296 research outputs found

    Analisis Motivasi Ekstrintik Petani Dalam Menabung Di Bank Rakyat Indonesia(BRI) Unit Ukui Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    The purpose of this research is to motivation extrinsic analysis of the farmers in saving money in ukui unit bank rakyat Indonesia (BRI). This article discusses about the extrinsic motivation of farmers in saving money in Ukui Unit BRI. This research is using interview method 86 selected sample by questionnaire. The data source used are primary data using a Likert's Summated Rating Scale (SLRs). This research was conducted in BRI Unit Ukui at Jalan Lintas Timur Ukui in Sub-District of Ukui, Pelalawan, and started from March 2015-August 2016. The results showed that the average of the extrinsic motivation of farmers in save in Ukui Unit BRI consisting of a service, product, promotion, interest and location are categorized as "high" with a score of 3.66. With respective scores are 4.06 for service categorized as "high", 3.51 for the products categorized as "high", 3.52 for promotion categorized as "high", 3.53 for interest categorized as "high" and 3.70 for location categorized as "high"


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    This study aimed to analyze to find out if there is a difference in the perception of costumer from instant messaging application WHATSAPP and LINE. From this analysis can be known whether there is a difference by age have different perceptions or have same perception of application instant messaging WHATSAPP and LINE, also aims to analyze most dominant variable against consumerperception and most distinguishes variable between WHATSAPP and LINE. The population taken in this research are consumers who ever use instan messaging WHATSAPP and LINE. Samples used in this research some 400 respondents used by non-probability sampling technique with approach quota sampling ( the sample based on predetermined amount). A method of analysisis used is quantitative ananlysis that is using Mann-Whitney U. The variable brand image is a factor that most distinguishes between instant mesagging aplication WHATSAPP and LINE with Z-value -2,857 then followed by feature of -2,221, design of -2,118 and reference group of -1,084. Hypothesis testing is done using Z test showed that consumers perception of the difference from instant messaging application WHATSAPP and LINE occurred against the variable viewed from brand image , feature and design. But consumer perception of differences did not happen to the variable viewed from reference goup variable. While the most dominant perception based on WHATSAPP respondent are Reference Group while LINE respondents are brand image.Costumer age above 25 years old have more preferable perception on WHATSAPP compared to who is aged 17-25 years old. Costumer aged 17-25 years old have more prefereable perception on LINE compared to who is aged above 25 years old

    Esterifikasi-Transesterifikasi Dan Karakterisasi Mutu Biodiesel Dari Biji Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas Linn)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengolah minyak jarak pagar yang diperoleh dari biji jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas Linn) menjadi biodiesel, mempelajari pengaruh penambahan antioksidan Butylated Hidroxy Toluene (BHT) pada tahap pemurnian terhadap mutu biodesel yang dihasilkan dan menentukan kondisi optimum proses pembuatan biodiesel dari biji jarak pagar skala laboratorium. Minyak jarak pagar diekstraksi dengan cara pengempaan jackpress 50 ton pada kondisi suhu 60°C selama 1 jam. Konversi trigliserida (TG) menjadi metil ester dari asam lemak jarak pagar dilakukan dengan esterifikasi dan transesterifikasi pada suhu 60°C, menggunakan metanol 98% katalis NaOH 0,5%. Butylated Hidroxy Toluene (BHT) ditambahkan untuk mempertahankan keasaman minyak jarak dengan konsentrasi sebesar 0,3%. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan hasil pengepresan minyak biji jarak mencapai 35,47%. Sintesa TG menjadi asam lemak metil ester (biodiesel) mencapai 96%. Nilai bilangan asam, bilangan iod, bilangan penyabunan masing- masing sebesar 0,404 mg KOH/g; 95,36 mg I/100 g ; 180,397 mg KOH/g, sementara viskositas kinematik biodiesel jarak pagar masih tinggi, yaitu 11,245 cSt pada suhu 40°C. Indeks setana dan titik nyala adalah 44 dan 147°C. Nilai paramater tersebut masih sesuai dengan standar SNI 04-7182-2006, kecuali viskositas yang masih diatas ambang batas yang diijinkan (2,3-6,0 cSt) dan angka setana yang belum memenuhi persyaratan minimal yang ditetapkan (minimal 51)

    Media Seni Budaya Tradisional Masyarakat Pedesaan dalam Mendukung Pengembangan Pangan di Kecamatan Rancakalong Sumedang

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh alasan bahwa, di Negara kita sebagian besar masyarakatnya menggantungkan hidup di ladang-ladang pertanian, terkadang masih mengalami kesulitan dalam menyebarkan informasi, khususnya informasi pembangunan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh para petani untuk meningkatkan kualitas maupun kuantitas hasil pertaniannya. Kendala tersebut disebabkan oleh kurangnya kemampuan sumber daya manusia maupun peralatan untuk menjangkau daerah-daerah terpencil yang sulit secara geografis, ataupun terbatasnya kemampuan masyarakat untuk mengaksesnya baik karena faktor ekonomi (finansial) maupun pengetahuan. Sehingga tidak mengherankan apabila di tengah-tengah abad informasi ini, masih ditemukan suatu daerah yang tidak atau belum tersentuh oleh informasi dari luar. Urgensi penelitian adalah ingin mengukur tingkat penggunaan media tradisional pada masyarakat pedesaan dalam mendukung pengembangan pangan di Kecamatan Rancakalong Kabupaten Sumedang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasilnya, bahwa penggunaan media seni budaya tradisional pada masyarakat Rancakalong sangat erat kaitannya dengan pengembangan pangan

    Pengolahan Biodiesel Dari Biji Nyamplung (Calophyllum Inophyllum L) Dengan Cara Purifikasi Kering

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    Tanaman nyamplung atau hutaulo merupakan tanaman yang tumbuh di banyak tempat di Indonesia. Tanaman ini menghasilkan biji yang mempunyai kadar minyak yang tinggi dan dapat diubah menjadi biodiesel. Salah satu masalah dalam proses purifikasi (pencucian) biodiesel kasar adalah kebutuhan air dan energi yang tinggi untuk pemanasan air tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan purifikasi/pencucian kering biodiesel dan menggantikan metode pencucian dengan air dan proses pengeringan. Percobaan dilakukan dengan mereaksikan minyak nyamplung dengan metanol (MeOH) pada suhu 65oC menggunakan katalis NaOH 1% dari berat minyak. Rasio molar minyak nyamplung dan metanol adalah 1 : 11,5. Pencucian kering biodiesel kasar dilakukan dengan penambahan cleaning agent (CA), arang aktif (AA), dan campuran cleaning agent dan arang aktif (AACA). Pencucian kering dilakukan dengan mereaksikan biodiesel kasar dengan CA (1%, 3%, dan 5%), AA (1%, 3%, dan 5%), AACA (1%, 3%, dan 5%) dilanjutkan dengan penyaringan vakum. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa penambahan campuran CA dan AA (5%) ke dalam biodiesel menunjukkan hasil terbaik dalam memperoleh kandungan fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) sesuai SNI sebesar 96,5%

    Gambaran hasil pemeriksaan konsentrasi, motilitas, viabilitas dan bentuk normal spermatozoa pada pasien varikokel

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    ABSTRACT Dicky M. Rizal, Ina Rochayati , E. Suryadi - The description of concentration, viability, motility and normal sperm form in patients with varicocele. Background: Varicocele was one of the causal factor s of infertility which related with the abnormality of sperm. Objective: The aim of this study was to know the description of concentration, viability, motility and normal sperm form in patient with varicocele, and different level of that result between three grades of varicocele. Method: This study was a retrospective-analytic study on the medical record data of patients with varicocele at Fermata Hati Infertility Clinic during January 2001-July 2002. The concentration, motility, viability and sperm normal form were evaluated and analized. Results: The results showed that 103 patients with varicocele were found, consisted of 87.4% patients with left varicocele, 1.9% right varicocele, and 10.7%. bilateral. The incidence of decreased concentration 38.8%, decreased motility 63.7% sibjects and viability 51.6%. There were decreased mean ratio of motility Ix = 41.12% for (a) category and x=16.37% for (b) category), and viability (x =73.5% life). Analysis by one way ANOVA showed that no significant differences of mean between each variable of three grades of varicocele (p>0.05). Conclusion: Abnormality in the parameters of sperm analysis was found in varicocele cases, but the grade of varicocele was not related to the concentration, motility, viability and normal sperm form. Keywords : varicocele-sperm motility-sperm viability-sperm form-infertility

    PT. Tira Austenite, Tbk dan Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan Ekspedisi dalam Perspektif Supply Chain dan Metode Analytic Network Process (ANP)

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    PT. TIRA AUSTENITE, Tbk (PTATbk) and other companies in the field of supply chain require coordination pertaining cross functional and cross collaboration. The mentioned collaboration is required especially for Expedition Company. The performance analysis of Expedition Company, including PTATbk is needed to face the global competition. Company contribution generally, and in particular for Empirical Study toward PTATBK can lead to the problem solving and performance improvement, which covers selecting optimal expedition company and efficient time to dispatch product from existing route to be integrated into the core essence of this research pertaining PTATbk. The mentioned research refers to Empirical Study dan Managerial Implications through books and journals as reference in the Research Methodology. The focus of this researchmethodology is the Analytic Network Process (ANP); criteria of Price and Service; and other important criteria that support the performance analysis within PTATbk. Software ARENA Simulation plays vital role in this research that has the conclusion and recommendation toward problem solving and performance improvement that are translated into benefits versus risks and its form of % and the currency of IDR and/or USD
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