275 research outputs found

    Time and force required for attendants boarding wheelchair users onto aircraft

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    Ensuring equal opportunity to all transport modes, including air travel, allows disabled people the same freedom of travel available to the rest of the population. However, boarding of wheelchair users onto airplanes is physically demanding for attendant airline or airport personal whom assist and time consuming and costly for airlines. This paper presents a comparison between two methods of boarding wheelchair users, measuring the forces required and the duration taken. Participants were asked to act as attendants and to board weighted wheelchairs onto simulated aircraft vestibules using two different manoeuvre methods (“going forwards” and “going backwards”), with two different loadings (“light” and “heavy”) in two different access scenarios (“level access” and “sloped access”) between the jet-way/scissor-lift and the aircraft. The results reveal that the “going backwards” technique is a slightly faster manoeuvre method but no difference in the forces required exist between the two methods. The weight of the wheelchair affected the forces required to complete the boarding and exceeded health and safety guidelines for attendants. Reducing the height of the step between the aircraft and the jet-way or scissor-lift is recommended. Relevance to Industry: The research highlights the juxtaposition between the need to board wheelchair users and the excessive force required by the attendants propelling the wheelchair

    A trait–environment relationship approach to participatory plant breeding for organic agriculture

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    The extent of intraspecific variation in trait–environment relationships is an open question with limited empirical support in crops. In organic agriculture, with high environmental heterogeneity, this knowledge could guide breeding programs to optimize crop attributes. We propose a three-dimensional framework involving crop performance, crop traits, and environmental axes to uncover the multidimensionality of trait–environment relationships within a crop. We modeled instantaneous photosynthesis (Asat) and water-use efficiency (WUE) as functions of four phenotypic traits, three soil variables, five carrot (Daucus carota) varieties, and their interactions in a national participatory plant breeding program involving a suite of farms across Canada. We used these interactions to describe the resulting 12 trait–environment relationships across varieties. We found one significant trait–environment relationship for Asat (taproot tissue density–soil phosphorus), which was consistent across varieties. For WUE, we found that three relationships (petiole diameter–soil nitrogen, petiole diameter–soil phosphorus, and leaf area–soil phosphorus) varied significantly across varieties. As a result, WUE was maximized by different combinations of trait values and soil conditions depending on the variety. Our three-dimensional framework supports the identification of functional traits behind the differential responses of crop varieties to environmental variation and thus guides breeding programs to optimize crop attributes from an eco-evolutionary perspective.Fil: Rolhauser, AndrĂ©s Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones FisiolĂłgicas y EcolĂłgicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Instituto de Investigaciones FisiolĂłgicas y EcolĂłgicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de MĂ©todos Cuantitativos y Sistemas de InformaciĂłn; Argentina. University of Toronto; CanadĂĄFil: Windfeld, Emma. University of Toronto; CanadĂĄ. University of Calgary; CanadĂĄFil: Hanson, Solveig. University of British Columbia; CanadĂĄFil: Wittman, Hannah. University of British Columbia; CanadĂĄFil: Thoreau, Chris. University of British Columbia; CanadĂĄFil: Lyon, Alexandra. Kwantlen Polytechnic University; CanadĂĄ. University of British Columbia; CanadĂĄFil: Isaac, Marney E.. University of Toronto; Canad

    Automated flow rate calculation based on digital analysis of flow convergence proximal to regurgitant orifice

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    AbstractObjectives. The purpose of the study was to develop and validate an automated method for calculating regurgitant flow rate using color Doppler echocardiography.Background. The proximal flow convergence method is a promising approach to quantitate valvular regurgitation noninvasively because it allows one to calculate regurgitant flow rate and regurgitant orifice area; however, defining the location of the regurgitant orifice is often difficult and can lead to significant error in the calculated flow rates. To overcome this problem we developed an automated algorithm to locate the orifice and calculate flow rate based on the digital Doppler velocity map.Methods. This algorithm compares the observed velocities with the anticipated relative velocities, cos ϑ/ÎŒt2. The orifice is localized as the point with maximal correlation between predicted and observed velocity, whereas flow rate is specified as the slope of the regression line. We validated this algorithm in an in vitro model for flow through circular orifices with planar surroundings and a porcine bioprosthesis.Results. For flow through circular orifices, flow rates calculated on individual Doppler maps and on an average of eight velocity maps showed excellent agreement with true flow, with r = 0.977 and ΔQ = −3.7 ± 15.8 cm3/s and r = 0.991 and ΔQ = −4.3 ± 8.5 cm3/s, respectively. Calculated flow rates through the bioprosthesis correlated well but underestimated true flow, with r = 0.97, ΔQ = −10.9 ± 12.5 cm3/s, suggesting flow convergence over an >2π. This systematic underestimation was corrected by assuming an effective convergence angle of 212 ÎŽ.Conclusions. This algorithm accurately locates the regurgitant orifice and calculates regurgitant flow rate for circular orifices with planar surroundings. Automated analysis of the proximal flow field is also applicable to more physiologic surfaces surrounding the regurgitant orifice; however, the convergence angle should be adjusted. This automated algorithm should make quantification of regurgitant flow rate and regurgitant orifice area more reproducible and readily available in clinical cardiology practice

    Concord Companions: Margaret Fuller, Friendship, and Desire

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    In this paper, we examine the rhetoric of friendship and desire in mid-nineteenth-century American writing. We begin by looking at Emerson's essay on friendship and Thoreau's poem "Sympathy" (1840) to provide a context for reading Margaret Fuller's fascinating texts on samesex bonds between women. Of particular interest to us is Fuller's translation of Elizabeth von Arnim's Die Gunderode (1840), a collection of letters between Arnim and the German Romantic poet Karoline von Gunderode which provides compelling insights into the early to mid-nineteenth-century continuum between female friendship and same-sex desire. We situate this translation alongside Fuller's own female friendships and expressions of love for women, more specifically her declarations of love to Anna Barker and, later, to George Sand. This latter relationship, we suggest, was a source of admiration and anxiety, for Sand's cross-dressing and fluid sense of gender identity was simultaneously celebrated and condemned in Fuller's Women in the Nineteenth Century (1843)

    "I am NN": A Reconstruction of Anscombe's "The First Person"

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    This paper develops a way of understanding G.E.M. Anscombe’s essay “The First Person”, at the heart of which are the following two ideas: first, that the point of her essay is to show that it is not possible for anyone to understand what they express with “I” as an Art des Gegebenseins—a way of thinking of an object that constitutes identifying knowledge of which object is being thought of; and second, that the argument through which her essay seeks to show this is itself first personal in character. Understanding Anscombe’s essay in this light has the merit of showing much of what it says to be correct. But it sets us the task of saying what it is that we understand ourselves to express with “I” if not an Art des Gegebenseins, and in particular what it is that we understand ourselves to express with sentences with “I” as subject that might seem to express identity-judgments, such as “I am NN”, and “I am this body”

    Landscape, Memory, and the Shifting Regional Geographies of Northwest Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    Writing and arguing with older discourses that have informed the subdiscipline of regional geography and setting them against new ways of conceiving of the region, this article considers the northwest of Bosnia-Herzegovina as a site that calls for a newly animated form of regional study. Of particular concern here is the role that memory and commemorative practices play in such a spatial schema. The monumental landscapes of the Tito regime and its collective commemoration of World War II sit alongside and are troubled by the more recent traumas and spaces of unmarked death associated with the ethnic war in Bosnia during the early 1990s. Read together, northwest Bosnia-Herzegovina functions as a vivid exemplar for understanding traumatic historical mourning as a phenomenological process that is inseparable from the wider geopolitical landscape

    'The nourishing soil of the soul': The role of horticultural therapy in promoting well-being in community-dwelling people with dementia.

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    Two-thirds of people with dementia reside in their own homes; however, support for community-dwelling people with dementia to continue to participate in everyday activities is often lacking, resulting in feelings of depression and isolation among people living with the condition. Engagement in outdoor activities such as gardening can potentially counteract these negative experiences by enabling people with dementia to interact with nature, helping to improve their physical and psychological well-being. Additionally, the collaborative nature of community gardening may encourage the development of a sense of community, thereby enhancing social integration. Despite increasing evidence supporting its therapeutic value for people with dementia in residential care, the benefits of horticultural therapy have yet to be transposed into a community setting. This paper will examine the theoretical support for the application of horticultural therapy in dementia care, before exploring the potential of horticultural therapy as a means of facilitating improved physical and psychological well-being and social integration for people living with dementia within the community

    On the Growth of Scientific Knowledge: Yeast Biology as a Case Study

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    The tempo and mode of human knowledge expansion is an enduring yet poorly understood topic. Through a temporal network analysis of three decades of discoveries of protein interactions and genetic interactions in baker's yeast, we show that the growth of scientific knowledge is exponential over time and that important subjects tend to be studied earlier. However, expansions of different domains of knowledge are highly heterogeneous and episodic such that the temporal turnover of knowledge hubs is much greater than expected by chance. Familiar subjects are preferentially studied over new subjects, leading to a reduced pace of innovation. While research is increasingly done in teams, the number of discoveries per researcher is greater in smaller teams. These findings reveal collective human behaviors in scientific research and help design better strategies in future knowledge exploration

    Comparative genomic analysis reveals independent expansion of a lineage-specific gene family in vertebrates: The class II cytokine receptors and their ligands in mammals and fish

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    BACKGROUND: The high degree of sequence conservation between coding regions in fish and mammals can be exploited to identify genes in mammalian genomes by comparison with the sequence of similar genes in fish. Conversely, experimentally characterized mammalian genes may be used to annotate fish genomes. However, gene families that escape this principle include the rapidly diverging cytokines that regulate the immune system, and their receptors. A classic example is the class II helical cytokines (HCII) including type I, type II and lambda interferons, IL10 related cytokines (IL10, IL19, IL20, IL22, IL24 and IL26) and their receptors (HCRII). Despite the report of a near complete pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes) genome sequence, these genes remain undescribed in fish. RESULTS: We have used an original strategy based both on conserved amino acid sequence and gene structure to identify HCII and HCRII in the genome of another pufferfish, Tetraodon nigroviridis that is amenable to laboratory experiments. The 15 genes that were identified are highly divergent and include a single interferon molecule, three IL10 related cytokines and their potential receptors together with two Tissue Factor (TF). Some of these genes form tandem clusters on the Tetraodon genome. Their expression pattern was determined in different tissues. Most importantly, Tetraodon interferon was identified and we show that the recombinant protein can induce antiviral MX gene expression in Tetraodon primary kidney cells. Similar results were obtained in Zebrafish which has 7 MX genes. CONCLUSION: We propose a scheme for the evolution of HCII and their receptors during the radiation of bony vertebrates and suggest that the diversification that played an important role in the fine-tuning of the ancestral mechanism for host defense against infections probably followed different pathways in amniotes and fish
