678 research outputs found

    Incarcerated Mothers: What Role Does Communication Play in Successful Family and Community Reintegration?

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    The Incarcerated Mothers Project (TIFF--Transitioning Incarcerated Females & Families) is a four-tiered investigation into the subject of incarcerated mothers and how communication affects parental dynamics. The first tier of research included an earlier pilot study of 53 incarcerated mother. The second tier involved an experiment assessing the impact of exposure to a documentary narrative about the impact of a mother’s incarceration on her family; results showed significant knowledge gain and empathetic responses among general receivers. This summer, additional footage was added to the documentary, with instrumentation ready for a Fall 2014 data collection. Also this summer, progress was made on the third tier, which involved speaking with various experts and professionals in the field of incarceration and reintegration. These interviews established that both family and community support are vital preventatives toward preventing recidivism. The fourth tier of the project includes developing additional interview questions to continue the pilot study both with the established group of research subjects and extending that research pool for a more expansive data set. Data collected will be used to develop programs in communication, including family communication education modules video education modules for incarcerated and reintegrating populations.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/u_poster_2014/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Worship styles, musicand social identity: A communication study

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    This quantitative study investigates music and worship style preferences. A survey measured participants\u27 worship and music preferences in order to further examine the relationship between the two. Multiple and logistic regressions were significant indicating that preferred music genres can be used to predict one\u27s worship style preference. Further investigation used Social Identity Theory to examine the conflict that often occurs within churches over music and worship styles. Therefore, the survey included the Identification with a Psychological Group scale to measure participants\u27 identification with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Multiple regression results showed a significant overall prediction of organizational identity, indicating that Missouri Synod Lutherans who prefer traditional or formal worship components identify more strongly with the larger organization, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS)

    Configuring the PrEP user: Framing Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in UK newsprint 2012 – 2016

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    Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been hailed as a revolutionary intervention for HIV prevention. PrEP’s controversial status in the UK has generated significant media coverage. It is important to understand what role the media plays in framing PrEP policy issues. We undertook a qualitative analysis of UK newsprint articles between 2012 and 2016 to examine how PrEP was framed as a public health intervention up until a controversial policy decision not to provide PrEP in England. We identified how scientific evidence was deployed to shape two narratives: ir/responsible citizens focused on imagined PrEP users and their capacity to use PrEP effectively; and the public health imperative, which described the need for PrEP. Our analysis demonstrates the particular ways in which scientific evidence contributed to the certainty of PrEP as an effective intervention within UK newsprint. Scientific evidence also played a key role in framing PrEP as an intervention specifically for cis-gendered gay and bisexual men, playing into wider debates about who is a deserving patient and the appropriate use of public resources. Practitioners in the UK and elsewhere should be aware of these constructions of the PrEP user to ensure equitable access to PrEP beyond gay and bisexual men

    Cues and knowledge structures used by mental-health professionals when making risk assessments

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    Background: Research into mental-health risks has tended to focus on epidemiological approaches and to consider pieces of evidence in isolation. Less is known about the particular factors and their patterns of occurrence that influence clinicians’ risk judgements in practice. Aims: To identify the cues used by clinicians to make risk judgements and to explore how these combine within clinicians’ psychological representations of suicide, self-harm, self-neglect, and harm to others. Method: Content analysis was applied to semi-structured interviews conducted with 46 practitioners from various mental-health disciplines, using mind maps to represent the hierarchical relationships of data and concepts. Results: Strong consensus between experts meant their knowledge could be integrated into a single hierarchical structure for each risk. This revealed contrasting emphases between data and concepts underpinning risks, including: reflection and forethought for suicide; motivation for self-harm; situation and context for harm to others; and current presentation for self-neglect. Conclusions: Analysis of experts’ risk-assessment knowledge identified influential cues and their relationships to risks. It can inform development of valid risk-screening decision support systems that combine actuarial evidence with clinical expertise

    Resilience and economic empowerment: A qualitative investigation of entrepreneurial Indonesian Women

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    The development of female entrepreneurs in Indonesia is an integral part of Muslim women\u27s economic contributions and empowerment. However, there is a lack of reliable research about female entrepreneurship and how gender may affect the experiences of business ownership in Indonesia. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore the challenges encountered by these women entrepreneurs on a daily basis. Qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 30 female Indonesian entrepreneurs. Participants were recruited using theoretical and maximum variation sampling techniques. Content analysis was then used to analyze the data. Results revealed high levels of variations, both within and between women, suggesting that the quality of business entrepreneurship and success depended largely on the personal characteristics of these women, rather than on any system of formal education or training. This study also found that many women displayed resilient coping strategies when dealing with business failures. As a consequence, they were able to thrive despite restrictive social, cultural and political constraints. The paper highlights the importance of the experiences of female entrepreneurs in a developing country and the need to integrate the development of female entrepreneurship as a part of women empowerment effort

    Using XML and XSLT for flexible elicitation of mental-health risk knowledge

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    Current tools for assessing risks associated with mental-health problems require assessors to make high-level judgements based on clinical experience. This paper describes how new technologies can enhance qualitative research methods to identify lower-level cues underlying these judgements, which can be collected by people without a specialist mental-health background. Methods and evolving results: Content analysis of interviews with 46 multidisciplinary mental-health experts exposed the cues and their interrelationships, which were represented by a mind map using software that stores maps as XML. All 46 mind maps were integrated into a single XML knowledge structure and analysed by a Lisp program to generate quantitative information about the numbers of experts associated with each part of it. The knowledge was refined by the experts, using software developed in Flash to record their collective views within the XML itself. These views specified how the XML should be transformed by XSLT, a technology for rendering XML, which resulted in a validated hierarchical knowledge structure associating patient cues with risks. Conclusions: Changing knowledge elicitation requirements were accommodated by flexible transformations of XML data using XSLT, which also facilitated generation of multiple data-gathering tools suiting different assessment circumstances and levels of mental-health knowledge

    CCN2/CTGF tip the balance of growth factors towards TGF-β2 in primary open-angle glaucoma

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    TGF-β2 is the predominant TGF-β isoform within the eye. One function of TGF-β2 is to provide the eye with immune protection against intraocular inflammation. The beneficial function of TGF-β2 within the eye must be under tight control of a network of different factors. A disbalance of the network can result in different eye diseases. In Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma (POAG), one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness worldwide, TGF-β2 is significantly elevated in the aqueous humor and antagonistic molecules like BMPs are reduced. The changes provoke an altering of the quantity and quality of the extracellular matrix and the actin cytoskeleton in the outflow tissues, leading to an increased outflow resistance and thereby to an increased intraocular pressure (IOP), the major risk factor for primary open-angle glaucoma. The pathologic effect of TGF-β2 in primary open-angle glaucoma is mainly meditated by CCN2/CTGF. CCN2/CTGF can modulate TGF-β and BMP signaling by direct binding. The eye specific overexpression of CCN2/CTGF caused an increase in IOP and led to a loss of axons, the hallmark of primary open-angle glaucoma. CCN2/CTGF appears to play a critical role in the homeostatic balance of the eye, so we investigated if CCN2/CTGF can modulate BMP and TGF-β signaling pathways in the outflow tissues. To this end, we analyzed the direct effect of CCN2/CTGF on both signaling pathways in two transgenic mouse models with a moderate (βB1-CTGF1) and a high CCN2/CTGF (βB1-CTGF6) overexpression and in immortalized human trabecular meshwork (HTM) cells. Additionally, we investigate whether CCN2/CTGF mediates TGF-β effects via different pathways. We observed developmental malformations in the ciliary body in βB1-CTGF6 caused by an inhibition of the BMP signaling pathway. In βB1-CTGF1, we detected a dysregulation of the BMP and TGF-β signaling pathways, with reduced BMP activity and increased TGF-β signaling. A direct CCN2/CTGF effect on BMP and TGF-β signaling was shown in immortalized HTM cells. Finally, CCN2/CTGF mediated its effects on TGF-β via the RhoA/ROCK and ERK signaling in immortalized HTM cells. We conclude that CCN2/CTGF functions as a modulator of the homeostatic balance of BMP and TGF-β signaling pathways, which is shifted in primary open-angle glaucoma
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