493 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perputaran Modal Kerja, Perputaran Aset dan Efektivitas Penggunaan Dana terhadap Laba Bersih

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    Profit is one of the information contained in the financial statements of a company that is very important for the internal and external parties to make a decision. There are three decisions taken by the financial management, namely investment decisions, spending decisions or funding (financing decision), and the policy of distribution of dividends to shareholders (devident policy). Investment and financing decision can be found reflection in the balance sheet. Fund is one financial concept common to refer to the resources realized by the company. Effective use of funds can be determined by using financial ratio is the ratio of the activity. Which includes ativitas ratio is the ratio of working capital turnover, fixed asset turnover ratio, and the ratio of total asset turnover. Banking company is a company engaged in the financial sector, type of research is descriptive quantitative research. The population in this study are all banking companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in the period of 2013 and 2014 as many as 20 companies. This analytical tool used to determine the effect of working capital turnover, fixed asset turnover, and turnover of assets to the banking company\u27s net profit by using multiple linear regression. The results showed that there is no influence the effectiveness of the use of funds to net income at the banking company on the stock exchange

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Nilai Informasi Pelaporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah

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    Financial management of regional governments must be based on good governance goverment, that financial management is conducted transparently and accountably. Public financial management. UU No.17/2013 regulates the state finances which requires the form and content of the accountability report. One form of accountability report is the government\u27s financial statements. Based on PP 17/ 2010, the reliability of financial reporting is the information in the financial statements. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. The population in this study are all the Head of Department, Head of the Section and District Government Kasubbagian in Muaro, the sample used is as much as 83 respondents. This analytical tool used to determine the effect of the application of financial supervision, internal control systems, human resources, and the use of technology affect the value of local financial reporting information by using multiple linear regression. The results showed that the area of financial supervision, internal control systems, human resources, information technology influence simultaneously on the value of the local government financial reporting information, financial supervision only partially affect the indigo area of financial reporting information

    Reduksi Dimensi Set Data dengan Drc pada Metode Klasifikasi Svm dengan Upaya Penambahan Komponen Ketiga

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    Set data yang diolah dalam sistem seperti data mining, information retrieval, computer vision, atau sistem-sistem lain yang menggunakan set data sebagai basis data utama dalam menyelesaikan kasus yang ditangani, bisa memiliki ukuran yang sangat besar dalam hal jumlah fitur yang digunakan. Banyak keuntungan yang didapat jika dilakukan reduksi dimensi. Kunci keuntungannya adalah banyak algoritma data mining yang bekerja dengan baik jika dimensi lebih rendah. Penelitian ini mengembangan metode Dimension Reduction Technique for K-Means Clustering Algorithm (DRC) dengan menambahkan komponen ketiga yaitu z. Hasilnya, kinerja akurasi metode yang diusulkan (DRC 3 DIM) dalam mereduksi dimensi pada metode klasifikasi SVM mampu memberikan akurasi yang tetap relatif baik ketika jumlah dimensi awal masih tidak banyak. Sedangkan waktu komputasi yang dibutuhkan, baik untuk training maupun prediksi masih dapat ditoleransi untuk dapat digunakan, setelah mempertimbangkan bahwa waktu training dan prediksi berada pada level pertengahan ketika dibandingkan dengan metode pembanding

    Pengaruh Disiplin Siswa Dan Fasilitas Perpustakaan Sekolah Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sekaligus menganalisis pengaruh disiplin siswa dan fasilitas perpustakaan sekolah terhadap prestasi belajar siswa serta untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji lebih lanjut upaya-upaya yang dilakukan sekolah untuk meningkatkan displin siswa dan pemanfaatan fasilitas perpustakaan sekolah. Berdasarkan analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial disiplin siswa mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa dengan t-hitung = 4,787 dengan p-value= 0,00<0,50 dan fasilitas perpustakaan sekolah mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa dengan t-hitung= 7,860 dengan p-value=0,00>0,05. Secara simultan diketahui bahwa F-hitung sebesar 98,499 dengan harga signifikansi sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 yang berarti bahwa variabel bebas mempunyai pengaruh secara bersama-sama terhadap variabel terikat. Dengan demikian dapat dilihat bahwa disiplin siswa dan fasilitas perpustakaan sekolah berpengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Saran yang diambil yaitu dengan menerapkan peraturan sekolah didalam kelas dengan baik serta memberi sanksi yang tegas bagi siswa yang melanggar dan melengkapi koleksi buku-buku perpustakaan

    Perilaku Perajin Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Pasar*

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    This study has taken position for developing of small-scale industry (SSI) is necessary strategy or market conduct policy and market performance. For that objective, the realization steps needed are: (a) re-examining about national development objective; (b) conducting political system restructurization that enable all people has equal right to participate in the economic sectors; (c) allocating and distributing economic resources and production facilities in equitable manner especially for rural people; and also (d) making more deep market penetration for goods and services of SSI through issuing inceptives and positive discrimination policies for SSI in supplying their production input, production process and marketing. Promotion intensification and nourishing cooperation with another kind of enterprise will be a beneficial

    Pertimbangan Pembentukan Pengaturan Besaran Minimal Honorarium Notaris dalam Undang Undang Jabatan Notaris

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    Notary Public Job. The base to determine the honorarium of Notary Public to be charged for the client is accorded to economical and sociological values as explained in Article 36 of Act No. 2 of 2014 about Notary Public Job. The determination of minimal honorarium Notary public profession as the national officer is not given salary by the nation but they are provided with honorarium by the client as stated in Act No.2 of 2014 under amendment against Act No. 30 of 2004 about of a notary officer, however, does not have a reliable manual because every notary profession varies, thus causing unhealthy competition. Research type is normative juridical research or normative legal research, which is that it attempts to review the regulations that have been determined for a certain law problem. The urgency to determine minimal honorarium of notary based on notary job acts shall be considered because honorarium represents a part of notary profession. Honorarium always supports the performance of notary to deliver professional work. The determination of notary minimal honorarium standard will always help to keep the professionalism of notary in walking on their profession. The formulation of ideal honorarium for notary must be based on the regulation about notary job organization where the notary organization regulation of each region will determine the minimal tariff of notary service such that the notary will find justice to accept the notary service tariff. Organizational regulation will give sanction for any violations against the minimal tariff standard of notary service in each region. Key words: consideration, regulation, conformation, minimum determination for honorarium, notary Abstrak Profesi notaris sebagai pejabat negara dalam menjalankan jabatannya tidak digaji oleh Negara melainkan mendapatkan honorarium dari kliennya diatur didalam Undang-undang No 2 Tahun 2014 Perubahan atas Undang-undang No 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris.Dasar dari penetapan honorarium Notaris kepada klien berdasarkan nilai ekonomis dan sosiologis dalam Pasal 36 Undang- undang Jabatan Notaris.Dalam penetapan besaran minimal honorarium seorang Notaris belum memiliki sebuah pedoman, antara sesama profesi notaris tidak memiliki kesamaan dan cenderung ke persaingan yang tidak sehat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Yuridis Normatif (Normatif Legal Research) yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara mengkaji peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku atau ditetapkan pada suatu permasalahan hukum tertentu. Urgensi penetapan besaran minimal honorarium notaris dalam undang-undang jabatan notaris, seharusnya segera diatur karena honorarium merupakan bagian dari profesi notaris.Honorarium menunjang kinerja notaris agar tetap bekerja secara profesional. Penentuan standart minimal honorarium notaris akan sangat membantu menjaga profesionalitas notaris dalam menjalankan profesinya. Sedangkan formulasi penetapan honorarium bagi notaris yang ideal yaitu Sebaiknya penetapan mengenai honorarium diatur dalam peraturan organisasi jabatan notaris, di mana berlakunya penetapan peraturan organisasi notaris tersebut pada tiap regional masing-masing ditetapkan berapa tarif minimal jasa notaris, sehingga terciptanya keadilan bagi notaris dalam menerima tarif jasa notaris. Kemudian dalam peraturan organisasi tersebut dibuatkan sanksi atas pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan penetapan standar tarif minimum jasa notaris yang berlaku di tiap-tiap regional. Kata kunci: pertimbangan, pembentukan pengaturan, besaran minimal, honorarium, notari