250 research outputs found

    Características Antropométricas en Atletas de Jiu Jitsu Brasilero de Alto Nivel: Rol del Estilo de Lucha

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.SUMMARY: Human performance efficiency and effectiveness in different sports depend to a large extent on the size, weight and proportion of the physique of the athlete. The aim of this study was to identify morphological characteristics of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) athletes. The sample consisted of 25 highly trained male athletes who were classified according to their fighting style; guard fighter (GF) vs. pass fighter (PF). The athletes were assessed for somatotype, body composition and proportionality. For the whole group of athletes the somatotype was 2.23±0.68, 6.33±1.14, and 1.75±0.87 for endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph components, respectively. Muscle and adipose tissue percentages were 52.34±2.15% and 19.30±2.51%, respectively. PF were significantly more mesomorph (p< 0.05) and less ectomorph (p< 0.05) than GF. Also, PF had significantly higher phantom Z score for bone mass vs. GF (0.51±0.57 vs. 0.01±0.54; p<0.05), and significantly lower muscle mass- bone mass ratio (4.55±0.31 vs. 4.77±0.56; p<0.05), height (1.71±0.06 vs. 1.77±0.07; p<0.05) and height weight ratio (40.58±1.11 vs. 41.84±1.22). Our results show that morphological characteristics are related to different fighting styles in BJJ athletes.RESUMEN: La eficiencia y efectividad del rendimiento humano en diferentes deportes depende en gran medida del tamaño, peso y proporción del físico del atleta. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las características morfológicas de atletas jiu-jitsu brasileros. La muestra consintió de 25 atletas varones altamente entrenados, quienes fueron clasificados de acuerdo a su estilo de lucha; guarderos (GF) vs pasadores (PF). Se evaluó en los atletas somatotipo, composición corporal y proporcionalidad. Para el grupo total de atletas el somatotipo fue 2,23±0,68, 6,33±1,14 y 1,75±0,78 para el endomorfismo, mesomorfismo y ectomorfismo, respectivamente. Los porcentajes de tejido muscular y adiposo fueron 52,34±2,15% and 19,30±2,51%, respectivamente. PF fueron significativamente las mesomorfos (p<0,05) y menos ectomorfos (p<0,05) que GF. Además PF tuvieron una significativamente alto Z score para la masa ósea (4,55±0,31 vs. 4,77±0,56; p<0,05), estatura (1,71±0,06 vs. 1,77±0,07; p<0,05) y relación altura peso (40,58±1.11 vs. 41,84±1.22). Nuestros resultados muestran que las características morfológicas están relacionadas a diferentes estilos de lucha en atletas de BJJ.http://ref.scielo.org/bzhxy

    Somatotype Profile of Professional Male Soccer Chilean Players

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloRESUMEN: El presente estudio pretende describir el somatotipo del futbolista profesional chileno, así como determinar la variabilidad existente en el somatotipo por posición de juego. Cien jugadores profesionales varones (edad 23±4,4 años), participantes del campeonato nacional de fútbol chileno fueron incluidos en el estudio. Se realizó la medición de 10 variables antropométricas según las normas de la International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). Se calcularon los 3 componentes del somatotipo de Heath-Carter por cada posición de juego. El somatotipo grupal de la muestra estudiada presentó una clasificación de mesomorfo­balanceado (2,25-5,32-2,26), siendo los defensas los con mayor predominio de este componente. La posición con menor dispersión en su somatotipo son defensas y arqueros, mientras que volantes y delanteros presentan mayor variabilidad. En conclusión, a pesar de existir un somatotipo en común, las diferencias en las varianzas entre posiciones de juego entregan información sobre la relevancia de la optimización morfológica en una posición específica de juego. PALABRAS CLAVE: Somatotipo; Antropometría; Fútbol masculino.SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to describe the somatotype of Chilean professional soccer players, and to determine the variability in the somatotype by playing position. One hundred professional male players (age 23±4.4) participants in the Chilean national soccer championship were included in the study. We performed the measurement of 10 anthropometric variables according to the rules of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). We calculated the 3 components of the Heath-Carter somatotype for each playing position. The somatotype of the sample group presents a balanced mesomorph classification (2.25-5.32-2.26),especially among defenders. The positions with less dispersion in their somatotype were the defenses and goalkeepers, while the flyers and forwards show more variability. In conclusion, although there is a common somatotype, differences in the variances between playing positions provide information about the relevance of morphological optimization in a playing position. KEY WORDS: Anthropometry; Somatotype; Male soccer.http://ref.scielo.org/v4pdn

    Detection of a multi-shell planetary nebula around the hot subdwarf O-type star 2MASS J19310888+4324577

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    (Abridged) The origin of hot subdwarf O-type stars (sdOs) remains unclear since their discovery in 1947. Among others, a post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) origin is possible for a fraction of sdOs. We are involved in a comprehensive ongoing study to search for and to analyze planetary nebulae (PNe) around sdOs with the aim of establishing the fraction and properties of sdOs with a post-AGB origin. We use deep Halpha and [OIII] images of sdOs to detect nebular emission and intermediate resolution, long-slit optical spectroscopy of the detected nebulae and their sdO central stars. These data are complemented with other observations for further analysis of the detected nebulae. We report the detection of an extremely faint, complex PN around 2MASS J19310888+4324577 (2M1931+4324), a star classified as sdO in a binary system. The PN shows a bipolar and an elliptical shell, whose major axes are oriented perpendicular to each other, and high-excitation structures outside the two shells. WISE archive images show faint, extended emission at 12 and 22 microns in the inner nebular regions. The internal nebular kinematics is consistent with a bipolar and a cylindrical/ellipsoidal shell, in both cases with the main axis mainly perpendicular to the line of sight. The nebular spectrum only exhibits Halpha, Hbeta and [OIII]4959,5007 emission lines, but suggests a very low-excitation ([OIII]/Hbeta = 1.5), in strong contrast with the absence of low-excitation emission lines. The spectrum of 2M1931+4324 presents narrow, ionized helium absorptions that confirm the previous sdO classification and suggest an effective temperature >= 60000 K. The binary nature of 2M1931+4324, its association with a complex PN, and several properties of the system provide strong support for the idea that binary central stars are a crucial ingredient in the formation of complex PNe.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Hemi-Synthesis and Anti-Oomycete Activity of Analogues of Isocordoin

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.An efficient synthesis of a series of 4-oxyalkyl-isocordoin analogues (2–8) is reported for the first time. Their structures were confirmed by1H-NMR,13C-NMR, and HRMS. Their anti-oomycete activity was evaluated by mycelium and spores inhibition assay against two selected pathogenic oomycetes strains: Saprolegnia parasitica and Saprolegnia australis. The entire series of isocordoin derivatives (except compound 7) showed high inhibitory activity against these oomycete strains. Among them, compound 2 exhibited strong activity, with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum oomyceticidal concentration (MOC) values of 50 µg/mL and 75 µg/mL, respectively. The results showed that 4-oxyalkylated analogues of isocordoin could be potential anti-oomycete agents.http://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/22/6/96

    Regulation of the Immune Response in Cysticercosis: Lessons from an Old Acquainted Infection

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    In the last decades, we have learned some critical lessons about the relationship between the human body and its interaction with many infectious diseases, where regularly, the immune system has a major role in protection. We learned to differentiate between the immune response occurring in either an intracellular or extracellular parasitic infection, between innate and adaptive immune response, between either inflammatory or anti-inflammatory responses, and finally, we learned to recognize very particular mechanisms, such as the inability of the immune system to respond during very particular scenarios, such as the inability of T cells to both proliferate and produce cytokines even after their exposure to mitogens or specific-antigens. Along with our increase in the knowledge in immunology, we figured out that immunoregulation and immunosuppression are processes used by many parasites to reduce the capacity of the immune system to eliminate them, and to persist in the host favoring their transmission and also to complete their life cycles. Immunoregulation involves several mechanisms such as anergy, apoptosis, induction of both suppressive cytokines and membrane-bound molecules, as well as specialized cell populations of the immune system like regulatory T cells, Alternative Activated Macrophages, or Myeloid-derived Suppressor Cells, that together modify the outcome of the immune response. In this chapter we will review the general differences between the different types of immunoregulation, the kind of cellular populations of the immune system used by the helminths Taenia solium and Taenia crassiceps to induce immunoregulation and immunosuppression and also, the mechanisms used by these parasites such as mimicking molecules of the immune system to replace directly these mechanisms. Understanding and deciphering all these regulatory mechanisms could be useful to develop new tools to control this infection

    ¿"...Se va a acabar, se va a acabar, la Dictadura de los Saá..."? : Notas en torno a las luchas sociales sanluiseñas (2004-2005)

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    Los autores de esta ponencia, trabajadores docentes de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis, hemos concebido el presente escrito como una especie de saldo de la prolongada deuda ético-ideológica que teníamos en tanto hombres, docentes, investigadores que vivimos, enseñamos e investigamos en la Provincia de San Luis. Es por ello que, más allá de la necesaria coherencia y solidez argumentativa y conceptual en pos de la cual trabajamos, todo lo a continuación expresado es un (largamente esperado) primer cierre que pretendemos dar, de nuestra parte, a ese proceso de lucha y reivindicaciones del cual fuimos miembros activos y militantes. En ese marco, este trabajo se concibió y realizó no como una aplicación en casos concretos de determinadas categorías ya elaboradas y pertenecientes a determinado corpus teórico, ni tampoco como la "bajada" o validación en la realidad concreta de lo que se ha elaborado en el "gabinete”, sino como un intento de análisis ex-post-facto de acontecimientos y procesos sociales de los que los autores de este escrito fuimos partícipes. En este sentido lo que intentamos no es una explicación, por ejemplo, "bourdiana" de lo sucedido en San Luis, sino que se han tomado las herramientas analíticas aportadas bien sea por Pierre Bourdieu, o también por Mabel Bellucci y Flavio Rapisardi, e inclusive por Murray Bookchin y Horst Stowaser, que mejor nos ayudaran para analizar ese marasmo, por momentos, cuasi inasible que configuraron los conflictos desencadenados a partir del año 2004 en la Provincia de San Luis.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Recursos y Gastos en Córdoba: Análisis Interjurisdiccional

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