655 research outputs found

    In sulfolobus solfataricus, the poly(Adp-ribose) polymerase-like thermoprotein is a multifunctional enzyme

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    In Sulfolobus solfataricus, Sso, the ADP-ribosylating thermozyme is known to carry both auto-and heteromodification of target proteins via short chains of ADP-ribose. Here, we provide evidence that this thermoprotein is a multifunctional enzyme, also showing ATPase activity. Electrophoretic and kinetic analyses were performed using NAD+ and ATP as substrates. The results showed that ATP is acting as a negative effector on the NAD+-dependent reaction, and is also responsible for inducing the dimerization of the thermozyme. These findings enabled us to further investigate the kinetic of ADP-ribosylation activity in the presence of ATP, and to also assay its ability to work as a substrate. Moreover, since the heteroacceptor of ADP-ribose is the sulfolobal Sso7 protein, known as an ATPase, some reconstitution experiments were set up to study the reciprocal influence of the ADP-ribosylating thermozyme and the Sso7 protein on their activities, considering also the possibility of direct enzyme/Sso7 protein interactions. This study provides new insights into the ATP-ase activity of the ADP-ribosylating thermozyme, which is able to establish stable complexes with Sso7 protein

    Homodyne extimation of quantum states purity by exploiting covariant uncertainty relation

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    We experimentally verify uncertainty relations for mixed states in the tomographic representation by measuring the radiation field tomograms, i.e. homodyne distributions. Thermal states of single-mode radiation field are discussed in details as paradigm of mixed quantum state. By considering the connection between generalised uncertainty relations and optical tomograms is seen that the purity of the states can be retrieved by statistical analysis of the homodyne data. The purity parameter assumes a relevant role in quantum information where the effective fidelities of protocols depend critically on the purity of the information carrier states. In this contest the homodyne detector becomes an easy to handle purity-meter for the state on-line with a running quantum information protocol.Comment: accepted for publication into Physica Script

    Vitamin D deficiency in myotonic dystrophy type 1

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    Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a multisystemic disorder affecting, among others, the endocrine system, with derangement of steroid hormones functions. Vitamin D is a steroid recognized for its role in calcium homeostasis. In addition, vitamin D influences muscle metabolism by genomic and non-genomic actions, including stimulation of the insulin-like-growth-factor 1 (IGF1), a major regulator of muscle trophism. To verify the presence of vitamin D deficit in DM1 and its possible consequences, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), calcium, parathormone (PTH), and IGF1 levels were measured in 32 DM1 patients and in 32 age-matched controls. Bone mineral density (BMD) and proximal muscle strength were also measured by DXA and a handheld dynamometer, respectively. In DM1 patients, 25(OH)D levels were reduced compared to controls, and a significant decrease of IGF1 was also found. 25(OH)D levels inversely correlated with CTG expansion size, while IGF1 levels and muscle strength directly correlated with levels of 25(OH)D lower than 20 and 10 ng/ml, respectively. A significantly higher percentage of DM1 patients presented hyperparathyroidism as compared to controls. Calcium levels and BMD were comparable between the two groups. Oral administration of cholecalciferol in 11 DM1 patients with severe vitamin D deficiency induced a normal increase of circulating 25(OH)D, ruling out defects in intestinal absorption or hepatic hydroxylation. DM1 patients show a reduction of circulating 25(OH)D, which correlates with genotype and may influence IGF1 levels and proximal muscle strength. Oral supplementation with vitamin D should be considered in DM1 and might mitigate muscle weakness

    Gratitude among advanced cancer patients and their caregivers: The role of early palliative care

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    Objective: A cancer diagnosis represents a unique trauma, given its life-threatening, multidimensional, and uncertain nature. Gratitude is a construct representing the emotional state that arises when individuals recognize that a benefit has been received as a result of someone else’s action or a spiritual entity’s intervention. Based on the positive psychological wellbeing, gratitude has been associated with improved health outcomes even in the disease setting. Thus, the models of care that foster gratitude should be adopted in the clinical context. This study aims to explore whether and how gratitude may originate in patients with advanced cancer and their caregivers undergoing early palliative care (EPC). Methods: We analyzed 251 reports from 133 patients and 118 caregivers describing their clinical experience in two EPC units. The sources of gratitude were identified and ranked based on their frequencies. Words expressing gratitude and words referring to communication and spirituality were collected by means of the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count software and correlated. Results: In total, 123 (92.5%) of 133 patients’ and 97 (82.2%) of 118 caregivers’ reports, respectively, included explicit or implicit expressions of gratitude. Gratitude was associated specifically with successful physical symptom management, emotional support, improved attitude toward death, better information, humanity, and the familiar environment. The use of words of gratitude in patients’ reports was positively correlated with the use of words referring to communication (r =.215, p =.026) and spirituality (r =.612, p <.001). Conclusion: Our results suggest that interventions within the EPC model based on doctor–patient–caregiver communication may allow patients and caregivers to experience a feeling of gratitude, and this may represent a resource to be exploited to improve their physical and psychosocial wellbeing

    Indagine propedeutica allo sviluppo di un intervento di sistema sul territorio regionale nell’ambito dell’assistenza familiare

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    Questo rapporto si colloca in attuazione della DGR del 12.12.2016 n. 8-4336 relativa all\u2019approvazione dell\u2019Atto di indirizzo contenente criteri e modalit\ue0 per l\u2019attuazione di un intervento a favore dell\u2019Assistenza familiare che aveva \u201c[\u2026] l\u2019obiettivo sia di proseguire nel percorso intrapreso di sostegno al consolidamento della rete di strutture pubbliche e private che operano nell\u2019area dell\u2019assistenza familiare, valorizzando le esperienza positive realizzate con risorse pubbliche e private, sia di adeguare il modello regionale al mutato contesto economico-sociale e normativo attraverso una sua rivisitazione e innovazione\u201d. Nello specifico il raggiungimento degli obiettivi riportati \ue8 avvenuto attraverso la realizzazione di un\u2019indagine che ha approfondito le esperienze realizzate dal 2010 ad oggi da soggetti pubblici e privati nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019assistenza familiare. Tale indagine ha avuto luogo da luglio a novembre 2017 ed \ue8 stata effettuata da Studio Errepi Srl e dal Laboratorio Percorsi di secondo welfare. Il presente Rapporto rende conto dell\u2019indagine e riporta le esperienze pi\uf9 significative individuate e gli elementi principali che hanno contraddistinto le iniziative in termini di efficacia e sostenibilit\ue0

    Impact of phytosterols on liver and distal colon metabolome in experimental murine colitis model: an explorative study

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    Phytosterols are known to reduce plasma cholesterol levels and thereby reduce cardiovascular risk. Studies conducted on human and animal models have demonstrated that these compounds have also anti-inflammatory effects. Recently, an experimental colitis model (dextran sulphate sodium-induced) has shown that pre-treatment with phytosterols decreases infiltration of inflammatory cells and accelerates mucosal healing. This study aims to understand the mechanism underlying the colitis by analysing the end-products of the metabolism in distal colon and liver excised from the same mice used in the previous work. In particular, an unsupervised gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and NMR based metabolomics approach was employed to identify the metabolic pathways perturbed by the dextran sodium sulphate (DSS) insult (i.e. Krebs cycle, carbohydrate, amino acids, and nucleotide metabolism). Interestingly, phytosterols were able to restore the homeostatic equilibrium of the hepatic and colonic metabolome

    The GINGER Project and status of the ring-laser of LNGS

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    A ring-laser attached to the Earth measures the absolute angular velocity of the Earth summed to the relativistic precessions, de Sitter and Lense-Thirring. GINGER (Gyroscopes IN GEneral Relativity) is a project aiming at measuring the LenseThirring effect with a ground based detector; it is based on an array of ring-lasers. Comparing the Earth angular velocity measured by IERS and the measurement done with the GINGER array, the Lense-Thirring effect can be evaluated. Compared to the existing space experiments, GINGER provides a local measurement, not the averaged value and it is unnecessary to model the gravitational field. It is a proposal, but it is not far from being a reality. In fact the GrossRing G of the Geodesy Observatory of Wettzell has a sensitivity very close to the necessary one. G ofWettzell is part of the IERS system which provides the measure of the Length Of the DAY (LOD); G provides information on the fast component of LOD. In the last few years, a roadmap toward GINGER has been outlined. The experiment G-GranSasso, financed by the INFN Commission II, is developing instrumentations and tests along the roadmap of GINGER. In this short paper the main activities of G-GranSasso and some results will be presented. The first results of GINGERino will be reported, GINGERino is the large ring-laser installed inside LNGS and now in the commissioning phase. Ring-lasers provide as well important informations for geophysics, in particular the rotational seismology, which is an emerging field of science. GINGERino is one of the three experiments of common interest between INFN and INGV
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