587 research outputs found


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    The Pacific red snapper (Lutjanus peru) is a scale species that is highly valued in the state of Guerrero, Mexico, for which fishermen have opted to use aquiculture to offer a quality product during the seasons of greatest demand. There has not been permanent technical monitoring for the breeding implemented, which has generated low yields and economic losses. Therefore, since the year 2008, the National Fishery Institute (Instituto Nacional de Pesca, INAPESCA), together with the Costa Grande-Guerrero cooperative, began projects directed at fattening the Pacific red snapper in a locality with the aim of evaluating the growth of this species in floating cages through indicators of growth and economic profitability. Under breeding, with designed feeding, the Pacific red snapper reached the growth desired in length and weight, obtaining a commercial “dish” size in four months, and reducing production costs. The growth of L. peru was isometric with an instant growth rate qualified as fast, the amount of food supplied (FCA) showed good yield for a source of natural origin. The earnings obtained were higher than the point of equilibrium, indicating profitability of the fish.El huachinango (Lutjanus peru) es una especies de escama muy cotizadas en el estado de Guerrero, México, por lo que los pescadores han optado por la acuicultura para ofrecer un producto de calidad en las temporadas de mayor demanda. En los cultivos implementados, no se ha contado con un seguimiento técnico permanente, lo cual ha generado bajos rendimientos y pérdidas económicas. Por lo anterior, desde el año 2008, el Instituto Nacional de Pesca (INAPESCA), en conjunto con la cooperativa Costa Grande-Guerrero, iniciaron trabajos orientados a la engorda de huachinango en una localidad con el objetivo de evaluar el crecimiento de esta especie en jaulas flotantes mediante indicadores del crecimiento y rentabilidad económica. Bajo cultivo, con una alimentación diseñada, el huachinango alcanzó el crecimiento en longitud y peso, obteniendo talla “platillera” comercial en cuatro meses, lo que redujo costos de producción. El crecimiento de L. peru, fue de tipo isométrico con tasa instantánea de crecimiento promedio calificada como rápida, la cantidad de alimento suministrado (FCA) registró buen rendimiento para ser de origen natural. Las ganancias obtenidas fueron superiores al punto de equilibrio, lo que indicó rentabilidad del cultivo

    Use of firewood in an indigenous community from the Sierra Norte de Puebla: a gender perspective on the access to natural resources

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    Objective: To analyze some elements considered key to understanding the rights of use, access and ownership of natural resources according to the social roles assigned to each sex in the community of Reyeshogpan, Puebla. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology used is that of participant observation complemented by the application of 24 semi-structured interviews with households in the community. Results: The results indicate that the surface areas range between 0.25 ± 3.0 hectares, where 40.79% of those consulted own surfaces of less than 0.5 hectares, an insufficient surface area to cover their annual energy needs (10,752 m3 / household), which is why they resort to renting, borrowing land, and buying firewood.  In terms of access to land, 82.14% is in the hands of men and 17.86% in the hands of women. This percentage of female holders does not imply that they can exercise their rights as owners, as men, thus confirming that access to land influences the availability of firewood and its use for energy. Limitations on study/implications: The analysis of the use and quantity of fuelwood used by households used information provided in the interviews, which may underestimate or overestimate quantities. Findings/conclusions: For the community of Reyeshogpan, firewood collection is gender-based, based on the physical differences between men and women, finding that there are specific tasks for men to collect firewood that are related to their physical strength and tasks that women carry out in a complementary way and without any economic value whatsoever. Keywords: Gender, wood energy, energy in households.Objective: To analyze several key elements in order to understand the rights of use, access, and ownership of natural resources, based on the social roles assigned to each gender in the community of Reyeshogpan, Puebla, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: A participant observation methodology was used, complemented by the application of 24 semi-structured interviews in local households. Results: The surface ranges of the plots are 0.25 ± 3.0 ha. Out of all the interviewees, 40.79% own less than 0.5 ha, which is not enough to cover their annual energy needs (10,752 m3 per household). Therefore, they rent and loan their land, as well as purchase of firewood. Regarding the access to land category, 82.14% is owned by men and 17.86% by women. However, this percentage of female holders does not imply that they can exercise their rights as owners, because the land is generally administered by men. This situation confirms that the access to land influences the availability of firewood and its energy use. Study Limitations/Implications: The information provided by the interviewees was the basis for the analysis of the use and amount of firewood used by households; however, the interviewees may have underestimated or overestimated the amounts. Findings/Conclusions: In the Reyeshogpan community, the gathering of firewood is carried out according to gender, based on the physical differences between men and women. Tasks specifically assigned to men are related to their physical strength, while the tasks performed by women are considered complementary and are not given any economic value

    Predicting abnormal respiratory patterns in older adults using supervised machine learning on Internet of medical things respiratory frequency data

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    Wearable Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) technology, designed for non-invasive respiratory monitoring, has demonstrated considerable promise in the early detection of severe diseases. This paper introduces the application of supervised machine learning techniques to predict respiratory abnormalities through frequency data analysis. The principal aim is to identify respiratory-related health risks in older adults using data collected from non-invasive wearable devices. This article presents the development, assessment, and comparison of three machine learning models, underscoring their potential for accurately predicting respiratory-related health issues in older adults. The convergence of wearable IoMT technology and machine learning holds immense potential for proactive and personalized healthcare among older adults, ultimately enhancing their quality of life

    Earth Science Data Fusion with Event Building Approach

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    Objectives of the NASA Information And Data System (NAIADS) project are to develop a prototype of a conceptually new middleware framework to modernize and significantly improve efficiency of the Earth Science data fusion, big data processing and analytics. The key components of the NAIADS include: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) multi-lingual framework, multi-sensor coincident data Predictor, fast into-memory data Staging, multi-sensor data-Event Builder, complete data-Event streaming (a work flow with minimized IO), on-line data processing control and analytics services. The NAIADS project is leveraging CLARA framework, developed in Jefferson Lab, and integrated with the ZeroMQ messaging library. The science services are prototyped and incorporated into the system. Merging the SCIAMACHY Level-1 observations and MODIS/Terra Level-2 (Clouds and Aerosols) data products, and ECMWF re- analysis will be used for NAIADS demonstration and performance tests in compute Cloud and Cluster environments

    IoT Smart Parking System Based on the Visual-Aided Smart Vehicle Presence Sensor: SPIN-V

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    Humanity is currently experiencing one of the short periods of transition thanks to novel sensing solutions for smart cities that bring the future to today. Overpopulation of cities demands the development of solid strategic plannings that uses infrastructure, innovation, and technology to adapt to rapid changes. To improve mobility in cities with a larger and larger vehicle fleet, a novel sensing solution that is the cornerstone of a smart parking system, the smart vehicular presence sensor (SPIN-V, in its Spanish abbreviation), is presented. The SPIN-V is composed of a small single-board computer, distance sensor, camera, LED indicator, buzzer, and battery and devoted to obtain the status of a parking space. This smart mobility project involves three main elements, namely the SPIN-V, a mobile application, and a monitoring center, working together to monitor, control, process, and display the parking space information in real-time to the drivers. In addition, the design and implementation of the three elements of the complete architecture are presented.ITESO, A.C