84 research outputs found

    "Слово о полку Ігоревім" - важливе джерело вивчення подій ХІ - ХІІ століть на Чернігово-Сіверщині

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    У статті зроблено аналіз поглядів істориків, літераторів східних, західних, південних слов'ян у процесі перекладів, вивчення змісту «Слова о полку Ігоревім», припущень щодо автора «Слова», досягнень археологів, краєзнавців Чернігівщини з вивчення історії Чернігово-Сіверщини в ХІІ-ХІІІ століттях.В статье сделано анализ взглядов историков, литераторов восточных, западных, южных славян в процессе переводов, изучения содержания «Слова о полку Игореве», предположений относительно автора «Слова», достижений археологов, краеведов Черниговщины по изучению истории Чернигово-Северщины в XII - XIII веках.In the article it has done the analyses of views of historians, specialists of East, West and South Slaves during translating, studying the contest of "The word of Ihor's regiment", suppositions of archeologists, regional ethnographers of Chernihiv Region about learning the history of Chernihiv-Siverian land in XII - XIII centuries

    Економіко-правове забезпечення формування та реалізації соціальної політики держави, регіону, міста

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    У статті визначено потребу послідовного правового забезпечення формування та реалізації соціальної політики в багаторівневій системі управління. Обґрунтовано зміст та особливості соціальної політики залежно від рівня управління. Сформульовано пропозиції з удосконалення соціальної політики держави та її регіонів, виконано їх правову регламентацію

    Advances in POST2 End-to-End Descent and Landing Simulation for the ALHAT Project

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    Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories II (POST2) is used as a basis for an end-to-end descent and landing trajectory simulation that is essential in determining design and integration capability and system performance of the lunar descent and landing system and environment models for the Autonomous Landing and Hazard Avoidance Technology (ALHAT) project. The POST2 simulation provides a six degree-of-freedom capability necessary to test, design and operate a descent and landing system for successful lunar landing. This paper presents advances in the development and model-implementation of the POST2 simulation, as well as preliminary system performance analysis, used for the testing and evaluation of ALHAT project system models

    Population structure and genetic bottleneck in sweet cherry estimated with SSRs and the gametophytic self-incompatibility locus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Domestication and breeding involve the selection of particular phenotypes, limiting the genomic diversity of the population and creating a bottleneck. These effects can be precisely estimated when the location of domestication is established. Few analyses have focused on understanding the genetic consequences of domestication and breeding in fruit trees. In this study, we aimed to analyse genetic structure and changes in the diversity in sweet cherry <it>Prunus avium </it>L.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three subgroups were detected in sweet cherry, with one group of landraces genetically very close to the analysed wild cherry population. A limited number of SSR markers displayed deviations from the frequencies expected under neutrality. After the removal of these markers from the analysis, a very limited bottleneck was detected between wild cherries and sweet cherry landraces, with a much more pronounced bottleneck between sweet cherry landraces and modern sweet cherry varieties. The loss of diversity between wild cherries and sweet cherry landraces at the <it>S</it>-locus was more significant than that for microsatellites. Particularly high levels of differentiation were observed for some <it>S</it>-alleles.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Several domestication events may have happened in sweet cherry or/and intense gene flow from local wild cherry was probably maintained along the evolutionary history of the species. A marked bottleneck due to breeding was detected, with all markers, in the modern sweet cherry gene pool. The microsatellites did not detect the bottleneck due to domestication in the analysed sample. The vegetative propagation specific to some fruit trees may account for the differences in diversity observed at the <it>S</it>-locus. Our study provides insights into domestication events of cherry, however, requires confirmation on a larger sampling scheme for both sweet cherry landraces and wild cherry.</p

    Ultrasonic intensification as a tool for enhanced microbial biofuel yields

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    peer-reviewedUltrasonication has recently received attention as a novel bioprocessing tool for process intensification in many areas of downstream processing. Ultrasonic intensification (periodic ultrasonic treatment during the fermentation process) can result in a more effective homogenization of biomass and faster energy and mass transfer to biomass over short time periods which can result in enhanced microbial growth. Ultrasonic intensification can allow the rapid selective extraction of specific biomass components and can enhance product yields which can be of economic benefit. This review focuses on the role of ultrasonication in the extraction and yield enhancement of compounds from various microbial sources, specifically algal and cyanobacterial biomass with a focus on the production of biofuels. The operating principles associated with the process of ultrasonication and the influence of various operating conditions including ultrasonic frequency, power intensity, ultrasonic duration, reactor designs and kinetics applied for ultrasonic intensification are also described

    Application of computer-assisted semen analysis to explain variations in pig fertility.

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    Sperm quality is often evaluated through computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) and is an indicator of boar fertility. The aim of this research was to study the relationship between CASA motility parameters and fertility results in pigs. Insemination records and semen parameters from a total of 45,532 ejaculates collected over a 3-yr period were used. The statistical model for analysis of fertility data from these inseminations included factors related to sow productivity. The boar- and semen-related variance (direct boar effect) were corrected for the effects of individual boar, genetic line of the boar, age of the boar, days between ejaculations, number of sperm cells in an ejaculate, number of sperm cells in an insemination dose, and AI station. The remaining variance was analyzed if semen motility parameters had a significant effect. This analysis revealed significant (P 0.05) were observed between effects of AI stations on fertility outcome, underscoring the objectivity of the CASA system used. Motility parameters can be measured with CASA to assess sperm motility in an objective manner. On the basis of the motility pattern, CASA enables one to discriminate between the fertilizing capacity of ejaculates, although this depends on the genetic line of the boar used in AI stations