367 research outputs found

    Comparative study of bioethanol production from sugarcane molasses by using Zymomonas mobilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The study was designed to compare the bioethanol production from Zymomonas mobilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae using molasses as production medium. The focus was on the retention time at lab scale. Bioethanol and petroleum blend can be used in existing gasoline engines. Present study showed a more cost-effective procedure for production of ethanol from sugar-cane molasses by using bacterial strain "Z. mobilis". Laboratory scale unit was designed to perform the experiments through batch fermentation and to determine the impact of leading parameters, including fermentation temperature, pH, sugar concentration, and nutrients. S. cerevisiae produced 8.3% (v/v) bioethanol provided sugar concentration 14 g /100 ml with the fermentation efficiency of 92.5%. On the contrary, Z.mobilis produced 9.3% (v/v) bioethanol by utilizing 16 g/100 ml sugar with the fermentation efficiency of 90.5%. Effect of nutrients on fermentation was determined using molasses as feedstock. Thin layer chromatography was also performed to assess the possible impurities in molasses as compared to the pure sugar. The pH and fermentation temperature was optimized for the enhanced yield of bioethanol.Key words: Bioethanol, molasses, fermentation, Zymomonas mobilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    Inventarisasi dan Identifikasi Jenis-Jenis Tanaman Kana (Canna spp.) di Kabupaten Deli Serdang dan Serdang Bedagai: Inventory and identification of kana (Canna spp.) in Deli Serdang and Serdang Bedagai regency

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    Inventory and identification of kana (Canna spp.) in Deli Serdang and Serdang Bedagai regency. Supervised by Ir. E. Harso Kardhinata, M.Sc., and Ir. Eva Sartini Bayu, MP., The purpose of the research is to inventory and identify of kana (Canna sp.) in Deli Serdang and Serdang Bedagai regency. The research was conducted in Deli Serdang and Serdang Bedagai regency from February to March 2017, The research was dessigned by descriptive methode and the samples were collected based on accidental sampling technique. Morfological characteristic of kana were identified based on Tanaka (2001). The result showed that there were 11 genotip of kana are genotip genotip A, genotip B, genotip C, genotip D, genotip E, genotip F, genotip G, genotip H, genotip I, genotip J, gnotip K, based on identified by Tanaka (2001) is that genotip A as C. flaccid, genotip B as C. ‘King Humbert’, genotip C as C. edulis, genotip D as C. pedunculata, genotip E as C. cleopatra, genotip F as C. glauca, genotip G as C. jacobiniflora, genotip H as C. ‘Bengal Tiger’, genotip I as C. liliiflora, genotip J as C. discolour, genotip K as C. indica.. Some specieses of kana grow wild and have not been cultivated by community except C. indica and C. edulis. Inventarisasi dan identifikasi jenis-jenis tanaman kana (Canna spp.) di Kabupaten Deli Serdang dan Serdang Bedagai. Dibimbing oleh Ir. E. Harso Kardhinata, M.Sc. dan Ir. Eva Sartini Bayu, MP., Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi dan mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis tanaman kana (Canna sp.) di Kabupaten Deli Serdang dan Serdang Bedagai. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Deli Serdang dan Serdang Bedagai mulai bulan Februari sampai dengan Maret 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan metode accidental sampling. Karakter morfologi kana diidentifikasi berdasarkan Tanaka (2001). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 11 genotip Kana yaitu genotip A, genotip B, genotip C, genotip D, genotip E, genotip F, genotip G, genotip H, genotip I, genotip J, genotip K, berdasarkan identifikasi dari Tanaka (2001) maka genotip A sebagai C. flaccid, genotip B sebagai C. ‘King Hunbert, genotip C sebagai C. edulis, genotip D sebagai C. pedunculata, genotip E sebagai C. cleopatra, genotip F sebagai C. glauca, genotip G sebagai C. jacobiniflora, genotip H sebagai C. ‘Bengal Tiger’, genotip I sebagai C. liliiflora, genotip J sebagai C. discolour, genotip K sebagai C. indica. Jenis-jenis tanaman kana ini tumbuh liar dan belum dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat kecuali C. indica dan C. edulis

    Impact of improved client-provider interaction on women\u27s achievement of fertility goals in Egypt

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    A two-phase operations research study was launched in Egypt in early 2000 with the goal of demonstrating how improving the quality of client–provider interaction (CPI) could be achieved in large healthcare systems, specifically in relation to family planning. The study was designed to explore how CPI improvements could enhance family planning knowledge, method continuation rates, client satisfaction, and achievement of fertility goals. Client outcome variables were expected to improve as a result of improving client–provider interaction. The study recommends continued development and testing of innovative, attractive, and well-designed IEC messages that influence woman\u27s fertility preferences; continuous training of health providers; and policies that consider reasonable and realistic mechanisms to train private physicians and service providers of other programs so women receive the same basic information and counseling regardless of the facility

    Haptoglobin Genotype Is a Consistent Marker of Coronary Heart Disease Risk Among Individuals With Elevated Glycosylated Hemoglobin

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    ObjectivesThis study sought to investigate into the biologically plausible interaction between the common haptoglobin (Hp) polymorphism rs#72294371 and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) on risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).BackgroundStudies of the association between the Hp polymorphism and CHD report inconsistent results. Individuals with the Hp2-2 genotype produce Hp proteins with an impaired ability to prevent oxidative injury caused by elevated HbA1c.MethodsHbA1c concentration and Hp genotype were determined for 407 CHD cases matched 1:1 to controls (from the NHS [Nurses' Health Study]) and in a replication cohort of 2,070 individuals who served as the nontreatment group in the ICARE (Prevention of Cardiovascular Complications in Diabetic Patients With Vitamin E Treatment) study, with 29 CHD events during follow-up. Multivariate models were adjusted for lifestyle and CHD risk factors as appropriate. A pooled analysis was conducted of NHS, ICARE, and the 1 previously published analysis (a cardiovascular disease case-control sample from the Strong Heart Study).ResultsIn the NHS, Hp2-2 genotype (39% frequency) was strongly related to CHD risk only among individuals with elevated HbA1c (≥6.5%), an association that was similar in the ICARE trial and the Strong Heart Study. In a pooled analysis, participants with both the Hp2-2 genotype and elevated HbA1c had a relative risk of 7.90 (95% confidence interval: 4.43 to 14.10) for CHD compared with participants with both an Hp1 allele and HbA1c <6.5% (p for interaction = 0.004), whereas the Hp2-2 genotype with HbA1c <6.5% was not associated with risk (relative risk: 1.34 [95% confidence interval: 0.73 to 2.46]).ConclusionsHp genotype was a significant predictor of CHD among individuals with elevated HbA1c

    Planet Hunters. VI: An Independent Characterization of KOI-351 and Several Long Period Planet Candidates from the Kepler Archival Data

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    We report the discovery of 14 new transiting planet candidates in the Kepler field from the Planet Hunters citizen science program. None of these candidates overlapped with Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) at the time of submission. We report the discovery of one more addition to the six planet candidate system around KOI-351, making it the only seven planet candidate system from Kepler. Additionally, KOI-351 bears some resemblance to our own solar system, with the inner five planets ranging from Earth to mini-Neptune radii and the outer planets being gas giants; however, this system is very compact, with all seven planet candidates orbiting 1\lesssim 1 AU from their host star. A Hill stability test and an orbital integration of the system shows that the system is stable. Furthermore, we significantly add to the population of long period transiting planets; periods range from 124-904 days, eight of them more than one Earth year long. Seven of these 14 candidates reside in their host star's habitable zone.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, Accepted to AJ (in press) (updated title from original astro-ph submission

    High Rate of Microbleed Formation Following Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage

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    Background We sought to investigate the frequency of microbleed development following intracerebral hemorrhage in a predominantly African-American population and to identify predictors of new microbleed formation. Aims and/or hypothesis To investigate the frequency and predictors of new microbleeds following intracerebral hemorrhage. Methods The DECIPHER study was a prospective, longitudinal, magnetic resonance-based cohort study designed to evaluate racial/ethnic differences in risk factors for microbleeds and to evaluate the prognostic impact of microbleeds in this intracerebral hemorrhage population. We evaluated new microbleed formation in two time periods: from baseline to 30 days and from 30 days to year 1. Results Of 200 subjects enrolled in DECIPHER, 84 had magnetic resonance imaging at all required time points to meet criteria for this analysis. In the baseline to day 30 analysis, 11 (13·1%) had new microbleeds, compared with 25 (29·8%) in the day 30 to year 1 analysis. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that baseline number of microbleeds [odds ratio 1·05 (95% confidence interval 1·01, 1·08), P = 0·01] was associated with new microbleed formation at 30 days. A logistic regression model predicting new microbleed at one-year included baseline number of microbleeds [odds ratio 1·05 (1·00, 1·11), P = 0·046], baseline age [odds ratio 1·05 (1·00, 1·10), P = 0·04], and white matter disease score [odds ratio 1·18 (0·96, 1·45). P = 0·115]. Overall, 28 of 84 (33·3%) intracerebral hemorrhage subjects formed new microbleeds at some point in the first year post-intracerebral hemorrhage. Conclusions We found that one-third of intracerebral hemorrhage subjects in this cohort surviving one-year developed new microbleeds, which suggests a dynamic and rapidly progressive vasculopathy. Future studies are needed to examine the impact of new microbleed formation on patient outcomes

    Decreased GFR estimated by MDRD or Cockcroft-Gault equation predicts incident CVD: the Strong Heart Study

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    Background—Kidney function, expressed as glomerular filtration rate (GFR), is commonly estimated from serum creatinine (Scr) and, when decreased, may serve as a nonclassical risk factor for incident cardiovascular disease (CVD). The ability of estimated GFR (eGFR) to predict CVD events during 5–10 years of follow-up is assessed using data from the Strong Heart Study (SHS), a large cohort with a high prevalence of diabetes. Methods—eGFRs were calculated with the abbreviated Modification of Diet in Renal Disease study (MDRD) and the Cockcroft-Gault (CG) equations. These estimates were compared in participants with normal and abnormal Scr. The association between eGFR and incident CVD was assessed. Results—More subjects were labeled as having low eGFR (<60 ml/min per 1.73 m2) by the MDRD or CG equation, than by Scr alone. When Scr was in the normal range, both equations labeled similar numbers of participants as having low eGFRs, although concordance between the equations was poor. However, when Scr was elevated, the MDRD equation labeled more subjects as having low eGFR. Persons with low eGFR had increased risk of CVD. Conclusions—The MDRD and CG equations labeled more participants as having decreased GFR than did Scr alone. Decreased eGFR was predictive of CVD in this American Indian population with a high prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Longitudinal immune profiling reveals key myeloid signatures associated with COVID-19.

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    COVID-19 pathogenesis is associated with an exaggerated immune response. However, the specific cellular mediators and inflammatory components driving diverse clinical disease outcomes remain poorly understood. We undertook longitudinal immune profiling on both whole blood and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of hospitalized patients during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Here, we report key immune signatures present shortly after hospital admission that were associated with the severity of COVID-19. Immune signatures were related to shifts in neutrophil to T cell ratio, elevated serum IL-6, MCP-1 and IP-10, and most strikingly, modulation of CD14+ monocyte phenotype and function. Modified features of CD14+ monocytes included poor induction of the prostaglandin-producing enzyme, COX-2, as well as enhanced expression of the cell cycle marker Ki-67. Longitudinal analysis revealed reversion of some immune features back to the healthy median level in patients with a good eventual outcome. These findings identify previously unappreciated alterations in the innate immune compartment of COVID-19 patients and lend support to the idea that therapeutic strategies targeting release of myeloid cells from bone marrow should be considered in this disease. Moreover, they demonstrate that features of an exaggerated immune response are present early after hospital admission suggesting immune-modulating therapies would be most beneficial at early timepoints

    Procalcitonin as a potent marker of bacterial infection in febrile Afro-Caribbean patients at the emergency department

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    Procalcitonin (PCT) has been shown to be of additional value in the work-up of a febrile patient. This study is the first to investigate the additional value of PCT in an Afro-Caribbean febrile population at the emergency department (ED) of a general hospital. Febrile patients were included at the ED. Prospective, blinded PCT measurements were performed in patients with a microbiologically or serologically confirmed diagnosis or a strongly suspected diagnosis on clinical grounds. PCT analysis was performed in 93 patients. PCT levels differentiated well between confirmed bacterial and confirmed viral infection (area under the curve [AUC] of 0.82, sensitivity 85%, specificity 69%, cut-off 0.24 ng/mL), between confirmed bacterial infection and non-infectious fever (AUC of 0.84, sensitivity 90%, specificity 71%, cut-off 0.21 ng/mL) and between all bacterial infections (confirmed and suspected) and non-infectious fever (AUC of 0.80, sensitivity 85%, specificity 71%, cut-off 0.21 ng/mL). C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were shown to be less accurate when comparing the same groups. This is the first study showing that, in a non-Caucasian febrile population at the ED, PCT is a more valuable marker of bacterial infection than CRP. These results may improve diagnostics and eventually decrease antibiotic prescriptions in resource-limited settings