88 research outputs found

    Scattering in an environment

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    The cross section of elastic electron-proton scattering taking place in an electron gas is calculated within the Closed Time Path method. It is found to be the sum of two terms, one being the expression in the vacuum except that it involves dressing due to the electron gas. The other term is due to the scattering particles-electron gas entanglement. This term dominates the usual one when the exchange energy is in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. Furthermore it makes the trajectories of the colliding particles more consistent and the collision more irreversible, rendering the scattering more classical in this regime.Comment: final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Low-momentum interactions for nuclei

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    We show how the renormalization group is used to construct a low-momentum nucleon-nucleon interaction V_{low k}, which unifies all potential models used in nuclear structure calculations. V_{low k} can be directly applied to the nuclear shell model or to nucleonic matter without a G matrix resummation. It is argued that V_{low k} parameterizes a high-order chiral effective field theory two-nucleon force. We use cutoff dependence as a tool to assess the error in the truncation of nuclear forces to two-nucleon interactions and introduce a low-momentum three-nucleon force, which regulates A=3,4 binding energies. The adjusted three-nucleon interaction is perturbative for small cutoffs. In contrast to other precision interactions, the error due to missing many-body forces can be estimated, when V_{low k} and the corresponding three-nucleon force are used in nuclear structure calculations and the cutoff is varied.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, talk at INT workshop on Nuclear Forces and the Quantum Many-Body Problem, Seattle, October 200

    Current-density functional for disordered systems

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    The effective action for the current and density is shown to satisfy an evolution equation, the functional generalization of Callan-Symanzik equation. The solution describes the dependence of the one-particle irreducible vertex functions on the strength of the quenched disorder and the annealed Coulomb interaction. The result is non-perturbative, no small parameter is assumed. The a.c. conductivity is obtained by the numerical solution of the evolution equation on finite lattices in the absence of the Coulomb interaction. The static limit is performed and the conductivity is found to be vanishing beyond a certain threshold of the impurity strength.Comment: final version, 28 pages, 17 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dark Matter in SuperGUT Unification Models

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    After a brief update on the prospects for dark matter in the constrained version of the MSSM (CMSSM) and its differences with models based on minimal supergravity (mSUGRA), I will consider the effects of unifying the supersymmetry-breaking parameters at a scale above M_{GUT}. One of the consequences of superGUT unification, is the ability to take vanishing scalar masses at the unification scale with a neutralino LSP dark matter candidate. This allows one to resurrect no-scale supergravity as a viable phenomenological model.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures, To be published in the Proceedings of the 6th DSU Conference, Leon, Mexico, ed. D. Delepin

    Staggered versus overlap fermions: a study in the Schwinger model with Nf=0,1,2N_f=0,1,2

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    We study the scalar condensate and the topological susceptibility for a continuous range of quark masses in the Schwinger model with Nf=0,1,2N_f=0,1,2 dynamical flavors, using both the overlap and the staggered discretization. At finite lattice spacing the differences between the two formulations become rather dramatic near the chiral limit, but they get severely reduced, at the coupling considered, after a few smearing steps.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, v2: 1 ref corrected, minor change

    Fractal Spacetime Structure in Asymptotically Safe Gravity

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    Four-dimensional Quantum Einstein Gravity (QEG) is likely to be an asymptotically safe theory which is applicable at arbitrarily small distance scales. On sub-Planckian distances it predicts that spacetime is a fractal with an effective dimensionality of 2. The original argument leading to this result was based upon the anomalous dimension of Newton's constant. In the present paper we demonstrate that also the spectral dimension equals 2 microscopically, while it is equal to 4 on macroscopic scales. This result is an exact consequence of asymptotic safety and does not rely on any truncation. Contact is made with recent Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 20 pages, late

    Quantum-classical crossover in electrodynamics

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    A classical field theory is proposed for the electric current and the electromagnetic field interpolating between microscopic and macroscopic domains. It represents a generalization of the density functional for the dynamics of the current and the electromagnetic field in the quantum side of the crossover and reproduces standard classical electrodynamics on the other side. The effective action derived in the closed time path formalism and the equations of motion follow from the variational principle. The polarization of the Dirac-see can be taken into account in the quadratic approximation of the action by the introduction of the deplacement field strengths as in conventional classical electrodynamics. Decoherence appears naturally as a simple one-loop effect in this formalism. It is argued that the radiation time arrow is generated from the quantum boundary conditions in time by decoherence at the quantum-classical crossover and the Abraham-Lorentz force arises from the accelerating charge or from other charges in the macroscopic or the microscopic side, respectively. The functional form of quantum renormalization group, the generalization of the renormalization group method for the density matrix, is proposed to follow the scale dependence through the quantum-classical crossover in a systematical manner.Comment: new references added, few sign errors fixed, to appear in Physical Review

    Gravitino Dark Matter Scenarios with Massive Metastable Charged Sparticles at the LHC

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    We investigate the measurement of supersymmetric particle masses at the LHC in gravitino dark matter (GDM) scenarios where the next-to-lightest supersymmetric partner (NLSP) is the lighter scalar tau, or stau, and is stable on the scale of a detector. Such a massive metastable charged sparticle would have distinctive Time-of-Flight (ToF) and energy-loss (dE/dxdE/dx) signatures. We summarise the documented accuracies expected to be achievable with the ATLAS detector in measurements of the stau mass and its momentum at the LHC. We then use a fast simulation of an LHC detector to demonstrate techniques for reconstructing the cascade decays of supersymmetric particles in GDM scenarios, using a parameterisation of the detector response to staus, taus and jets based on full simulation results. Supersymmetric pair-production events are selected with high redundancy and efficiency, and many valuable measurements can be made starting from stau tracks in the detector. We recalibrate the momenta of taus using transverse-momentum balance, and use kinematic cuts to select combinations of staus, taus, jets and leptons that exhibit peaks in invariant masses that correspond to various heavier sparticle species, with errors often comparable with the jet energy scale uncertainty.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, updated to version published in JHE

    Decoupling Dark Energy from Matter

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    We examine the embedding of dark energy in high energy models based upon supergravity and extend the usual phenomenological setting comprising an observable sector and a hidden supersymmetry breaking sector by including a third sector leading to the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. We find that gravitational constraints on the non-existence of a fifth force naturally imply that the dark energy sector must possess an approximate shift symmetry. When exact, the shift symmetry provides an example of a dark energy sector with a runaway potential and a nearly massless dark energy field whose coupling to matter is very weak, contrary to the usual lore that dark energy fields must couple strongly to matter and lead to gravitational inconsistencies. Moreover, the shape of the potential is stable under one-loop radiative corrections. When the shift symmetry is slightly broken by higher order terms in the Kähler potential, the coupling to matter remains small. However, the cosmological dynamics are largely affected by the shift symmetry breaking operators leading to the appearance of a minimum of the scalar potential such that dark energy behaves like an effective cosmological constant from very early on in the history of the universe

    Effective action for the order parameter of the deconfinement transition of Yang-Mills theories

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    The effective action for the Polyakov loop serving as an order parameter for deconfinement is obtained in one-loop approximation to second order in a derivative expansion. The calculation is performed in d4d\geq 4 dimensions, mostly referring to the gauge group SU(2). The resulting effective action is only capable of describing a deconfinement phase transition for d>dcr7.42d>d_{\text{cr}}\simeq 7.42. Since, particularly in d=4d=4, the system is strongly governed by infrared effects, it is demonstrated that an additional infrared scale such as an effective gluon mass can change the physical properties of the system drastically, leading to a model with a deconfinement phase transition.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, minor improvements, version to appear in PR