käyttöön: hiilidioksidin metanointi, veden elektrolyysi, veden ja hiilidioksidin yhtäaikainen elektrolyysi, muurahaishapon syntetisointi vedystä ja hiilidioksidista sekä hiilidioksidin talteenotto savukaasuista. Teknologioille laskettiin aine- ja energiataseet, missä osa Laanilan teollisuuden raaka-ainetarpeesta tai tuotannosta voitiin tyydyttää. Taseista muodostettiin kolme skenaariota, joilla Laanilan koko nykyistä vastaava vetyperoksidin ja muurahaishapon tuotanto olisi mahdollista tuottaa Power-to-X-teknologioiden avulla. Skenaarioiden energiankulutukset suuruusjärjestyksessä olivat: 968–974 GWh, 767–907 GWh ja 699–802 GWh. Laanilan nykyisen muurahaishapon ja vetyperoksidin tuotannon arvioitiin kuluttavan yhteensä 824 GWh sähkö-, lämpöenergiaa ja kemiallista energiaa. Työssä tunnistettiin myös kolme metanointiin sopivaa hiilidioksidivirtaa, joiden metaanintuotot olivat: 3 500 t (48 GWh), 42 600 t (591 GWh) ja 180 400 t (2 498 GWh). Lopuksi tarkasteltiin muodostettujen taseiden etuja ja haittoja, ja arvioitiin jatkotutkimukselle oleellisia näkökulmia, kuten eri energiamuotojen käytön vaikutus tuotannon kustannuksiin, teknologioiden saatavuus Laanilan teollisuuden vaatimassa mittakaavassa, ja fossiilisten raaka-aineiden sekä hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentämisen vaikutus tuotannon kustannuksiin.Power-to-X-technology potential in Laanila industrial park. Abstract. The objectives of this work were to form a clear overview of the material and energy flows of companies in the Laanila industrial area in Oulu, to identify material flows relevant to Power-to-X technology, to evaluate from the literature suitable Power-to-X technologies for Laanila industry and to review the compatibility of the identified Power-to-X technologies with Laanila industry on a mass and energy flow level. Five PtX technologies (CO2 methanation, water electrolysis, co-electrolysis of CO2 and water, formic acid synthesis from CO2 and H2 and carbon capture) were identified from the literature that would be suitable for Laanila’s industrial site based on the raw materials and end products: carbon dioxide methanation, water electrolysis, co-electrolysis of water and carbon dioxide, formic acid synthesis from hydrogen and carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide recovery from flue gases. Material and energy balances were calculated for the technologies, where part of Laanila’s industrial raw material needs or production could be met. Three scenarios were formed from the balance sheets, in which Laanila’s entire current production of hydrogen peroxide and formic acid could be produced using Power-to-X technologies. The energy consumption of the scenarios was in the order of magnitude: 968–974 GWh, 699–802 GWh and 767–907 GWh. Laanila’s current formic acid and hydrogen peroxide production was estimated to consume a total of 824 GWh of electrical, thermal, and chemical energy. The study also identified three carbon dioxide streams suitable for methanation, with methane yields of: 3 500 t (48 GWh), 42 600 t (591 GWh) and 180 400 t (2 498 GWh). Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the resulting scenarios were examined and aspects relevant to further research were assessed, such as the impact of different forms of energy on production costs, the availability of technologies on the scale required by Laanila’s industry, and the economic impact of reducing fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions

    Comparison of time-gated surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy (TG-SERS) and classical SERS based monitoring of Escherichia coli cultivation samples

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    The application of Raman spectroscopy as a monitoring technique for bioprocesses is severely limited by a large background signal originating from fluorescing compounds in the culture media. Here, we compare time-gated Raman (TG-Raman)-, continuous wave NIR-process Raman (NIR-Raman), and continuous wave micro-Raman (micro-Raman) approaches in combination with surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for their potential to overcome this limit. For that purpose, we monitored metabolite concentrations of Escherichia coli bioreactor cultivations in cell-free supernatant samples. We investigated concentration transients of glucose, acetate, AMP, and cAMP at alternating substrate availability, from deficiency to excess. Raman and SERS signals were compared to off-line metabolite analysis of carbohydrates, carboxylic acids, and nucleotides. Results demonstrate that SERS, in almost all cases, led to a higher number of identifiable signals and better resolved spectra. Spectra derived from the TG-Raman were comparable to those of micro-Raman resulting in well-discernable Raman peaks, which allowed for the identification of a higher number of compounds. In contrast, NIR-Raman provided a superior performance for the quantitative evaluation of analytes, both with and without SERS nanoparticles when using multivariate data analysis. (c) 2018 American Institute of Chemical EngineersPeer reviewe

    A portable methane sampling system for radiocarbon-based bioportion measurements and environmental CH4 sourcing studies

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    Radiocarbon measurements can be used to deduce the proportion of renewable to fossil carbon in materials. While these biofraction measurements are performed routinely on solid and liquid substances, measurements of gaseous samples, such as methane, are still scarce. As a pioneering effort, we have developed a field-capable sampling system for the selective capture of CH4 for radiocarbon-concentration measurements. The system allows for biofraction measurements of methane by accelerator mass spectrometry. In environmental research, radiocarbon measurements of methane can be used for fingerprinting different sources of methane emissions. In metrology and industry, biofraction measurements can be utilized to characterize biogas/natural gas mixtures within gas-line networks. In this work, the portable sampling system is described in detail and reference measurements of biofractions of gaseous fuel samples are presented. Low-concentration (1-ppm-CH4) sampling for environmental applications appears feasible but has not been fully tested at present. This development allows for multitude of future applications ranging from Arctic methane emissions to biogas insertion to gas networks. Published by AIP Publishing.Peer reviewe

    Transmission of Curing Light through Moist, Air-Dried, and EDTA Treated Dentine and Enamel

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    Objective. This study measured light transmission through enamel and dentin and the effect of exposed dentinal tubules to light propagation. Methods. Light attenuation through enamel and dentin layers of various thicknesses (1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, and 4 mm) was measured using specimens that were (1) moist and (2) air-dried (n = 5). Measurements were repeated after the specimens were treated with EDTA. Specimens were transilluminated with a light curing unit (maximum power output 1869 mW/cm(2)), and the mean irradiance power of transmitting light was measured. The transmission of light through teeth was studied using 10 extracted intact human incisors and premolars. Results. Transmitted light irradiance through 1 mm thick moist discs was 500 mW/cm(2) for enamel and 398 mW/cm(2) for dentin (p < 0.05). The increase of the specimen thickness decreased light transmission in all groups (p < 0.005), and moist specimens attenuated light less than air-dried specimens in all thicknesses (p < 0.05). EDTA treatment increased light transmission from 398 mW/cm(2) to 439 mW/cm(2) (1 mm dentin specimen thickness) (p < 0.05). Light transmission through intact premolar was 6.2 mW/cm(2) (average thickness 8.2 mm) and through incisor was 37.6 mW/cm(2) (average thickness 5.6 mm). Conclusion. Light transmission through enamel is greater than that through dentin, probably reflecting differences in refractive indices and extinction coefficients. Light transmission through enamel, dentin, and extracted teeth seemed to follow Beer-Lambert's law

    Pathological Angiogenesis Requires Syndecan-4 for Efficient VEGFA-Induced VE-Cadherin Internalization

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    Objective: VEGFA (Vascular endothelial growth factor A) and its receptor VEGFR2 (vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2) drive angiogenesis in several pathologies, including diabetic retinopathy, wet age-related macular degeneration, and cancer. Studies suggest roles for HSPGs (heparan sulfate proteoglycans) in this process, although the nature of this involvement remains elusive. Here, we set to establish the role of the HSPG SDC4 (syndecan-4) in pathological angiogenesis. Approach and Results: We report that angiogenesis is impaired in mice null for SDC4 in models of neovascular eye disease and tumor development. Our work demonstrates that SDC4 is the only SDC whose gene expression is upregulated during pathological angiogenesis and is selectively enriched on immature vessels in retinas from diabetic retinopathy patients. Combining in vivo and tissue culture models, we identified SDC4 as a downstream mediator of functional angiogenic responses to VEGFA. We found that SDC4 resides at endothelial cell junctions, interacts with vascular endothelial cadherin, and is required for its internalization in response to VEGFA. Finally, we show that pathological angiogenic responses are inhibited in a model of wet age-related macular degeneration by targeting SDC4. Conclusions: We show that SDC4 is a downstream mediator of VEGFA-induced vascular endothelial cadherin internalization during pathological angiogenesis and a potential target for antiangiogenic therapies

    Projected shell model study of odd-odd f-p-g shell proton-rich nuclei

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    A systematic study of 2-quasiparticle bands of the proton-rich odd-odd nuclei in the mass A ~ 70-80 region is performed using the projected shell model approach. The study includes Br-, Rb-, and Y-isotopes with N = Z+2, and Z+4. We describe the energy spectra and electromagnetic transition strengths in terms of the configuration mixing of the angular-momentum projected multi-quasiparticle states. Signature splitting and signature inversion in the rotational bands are discussed and are shown to be well described. A preliminary study of the odd-odd N = Z nucleus, 74Rb using the concept of spontaneous symmetry breaking is also presented.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, final version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Intracapsular tonsillectomy in the treatment of recurrent and chronic tonsillitis in adults : a protocol of a prospective, single-blinded, randomised study with a 5-year follow-up (the FINITE trial)

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    Introduction The standard surgical treatment for recurrent or chronic tonsillitis is extracapsular tonsillectomy. Recent studies show that intracapsular tonsillectomy has the potential to reduce the postoperative morbidity of patients undergoing tonsil surgery. The Finnish Intracapsular Tonsillectomy (FINITE) trial aims to provide level I evidence to support the hypothesis that the recovery time from tonsil surgery can be reduced with intracapsular tonsillectomy. Additionally, from this trial, major benefits in quality of life, reduction of postoperative complications, treatment costs and throat symptoms might be gained. Methods and analysis The FINITE trial is a prospective, randomised, controlled, patient-blinded, three-arm clinical trial. It is designed to compare three different surgical methods being extracapsular monopolar tonsillectomy versus intracapsular microdebrider tonsillectomy versus intracapsular coblation tonsillectomy in the treatment of adult patients (16-65 years) suffering from recurrent or chronic tonsillitis. The study started in September 2019, and patients will be enrolled until a maximum of 200 patients are randomised. Currently, we are in the middle of the study with 125 patients enrolled as of 28 February 2022 and data collection is scheduled to be completed totally by December 2027. The primary endpoint of the study will be the recovery time from surgery. Secondary endpoints will be the postoperative pain scores and the use of analgesics during the first 3 weeks of recovery, postoperative haemorrhage, quality of life, tonsillar remnants, need for revision surgery, throat symptoms, treatment costs and sick leave. A follow-up by a questionnaire at 1-21 days and at 1, 6, 24 and 60 months will be conducted with a follow-up visit at the 6-month time point. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval was obtained from the Medical Ethics Committee of the Hospital District of Southwest Finland (reference number 29/1801/2019). Results will be made publicly available in peer-reviewed scientific journals.Peer reviewe