1,793 research outputs found

    Low-momentum interactions for nuclei

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    We show how the renormalization group is used to construct a low-momentum nucleon-nucleon interaction V_{low k}, which unifies all potential models used in nuclear structure calculations. V_{low k} can be directly applied to the nuclear shell model or to nucleonic matter without a G matrix resummation. It is argued that V_{low k} parameterizes a high-order chiral effective field theory two-nucleon force. We use cutoff dependence as a tool to assess the error in the truncation of nuclear forces to two-nucleon interactions and introduce a low-momentum three-nucleon force, which regulates A=3,4 binding energies. The adjusted three-nucleon interaction is perturbative for small cutoffs. In contrast to other precision interactions, the error due to missing many-body forces can be estimated, when V_{low k} and the corresponding three-nucleon force are used in nuclear structure calculations and the cutoff is varied.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, talk at INT workshop on Nuclear Forces and the Quantum Many-Body Problem, Seattle, October 200

    Resonant relativistic corrections and the A_y problem

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    We study relativistic corrections to nuclear interactions caused by boosting the two-nucleon interaction to a frame in which their total momentum does not vanish. These corrections induce a change in the computed value of the neutron-deuteron analyzing power A_y that is estimated using the plane-wave impulse approximation. This allows a transparent analytical calculation that demonstrates the significance of relativistic corrections. Faddeev calculations are however needed to conclude on the A_y puzzle.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, minor addition, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Two-neutrino double electron capture on 124^{124}Xe based on an effective theory and the nuclear shell model

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    We study the two-neutrino double electron capture on 124^{124}Xe based on an effective theory (ET) and large-scale shell model calculations, two modern nuclear structure approaches that have been tested against Gamow-Teller and double-beta decay data. In the ET, the low-energy constants are fit to electron capture and ÎČ−\beta^{-} transitions around xenon. For the nuclear shell model, we use an interaction in a large configuration space that reproduces the spectroscopy of nuclei in this mass region. For the dominant transition to the 124^{124}Te ground state, we find half-lives T1/22ÎœECEC=(1.3−18)×1022T^{2\nu{\rm ECEC}}_{1/2}=(1.3-18)\times 10^{22} y for the ET and T1/22ÎœECEC=(0.43−2.9)×1022T^{2\nu{\rm ECEC}}_{1/2} = (0.43-2.9)\times 10^{22} y for the shell model. The ET uncertainty leads to a half-life almost entirely consistent with present experimental limits and largely within the reach of ongoing experiments. The shell model half-life range overlaps with the ET, but extends less beyond current limits. Our findings thus suggest that the two-neutrino double electron capture on 124^{124}Xe has a good chance to be discovered by ongoing or future experiments. In addition, we present results for the two-neutrino double electron capture to excited states of 124^{124}Te.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Analyzing the Fierz Rearrangement Freedom for Local Chiral Two-Nucleon Potentials

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    Chiral effective field theory is a framework to derive systematic nuclear interactions. It is based on the symmetries of quantum chromodynamics and includes long-range pion physics explicitly, while shorter-range physics is expanded in a general operator basis. The number of low-energy couplings at a particular order in the expansion can be reduced by exploiting the fact that nucleons are fermions and therefore obey the Pauli exclusion principle. The antisymmetry permits the selection of a subset of the allowed contact operators at a given order. When local regulators are used for these short-range interactions, however, this "Fierz rearrangement freedom" is violated. In this paper, we investigate the impact of this violation at leading order (LO) in the chiral expansion. We construct LO and next-to-leading order (NLO) potentials for all possible LO-operator pairs and study their reproduction of phase shifts, the 4{}^4He ground-state energy, and the neutron-matter energy at different densities. We demonstrate that the Fierz rearrangement freedom is partially restored at NLO where subleading contact interactions enter. We also discuss implications for local chiral three-nucleon interactions.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Shell-model phenomenology of low-momentum interactions

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    The first detailed comparison of the low-momentum interaction V_{low k} with G matrices is presented. We use overlaps to measure quantitatively the similarity of shell-model matrix elements for different cutoffs and oscillator frequencies. Over a wide range, all sets of V_{low k} matrix elements can be approximately obtained from a universal set by a simple scaling. In an oscillator mean-field approach, V_{low k} reproduces satisfactorily many features of the single-particle and single-hole spectra on closed-shell nuclei, in particular through remarkably good splittings between spin-orbit partners on top of harmonic oscillator closures. The main deficiencies of pure two-nucleon interactions are associated with binding energies and with the failure to ensure magicity for the extruder-intruder closures. Here, calculations including three-nucleon interactions are most needed. V_{low k} makes it possible to define directly a meaningful unperturbed monopole Hamiltonian, for which the inclusion of three-nucleon forces is tractable.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, minor additions, to appear as Rapid Comm. in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of Light Nuclei Using Chiral Potentials

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    We present the first Green's function Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei with nuclear interactions derived from chiral effective field theory up to next-to-next-to-leading order. Up to this order, the interactions can be constructed in a local form and are therefore amenable to quantum Monte Carlo calculations. We demonstrate a systematic improvement with each order for the binding energies of A=3A=3 and A=4A=4 systems. We also carry out the first few-body tests to study perturbative expansions of chiral potentials at different orders, finding that higher-order corrections are more perturbative for softer interactions. Our results confirm the necessity of a three-body force for correct reproduction of experimental binding energies and radii, and pave the way for studying few- and many-nucleon systems using quantum Monte Carlo methods with chiral interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables. Updated references. Cosmetic changes to figures, tables, and equations; added a sentence clarifying the correspondence between our real-space cutoffs and momentum-space cutoffs. Other sentences were reworded for clarit

    Effective Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction and Fermi Liquid Theory

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    We present two novel relations between the quasiparticle interaction in nuclear matter and the unique low momentum nucleon-nucleon interaction in vacuum. These relations provide two independent constraints on the Fermi liquid parameters of nuclear matter. Moreover, the new constraints define two combinations of Fermi liquid parameters, which are invariant under the renormalization group flow in the particle-hole channels. Using empirical values for the spin-independent Fermi liquid parameters, we are able to compute the major spin-dependent ones by imposing the new constraints as well as the Pauli principle sum rules.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, in Proc. 11th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, Manchester, UK, July 9-13, 200
