6,271 research outputs found

    Radiation Damage and Recovery Properties of Common Plastics PEN (Polyethylene Naphthalate) and PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) Using a 137Cs Gamma Ray Source Up To 1 MRad and 10 MRad

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    Polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) and polyethylene teraphthalate (PET) are cheap and common polyester plastics used throughout the world in the manufacturing of bottled drinks, containers for foodstuffs, and fibers used in clothing. These plastics are also known organic scintillators with very good scintillation properties. As particle physics experiments increase in energy and particle flux density, so does radiation exposure to detector materials. It is therefore important that scintillators be tested for radiation tolerance at these generally unheard of doses. We tested samples of PEN and PET using laser stimulated emission on separate tiles exposed to 1 MRad and 10 MRad gamma rays with a 137Cs source. PEN exposed to 1 MRad and 10 MRad emit 71.4% and 46.7% of the light of an undamaged tile, respectively, and maximally recover to 85.9% and 79.5% after 5 and 9 days, respectively. PET exposed to 1 MRad and 10 MRad emit 35.0% and 12.2% light, respectively, and maximally recover to 93.5% and 80.0% after 22 and 60 days, respectively

    CMS (LHC) Measurements and Unusual Cosmic Ray Events

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    At the LHC, for the first time, laboratory energies are sufficiently large to reproduce the kind of reactions that occur when energetic cosmic rays strike the top of the atmosphere. The reaction products of interest for cosmic ray studies are produced at small angles, even with colliding beams. Most of the emphasis at the LHC is on rare processes that are studied with detectors at large angles. It is precision measurements at large angles that are expected to lead to discoveries of Higgs bosons and super symmetric particles. CMS currently has two small angle detectors, CASTOR and a Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC). CASTOR, at 0.70.7^{\circ} down to 0.080.08^{\circ}, is designed to study "Centauro" and "long penetrating" events, observed in VHE cosmic-ray data. As a general purpose detector it also makes measurements of reaction products at forward angles from p-p collisions, which provide input for cosmic ray shower codes. The ZDC is small, 9 cm. wide, between the incoming and outgoing beam pipes out at a distance of 140 m. The ZDC measures neutral objects that follow the direction of the beam at the interaction point. If the long penetrating objects are spectators they could be seen in the ZDC if their charge to mass ratio, Z/A, is less than 0.2.Comment: Invited talk presented at the XVI International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions, ISVHECRI 2010, Batavia, IL, USA (28 June - 2 July 2010). 4 pages, 5 figure

    Status of Zero Degree Calorimeter for CMS Experiment

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    The Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) is integral part of the CMS experiment, especially, for heavy ion studies. The design of the ZDC includes two independent calorimeter sections: an electromagnetic section and a hadronic section. Sampling calorimeters using tungsten and quartz fibers have been chosen for the energy measurements. An overview of the ZDC is presented along with a current status of calorimeter's preparation for Day 1 of LHC.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, to appear in the proceedings of CALOR06, June 5-9, 2006 Chicago, US

    Characterization of photomultiplier tubes in a novel operation mode for Secondary Emission Ionization Calorimetry

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    Hamamatsu single anode R7761 and multi-anode R5900-00-M16 Photomultiplier Tubes have been characterized for use in a Secondary Emission (SE) Ionization Calorimetry study. SE Ionization Calorimetry is a novel technique to measure electromagnetic shower particles in extreme radiation environments. The different operation modes used in these tests were developed by modifying the conventional PMT bias circuit. These modifications were simple changes to the arrangement of the voltage dividers of the baseboard circuits. The PMTs with modified bases, referred to as operating in SE mode, are used as an SE detector module in an SE calorimeter prototype, and placed between absorber materials (Fe, Cu, Pb, W, etc.). Here, the technical design of different operation modes, as well as the characterization measurements of both SE modes and the conventional PMT mode are reported

    Physics at Very Small Angles with CASTOR at CMS

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    CASTOR is a small (56 cm diameter) quartz-tungsten Cerenkov calorimeter covering the small angles 0.2-0.6 deg (5.2<="eta"<=6.4) in CMS, a major experiment at the LHC. Particularly with heavy-ion reactions a substantial fraction of the total reaction energy goes into this large "eta" region. CASTOR will function as a part of CMS and also as an independent detector to search for special types of events in the far-forward region. It is divided into 16 azimuthal sectors, each with 18 longitudinal segments to allow identification of particles by their energy-loss profiles. The most forward segments are smaller to better characterize electromagnetic events

    Simulations of nanoscale Ni/Al multilayer foils with intermediate Ni2Al3 growth

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    Nanoscale multilayers of binary metallic systems, such as nickel/aluminum, exhibit self-propagating exothermic reactions due to the high formation enthalpy of the intermetallic compounds. Most of the previous modelingapproaches on the reactions of this system rely on the use of mass diffusionwith a phenomenological derived diffusion coefficient representing single-phase (NiAl) growth, coupled with heat transport. We show that the reaction kinetics, temperatures, and thermal front width can be reproduced more satisfactorily with the sequential growth of Ni2Al3 followed by NiAl, utilizing independently obtained interdiffusivities. The computational domain was meshed with a dynamically generated bi-modal grid consisting of fine and coarse zones corresponding to rapid and slower reacting regions to improve computational efficiency. The PDEPE function in MATLAB was used as a basis for an alternating direction scheme. A modified parabolic growth law was employed to model intermetallic growth in the thickness direction. A multiphase enthalpy function was formulated to solve for temperatures after discrete phase growth and transformations at each time step. The results show that the Ni2Al3formation yields a preheating zone to facilitate the slower growth of NiAl. At bilayer thicknesses lower than 12 nm, the intermixing layer induces oscillating thermal fronts, sharply reducing the average velocities

    A new method for atmospheric detection of the CH3O2 radical

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    A new method for measurement of the methyl peroxy (CH3O2) radical has been developed using the conversion of CH3O2 into CH3O by excess NO with subsequent detection of CH3O by fluorescence assay by gas expansion (FAGE) with laser excitation at ca. 298 nm. The method can also directly detect CH3O, when no nitric oxide is added. Laboratory calibrations were performed to characterise the FAGE instrument sensitivity using the conventional radical source employed in OH calibration with conversion of a known concentration of OH into CH3O2 via reaction with CH4 in the presence of O2. Detection limits of 3.8 × 108 and 3.0 × 108 molecule cm−3 were determined for CH3O2 and CH3O respectively for a signal-to-noise ratio of 2 and 5 min averaging time. Averaging over 1 h reduces the detection limit for CH3O2 to 1.1 × 108 molecule cm−3, which is comparable to atmospheric concentrations. The kinetics of the second-order decay of CH3O2 via its self-reaction were observed in HIRAC (Highly Instrumented Reactor for Atmospheric Chemistry) at 295 K and 1 bar and used as an alternative method of calibration to obtain a calibration constant with overlapping error limits at the 1σ level with the result of the conventional method of calibration. The overall uncertainties of the two methods of calibrations are similar – 15 % for the kinetic method and 17 % for the conventional method – and are discussed in detail. The capability to quantitatively measure CH3O in chamber experiments is demonstrated via observation in HIRAC of CH3O formed as a product of the CH3O2 self-reaction

    Status of zero degree calorimeter for CMS experiment

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    The Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) is integral part of the CMS experiment, especially, for heavy ion studies. The design of the ZDC includes two independent calorimeter sections: an electromagnetic section and a hadronic section. Sampling calorimeters using tungsten and quartz fibers have been chosen for the energy measurements. An overview of the ZDC is presented along with a current status of calorimeter's preparation for Day 1 of LHC

    Performance Analysis of ML-based MTC Traffic Pattern Predictors

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    Prolonging the lifetime of massive machine-type communication (MTC) networks is key to realizing a sustainable digitized society. Great energy savings can be achieved by accurately predicting MTC traffic followed by properly designed resource allocation mechanisms. However, selecting the proper MTC traffic predictor is not straightforward and depends on accuracy/complexity trade-offs and the specific MTC applications and network characteristics. Remarkably, the related state-of-the-art literature still lacks such debates. Herein, we assess the performance of several machine learning (ML) methods to predict Poisson and quasi-periodic MTC traffic in terms of accuracy and computational cost. Results show that the temporal convolutional network (TCN) outperforms the long-short term memory (LSTM), the gated recurrent units (GRU), and the recurrent neural network (RNN), in that order. For Poisson traffic, the accuracy gap between the predictors is larger than under quasi-periodic traffic. Finally, we show that running a TCN predictor is around three times more costly than other methods, while the training/inference time is the greatest/least.Comment: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters Print ISSN: 2162-2337 Online ISSN: 2162-234

    Research of Purchasing Management of C Shipbuilding Company

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    船舶制造行业,从2002年的蓬勃发展到2008年受金融危机影响至今的持续低迷,使得当前船舶制造行业面临着前所未有的巨大挑战,接单难、交船难、融资难成为船舶行业普遍的现象。如何生存下去成为当今我国船舶制造业极力需要解决的难题,而采购作为船舶行业发生成本最大的领域,充分挖掘采购作为企业的第三利润源泉的作用,对于降低成本,提高企业的竞争地位有着重大的战略意义,对此的研究也具有重大实际意义。 本论文从C船舶制造企业网络比价议标的采购模式分析入手,对这一新型采购管理模式进行了探索和研究。通过在C船企实际工作和大量调查,分析归纳C船企当前采购管理所存在的一些问题,并通过SWOT分析工具对C船企采购管理的...The shipbuilding industry was rapidly developed from 2002 to 2008, but remains downturn up to now by the financial crisis. So the current shipbuilding industry is facing many unprecedented challenges, such as the difficulty of the order, the difficulty of delivery of ship and financing become common phenomenon in the shipbuilding industry. Nowadays, How to survive is become a big problem, which ne...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:20071401