369 research outputs found

    Association between Markers of Fatty Liver Disease and Impaired Glucose Regulation in Men and Women from the General Population: The KORA-F4-Study

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the elevated liver enzymes gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT), glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase (GOT) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) respectively are independently associated with pre-diabetic states, namely impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or known and newly diagnosed diabetes (NDD), in men and women from the general German population. METHODS: The study was based on 3009 subjects (1556 females, 1453 males) aged 32 to 81 years who participated in the KORA-F4-Study in 2006/2008 in Augsburg, Southern Germany. All non-diabetic participants underwent an oral glucose tolerance test to assess disturbances in glucose metabolism. NAFLD was estimated by liver enzyme concentrations and the Bedogni Fatty Liver Index (FLI). RESULTS: 229 participants (7.6%) reported known diabetes, 106 had NDD (3.5%), 107 (3.6%) had IFG, 309 (10.3%) had IGT, 69 (2.3%) were affected with both metabolic disorders (IFG/IGT) and 74 (2.5%) could not be classified. GGT and GPT were significantly elevated in persons with pre-diabetes and diabetes (GGT in diabetic persons OR = 1.76, [1.47-2.09], in IFG OR = 1.79 [1.50-2.13], GPT in diabetic persons OR = 1.51, [1.30-1.74], in NDD OR = 1.77 [1.52-2.06]), GOT and AP only inconsistently in some pre-diabetes groups. The effects were sharpened in models using an increase of two or three out of three enzymes as an estimate of fatty liver and especially in models using the FLI. Overall frequency of NAFLD applying the index was 39.8% (women: 27.3% and men: 53.2%). In participants with fatty liver disease, the OR for NDD adjusted for sex and age was 8.48 [5.13-14.00], 6.70 [3.74-12.01] for combined IFG and IGT and 4.78 [3.47-6.59] for known diabetes respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated GGT and GPT-values as well as estimates of fatty liver disease are significantly associated with pre-diabetes and diabetes and thus very useful first indicators of a disturbed glucose metabolism

    Transpiration of grapevines and co-habitating cover crop and weed species in a vineyard. A “snapshot” at diurnal trends

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    The objective of this study was to quantify transpiration rates of two cover crops, Festuca rubra subsp. rubra  (red fescue) and Medicago lupulina (black medick) and 4 weeds, Chenopodium album (fat hen), Cirsium arvense (creeping thistle), Malva neglecta (common mallow) and Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) occurring in a mixed stand in a commercial steep-slope, North-South oriented vineyard as compared to vines, cv. Riesling near Johannisberg (Rheingau), Germany. Leaf transpiration (E) was measured directly on the cover crop and weed species with a portable gas exchange measurement system. Grapevine transpiration was measured concomitantly using custommade Granier-type xylem sap flow gauges. Measurements were conducted on two days in August (15th and 22nd) in 2001 under hot and sunny conditions. All herbaceous species presented a similar diurnal pattern of E, with low values in the morning and afternoon and peak values between 12 and 15 h. In contrast E of grapevines peaked mid-morning (between 8 and 10 h) remained relatively stable until mid-afternoon (16 h) before decreasing continuously until darkness. Significant differences in E between the herbaceous species were observed throughout the day. In general transpiration rates were highest for M. neglecta and lowest for C. arvense, T. officinale and F. rubra subsp. rubra. We estimated the projected leaf area indices (leaf area per surface area covered) for each species and calculated possible transpiration rates for pure stands assuming that all leaves were well exposed. Potential transpiration rates ranged from about 1 mm d-1 (one l m-2 of soil surface) for F. rubra subsp. rubra to = 5 mm d-1 for M. neglecta as compared to only 0.9 mm d-1 for grapevine. These results underline the importance of appropriate cover crop species and the control of some weed species with respect to water use.


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    A preocupação da Secretaria Estadual de Meio Ambiente do Rio Grande do Sul passou a operacionalizar os ditames do Decreto Estadual nº 53.202 de 2016 que passou a orientar as formas de estabelecer as sanções administrativas àquele empreendedor não comprometido com a ordem e equilíbrio do meio ambiente físico-natural, social e econômico. Por isso, o presente artigo será norteado pelos fundamentos de danos causados nos espaços, dando significância ao fator território quando posto em evidência as maneiras como ele é compreendido e tratado. Havendo conexão com preceitos jurídicos e econômicos somados às bases geográficas para a contextualização do uso dado pelos atores da sociedade. Entre as principais considerações, identifica-se a intencionalidade dada pelo órgão fiscalizador de meio ambiente em acompanhar as compensações sancionadas administrativamente de maneira refletir no modo de alocação eficiente ao bem-estar da sociedade.

    High-throughput characterization of HLA-E-presented CD94/NKG2x ligands reveals peptides which modulate NK cell activation

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    HLA-E is a non-classical class I MHC protein involved in innate and adaptive immune recognition. While recent studies have shown HLA-E can present diverse peptides to NK cells and T cells, the HLA-E repertoire recognized by CD94/NKG2x has remained poorly defined, with only a limited number of peptide ligands identified. Here we screen a yeast-displayed peptide library in the context of HLA-E to identify 500 high-confidence unique peptides that bind both HLA-E and CD94/NKG2A or CD94/NKG2C. Utilizing the sequences identified via yeast display selections, we train prediction algorithms and identify human and cytomegalovirus (CMV) proteome-derived, HLA-E-presented peptides capable of binding and signaling through both CD94/NKG2A and CD94/NKG2C. In addition, we identify peptides which selectively activate NKG2C+ NK cells. Taken together, characterization of the HLA-E-binding peptide repertoire and identification of NK activity-modulating peptides present opportunities for studies of NK cell regulation in health and disease, in addition to vaccine and therapeutic design

    Complete Genome Sequence of the Novel Cellulolytic, Anaerobic, Thermophilic Bacterium Herbivorax saccincola Type Strain GGR1, Isolated from a Lab Scale Biogas Reactor as Established by Illumina and Nanopore MinION Sequencing

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    Pechtl A, RĂĽckert C, Maus I, et al. Complete Genome Sequence of the Novel Cellulolytic, Anaerobic, Thermophilic Bacterium Herbivorax saccincola Type Strain GGR1, Isolated from a Lab Scale Biogas Reactor as Established by Illumina and Nanopore MinION Sequencing. Genome Announcements. 2018;6(6): e01493-17.The cellulolytic bacterium Herbivorax saccincola strain GGR1, which represents the type strain of this species, was isolated from the in vivo enriched cellulose-binding community of a lab scale thermophilic biogas reactor. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of H. saccincola GGR1T, the first isolated member of the genus Herbivorax

    A literature review on surgery for cervical vagal schwannomas

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    Cervical vagal schwannoma is a benign, slow-growing mass, often asymptomatic, with a very low lifetime risk of malignant transformation in general population, but diagnosis is still a challenge. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice even if its close relationship with nerve fibres, from which it arises, threats vagal nerve preservation. We present a case report and a systematic review of literature. All studies on surgical resection of cervical vagal schwannoma have been reviewed. Papers matching the inclusion criteria (topic on surgical removal of cervical vagal schwannoma, English language, full text available) were selected. Fifty-three patients with vagal neck schwannoma submitted to surgery were identified among 22 studies selected. Female/male ratio was 1.5 and median age 44 years. Median diameter was 5 cm (range 2 to 10). Most schwannoma were asymptomatic (68.2%) and received an intracapsular excision (64.9%). Postoperative symptoms were reported in 22.6% of patients. Cervical vagal schwannoma is a benign pathology requiring surgical excision, but frequently postoperative complications can affect patients lifelong, so, surgical indications should be based carefully on the balance between risks and benefits

    Rhinovirus species and tonsillar immune responses

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    Background Rhinovirus A and C infections are important contributors to asthma induction and exacerbations. No data exist on the interaction of local immune responses in rhinovirus infection. Therefore, we aimed to determine the tonsillar immune responses according to rhinovirus A, B and C infections. Methods We collected tonsillar samples, nasopharyngeal aspirates and peripheral blood from 42 rhinovirus positive tonsillectomy patients. Fifteen respiratory viruses or their types were investigated from nasopharynx and tonsil tissue, and rhinovirus species were typed. The expression of 10 cytokines and 4 transcription factors (IFN-alpha, IFN-beta, IFN-gamma, IL-10, IL-13, IL-17, IL-28, IL-29, IL-37, TGF-beta, FOXP3, GATA3, RORC2 and Tbet) were studied from tonsil tissue by quantitative PCR. A standard questionnaire of respiratory symptoms and health was filled by the patient or his/her guardian. The patients were divided into three groups by the determination of rhinovirus species. Results Overall, 16 patients had rhinovirus A, 12 rhinovirus B and 14 rhinovirus C infection. In rhinovirus B positive group there were significantly less men (P = 0.0072), less operated in spring (P = 0.0096) and more operated in fall (P = 0.030) than in rhinovirus A or C groups. Rhinovirus A positive patients had more respiratory symptoms (P = 0.0074) and particularly rhinitis (P = 0.036) on the operation day. There were no significant differences between the groups in virus codetection. In adjusted analysis, rhinovirus C infections were associated with increased IFN-alpha (P = 0.045) and decreased RORC2 expression (P = 0.025). Conclusions Rhinovirus species associated differently with clinical characteristics and tonsillar cytokine responses.Peer reviewe

    Mosquitoes Transmit Unique West Nile Virus Populations During Each Feeding Episode

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    Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses), such as Zika virus, chikungunya virus, and West Nile virus (WNV), pose continuous threats to emerge and cause large epidemics. Often, these events are associated with novel virus variants optimized for local transmission that first arise as minorities within a host. Thus, the conditions that regulate the frequency of intrahost variants are important determinants of emergence. Here, we describe the dynamics of WNV genetic diversity during its transmission cycle. By temporally sampling saliva from individual mosquitoes, we demonstrate that virus populations expectorated by mosquitoes are highly diverse and unique to each feeding episode. After transmission to birds, however, most genetic diversity is removed by strong purifying selection. Further, transmission of potentially mosquito-adaptive WNV variants is strongly influenced by genetic drift in mosquitoes. These results highlight the complex evolutionary forces a novel virus variant must overcome to alter infection phenotypes at the population level
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