534 research outputs found

    Sulfaattisellun valmistuksen sivuvirtojen hyödyntäminen

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä kandidaatintyössä käsitellään sulfaattimenetelmällä valmistetun sellun sivuvirtojen hyödyntämistä kiertotalouden ja jätehierarkian näkökulmasta. Työssä käydään ensimmäisenä läpi kiertotalouden talousmallin perusperiaatteet, jätehierarkian tasot sekä sellun valmistus sulfaattimenetelmällä. Työssä esitellään sulfaattisellun valmistuksessa syntyvät sivuvirrat, sekä nykyisiä ja mahdollisia sivuvirtojen hyödyntämisen ja arvottamisen tapoja. Työssä keskitytään etenkin uusiin sekä kehitteillä oleviin sivuvirtojen hyödyntämistapoihin, mutta esitellään myös perinteisiä sivuvirtojen käyttökohteita. Työssä pohditaan myös, mille jätehierarkian tasolle sivuvirtojen hyödyntämiskeinot sijoittuvat, sekä esitetään taulukkomuotoinen yhteenveto, josta tasot käyvät ilmi. Työssä arvioitiin, että sulfaattisellun valmistuksen sivuvirroilla on suuri hyödyntämispotentiaali, ja suurta osaa sivuvirroista osataan jo hyödyntää. Uusia kehitteillä olevia sovellutuksia on syytä ottaa tulevaisuudessa huomioon, sekä jatkaa kehitys- ja tutkimustyötä, jotta selluteollisuus jatkaisi kehitystään kohti vihreämpää ja hiilineutraalimpaa suuntaa

    Visualizing multi-dimensional pareto-optimal fronts with a 3D virtual reality system

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    In multiobjective optimization, there are several targets that are in conflict, and thus they all cannot reach their optimum simultaneously. Hence, the solutions of the problem form a set of compromised trade-off solutions (a Pareto-optimal front or Pareto-optimal solutions) from which the best solution for the particular problem can be chosen. However, finding that best compromise solution is not an easy task for the human mind. Pareto-optimal fronts are often visualized for this purpose because in this way a comparison between solutions according to their location on the Pareto-optimal front becomes somewhat easier. Visualizing a Pareto-optimal front is straightforward when there are only two targets (or objective functions), but visualizing a front for more than two objective functions becomes a difficult task. In this paper, we introduce a new and innovative method of using three-dimensional virtual reality (VR) facilities to present multi-dimensional Pareto-optimal fronts. Rotation, zooming and other navigation possibilities of VR facilities make easy to compare different trade-off solutions, and fewer solutions need to be explored in order to understand the interrelationships among conflicting objective functions. In addition, it can be used to highlight and characterize interesting features of specific Pareto-optimal solutions, such as whether a particular solution is close to a constraint boundary or whether a solution lies on a relatively steep trade-off region. Based on these additional visual aids for analyzing trade-off solutions, a preferred compromise solution may be easier to choose than by other means

    Carnation wilt diseases caused by fungi in Finland

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    From 81 carnation samples collected in 1967—68 from nurseries in different parts of the country were identified 17 species of fungus, from a total of 177 fungus isolates. Among these, Fusarium oxysporum was most widespread, 31.1 %. F. arthrosporioides, F. avenaceum, F. culmorum, Alternaria tenuis and Cladosporium sp. occurred in considerable quantities. The percentage of Phialophora cinerescens was 1.1 %. In the inoculation trials F. oxysporum behaved as a strongly pathogenic, infecting plants via the air through cut surfaces and via the soil by root-penetration. A. tenuis, F. avenaceum and F. culmorum infected carnations only from the air through cut surfaces. In the fungicide trials against F. oxysporum, spraying the plants infected via the soil proved ineffective. The trials were made with the systemic Benlate (1-(butylcarbamoyl)-2-benzimidazole carbamic acid, methyl ester 50 %), Plantvax (2,3-Dihydro-5-carboxanilido- 6-methyl-1,4-oxathiin-4,4-dioxide), Vitavax (2,3-Dihydro-5-caboxanilido-6-methyl-1,4-oxathiin), and with the non-systemic Dithane M-45 (mancozeb 80 %), Orthocide 50 (captan 50 %) and Pomarsol Forte (thiram 80 %). The dipping of rooted cuttings into Benlate and Dithane M-45 compounds to a certain extent delayed the process of wilting

    AX-PET: A novel PET concept with G-APD readout

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    Abstract The AX-PET collaboration has developed a novel concept for high resolution PET imaging to overcome some of the performance limitations of classical PET cameras, in particular the compromise between spatial resolution and sensitivity introduced by the parallax error. The detector consists of an arrangement of long LYSO scintillating crystals axially oriented around the field of view together with arrays of wave length shifter strips orthogonal to the crystals. This matrix allows a precise 3D measurement of the photon interaction point. This is valid both for photoelectric absorption at 511 keV and for Compton scattering down to deposited energies of about 100 keV. Crystals and WLS strips are individually read out using Geiger-mode Avalanche Photo Diodes (G-APDs). The sensitivity of such a detector can be adjusted by changing the number of layers and the resolution is defined by the crystal and strip dimensions. Two AX-PET modules were built and fully characterized in dedicated test set-ups at CERN, with point-like 22 Na sources. Their performance in terms of energy ( R energy ≈ 11.8 % (FWMH) at 511 keV) and spatial resolution was assessed ( σ axial ≈ 0.65 mm ), both individually and for the two modules in coincidence. Test campaigns at ETH Zurich and at the company AAA allowed the tomographic reconstructions of more complex phantoms validating the 3D reconstruction algorithms. The concept of the AX-PET modules will be presented together with some characterization results. We describe a count rate model which allows to optimize the planing of the tomographic scans

    In-beam internal conversion electron spectroscopy with the SPICE detector

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    The SPectrometer for Internal Conversion Electrons (SPICE) has been commissioned for use in conjunction with the TIGRESS γ\gamma-ray spectrometer at TRIUMF's ISAC-II facility. SPICE features a permanent rare-earth magnetic lens to collect and direct internal conversion electrons emitted from nuclear reactions to a thick, highly segmented, lithium-drifted silicon detector. This arrangement, combined with TIGRESS, enables in-beam γ\gamma-ray and internal conversion electron spectroscopy to be performed with stable and radioactive ion beams. Technical aspects of the device, capabilities, and initial performance are presented

    Chromosome Xq23 is associated with lower atherogenic lipid concentrations and favorable cardiometabolic indices

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    Autosomal genetic analyses of blood lipids have yielded key insights for coronary heart disease (CHD). However, X chromosome genetic variation is understudied for blood lipids in large sample sizes. We now analyze genetic and blood lipid data in a high-coverage whole X chromosome sequencing study of 65,322 multi-ancestry participants and perform replication among 456,893 European participants. Common alleles on chromosome Xq23 are strongly associated with reduced total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides (min P = 8.5 × 10-72), with similar effects for males and females. Chromosome Xq23 lipid-lowering alleles are associated with reduced odds for CHD among 42,545 cases and 591,247 controls (P = 1.7 × 10-4), and reduced odds for diabetes mellitus type 2 among 54,095 cases and 573,885 controls (P = 1.4 × 10-5). Although we observe an association with increased BMI, waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI is reduced, bioimpedance analyses indicate increased gluteofemoral fat, and abdominal MRI analyses indicate reduced visceral adiposity. Co-localization analyses strongly correlate increased CHRDL1 gene expression, particularly in adipose tissue, with reduced concentrations of blood lipids