494 research outputs found

    Decoherence and the Nature of System-Environment Correlations

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    We investigate system-environment correlations based on the exact dynamics of a qubit and its environment in the framework of pure decoherence (phase damping). We focus on the relation of decoherence and the build-up of system-reservoir entanglement for an arbitrary (possibly mixed) initial qubit state. In the commonly employed regime where the qubit dynamics can be described by a Markov master equation of Lindblad type, we find that for almost all qubit initial states inside the Bloch sphere, decoherence is complete while the total state is still separable - no entanglement is involved. In general, both "separable" and "entangling" decoherence occurs, depending on temperature and initial qubit state. Moreover, we find situations where classical and quantum correlations periodically alternate as a function of time in the regime of low temperatures

    Work probability distribution in single molecule experiments

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    We derive and solve a differential equation satisfied by the probability distribution of the work done on a single biomolecule in a mechanical unzipping experiment. The unzipping is described as a thermally activated escape process in an energy landscape. The Jarzynski equality is recovered as an identity, independent of the pulling protocol. This approach allows one to evaluate easily, by numerical integration, the work distribution, once a few parameters of the energy landscape are known.Comment: To appear on EP

    System-environment correlations and Non-Markovian dynamics

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    We determine the total state dynamics of a dephasing open quantum system using the standard environment of harmonic oscillators. Of particular interest are random unitary approaches to the same reduced dynamics and system-environment correlations in the full model. Concentrating on a model with an at times negative dephasing rate, the issue of "non-Markovianity" will also be addressed. Crucially, given the quantum environment, the appearance of non-Markovian dynamics turns out to be accompanied by a loss of system-environment correlations. Depending on the initial purity of the qubit state, these system-environment correlations may be purely classical over the whole relevant time scale, or there may be intervals of genuine system-environment entanglement. In the latter case, we see no obvious relation between the build-up or decay of these quantum correlations and "Non-Markovianity"

    Lubricated friction between incommensurate substrates

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    This paper is part of a study of the frictional dynamics of a confined solid lubricant film - modelled as a one-dimensional chain of interacting particles confined between two ideally incommensurate substrates, one of which is driven relative to the other through an attached spring moving at constant velocity. This model system is characterized by three inherent length scales; depending on the precise choice of incommensurability among them it displays a strikingly different tribological behavior. Contrary to two length-scale systems such as the standard Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) model, for large chain stiffness one finds that here the most favorable (lowest friction) sliding regime is achieved by chain-substrate incommensurabilities belonging to the class of non-quadratic irrational numbers (e.g., the spiral mean). The well-known golden mean (quadratic) incommensurability which slides best in the standard FK model shows instead higher kinetic-friction values. The underlying reason lies in the pinning properties of the lattice of solitons formed by the chain with the substrate having the closest periodicity, with the other slider.Comment: 14 pagine latex - elsart, including 4 figures, submitted to Tribology Internationa

    Influence of Complex Exciton-Phonon Coupling on Optical Absorption and Energy Transfer of Quantum Aggregates

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    We present a theory that efficiently describes the quantum dynamics of an electronic excitation that is coupled to a continuous, highly structured phonon environment. Based on a stochastic approach to non-Markovian open quantum systems, we develop a dynamical framework that allows us to handle realistic systems where a fully quantum treatment is desired yet the usual approximation schemes fail. The capability of the method is demonstrated by calculating spectra and energy transfer dynamics of mesoscopic molecular aggregates, elucidating the transition from fully coherent to incoherent transfer

    Quantum Decoherence of Two Qubits

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    It is commonly stated that decoherence in open quantum systems is due to growing entanglement with an environment. In practice, however, surprisingly often decoherence may equally well be described by random unitary dynamics without invoking a quantum environment at all. For a single qubit, for instance, pure decoherence (or phase damping) is always of random unitary type. Here, we construct a simple example of true quantum decoherence of two qubits: we present a feasible phase damping channel of which we show that it cannot be understood in terms of random unitary dynamics. We give a very intuitive geometrical measure for the positive distance of our channel to the convex set of random unitary channels and find remarkable agreement with the so-called Birkhoff defect based on the norm of complete boundedness.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Detailed study of dissipative quantum dynamics of K-2 attached to helium nanodroplets

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    We thoroughly investigate vibrational quantum dynamics of dimers attached to He droplets motivated by recent measurements with K-2 [1]. For those femtosecond pump-probe experiments, crucial observed features are not reproduced by gas phase calculations but agreement is found using a description based on dissipative quantum dynamics, as briefly shown in [2]. Here we present a detailed study of the influence of possible effects induced by the droplet. The helium droplet causes electronic decoherence, shifts of potential surfaces, and relaxation of wave packets in attached dimers. Moreover, a realistic description of (stochastic) desorption of dimers off the droplet needs to be taken into account. Step by step we include and study the importance of these effects in our full quantum calculation. This allows us to reproduce and explain all major experimental findings. We find that desorption is fast and occurs already within 2-10 ps after electronic excitation. A further finding is that slow vibrational motion in the ground state can be considered frictionless.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Stochastic Schroedinger Equations with General Complex Gaussian Noises

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    Within the framework of stochastic Schroedinger equations, we show that the correspondence between statevector equations and ensemble equations is infinitely many to one, and we discuss the consequences. We also generalize the results of [Phys. Lett. A 224, p. 25 (1996)] to the case of more general complex Gaussian noises and analyze the two important cases of purely real and purely imaginary stochastic processes.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX. To appear on Phys. Rev.

    Exact c-number Representation of Non-Markovian Quantum Dissipation

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    The reduced dynamics of a quantum system interacting with a linear heat bath finds an exact representation in terms of a stochastic Schr{\"o}dinger equation. All memory effects of the reservoir are transformed into noise correlations and mean-field friction. The classical limit of the resulting stochastic dynamics is shown to be a generalized Langevin equation, and conventional quantum state diffusion is recovered in the Born--Markov approximation. The non-Markovian exact dynamics, valid at arbitrary temperature and damping strength, is exemplified by an application to the dissipative two-state system.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Discrete Symmetries in the Weyl Expansion for Quantum Billiards

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    We consider two and three-dimensional quantum billiards with discrete symmetries. We derive the first terms of the Weyl expansion for the level density projected onto the irreducible representations of the symmetry group. As an illustration the method is applied to the icosahedral billiard. The paper was published in J. Phys. A /27/ (1994) 4317-4323Comment: 8 printed pages Latex fil