948 research outputs found


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    A New Method For Regulatory Antitrust Analysis? Verizon Communications Inc. v. Trinko

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    It is a commonplace to speak of the application of law to facts. Application is a practical art, and thus involves method. Curiously, there is a paucity of discussion of the various methods by which substantive legal standards are applied to facts. This omission is significant. Method is not outcome-determinative in all cases, but, at a minimum, it guides analysis, opening certain possibilities and foreclosing others

    An improved ontological representation of dendritic cells as a paradigm for all cell types

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    The Cell Ontology (CL) is designed to provide a standardized representation of cell types for data annotation. Currently, the CL employs multiple is_a relations, defining cell types in terms of histological, functional, and lineage properties, and the majority of definitions are written with sufficient generality to hold across multiple species. This approach limits the CL’s utility for cross-species data integration. To address this problem, we developed a method for the ontological representation of cells and applied this method to develop a dendritic cell ontology (DC-CL). DC-CL subtypes are delineated on the basis of surface protein expression, systematically including both species-general and species-specific types and optimizing DC-CL for the analysis of flow cytometry data. This approach brings benefits in the form of increased accuracy, support for reasoning, and interoperability with other ontology resources. 104. Barry Smith, “Toward a Realistic Science of Environments”, Ecological Psychology, 2009, 21 (2), April-June, 121-130. Abstract: The perceptual psychologist J. J. Gibson embraces a radically externalistic view of mind and action. We have, for Gibson, not a Cartesian mind or soul, with its interior theater of contents and the consequent problem of explaining how this mind or soul and its psychological environment can succeed in grasping physical objects external to itself. Rather, we have a perceiving, acting organism, whose perceptions and actions are always already tuned to the parts and moments, the things and surfaces, of its external environment. We describe how on this basis Gibson sought to develop a realist science of environments which will be ‘consistent with physics, mechanics, optics, acoustics, and chemistry’

    Raças fisiológicas e linhagens de uma população contemporânea de Magnaporthe oryzae associada à brusone do arroz irrigado no Sul do Brasil.

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    Objetivou-se identificar raças fisiológicas, com base em séries diferenciadoras, e linhagens, com base em marcadores microssatélites, em uma população de Magnaporthe oryzae do sul do Brasil

    Barium isotopes in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent fluids : a source of isotopically heavy Ba to the ocean

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    Funding: These field and related experimental studies were supported through US NSF grants: 0549547, 0751771, 0813861, 0961188 and 1736679 (WES).Mid-ocean ridge (MOR) hydrothermal vent fluids are enriched with dissolved barium, but due to barite (BaSO4) precipitation during mixing between Ba-bearing vent fluids and SO4-bearing seawater, the magnitude of hydrothermal Ba input to the ocean remains uncertain. Deep-ocean Ba isotopes show evidence for non-conservative behavior, which might be explained by input of isotopically heavy hydrothermal Ba. In this study we present the first Ba isotope data in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent fluids and particles from systems on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Rainbow 36°N and TAG 26°N), the East Pacific Rise (EPR9–10°N and 13°N) and the Juan de Fuca Ridge (MEF and ASHES). The vent fluids display a wide range of dissolved Ba concentrations from 0.43 to 97.9 μmol/kg and δ138/134Ba values from −0.26 to +0.91‰, but are modified relative to initial composition due to precipitation of barite. Calculated endmember vent fluid δ138/134Ba values, prior to barite precipitation, are between −0.17 and +0.09‰, consistent with the values observed in oceanic basalts and pelagic sediments. Water-rock interaction at depth in the oceanic crust appears to occur without Ba isotope fractionation. During subsequent venting and mixing with seawater, barite precipitation preferentially removes isotopically light Ba from vent fluids with a fractionation factor of Δ138/134Bahyd-barite-fluid = −0.35 ± 0.10‰ (2SE, n = 2). Based on knowledge of barite saturation and isotope fractionation during precipitation, the effective hydrothermal Ba component that mixes with seawater after barite precipitation has completed can be calculated: δ138/134Bahyd = +1.7 ± 0.7‰ (2SD). This value is isotopically heavier than deep ocean waters and may explain the observed non-conservative of Ba isotopes in deep waters. These new constraints on hydrothermal Ba compositions enable the hydrothermal input of Ba to Atlantic deep waters to be assessed at ≈3–9% of the observed Ba. Barium isotopes might be used as a tracer to reconstruct the history of hydrothermal Ba inputs and seawater SO4 concentrations in the past.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Isolating the photovoltaic junction: atomic layer deposited TiO2-RuO2 alloy Schottky contacts for silicon photoanodes

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    We synthesized nanoscale TiO2-RuO2 alloys by atomic layer deposition (ALD) that possess a high work function and are highly conductive. As such, they function as good Schottky contacts to extract photogenerated holes from n-type silicon while simultaneously interfacing with water oxidation catalysts. The ratio of TiO2 to RuO2 can be precisely controlled by the number of ALD cycles for each precursor. Increasing the composition above 16% Ru sets the electronic conductivity and the metal work function. No significant Ohmic loss for hole transport is measured as film thickness increases from 3 to 45 nm for alloy compositions >= 16% Ru. Silicon photoanodes with a 2 nm SiO2 layer that are coated by these alloy Schottky contacts having compositions in the range of 13-46% Ru exhibit average photovoltages of 525 mV, with a maximum photovoltage of 570 mV achieved. Depositing TiO2-RuO2 alloys on nSi sets a high effective work function for the Schottky junction with the semiconductor substrate, thus generating a large photovoltage that is isolated from the properties of an overlying oxygen evolution catalyst or protection layer

    Influenza research database: an integrated bioinformatics resource for influenza research and surveillance.

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    BackgroundThe recent emergence of the 2009 pandemic influenza A/H1N1 virus has highlighted the value of free and open access to influenza virus genome sequence data integrated with information about other important virus characteristics.DesignThe Influenza Research Database (IRD, http://www.fludb.org) is a free, open, publicly-accessible resource funded by the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases through the Bioinformatics Resource Centers program. IRD provides a comprehensive, integrated database and analysis resource for influenza sequence, surveillance, and research data, including user-friendly interfaces for data retrieval, visualization and comparative genomics analysis, together with personal log in-protected 'workbench' spaces for saving data sets and analysis results. IRD integrates genomic, proteomic, immune epitope, and surveillance data from a variety of sources, including public databases, computational algorithms, external research groups, and the scientific literature.ResultsTo demonstrate the utility of the data and analysis tools available in IRD, two scientific use cases are presented. A comparison of hemagglutinin sequence conservation and epitope coverage information revealed highly conserved protein regions that can be recognized by the human adaptive immune system as possible targets for inducing cross-protective immunity. Phylogenetic and geospatial analysis of sequences from wild bird surveillance samples revealed a possible evolutionary connection between influenza virus from Delaware Bay shorebirds and Alberta ducks.ConclusionsThe IRD provides a wealth of integrated data and information about influenza virus to support research of the genetic determinants dictating virus pathogenicity, host range restriction and transmission, and to facilitate development of vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics