57 research outputs found

    Implementation of Business Intelligence Using Highlights in the YII Framework Based Attendance Assessment System

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    Attendance information conducted by students can now be easily accessed by a supervisor. However, there are 3 (three) difficulties faced by supervisors, one of which is presenting information with tables requiring considerable time and very high accuracy to measure the comparison of information contained within it. In order to facilitate the supervisor in recording and measuring attendance of student tutoring students handled, the Attendance Rating system will present information in the form of graphics using Highchart. Presentation of information in the form of a graph on Attendance Assessment will present information in the form of Nim (Student Registration Number), supervisor, and guidance time. Information on the guidance time in the graph can be used as a comparison to measure the level of student activity in following the guidance. The Attendance Rating System uses the YII Framework-based website because it is also easy to develop web applications and the YII Framework has a good level of security. In this study, there are 5 (five) advantages and 1 (one) deficiency in the Attendance Assessment system. With this research, it is expected that the Attendance Assessment system can improve the quality of student attendance in the tutoring process at Raharja College

    Penegakan Hukum Terkait Pemakaian Tenaga Listrik yang Bukan Hak Pemakai (Studi di Kepolisian Resort (Polres) Blitar dan PT Pln (Persero) Rayon Blitar Area Kediri)

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    Hukum merupakan salah satu aturan yang mengatur pola perilaku manusia dalam masyarakat.Hukum adalah seperangkat aturan yang harus dijalankan dan di terapkan. Adanya hukum bertujuan untuk melakukan penegakan hukum terkait pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang telah ada dan ditegakkan sesuai dengan aturan yang ada.Aparat pemerintah yang berhak untuk melakukan penegakan hukum dalam hal ini yaitu pihak kepolisian. Namun selain pihak kepolisian setiap instansi pasti memiliki cara untuk melakukan penegakan hukum dalam menaggualangi permasalahan yang ada. misalnya yaitu dalam kasus pencurian aliran listrik, selain dalam hal ini pihak kepolisian yang mempunyai wewenang dalam melakukan penegakan hukum pihak PLN yang merupakan salah satu instansi yang memiliki wewenang dalam pendistribusian pemakaian ketenagalistrikan dan merupakan pihak korban yang dirugakan dalam tindakan pencurian aliran listrik memeiliki aturan tersendiri untuk melakukan penegakan hukum. Pihak kepolisian dalam melakukan penegakan hukum dalam kasus pencurian aliran listrik lebih cenderung melakukan penegakan hukum dengan menggunakan aturan yang ada dan sudah berlaku baik dengan menggunakan aturan yand ada dalam KUHP atau Undang-undang No 30 tahun 2009 tentang Ketenagalistrikan. Dimana didalamnya terdapat pemberian sanksi yang tidak hanya pemberian sanksi denda tetapi juga sanksi kurungan. Sedangkan dari pihak PLN dalam melakukan penegakan hukum terkait pemakaian tenaga listrik yang bukan hak pemakai yaitu berdasar pada Keputusan Direksi PT PLN (Persero) Nomor:1486.K/DIR/2011 tentang Penertiban Pemakaian Tenaga Listrik, dimana didalamnya sanksi yang diberikan terhadap para pihak yang melakukan pencurian aliran listrik hanya berupa pemberian tagihan susulan, pemutusan sementara dan bongkar rampung. Antara kepolisian dan PLN dalam menangani kasus pencurian aliran listrik tersebut pasti memiliki kendala yang berbeda serta upaya yang dilakukan juga berbeda. Walaupun memiliki perbedaan namun kedua instansi tersebut memiliki tujuan yang sama yaitu sama-sama bertujuan untuk melakukan penegakan hukum


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa game edukasi berbasis e-learning yang berisi konten IPA dalam materi ekosistem untuk kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Pengembangan game edukasi berbasis e-learning ini menggunakan metode Research and Development. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE dengan rincian sebagai berikut: (1) Analisis; (2) Desain; (3) Pengembangan; (4) Implementasi; dan (5) Evaluasi. Subjek penelitian meliputi dua validator yaitu ahli materi dan ahli media, serta peserta didik kelas V sekolah dasar yang berjumlah 3 orang untuk evaluasi perorangan dan 6 orang untuk evaluasi kelompok kecil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelayakan game edukasi berbasis e-learning dengan persentase 90% dari ahli materi dan 80% dari ahli media dalam kategori “sangat baik”. Hasil uji coba peserta didik memperoleh persentase rata-rata 98% dalam kategori “sangat baik”. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa game edukasi berbasis e-learning sangat cocok digunakan pada muatan IPA materi ekosistem untuk kelas V Sekolah Dasar. .

    Analisis Penanganan Komplain di PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) Rayon Gombong

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    Complain is a part of service for the custumor when they found unpleasent experience when using the service. Most of the complain that usually stated to PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Gombong is about technical issue. The complain from the custumors usually use for success measurement for PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Gombong in giving service. This research will elaborate and analyse more on how PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Gombong to handle a complain. From research result it showed that PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Gombong had not optimally implement their service in handling a complain. This problem appeared because lack of transparancy in handling complain from PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Gombong to the customors. The other obstacles that appeared were weather and geographically bad location which influenced to the complain handling process. Thus, to handle the problem the recommendation for PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Gombong is to be more transparant to the customer so there will be more complain in the future

    Pendeteksi Kelelahan Mata Pengemudi Kendaraan Menggunakan Metode Segmentasi Warna dalam Ruang Warna YCBCR

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    The progress and technology in development of transportation is increasing. However, this is also accompanied by the emergence of some undesirable negative effects such as increased number of traffic accidents. The increase in number of accidents is usually caused by various factors including human factors, vehicle factors, and environmental factors. The human factor is one of the most frequent factors causing traffic accidents. This system is designed as the manufacture of detection software for detect the condition of eyestrain in the driver of the vehicle using a camera connected to the computer as an image input device and measured performance of system develeopment. The method used in this system is to detect faces with segmentation RGB color to YCBCR color, eye detect with Roberts edge and the last method of simple logic as a classification of eye conditions. The system shows the results of classification with the highest accuracy is on video 1 of 85.40% and the lowest accuracy in video 7 is 13.67% whereas, the highest accuracy warning results on video 5 with 94.4% and the least accurate accuracy of warning with 25.26%

    Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Pangan dan Obat oleh Masyarakat di Dusun Palutungan, Desa Cisantana, Sekitar Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai

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    The utilization of plants for fulfill food requirement and healing are the oldest medicinal in the world. Every culture in the world has specific traditional medicine system and in every region has found many plants that can be used as food and medicine. The objective of this research is to study of diversity and utilization food plant and medicine by the people of Palutungan District, Cisantana Village. This research implemented on January until June 2014. Results of the study showed that the number of food plant species used by the Dusun Palutungan was 46 kinds and 56 species for medicinal plants. The most effective ways for utilization food plants was cooked, while the most effective ways for utilization medicinal plants was boiled

    Compound Molecules of Network Pharmacology-Based of Tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea Cav.) and the potential as noodle for type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment

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    Consuming noodles excessively is not good for health because it contains high trans fat, which can cause diabetes mellitus (DM) as a disease with a high prevalence, especially type 2 DM, as much as 95% in Indonesia. Tamarillo (Chypomandra betacea Cav.) can potentially reduce blood glucose levels and restore adipokine regulation to prevent insulin resistance in type 2 DM. This study aims to determine the formulation and potential of tamarillo compounds into noodle products named "Chypotes (Chypomandra Antidiabetes) Noodle" as an alternative food for type 2 DM patients. The methods used are noodle formulation, organoleptic test, hedonic test, and network pharmacology. Based on the results of an organoleptic test, Chypotes Noodle has a chewy texture, a distinctive smell, yellow colour, and a slightly sour tasteless taste typical of Tamarillo. Based on the results of the hedonic test, 30 respondents chose the like and very like options in filling out the questionnaire with a percentage of 80-90%. Based on the Network Pharmacology of Tamarillo shows that 150 of the 365 target proteins of Tamarillo are involved in the biological processes and signaling pathways of type 2 diabetes mellitus, with 75 target proteins locking and interacting. Compound Molecules of Tamarillo, such as six bioactive components of the hydroxycinnamic acids group, have activity in type 2 DM and affect the biological processes and signaling pathways of type 2 DM against ADIPOQ, TNF, and INS. Therefore, Tamarillo can potentially be used as an alternative food product in the form of noodles for type 2 DM treatment

    The compounds activity of black potato (Plectranthus rotundifolius) as an antioxidant nutraceutical

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    Black potato (Plectranthus rotundifolius) is one of the horticultural plants that has potential as nutraceutical food and also contain bioactive compounds such as being rich in flavonoids, especially anthocyanins. The potential benefits of black potatoes are not widely known by public, so it is necessary to cultivate one of them by processing it into food such as instant porridge, which is then labeled as B-PORIS product. The reason for choosing instant porridge was because it is a practical food product. This research aimed to prove that instant porridge from black potato contains bioactive compounds flavonoids, especially anthocyanins. These instant porridges are made with the appropriate ratio in 3 formulations with different parameters of black potato flour concentration, formulation 1 10%, formulation 2 9%, and formulation 3 11%. This research was conducted with organoleptic tests, moisture content tests, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and hedonic tests. The results of the organoleptic test obtained soft texture, characteristic chocolate smell, brown color, and slightly sweet and sweeter taste. The results of moisture content test were qualified with water content of not more than 7%. The results of flavonoid and anthocyanin test obtained positive results in all of formulations. The hedonic test result 80-90% of panelists indicate choose an option like, and really like in questionnaires, results demonstrated that formulation 3 was most likely. So it can be concluded that black potato tubers has the potential to become a nutraceutical product as an instant porridge with antioxidant effect that received and liked by various groups of age