184 research outputs found

    The Journal of Mathematical Chemistry: A Bibliometric Profile

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    This paper describes the bibliometric characteristics of 2,398 articles published in the Journal of Mathematical Chemistry in the period 1987-2015. These articles have been analysed using data from the Web of Science Core Collection and demonstrate the contribution of the journal not only to mathematical chemistry but also to science more generally

    Variability and Proper Motion of X-ray Knots in the Jet of Centaurus A

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    Accepted to ApJ, 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 tablesWe report results from Chandra observations analyzed for evidence of variability and proper motion in the X-ray jet of Centaurus A. Using data spanning 15 yr, collective proper motion of 11.3 ± 3.3 mas yr -1 , or 0.68 ± 0.20c, is detected for the fainter X-ray knots and other substructure present within the jet. The three brightest knots (AX1A, AX1C, and BX2) are found to be stationary to an upper limit of . Brightness variations up to 27% are detected for several X-ray knots in the jet. For the fading knots, BX2 and AX1C, the changes in spectral slope expected to accompany synchrotron cooling are not found, ruling it out and placing upper limits of ≃80 μG for each of their magnetic field strengths. Adiabatic expansion can account for the observed decreases in brightness. Constraints on models for the origin of the knots are established. Jet plasma overrunning an obstacle is favored as the generator of stationary knots, while moving knots are likely produced either by internal differences in jet speed or the late stages of jet interaction with nebular or cloud material.Peer reviewe

    A CX3CRI Reporter hESC Line Facilitates Integrative Analysis of In-Vitro-Derived Microglia and Improved Microglia Identity upon Neuron-Glia Co-culture

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    Multiple protocols have been published for generation of iMGLs from hESCs/iPSCs. To date, there are no guides to assist researchers to determine the most appropriate methodology for microglial studies. To establish a framework to facilitate future microglial studies, we first performed a comparative transcriptional analysis between iMGLs derived using three published datasets, which allowed us to establish the baseline protocol that is most representative of bona fide human microglia. Secondly, using CRISPR to tag the classic microglial marker CX3CR1 with nanoluciferase and tdTomato, we generated and functionally validated a reporter ESC line. Finally, using this cell line, we demonstrated that co-culture of iMGL precursors with human glia and neurons enhanced transcriptional resemblance of iMGLs to ex vivo microglia. Together, our comprehensive molecular analysis and reporter cell line are a useful resource for neurobiologists seeking to use iMGLs for disease modeling and drug screening studies.Peer reviewe

    A 1D fluid model of the Centaurus A jet

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©: 2020 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Final published version available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz348.We implement a steady, one-dimensional flow model for the X-ray jet of Centaurus A in which entrainment of stellar mass loss is the primary cause of dissipation. Using over 260 ks of new and archival Chandra/ACIS data, we have constrained the temperature, density and pressure distributions of gas in the central regions of the host galaxy of Centaurus A, and so the pressure throughout the length of its jet. The model is constrained by the observed profiles of pressure and jet width, and conserves matter and energy, enabling us to estimate jet velocities, and hence all the other flow properties. Invoking realistic stellar populations within the jet, we find that the increase in its momentum flux exceeds the net pressure force on the jet unless only about one half of the total stellar mass loss is entrained. For self-consistent models, the bulk speed only falls modestly, from ~0.67c to ~0.52c over the range of 0.25-5.94 kpc from the nucleus. The sonic Mach number varies between ~5.3 and 3.6 over this range.Peer reviewe

    PSEN1ΔE9, APPswe, and APOE4 Confer Disparate Phenotypes in Human iPSC-Derived Microglia

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    Summary Here we elucidate the effect of Alzheimer disease (AD)-predisposing genetic backgrounds, APOE4, PSEN1ΔE9, and APPswe, on functionality of human microglia-like cells (iMGLs). We present a physiologically relevant high-yield protocol for producing iMGLs from induced pluripotent stem cells. Differentiation is directed with small molecules through primitive erythromyeloid progenitors to re-create microglial ontogeny from yolk sac. The iMGLs express microglial signature genes and respond to ADP with intracellular Ca2+ release distinguishing them from macrophages. Using 16 iPSC lines from healthy donors, AD patients and isogenic controls, we reveal that the APOE4 genotype has a profound impact on several aspects of microglial functionality, whereas PSEN1ΔE9 and APPswe mutations trigger minor alterations. The APOE4 genotype impairs phagocytosis, migration, and metabolic activity of iMGLs but exacerbates their cytokine secretion. This indicates that APOE4 iMGLs are fundamentally unable to mount normal microglial functionality in AD.Peer reviewe

    BRCA1 Regulates the Interferon γ-mediated Apoptotic Response

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    BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor gene implicated in transcriptional regulation. We have generated cell lines with inducible expression of BRCA1 as a tool to identify downstream targets that may be important mediators of BRCA1 function. Oligonucleotide array-based expression profiling identified 11 previously described interferon regulated genes that were up-regulated following inducible expression of BRCA1. Northern blot analysis revealed that a subset of the identified targets including IRF-7, MxA, and ISG-54 were synergistically up-regulated by BRCA1 in the presence of interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) but not interferons alpha or beta. Importantly, IFN-gamma-mediated induction of IRF-7 and MxA was attenuated in the BRCA1 mutant cell line HCC1937, an effect that was rescued following reconstitution of exogenous wild type BRCA1 in these cells. Furthermore, reconstituted BRCA1 sensitized HCC1937 cells to IFN-gamma-induced apoptotic cell death. This study identifies BRCA1 as a component of the IFN-gamma-regulated signaling pathway and suggests that BRCA1 may play a role in the regulation of IFN-gamma-mediated apoptosis
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